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Jim Keller: Elon Musk and Tesla Autopilot | AI Podcast Clips


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Название :  Jim Keller: Elon Musk and Tesla Autopilot | AI Podcast Clips
Продолжительность :   24.22
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Просмотров :   158 rb

Кадры Jim Keller: Elon Musk and Tesla Autopilot | AI Podcast Clips

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Коментарии Jim Keller: Elon Musk and Tesla Autopilot | AI Podcast Clips

I wonder how he deals with the matter of Intellectual Property as an architect in cases that he belongs to Tesla and Tenstorrent each
Comment from : @msmorado

Thank you for your interview❤❤❤😍🌏
Comment from : @bukurie6861

Here in 2023, glad Lex challenged the way he did This is a complex problem and we’re still someway from level 5 auto pilot
Comment from : @Vinniesahota

Jim is brilliant with computers, to the point that I think it creates a fault in his understanding of human behavior and the complexity of the human brain We said "10 more years on fully autonomous driving" 10 years ago, and we still seem very, very far away from truly full autonomy I think we'll get there but he should heed Lex's opinions here
Comment from : @jak3legacy

IK this is 2 years ago, but bro Autonomous vehicles would need to exist in a dynamic environment Sure it stays the same somewhat, but you'd need satellite image data to back that up on a semi-regular basis
Comment from : @jadentripp8920

This is one of the most funny videos I have ever seen in a nerdly like way
Comment from : @sub-urbanpastorhomesteadin2979

So relevant 2 yrs laterbrAibrBotsbrAi bots
Comment from : @damfadd

This guy is very very intelligent
Comment from : @glencecil293

"Im not mocking you, I'm intrigued by your anthropology"
Comment from : @stranger8105

I think I agree more with Jim here, especially because the progsess they make month for month in autonomous driving really is way too much for it to be true that driving is as increfibly complicated as Lex makes it out to be And anatomically a vehicle on wheels has the most simple, restricted and stable way of mobility I can think of Building a car on the other hand requires all kinds of complicated anatomy and sensory sophistication, that physically are very easy for a human So many things that require monstrous mental effort for us are to a large degree already rudimentary for computers even without any AI brbrThe limbic system might seem important and essential for us in order to be safe drivers, but I bet that's just because it only somewhat makes up for what we lack in absolute attention; 360° spatial awareness; wast standard operating procedures based on a enormous amount of rapidly growing and incredibly diverse treasure trove of driving-specific, practical use-case scenarios that increases in enormity with every Tesla sold and the local traffic quirks of every new market
Comment from : @Herfinnur

It'd be nice to invite Jim Keller to talk about Dojo 💥🙂
Comment from : @marcpelegrin8573

As it turns out, you were right, and Elon now agreed that solving full self driving is a very hard problem
Comment from : @BernardWei

2:25 I disagree with Lex Filling the gaps is what makes human brain fallible The brain is not a perfect computing machine
Comment from : @closetcleaner

this series is super interesting thank you Lex
Comment from : @mpetry912

Reduce everything to its most basic principles and parts of itself and you realize that the patterns are identical from the micro to the macro and size means nothing
Comment from : @bnb7094

Sorry to say but the bosch team will win
Comment from : @XAP113

this Jim guy is like your smart engineering friend who thinks every problem can be well quantified and solved without realizing actually how difficult it is wrt autonomous driving it's funny to see that kinds of misconception because in his own career he's been working on very well quantified problems and is quite successful at it, without having to grapple with the difficulties of ill-posed problems and project well-formedness onto something like autonomous driving, which is hugely hairy problem of cognition in interacting with multiple agents each with their own mindsbrand it is almost impossible to make people like these to change their mind other than having them working on the problem and realize how difficult it actually is xD
Comment from : @dewinmoonl

The hubris in Jim Keller Lmao, nah bruh, self-driving cars are not the panacea you think they are Tell that to the people who died from the faulty Autopilot algorithm and the plentiful errors it has made
Comment from : @traunkim6509

Lex, the facial expressions are priceless 🦋
Comment from : @marygrace3510

Some deep ideas going on here Amazing
Comment from : @AngelHernandezC

Yes humans are unpredictable, BUT, in the case of cars, there's only a finite number of things you can do that will affect other drivers Considering other cars (other environmental things ignored for the moment), the other car can turn left really hard, right really hard, brake really hard or accelerate really hard and all of those within limits You're following a car, it can brake really hard, but not suddenly be travelling backwards Solve for all those limited inputs and a human can't do something unpredictable on the microsecond scale you're able to react to
Comment from : @MountainNZ

What flies out of his mouth at 8:55? :-)
Comment from : @deewilly6817

It's amazing hearing such brilliant words from a guy who looks like you'd see him at a truck stop in Kentucky
Comment from : @elpusegato

Driving cars is easy for humans because we designed cars and infrastructure for humans If it was designed for computers from ground up, it would be trivial for them
Comment from : @radol

Comment from : @esharahman4648

Soooo, lex its not as smart as i thought, with his "humans have something special" XD
Comment from : @arqueopterix007

I hate how condescending lex is to a guy who's incredibly progressed and acknowledged in his field
Comment from : @DeadWaterGaming0

never seen lex so adamant about his view point he's really a bit stubborn lol, even choosing to end the clip with the last word Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but the argument ends up turning into both putting their foot down lex saying its difficult and complicated and jk saying its simple and solvable Think its definitely propogated by Lex tho, rather than just keep reiterating that its hard to predict human capabilities he could have gone into some clear examples that proved his point to create an actual unbiased and perhaps less emotionally charged debate
Comment from : @maximilianzim6091

This guy is just ridiculous He's contributed to the foundations of x86 and has worked on flagship product architectures at Apple, AMD, Intel and Tesla brAs a percentage of all people working in tech, practically nobody has done just one of those things Four is just insane brAnd yet, he's completely unassuming and humble in conversation Doesn't take long for that amazing intellect to show itself, though
Comment from : @jaydenlangmead9667

I have immense respect for this guest, but he seems to repeatedly misrepresent how 'simple' some of these tasks are If self-driving cars were simple we'd have them already Dealing with other human drivers on the road (with their imperfect judgement and possibly irrational behaviour) is not simple!
Comment from : @chuckles8519

Lex is correct, human beings did evolve to "drive cars" because cars is an aspect of movement and navigation through space-- it's essentially the instinct of hunter-gatherer society
Comment from : @jnauttube

I disagree with him profoundly on how hard it is to drive a car It's not a trivial problem
Comment from : @jnauttube

I would like to hear Lex explain why he thinks humans make driving more than a ballistics problem
Comment from : @willd4686

People forget the one big point that until we can trust our governments and big Corp 110 we would never allow them to control our fate whilst inside of a car just look at the conspiracy theories around Kobe Bryant presently and who is to say that his helicopter 1000 was not manipulated
Comment from : @mattaitken888

Of course people are a ballistic problem If a pedestrian can be irrational and move in any direction with a certain speed How far could they move and at what speed will the car be able to break in time Thats how i think when i’m driving It doesnt matter why people do things All you need to know is that they behave unpredictablly within the limits of physics!
Comment from : @izzymezzo

The roads are dynamic tho Construction hazards debris and other factors make it dynamic Tesla needs to fix small case errors
Comment from : @davidhuns7545

This video could be a teaching material for Overconfidence Bias A guy with high skill in some area (CPU design) is arguing that problems in some other area outside of his scope are easy and doesn't weaver one bit, even when talking to someone who is devoting his life to the discussed topic of AI/ML, specifically cars and machine vision :-D I wish I was a fachidiot like him tho, just amazingly successful in one area and totally convinced of my deep wisdom and infalability in all other areas That's the recipe for inner peace <3
Comment from : @miroslavhoudek7085

When Jim says "it's just a data problem," what he's saying is 'it's just a software problem' He's trivializing the software layer which might explain the tension between the two Lex is really passionate about human behavior and it's interplay with technology Jim ain't buying it
Comment from : @jt8251

This guy is incredibly smart, articulate and confidentno wonder Lex is uncomfortable
Comment from : @profkg6613

"Thats kinda cool" haha I love this guy!
Comment from : @corysgood881

I bet my left ball this guy understands Zen
Comment from : @danielbowman7226

This guy in crazy smart, god damn
Comment from : @jakw97

"A deep belief that no matter what you do is a local maximum"
Comment from : @ejminava407

"It wasn't even rocket science" Imagine saying that literally
Comment from : @dinner4chiahao

Comment from : @arianrahimi905

Could someone please explain to me the meaning behind his comment regarding the super intelligent alien around 16:50? Is it that even within Tesla they are not necessarily doing things in the perfect way because there's always a better way to do it? Because that seems like the wrong attitude, why wouldn't they have used the "much better" engine?
Comment from : @TheScarnak

When will cars start honking by themselves? 🤔😂
Comment from : @marcialabrahantes3369

16:03 - 16:16
Comment from : @erlichbachman663

Thanks for sharing I had the chance to view a rocket launch in 2018 Incredible experience I posted a pretty cool montage of the trip to my channel
Comment from : @SpaceFactsWax

start from the end
Comment from : @chaitanyavaidya7783

Lex is so polite and engaging And looks hot in this studio PEACE
Comment from : @geneinpennsylvania

"Imagine 99 of your thought process is protecting your self conception and 98 of that is wrongnow you got the math right"brbrI don't know whether to rejoice or go outside and jump into the deep end with a barbell chained to my waist
Comment from : @neologian1783

How did the crumb that fell from Jim beard at 8:86 disappear at 12:56? he didn't look at his sweater during the whole interview
Comment from : @colinburgess1539

Red light or stop light 🤯
Comment from : @SatisfyingWhirlpools

One of Lex’s better videos
Comment from : @NominalTopic

I would love to see Lex push back more on the subject of how hard solving the driving problem is He is always polite to his interviewees, but I think it makes for a less engaging conversation because he holds back on his knowledge about autonomous driving so he won't contradict the guest, but it would be nice to see him lay on some knowledge and problems on the guest
Comment from : @mpsoxygen

As usual, academia lags behind industry
Comment from : @odvegilmurmuratus2107

Super-courageous interview, Lex I knew Jim a little from Tesla -- as in evidence, whip-smart
Comment from : @cheponis

Autonomous driving does not need the layer of meaning which Lex calls the human factor Vision is enough However, given the datasets used for the deep learning, when you drive into an alien and/or their ship, your Autopilot will be as freaked out as you😎
Comment from : @mtumasz

lex speaks of context keller speaks of facts
Comment from : @jjseandxcefree

So why did keller quit intel? burning minds want to knowfor realpersonal reasons??
Comment from : @jjseandxcefree

Fascinating conversations between former boss(of the boss of the boss) of mine and young MIT scientist !
Comment from : @kwansikkim8712

it's inspiring when two intelligent people disagree!
Comment from : @lysol5555

18:38 "98 of your thought process is protecting your self conception" Jim is a sage
Comment from : @bradstewart7007

JK is such a rock star :)
Comment from : @eubikedude

Did Google and Apple give up on Autonomous cars? Its probably the most difficult software problem today Lex understands that, Elon may someday
Comment from : @slimpaco3561

Comment from : @benzed1618

I love how monotoned they are You can tell they are truly speaking from a place of logic - a breath of fresh air
Comment from : @ForrestNeal

Absolutely fascinating I am building my own DIY EV, using the brains and determination of the people you are listen to now I agree with every thing they say Hopefully one day down the track its not just crazy idea that people can truely trust the automatisation of their own vehicles
Comment from : @allanharper9001

roads may not change, but road conditions do change, sometimes very dynamically I don't know why he's minimizing the problem of creating a reliable auto pilot
Comment from : @tiananman

It's great to see autistic people finally getting their own talk shows
Comment from : @Jasonxxx-uv4be

This is oddly the most cathartic, weird, and interesting conversations I've listened to
Comment from : @jerellbarber6751

That interview was awesome on both sides
Comment from : @Neura1net

Keller is a hero chip designer/leader, but it's clear he's not a machine learning expert
Comment from : @alexandresoaresdasilva1966

I wonder if Keller would pass a typical job interview
Comment from : @georgechoquette5735

I smart man talks to a know it all Smart man knows how simple some of the calculation are Know it all says the smart man would be surprised how complex the calculation are He said that to a man that knows them, as a chump that doesn't know the calculations He's just trying to not be out done
Comment from : @travisera1

This man has a biting intellect Jesus Christ
Comment from : @TheMechanic204

Jim Keller's primary cognitive function appears to be extroverted intuition Very pleasing Very open to possibilities Very "P" rather than "J"
Comment from : @wademt

the edge cases are the gotchas though - white trucks in a white snow squall, construction zones and jersey barriers, accidents making those static roads not so static, big pot holes or other debris that will spear your battery pack etc
Comment from : @danielroden9424

Best part @ 16:00
Comment from : @D33S3R

Bothered me when Lex was saying that humans have evolved to drive he meant in terms of learning to process and deeply understand the context of our environment Jim Keller cut him off and made a joke about how humans have been driving cars in the prehistoric I respect Jim but cmon brbrSure machine learning is getting better at learning and completing tasks But is it understanding? From what I understand the underlying maths results in associations and geometric relationships between contextual objects but between all this data there doesn't seem to be understanding and learning in the same way that humans learn The fact that humans can decide on what they want to learn is amazing in itself Noone has to sit us down and force us to have a reward mechanism (although to a degree it helps) What is consciousness? And will we ever produce computers sophisticated and fast enough to process and contextualize information like humans? I personally don't think they'll be computers in the sense that we have now
Comment from : @oblivion_2852

I think I finally realized it, lex is just a driving snob One of those people who takes driving seriously, I don't see any other reason why he's arrogant about this one subject
Comment from : @lonegamer1717

I truly enjoyed this Keep up the good work Alex!
Comment from : @walidbouguima2771

This man has an incredible self-confidence
Comment from : @walidbouguima2771

I have that mindset, its not that the mindset doesnt exist, its the fact that social dynamics as they are today make it incredibly difficult for people like myself to make it in todays retarded world
Comment from : @daemoniumvenator4155

you forgot to ask specifically, how many years does he think would it take before autonomous driving is realized
Comment from : @Soothsayer210

8:54 <-It completely ruined this interview for me
Comment from : @pr00f

I keep watching and listening to this thing over and over I think this might be the most entertaining and stimulating interaction between two human beings that I have ever had the pleasure to observe
Comment from : @JamesDouma

I love returning the fundamentals, first principles, and asking whether there's a better way We are in a moment of true advancement and it's exciting "Historical first video of two robots conversing without supervision" --br I laughed so hard I had to pause the video twice to continue laughing Followed up with some comments in TMC FSD forum
Comment from : @tk2x

16:45 - can someone explain what he says here? that everything we do there's a 'local maximum'?
Comment from : @dinbach488

Hard to believe this man is an engineer In the first four minutes he sounds like a french nobleman talking about the peasant's problems before the revolutionbrbrie - he's oversimplifying the issues and is aggressive enough with his assertions he doesn't give the host enough time to mount a decent retortbr
Comment from : @relativityboy

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