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Ultimate Guide To Mechanitor In Rimworld Biotech


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Use code POGNOOBERT60 for 60 off your first box and support the channel at strmsnet/NoobertFactorOctoberYT60
Comment from : Noobert

Why in God's name do you pronounce it that way? It's literally mechanic and tor Meh-can-ih-tor
Comment from : Nofruitjuice

Robots took mah jeb, and it has never been better
Comment from : Mikkel

Gee Vee
guys i need help im playing rimworld original and these mechs crazed on a ship and everytime i go try to kill the ship i get destroyed whats the best way to kill them?
Comment from : Gee Vee

Bruno Menezes
My stupid mech doesn't get repaired, even with autorepair, even with "smith" checked in the pawns, even when I try to manually repair it (the option doesn't show up)
Comment from : Bruno Menezes

its confirmed nooberts classroom is contained in a archotech pocket dimension
Comment from : Bendyllamas

sad Sad
Abstract: good video but too long
Comment from : sad Sad

You say mechanitor wrong Say it as if you would say mechanic, mecha'nee-tor
Comment from : Iggyboy

The Gozon
96 melle
Comment from : The Gozon

Thanks, now I REALLY need to go buy that new dlc and download bunch of mods :D
Comment from : Merx

Comment from : Vanguard

That poor turkey
Comment from : Rex2066

The only thing i did not find is what to do when your Mechinator gets beheaded, and all your bots start running wild brWith no way to make a new droid overlord
Comment from : Ralf

Unknown Music Guy
So you just not gonna talk about toxic wastepacks? Xd
Comment from : Unknown Music Guy

James Vivian
What animation mod are you using?
Comment from : James Vivian

Samuel Crow
The most important thing to note about mechanoids is even though they may be a bit slow at their job, bthey never stop working/b It doesn't matter if your mechs are slow when they can work 9 days without breaks!
Comment from : Samuel Crow

Samuel Crow
I downloaded multiple mods the same damn day I got biotech
Comment from : Samuel Crow

Samuel Crow
Jsyk capturing a waster and extracting their genes is very good for pollution "management" take malus for skills you don't use, and gain immunity to toxins Sure agriculture suffers, but with agrihands its no problem to just make a bigger field (Get toxic plants expanded mod you won't regret it)brAlso "agrihands" autocorrects to "Africans" so make of that what you will
Comment from : Samuel Crow

Samuel Crow
If you have quarries the mining mechs become insanely powerful Imagine something mining for 9 days straight and only needing a 2 day break
Comment from : Samuel Crow

Bud Gates
Thank you for all the guides! Just got biotech and came back to rinworld after a few months Digging it thus far 👌
Comment from : Bud Gates

Austin Wood
Just know, for the newest among us, that mechs produce toxic waste for every time they recharge…just one lifter produces 5 toxic waste per recharge And since you can only stack 5 waste per area, if you have one lifter, it’s fine…but it builds up quickly the more mechs you have And the stronger the mech…the more waste is produces per charge… for example a centipede produces 20 packs! 25 for the absolute strongest…before you know it, you’ll have more pollution than you’ll know what to do with and it’s a constant stream of it brbrYou have to keep said waste roofed and frozen to keep it from dissolving and the area will have to be huge to ensure you’ll have space…which means a huge power-draw just for trashbrbrThere are ways to handle it of course I’ve heard of people sending it away via caravan or cargo pod Cargo pods are wasteful IMO That’s a lot of steel just to get rid of trash You’re trading valuable resources for garbage…caravans are great but time consuming and you can only dump in the same place once, by the time you return to that spot to dump more, the trash from before would have likely dissolved and dissolved waste makes a HUGE area of pollution…which causes toxic buildup in pawns So to get to that same spot means your pawn and Animals would need to walk through that to dump again That is, unless the map tiles behave differently when you leave something in a random unclaimed tile, im not 100 sure there, but assuming it works like an abandoned colony, what you leave behind will eventually deteriorate There is also the atomizer which has huge drawbacks too…the research required to get it is huge…it’s not sustainable unless you have multiple which…good luckit won’t be able to process the amount of waste you’re producing Unless you only have a couple of mechs and plan on keeping it that way brbrAlso dumping near another faction will lower their goodwill towards you…which causes raids or just bad things overallso if you’re going to dump, dump away from everyone…or near your enemies Oh…and you run the risk if attracting bugs with pollution…which are stimulated and energized by pollution Do you want super bugs? Cause that’s how you get super bugs brbrMechs have some huge advantages but also serious downsides and it’s important to look at them all An army of mechs?…I’d rather just have one or two little helpers here and there and maybe a guard That alone is enough pollution for me to deal with Now, a colony of wasters who thrive in pollution?…that could be a fun mech run
Comment from : Austin Wood

G Bugden
You can get the apoc on your side?
Comment from : G Bugden

Luis Jacobson
Comment from : Luis Jacobson

A shame Toxic Waste is never mentioned, the primary drawback to using Mechs lol
Comment from : Cifer

I know there's no official pronunciation, but the one used here seems very weird lolbrI always thought it was "Meh-Kanitor" like how he pronounces the end of Militor
Comment from : Cifer

Hey Noobert, love your content Was curious if you could take a look at the old Alien Vs Predator Mod?
Comment from : Midnight

Sir Aroun
a few mistakes: mid tier core don't need a ripper, Tesserons use a graser not a tesla coil, and the Apocriton is not buildable
Comment from : Sir Aroun

Eden Buyno
Haha megamind reference Peek content 👌
Comment from : Eden Buyno

Grumpy Grobby
Thank you Noobert! Great information
Comment from : Grumpy Grobby

How the hell do you build Apocryons? I thought that they are uncraftable
Comment from : HappyAspid

Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk
I only got about 40 militors as of right now on my mechanator run
Comment from : Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk

4 Seasons
8:35 wait I thought that the apocriton couldn't be made, unless this is a mod?
Comment from : 4 Seasons

I think it would have been helpful to take about removing toxic waste
Comment from : T H

So since prepare carefully hasn't been updated I totally understand the difficulty of that task for tht mod Do you have any suggestions for a substitute or replacement? It's very hard to get back into rimworld with the crappy random pawns Keep up the good work and thanks for all the videos
Comment from : Deofol

RedUnicorn Gaming Support
"Rimcrime simulator" had me laughing in tears 😅
Comment from : RedUnicorn Gaming Support

Travis Knaggs
Just spam lancers and u pretty much win
Comment from : Travis Knaggs

If im right they made cleaners lover tech mechs and there were more mech reworks Also playing with dedicated psycast is fun
Comment from : Hozic

I didn’t know there were so many mechs to get, step aside robo-cop
Comment from : Overlord123!

You're killin' it ❤️
Comment from : Justin

Comment from : Dogsaladsalad

I've been messing around with debug mode, and I made 5 mechanitors, I created the ultimate army and went around destroying every faction in the game
Comment from : LeFlameWolf

I like how not once their waste packets were mentioned, making it the perfect noob trap
Comment from : Bobylein

Jay Dark3
Poor Turkey @ 1:24brbroh well, thanks giving is early this year!
Comment from : Jay Dark3

Apocriton is not buildable by the player although it has paintable areas exclusive to the buildable ones, plan probably is changed halfway through due to balance concerns
Comment from : Robocraftman

So can the implants only be put in a pawn 3 times like you said or 6 times like the flavor text says?
Comment from : DexyD20

Wessel van Oirschot
Surely my old 4ram laptop is gonna be burned toast No regrets🥲
Comment from : Wessel van Oirschot

The apocriton is not attainable without devmode
Comment from : DELTAOFFICIAL 19

stephen bowen
Ummm, toxic waste packs?!?
Comment from : stephen bowen

Stuff 96
Why use mechs when you can have tons of kids, raiding a base with a bunch of 11 year olds armed with AK-47s and toxbomb launchers
Comment from : Stuff 96

dont shóot, Im bláckdàmn it{ratatatatatata}
I never survive a quadrum with mechanitor and sanguophage starts😑
Comment from : dont shóot, Im bláckdàmn it{ratatatatatata}

Trunk Monkey
video on teaching kid pawns?
Comment from : Trunk Monkey

Michiel De Beer
THX very helpfullbrgot a video for making kids in tanks and gene adding??
Comment from : Michiel De Beer

Edward Rou
Comment from : Edward Rou

Lil Druid
Bro you always choose good things to advertise instead of selling out and trying to sell people BS I respect it
Comment from : Lil Druid

Joe Wilson
The first mech I got was a constructoid I didn't know it was going to happen, and he dropped right onto some improperly stored incendiary shells and promptly set my storage on fire
Comment from : Joe Wilson

warning!brthey poop a loot of waste br13x13 fridge will fill up fast small mechanoid make 5 waste per rechargebratomizers are late tech not easy to get
Comment from : Pumpkinhead1986

Jun Moreno
I love waster mechanitor! Scythers and tunnelers in a melee kill box shreds so much
Comment from : Jun Moreno

Forget about militors, spam agrihands and constructors They are better melee fighters and can spend the time between raids razing forests for wooden traps 9 constructors alone will murder the first boss easily by simply melee locking him, while 9 militors will require a lot of micro
Comment from : TheBouregard

Gratuitous Lurking
A lot of mechanoid mods have also updated to Biotech access as well for the record, so there's plenty of extra mechanoid types to find yourself working with from the banal to, well, the superheavy walkers of Mechanoid Recon I will however say that Mechanite Plague is perhaps the most OP to used with this, as you can craft Pure variants of the plague mechanoids found in the mod All it takes is a few Pure Bursters to start absolute hordes of spawned bursters to appear during a humanoid raid, and setting it to animal or insectoid infection will result in basically constant defense as soon as you get a few enemies infected Warcrimes never felt so rewarding
Comment from : Gratuitous Lurking

the difficulty of the mech crypts depends on your colony wealth i got one late game full of centurions that was not funny at all XD
Comment from : SevatarTheSinner

I think you mixed you mixed up the Softscanner and Ripscanner The softscanner doesn't need to kill the pawn, and the highest tier needs ripscanner-made subcores
Comment from : Penguinmanereikel

Abdulrahman Muhammad Al Sherbini
Its the ApocriTon not the apocrion And no, you cant build it
Comment from : Abdulrahman Muhammad Al Sherbini

Thomas Scroggs
The basic labor mechanoids are not as fast, or as good, as a trained pawns If you have a skilled enough constructor, for example, use them on any construction that has a quality rating and you will get better results than letting the skill-set mechanoid do it
Comment from : Thomas Scroggs

Tavern Burner
poor turkey why so mean noobert?😥
Comment from : Tavern Burner

Sebastian Tamayo Pacheco
I understand is a sponsors but if u wish to skip meals go 0 carbs when would u do the autobong defence video?
Comment from : Sebastian Tamayo Pacheco

The flesh is weak, embrace bionics and mechs
Comment from : Hyko

You can get the mech links trough quests too by the way :)
Comment from : NekoZ

The Centurion its gun doesnt seem as much for some unholy reason it has the bad habbit of shooting headshots all the time
Comment from : SaltedCoffee

Just wondering, but can we use prisoners as 'volunteers' for the sacrifices needed for the new mechanoids?
Comment from : neosuduno

Ray Valkren
Weren't cleansweeper made basic mechtech / using basic subcores with V143534?
Comment from : Ray Valkren

black citadel9
Is it Meh-ka-nigh-ter or Meh-kan-e-tor? I never could figure out the pronunciation
Comment from : black citadel9

El Carnes
Good video as always boss!
Comment from : El Carnes

Raphael Faria
Mechanitors may be a little bit overpowered, but in my opinion it doesn't matter, the journey yours pawns went through to achieve that power is what really matters
Comment from : Raphael Faria

blue flame jiral
god bless you brother
Comment from : blue flame jiral

Mech Timebr10101100010010110
Comment from : TopTeirChef

Sebastian Yamasato
hello everyone!
Comment from : Sebastian Yamasato

Seth Rainey
Woohoo I'm first
Comment from : Seth Rainey

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