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ESP8266/ESP32 connecting to SSL/TLSv1.2 secured Mosquitto MQTT Broker


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Информация о ESP8266/ESP32 connecting to SSL/TLSv1.2 secured Mosquitto MQTT Broker

Название :  ESP8266/ESP32 connecting to SSL/TLSv1.2 secured Mosquitto MQTT Broker
Продолжительность :   16.38
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   33 rb

Кадры ESP8266/ESP32 connecting to SSL/TLSv1.2 secured Mosquitto MQTT Broker

Описание ESP8266/ESP32 connecting to SSL/TLSv1.2 secured Mosquitto MQTT Broker

Коментарии ESP8266/ESP32 connecting to SSL/TLSv1.2 secured Mosquitto MQTT Broker

Adam Adam
in this case we need to update our ESP32 every 90 daysis there any way to avoid this ?!
Comment from : Adam Adam

ELF file SHA256: 3a8f1b89a7e712e0 it give this ?
Comment from : Raul

Sanchita Das
Hi!! Thanks for this informative tutorial I am using ethernet client on Teensy 36 Can you please make a tutorial on that?
Comment from : Sanchita Das

Kaushlesh Chandel
Thanks! solved my pubsubclient & wificlientsecure issue
Comment from : Kaushlesh Chandel

Atonu Ghosh
Hello I am uploading the MQTTPubSubClient sketch to ESP8266 It connects to WiFi but am getting MQTT connection error in serial monitor The error code is -2 Please help
Comment from : Atonu Ghosh

Nick Sebring
I'm curious This was a great tutorial What programming method are you using? I'm looking for a similar subject in Micropython and cannot find it Basically, I want to program my ESP32 using Micropython Get data from a sensor, connect to my RaspberryPi MQTT broker, and publish the sensor data as a topic I can do it using Arduino IDE I'm just starting to learn Micropython I just figured comparing a familiar project to how it looks in Micropython would help me learn micropython Just so I'm clear I have NO experience with Micropython Thanks!
Comment from : Nick Sebring

Mandar Oak
Watching this video after 2yrs almost :-)brbrI am trying to use my esp8266 device as one of the IOT devices to publish data to greengrass core It is not able to connect to broker It shows "MQTT connecting failed, reason -> Connect failed < try again in 5 seconds" message once it connects to WIFI successfully Is there anything different needed for greengrass broker connectivity?
Comment from : Mandar Oak

Iqbal luqman Paris
Hello , I’m having trouble when I type a command /etc/mosquitto/mosquittoconf on my raspberry piIt said “permission denied”help me to solve this problem
Comment from : Iqbal luqman Paris

Glad that I came across your channel
Comment from : Sumit

ram kumar
hey man, it is also work for opensll connection? or not
Comment from : ram kumar

great video, learned a lot I am trying to connect to azure iot hub using your pubsubclient example and keep getting a -1 error got the ca root copied (also tried setting the netsetInsecure()) the azure mqtt credentials works through a mqtt client application also tried using the phone hotspot to bypass any firewall any ideas?
Comment from : utsablohani

Industrial Controllers
ESP32 based industrial node br norvilk/industrial-iot-node/
Comment from : Industrial Controllers

Sunil Adhikari
thank you for great tutorial, my case is little bit different and I hope you can help me,brI have self signed certificates ie (root-ca-certificate, client-certificate and client-key) server also has corresponding keys and certificates and I am trying to make https post request can you provide me any suggestions or reference codes?
Comment from : Sunil Adhikari

anh trần
Hello brothers, This is the best thing I've been looking for for my project, what I wonder is the encryption algorithm used in it? (RSA, AES ) and it reduces the performance of ESP?
Comment from : anh trần

Anushka Wijesundara
Thanks man Work like a charm
Comment from : Anushka Wijesundara

Abhishek Das
I have extracted cacrt and arduino_root_ca_checkcer from 842 of your video How o I get the raspberrycrt and raspberrykey? I do not have a asus router I have setup the certbot and the domain is now opening in https
Comment from : Abhishek Das

Богдан Парфенюк
cool video! thanks for information For now I try to understand general details in TLS program implementation and yours example moved me more forward But I didn't understand after which line (function) in ESP8266_PubSubClient_SSLino client generate private key Could you please explain it in more detailed way?
Comment from : Богдан Парфенюк

Hubert Margreiter
A great clip! I am new to this matter I try to set up a project at my (sophisticated) home How can one and the same client (Wemos D1 mini or Wemos ESP32) send AND receive data?
Comment from : Hubert Margreiter

Another great video always learning something from you guys
Comment from : DBR-It

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