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The Fastest and Easiest way to Install RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi (Quick and Easy Tutorial)


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Название :  The Fastest and Easiest way to Install RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi (Quick and Easy Tutorial)
Продолжительность :   6.10
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   109 rb

Кадры The Fastest and Easiest way to Install RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi (Quick and Easy Tutorial)

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Коментарии The Fastest and Easiest way to Install RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi (Quick and Easy Tutorial)

Jools Wills
Great video Btw, a little background story - the timing for national video day may have been somewhat accidental The raspberry pi foundation asked me to provide a config for our images some weeks back, and although I had done it, I needed to fix up the thumbnail image size we provided I was a bit slack and only got around to it the day before the announcement which just happened to coincide with the national video games day :-) I actually wasn't aware of it at all until I read the Raspberry Pi foundation's tweet
Comment from : Jools Wills

Derek Gatt
Awesome tutorial man, really appreciate it, thank you!
Comment from : Derek Gatt

Great explanation Very much appreciated
Comment from : Ninjapanda

Fhj Hbnm
Comment from : Fhj Hbnm

Dj Hunt
So I had it working almost I found a rom but maybe i didnt wait long enough before booting the pi again, so it wouldnt run I thought it might be the rom so i went to a different sight and it like used the pi imager to write the rom onto the usb still wouldnt work I noticed the files were gone so i cleared it and tried to reformat it, but now when i plug it into the pi it wont add the three folders/files What do i do? im struggling this is my first Rasberry PI (4B)
Comment from : Dj Hunt

Manny Genetics
Just slapped it all on the raspberry pi zero w and it runs great on 2D games but is abit iffy with 3D games like super mario 64 but I just wanted it for the oldskool Pokémon games 😅
Comment from : Manny Genetics

Manny Genetics
Thank you my man! You saved me so much head ache ☺️
Comment from : Manny Genetics

I've tried everything and I still can't get it to work Keeps making me set up stuff and I've been looking around how to and still nothing works I've been trying for days now
Comment from : tony41314131

Asmongolds Mouth
I JUST bought my first RPi I got the RPi 3 model B Just to emulate NES, SNES and Sega Genesis So this is EXACTLY what I needed Easy walk through and process Thank you!!
Comment from : Asmongolds Mouth

I did this, but it went to raspberry pi OS instead of retropie, can anyone help
Comment from : Spacedoof

Cain Evans
This is the best tutorial I’ve ever watched
Comment from : Cain Evans

Bair Freedom
WOW! I made a retropie box several years ago and it was WAAAAY more involved than this Lol
Comment from : Bair Freedom

Coconut Pete
I get the message that the entire card will be erased if I install via this installer thing
Comment from : Coconut Pete

Nathan Clevenger
Weird how this worked, but Recalbox wouldn't Would just get a black screen with Recalbox Formatted the SD and tried RetroPie, and it worked perfectly
Comment from : Nathan Clevenger

It did not make any folders on my usb
Comment from : KittensForAll

carly franklin
You can burn the Retropie image to sd card inside your phone too, using Etchdroid You just need a otg cable
Comment from : carly franklin

Sam W
We’re do u get the games from
Comment from : Sam W

Fabricio C Gesteira
Thanks man, excellent video, short and straight! I installed it a long time ago and had forgotten, it´s great to now that Raspberry Pi Imager made our lives much easier!
Comment from : Fabricio C Gesteira

Kaiyuan Hong
Don't seem like Yaba Sanshiro (standalone) had anymore update for Retropie since 9 months ago?
Comment from : Kaiyuan Hong

Gamers Estate
So do you leave the flash drive in the pi? or does the PI copy the games on to the SD card?
Comment from : Gamers Estate

Lindsey Peters
Do you have to leave the USB stick in the pie once you have copied roms onto it?
Comment from : Lindsey Peters

david damini
I have an issue Everything works except the USB part When i plug the USB into the Pi, it does not duplicate the folders
Comment from : david damini

Marc Roberts
Space Ace: " Am I a joke to you ?🤣"
Comment from : Marc Roberts

I have a question I have a retropie handheld The SD card that came with it is not in English, so I bought a SD card with everything in English When I put the new card in It boots up just like original and the games play fine except the dpad and buttons seem disabled I have to plug in my USB controller to play, and that defeats the handheld point When I put the old SD card back in it plays fine using the portable dpad and buttons So, how to map so when the new SD card is in I can play using the buttons and dpad on the portable?
Comment from : hiawa23

Selma Hasanovic
doesnt work 4 me, my usb stick is alway empty
Comment from : Selma Hasanovic

how long does it take to create the folders when i plug in the usb in the raspberry?
Comment from : ez

Kristopher Jones
This video is two years old now, but the process is almost exactly the same I followed these instructions, and everything is up and running Thanks so much This was my first Raspbery Pi project
Comment from : Kristopher Jones

Crackpot News
thanks I found an old raspberry pi I had and finally did something with it
Comment from : Crackpot News

Robert M
What if you only have raspberry pi and no computer can you still do install it
Comment from : Robert M

Alan Harvey
I made the huge mistake of buying a 128gb RetroPie build off of Amazon going in knowing I knew nothing about RetroPie or Linux, only general PC/ windows, while setting up Raspbian was easy enough it was no plug and play as advertised After backing up files on 256gb flash drive I realized the SD card with RetroPie I purchased was divided into partitions Since there were no instructions on setup and contact info on Amazon of seller was nobody home I have decided to extract the RetroPie image saved on flash drive and format the SD card and thus wiped it clean My hopes is that this extraction of the image(119gb) will allow it to reflect all the games with RetroPie I tried a fresh install of RetroPie into my Pi4B with it running as it should but didn't detect the games even though I viewed them in partitions but wasn't allowed access to them on my laptop I thought this would be as easy as setting up emulation on my smartphone/tablet/Xbox one x but it's proven to have me painted into a corner at this point🤷
Comment from : Alan Harvey

Pemulung Teknologi
Lek sujano pancen jooos
Comment from : Pemulung Teknologi

Maher Thani
Hello my friendbrCan i add the games in the sd card or only the usb stick
Comment from : Maher Thani

Kelvin McMillan
Great video, I was stuck before I watched this, now I have my raspberry pi 4/ retropie up and running but my arcade sticks and buttons are not reconniced , game controller works ok,It wood be nice if I could get help on this
Comment from : Kelvin McMillan

João Paulo Vaz
Thanks, man!
Comment from : João Paulo Vaz

Awesome video! Thank you
Comment from : Roshic

Davion Johnson
Most helpful video I have found!
Comment from : Davion Johnson

Logan Rubiks
Great video! Helped a lot!
Comment from : Logan Rubiks

nitro bolt85
Can someone please tell me the best sites to download video game roms please?
Comment from : nitro bolt85

Clayton Coleman
@ mr Sujano how do you download your cartridges to rom?
Comment from : Clayton Coleman

JayPlayTV 08
thanks for the help! this video was great and easy to follow I can't wait to play all my favorite retro games! I especially liked that it was quick and to the point
Comment from : JayPlayTV 08

Kaiyuan Hong
Could you show us how to transfer Saturn Games? Do we need to create a folder for each game?
Comment from : Kaiyuan Hong

Can you play GameCube and N64 games? any thoughts on this? Thank you!
Comment from : J SD

Adriano Araldi
How do I go back to raspbian os ? My raspberry atm just logs into Retropi automatically
Comment from : Adriano Araldi

Noel López
If you have a phone with expendable storage you could most likely put the SD card in the phone and be able to transfer information that way
Comment from : Noel López

This did NOT work for me Having updated the Pi4 with new firmware and using this video I got Retropie installed on the card But on placing card back into the Pi 4 all I get is "start4elf: is not compatible" In 30 years of using computers I've never had such a frustrating time trying to get something working Why was that not updated before? I only have 1 SD card ffs
Comment from : DB67

Seymur Mammadov
I don’t see that option on my imager what gives?
Comment from : Seymur Mammadov

Andrew Murphy
Its 4 am now and how is this the like 9th video iv seen and the only one that says "yo 2 clicks bro"
Comment from : Andrew Murphy

Bro, You saved me I almost gave up on building my arcade I couldn't download retropie or anything Until I saw this video Thanx man
Comment from : Kilowrocks

At 1:34 it doesn't give me the option of retro pi
Comment from : Kilowrocks

Phantom Tech Ghost Gear
Question: So, does the Raspberry Pi automatically save the games from the micro sd or, do you have to keep the micro sd plugged in?
Comment from : Phantom Tech Ghost Gear

Dino P
Ok, how would I add dreamcast, n64, psp consoles to retropie?
Comment from : Dino P

503 Gamer
Thank you Sir,
Comment from : 503 Gamer

manas bose
Nice clear video Thanks
Comment from : manas bose

molten freddy the pirate channel
How do you turn off the raspberry pi?
Comment from : molten freddy the pirate channel

How would I be able to add a pre loaded games build to save time having to add all the games individually What steps would I leave out or add to this
Comment from : CFoster

Cat Man
does anyone know how to add buttons to it
Comment from : Cat Man

Peter Fehr
great vid
Comment from : Peter Fehr

Scott Davidson
Hi, great video and thanks for sharing! Process questionto setup ROM folders you mention the use of a USB drive Can you not setup the ROM folder structure on the Micro SD Card or is it absolutely required to use a separate external USB Drive?
Comment from : Scott Davidson

limp crepe
i followed all the instructions but when i try to play a game the rom doesnt load, it just returns to the screen with the game list
Comment from : limp crepe

Pedro Martinez
Your a life saver I'm a caveman so this video came in for the win
Comment from : Pedro Martinez

Maple K
Great Video!!
Comment from : Maple K

Dumb question here What type of file am I looking for ( ext, pdf, mpeg - for example)? I just opened my rom folder and found “winrar” and “a26” in the folder Do I need to extract the winrar and load those files in the usb or can I load the “a26” files, if those are ok?
Comment from : sahbian

Darnell Hagen
Can you do the same thing but put it on PC cuz retroarch is driving me crazy new to all this
Comment from : Darnell Hagen

Inside Job
Why cant I put the games on the SD card and NOT use a usb stick The Retro pie only makes a tiny boot partition of 255 MB and 31 GBs of the SD card is not even formatted
Comment from : Inside Job

Hamza yiğit
can it be done on android phone?
Comment from : Hamza yiğit

Hamza yiğit
Can it be done without a computer?
Comment from : Hamza yiğit

Hamza yiğit
Hi What format and what name will the micra sd card be?
Comment from : Hamza yiğit

Track Masters DJ Co
What's the best way to turn off the Raspberry Pi 4 after you're done playing it? Should I shut it down through the emulator/RetroPie internally or just flip the power switch on the power cord adapter manually?
Comment from : Track Masters DJ Co

Ghost Dogg
This makes this process a million times faster!
Comment from : Ghost Dogg

Levi Tasked
Do I still need too download an operating system? I'm brand new too this stuff
Comment from : Levi Tasked

Andrew Moretto
Can I use a cheap chromebook? What do you recommend to get the actual games from on your pc
Comment from : Andrew Moretto

Fantastic video, ive used Retropie on the pi in previous years, but i think i had to FTP them across (the roms)brI recently last weekend in fact bought the new RPI-400 and its very useful knowing i can just create a usb stick in addition to the SD card and just drag and drop roms that way Thankyou very much for the knowledge, im sure back in the past i had to do it over FTP
Comment from : paulisthebest3uk

Can I use keyboard and mouse?
Comment from : h78an

Nott Jackson
Is there, anyway i can have retro pie back into rassberry pie os, and i can boot into once and later i can switch back to the other one?
Comment from : Nott Jackson

Tina Brown
I need help! Just got retro pi today I downloaded on my usb device I got it to write over it and I am suck there
Comment from : Tina Brown

Mubraza Oliveira
Very helpful! Just a question! Once I install retropie on the microsd I should put the roms on the same sdcard or shouldbbn I just leave the microsd on my rasplberry and use a diferent usb stick?
Comment from : Mubraza Oliveira

Gábor Gerhardt
Super clear, and straightforward explanation! Thank you very much!
Comment from : Gábor Gerhardt

Sebastian Rodriguez
I already saw this video 10 times and everytime helped me! Thanks so much!
Comment from : Sebastian Rodriguez

Ramel Dunn
Quick question do you need to format your SD before you add the image to the SD?
Comment from : Ramel Dunn

jon moenius
you can get a universal sd card reader from micro center or computer supply stores which are very durable and never quit for only a buck literally 99 cemts
Comment from : jon moenius

I used the imager and my 64GB SD card has a 2684MB partition titled "boot" and no other volumes/partitions
Comment from : EnygmaRecords

Big Al
Is there a reason I cant just use Retropie thats on my os (twister)? Every setup video starts with an sd card For example; If my boot device was on a 500gig, m2, why cant all my roms and everything be on that? Is there a reason it all must be separate? BA
Comment from : Big Al

Micha el Nba
How can i quit any emulator to come back to the Retropie menu?
Comment from : Micha el Nba

Do you need the USB stick still plugged in after it loads the games, or can you remove it?
Comment from : BMT619

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