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Elon Musk needs to go back to Tesla and have others run Twitter, says Jim Cramer


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Название :  Elon Musk needs to go back to Tesla and have others run Twitter, says Jim Cramer
Продолжительность :   3.54
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Кадры Elon Musk needs to go back to Tesla and have others run Twitter, says Jim Cramer

Описание Elon Musk needs to go back to Tesla and have others run Twitter, says Jim Cramer

Коментарии Elon Musk needs to go back to Tesla and have others run Twitter, says Jim Cramer

Rose Silveira
Why it's his not yours
Comment from : Rose Silveira

PeeGee Thirteen
Tesla -62 YTD
Comment from : PeeGee Thirteen

I Wuv U
Elon grows stronger and stronger everyday
Comment from : I Wuv U

Sneh Parikh
I'm literally tracking his flight rn lmaoo
Comment from : Sneh Parikh

The same two goonies praised SBF…
Comment from : Alex

Duke of Dubuque
I'm really mad at how much money I lost at Tesla And it's not Cramer but all the Tesla share owners and the BOD at Tesla not happy with him
Comment from : Duke of Dubuque

Herr Wahnsinn
Couldn't have happened to a more overvalued fraudster company Can't wait to see more of it
Comment from : Herr Wahnsinn

Herr Wahnsinn
Tesla's performance suggests otherwise 😂😂😂😂😭
Comment from : Herr Wahnsinn

This is all too funny Christmas came early as i get to watch the implosion on Elon, Trump, Kanye and the GOP :)
Comment from : Samination

David Faber, the guy who has been a chill for Ken Griffin - talking about being a hypocrite Really? David you are dishonest
Comment from : Alfred

David R Stone
Who believes anything Jim Cramer says, who pushed the cryptocurrency crap 💩
Comment from : David R Stone

Lost DJT on Twitter just to get Elon who’s worse
Comment from : goMANgo84

Swae P
The Next Level Tech EV Coming Soon? * FFIE Up 22 Week Dip Opportunity Faraday Future March 2023 Production start just Announced New Ff 91 Futurist Alliance Ultra Premium TechLuxury, " Internet on Wheels " SUV EV
Comment from : Swae P

Jim Cramer should go to China
Comment from : eM

Tamehameha Prints
>>>>> BOYCOTT All TWITTER Advertisers!
Comment from : Tamehameha Prints

Jay H
Putin abolished any Media such as YouTube, Facebook, etc that showed real Ukraine war brRussians only see whatever that only Putin approves brWill Twitter show whatever that only Elon Musk approves?
Comment from : Jay H

Donny Doit
Wrong mr Cramer, Elon musk needs to go to tweeter and leave tesla for other to run He is a psychopath on a frenzy to funk everything up
Comment from : Donny Doit

AC Tax Help
Elon is smart, he knows in the next coming years major competition will be coming from the other major auto manufacturers, hence why he is dumping the stock Also he is a type of person that likes to move on to the next best thing I would stay from Tesla with a 10 foot poll
Comment from : AC Tax Help

HilarityBribo 🇷🇺
Have to say I'm enjoying the fake news media and all their clowns in total meltdown right nowbrHypocrisy is just astounding and obviousbrAll these same people cheered on Trump and everyone on the right being censored for the last 10 years
Comment from : HilarityBribo 🇷🇺

Eli W
He should not be running any of the public companies He is spread too thin and it's affecting investors
Comment from : Eli W

steven Robert
musk is a crook, and will one day go to jail HIs cars catch on fire, and he has ruined twitter and his car company stock is head straight down He uses drugs, mushrooms and whatever and it's ruining things for him
Comment from : steven Robert

Corrado Cianciullo
explain why ?
Comment from : Corrado Cianciullo

Dennis Acuzar
Yeah, if you're curious how hypocrisy is in person just look at the guy Lolz
Comment from : Dennis Acuzar

Tesla stock is down from a high of $39993 on Jan 3, 2021 to $15023 today December 16, 2022 That is a loss of $24970 or 624 and this week WSJ said half-priced Tesla stock is no bargain
Comment from : mlhm5

Justin Kosuk
I'd like to know how often Musk actually sees his own family
Comment from : Justin Kosuk

Elon Musk! Going from World's Richest 'Genius' to Unclaimed Village Idiot, one tweet at a timepriceless!
Comment from : TheScarecroW

Jim Cramer is a moron Stick to stocks bro He can even get that right most of the time either
Comment from : Jesse

Anytime the media are going to such lengths in unison to paint you as unhinged and incompetent and potentially dangerous, there is a high probability very powerful people are afraid of losing their monopoly on truth or power Also, nobody has Elon's same vision but what he does is his choice Be sure to get your own house in order before you criticize the world
Comment from : COSMIC PSYOPS

Karma is a biish!
Comment from : Jesse

Bruce Barnes
It does not matter, the Elon brand is ruined Tesla customers are middle aged liberals Now they know how similar he is to Trump very few will buy Tesla brThe best thing he can do for Tesla is sell all his shares It does not matter how good your cars are, if you cannot sell them Know your customer base brI don't care how low their stock is, I would not buy Tesla stock till he is gone
Comment from : Bruce Barnes

Kai Dyno
Wow karma is a bisssh
Comment from : Kai Dyno

Dennis Higgins
Go Elon! I'm glad to see rationality and reason come square up against the liberal classwhich from the reporting on his Twitter suspensions, appears to be an international class and not just a national one Very interested to see how a tech genius deals with our current cultural conundrum Very happy to see liberals (like the participants here) get their panties in a bunch over this!
Comment from : Dennis Higgins

chance lewis
He needs to hire political activists to censor stories we dont like
Comment from : chance lewis

The bubble burst and many don't realize it yet -700B it's over
Comment from : 357magnum

rudy montana
South African slavery loving CIA stooge for Space X
Comment from : rudy montana

salvador coling
Twitter has nothing to do with Tesla Elon has all the right to sell Tesla shares to fulfill his dream Warren Buffets has invested in hundreds of companies and people love it CNBC has ulterior motives in criticizing Elon Musk because Tesla doesn’t spend advertising money on their business And Twitter will be coming to compete eating the advertising pie
Comment from : salvador coling

Chris Ose
Why does professional journalism still exist??? We get better honest information from individuals on places like YouTube who are not paid to say specific things about Elon and Tesla
Comment from : Chris Ose

Michael Heins
A big ask hoping that a narcissist will stop talkingbrGood luck with that
Comment from : Michael Heins

Richard Peregud
Elon is a thousand steps ahead of all these stooges 1,000 steps of head of all the haters the whiners and the wimps that represent liberal Democrats
Comment from : Richard Peregud

sayulita lyfe
You know this is how most black rappers are killed So you support this behavior and the ways people use to murder black people? Crazy brGood for elon trying to protect from doxxing
Comment from : sayulita lyfe

sayulita lyfe
Lol clown work news network
Comment from : sayulita lyfe

Okot Mark
A bunch of poor guys making poor arguments
Comment from : Okot Mark

Okot Mark
Didnt you guys get at Kyrie Irving for just tweeting a link to a movie? Why can't your journalists be held accountable if they post doxing content? Doxing can get you banned from very many media platforms not only exclusive to Twitter Just say you hate Elon🤷🏾‍♂️
Comment from : Okot Mark

Okot Mark
I honestly dont see what Elon Musk has done wrong with Twitter 🤷🏾‍♂️ The things people are criticizing him for are the same things being done by other platforms
Comment from : Okot Mark

Niklas Andersson
Damn Jim Cramer really cracked me up there "Can he at least slam a few journalists" A good one 😀
Comment from : Niklas Andersson

😂 😂 😂 he's around with " A SORT OF TRUMP LIFESTYLE "brIt smells and sounds good in the USAbrI'm nearly sure that Trump will come-back again as president and Musk will be around-the-clock! Interesting! We gonna be under the《 leadership stage of 2 SOTS》LOL!!!!
Comment from : Damian

Feels Good Man
Yeah lets listen to the guy who is wrong about everything
Comment from : Feels Good Man

Patrick Bateman
The Woke Global Elites getting a taste of their own medicine
Comment from : Patrick Bateman

For non EV owners Gas prices is down I paid 294 for gas this week!
Comment from : webmoss

Silentgreen 00
Great analysis, thanks guys…i hope Elon Musk was listening
Comment from : Silentgreen 00

Yuri Plisetsky
Go Elon 🎉
Comment from : Yuri Plisetsky

The Twitter Files prove that this has been done in the past yet the Libs had no problem with it as long as it fit their agenda! Now that Musk is doing something about his being stalked and defamed they have a problem with it, especially the FRAUD AOC! Again with the double standards! Lets track AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and see how they handle it! AOC: Another Overpaid Congressman!
Comment from : Davero

Yuri Plisetsky
Another smear campaign because he doesn’t fit your narrative huh?
Comment from : Yuri Plisetsky

Thank you Jesus$37,000 weekly profit Our lord Jesus have lifted up my Life!!!
Comment from : Delightful

Count Floyds Chiller Horror Theatre 3000
CNBC needs to build a Hot Tub Time Machine and go back and thanks Goebels for showing them how it's done
Comment from : Count Floyds Chiller Horror Theatre 3000

Evidence Hub
Team Twitter-FBI-Democrat made the TikTok-China team look like amateurs Did they even get a thank you from Hunter Biden?
Comment from : Evidence Hub

Dagster Blaster
And my unsolicited advice to Crammer is that he needs to quit being drunk while doing his afternoon show
Comment from : Dagster Blaster

Chris Hardin
Does anyone actually listen to Kramer? Isn't he a failed investor who was wrong about almost every prediction?
Comment from : Chris Hardin

Kevin Fox
Tough luck 😂
Comment from : Kevin Fox

DJ Smithe
Tesla is probably happy all his time is spent on TwitterbrThe people at Tesla won't have to put up with him
Comment from : DJ Smithe

Hahaha all of the sudden everyone cares about censorship 😂
Comment from : TylerKirkFilms

Trung Pham
Being a centrist by default means neither the left nor the right likes you
Comment from : Trung Pham

Kevin Polito
$40997 on 11/4/2021 to $15767 on 12/16/2022 61 drop in value in one year simply because of the rash behavior of one man
Comment from : Kevin Polito

Trung Pham
what does it take to become / classified a "journalist"? should they have special privilege on twitter?
Comment from : Trung Pham

michael myers
Elon taking advice from Jim? No Just no
Comment from : michael myers

His flight information was not publicly available Elon has a PIA from the FAA which gives him a private ICAO which isn't tied to any aircraft in in the civil aviation registry Kinda like having a VPN for your private jet Despite that these journalists were able to figure out which plane was his despite the PIA being changed every month, and they would constantly post that information along with a live tracker of its exact location Elon only took action after his son was stalked and attacked earlier this weekbrbrBut leave it to CNBC to report lies
Comment from : Kaliss

Musk is an elite He’s acting like an elite Why the surprise?
Comment from : D H

Inverse Cramer making me so much money, TY JIM CRAMER
Comment from : Fish40

David Robert Lewis
Musk needs to be told that he hasn't taken TSLA private, its just Twitter that is private, and he needs to appoint a CEO, or resign from TSLA
Comment from : David Robert Lewis

Ron Schild
That's okay Sooner or sooner Tesla and space x will also fail Musk is a trump clone
Comment from : Ron Schild

Konstantin Beluga
What hypocrisy? They're stalking him
Comment from : Konstantin Beluga

Tesla is the most overvalued company on earth!!! Still needs to drop -50 to even be close to reality
Comment from : BZH

Elon Musk is anagram for Sunk Mole Tesla sunk he is the mole
Comment from : TheVoiTube

Fs Consultantcy
Funny how Musks twitter adventure has affected Amazon, Netflix and many other stocks as much as Tesla amazing 👏
Comment from : Fs Consultantcy

El Chuncho
Be careful or you'll banned
Comment from : El Chuncho

david fry
Just as being Attractive does not mean you are Beautiful being Smart does not mean that you are Wise
Comment from : david fry

G Elliott
TIME for the board to intervene
Comment from : G Elliott

Comment from : taazzzz

Comment from : taazzzz

Orlando Escobar
Crazy that they are talking about Elon censorship while ignoring the twitter files
Comment from : Orlando Escobar

As long as a he keeps looking losing money Twitter is dead forever lol
Comment from : Tom

Comment from : Prgmr

David Deboy
wrong Elon needs to leave tesla altogether
Comment from : David Deboy

Doxing is moronic Cramer, why would you do that?
Comment from : L0nn13

sam pittman
Boycott the Brit
Comment from : sam pittman

Angel Rosas
Dah guy Cramer needs to retire pronto…
Comment from : Angel Rosas

Ny hiak
It’s the competition, stupid
Comment from : Ny hiak

Tun Up Di Ting
You need to go back to the gym
Comment from : Tun Up Di Ting

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