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QUICK Money Saving Tips on One Income/Frugal Living When You Make Less Income


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Коментарии QUICK Money Saving Tips on One Income/Frugal Living When You Make Less Income

Centsible Living With Money Mom
I love how you are so respectful of Kaden's dad You are such a blessing
Comment from : Centsible Living With Money Mom

Sue Bee
Just found this vidoe again, watched it for the 2nd time I enjoyed it a lot I am just finishing a 26 week challenge from Clever Girl Finance starts out with $3 week one and increases by about $4 a week untill the last week you put in $103 The total for that this Sunday will be $1378 This is on top of my regular savings and investments I will use it for Vacation in July
Comment from : Sue Bee

preparing for mountain life

Comment from : preparing for mountain life

Holly Walton
Instead of 50/50, I've always gone with 100/100 with it being a pendulum swinging because you can't give 100 all the time and need your partner to make up the difference but it can't always be one sided Therefore the pendulum swings But yes same as the rubber band
Comment from : Holly Walton

Maria Garcia
I sold my house and paid cash for my condo
Comment from : Maria Garcia

Arthur Mantzouris
I saved over $2000 dollars over the past few monthsthanks Kate! You ROCK!!!
Comment from : Arthur Mantzouris

Arthur Mantzouris
A marrige is One flesh as Jesus was saying ion Matthew 19:5
Comment from : Arthur Mantzouris

Sylvia Nobles
I've been with you now a year, the love affair is still there I still think you're great and your advice is right on, stay you
Comment from : Sylvia Nobles

Desiree Santana Flores
Buns 😍
Comment from : Desiree Santana Flores

Karen Miller
I'm 66 I heard a piece of advice when I was just a child It made such an impression on me that even after all these years I remember and practice it And it does take practice Each partner has to give 100 Not 100 of the time but 100
Comment from : Karen Miller

stine johansen
Comment from : stine johansen

Just started watching your videos during the weekend I love your drive, your strength It really reminds me of all of us, who have been through a lot for too long and now can't believe how far we've come What a wonderful feeling Thank you so much!!!!!🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱

Piglets bank
I love thinking about a relationship or any situation in life perhaps as an elastic band, sometimes is stretching sometime is relaxed
Comment from : Piglets bank

Mariangely Rodriguez Serrano
I enjoyed this video and I shared it with my aunt
Comment from : Mariangely Rodriguez Serrano

Katherine Fitzpatrick
My parents always said it was 100/100
Comment from : Katherine Fitzpatrick

Julie Ferland
I love your content
Comment from : Julie Ferland

Danuellia Ramdeen
Thank you for sharing this advice
Comment from : Danuellia Ramdeen

Jackie Heaney
How large should your emergency fund be brIn one it said 6 mts but I can't do that as I am planing to retire
Comment from : Jackie Heaney

Sandra from Scotland
2021 savings challenge brought me here again 👍 Rubber band merge hands visual 💙 Appreciate you sharing Kate 😊
Comment from : Sandra from Scotland

Love is honor and respect “always” even when your are having difficulty! There’s no room for your friends in your marriage Keep your problems to your self, don’t badmouth your spouse to anyone
Comment from : Kharv15

Pat Schneider
I’m saving for new appliances next year, 2022 I saved $500 in this 10 weeks I’ll be doing another start on ten new weeks soon! This is an easy goal from grocery shopping weekly and not buying cola drinks, chips, packaged foods I love to bake and we have better home baked items than I can purchase Yum! Make iced tea daily and make lemonade! brbrIt’s a fun game!brbrThe rubber band example is excellent!brbrI’m married 53 years this year (Aug 2021) and I’m a retired accountant brbrPat in Colorado
Comment from : Pat Schneider

Scott Dow
Gettng Scapy like South Park's Russel crow but with the bills not people but still makeing movies and making music and youtubing around the world
Comment from : Scott Dow

Glenda Perez
Comment from : Glenda Perez

Geralyn Neeson
Comment from : Geralyn Neeson

Eva Medina
I am glad I found your channel, You have been inspiration to me!!🙏
Comment from : Eva Medina

Rebecca Standard
Glad to hear that you do not share bad things about your sons dad My dad told me never to say anything bad about your daughters dad, your daughter can judge him herself based on what her dad does or does not do It hurts me to hear people bash their child’s dad/mom
Comment from : Rebecca Standard

Mommies Frugal Finds
Single mom here too Sons are 7 and 10 Divorced and rebuilding after ending a 16 year marriage Love you your content
Comment from : Mommies Frugal Finds

Anna Power
Thanks for sharing your story and the encouragement Love your positive attitude Kate
Comment from : Anna Power

Sheila Northcutt
I have always heard that marriage/relationship is 100 & 100
Comment from : Sheila Northcutt

Kelley Jerred
I still cut my own hair i stopped coloring a few years ago
Comment from : Kelley Jerred

I love that quote that you read about relationships been 60 or 70 percent to 40 or 30! That taught me something that I would love to do in my next relationship! And I like how you do not speak ill about your past relationship! I learned something new every time I watch your videos! :-)s
Comment from : TheFrugalCyborgMRIII

Crazy question you know those awesome socks in your store? Can we get a tshirt that says that? “Go frugal or go home?” Front side & back side that says “Wait we are Home?” Just a thought Definitely would be buying one (or 3?) because, hey I’m all about my tshirts!!!
Comment from : LifeBeyondTheSalary

B Peltier
You’re awesome!! Love your videos!!
Comment from : B Peltier

Dara Bowen
Just found your video, didn't know abt your 10 week challenge I started the 52 weeks saving challenge in January
Comment from : Dara Bowen

Eileen Murphy
Hi Am new to your channel Really enjoyed itI just started with FetchPretty cool stuffThanks for sharing Just became a subscriber TY
Comment from : Eileen Murphy

Kimberly Strickland
We say marriage is 100/100 But I love the thought that sometimes you have to the giving one and sometimes the taking one
Comment from : Kimberly Strickland

The Money Jar
Awesome Video, thanks for sharing!!
Comment from : The Money Jar

Thank you for sharing You touched home My relationship has been a rubber and, pulling mostly my end and still surviving The COVID, has actually make our relationship strong and he finally realized how much I have put in financially and he actually balanced out our rubberband We have been married for 34 years Thank you for your video and God bless you
Comment from : ivelisse859

Veronica Stevenson
Great Tips! Thanks for this! I endured a challenging situation similar to you and your husband's back in 2009 I reached my AHA MOMENT regarding financial security and building wealth some years back I've been on a paying down debt and building wealth plan for a few solid years Admittedly it's definitely a commitment and can be challenging to begin, but with a few years behind me now, I've been able to reduce spending and/or give up other purchases all together I've changed my lifestyle totally as a result of the lockdown and have come to no longer need or desire my lifestyle prior to COVID-19 For example, I haven't had my hair or nails professionally maintained since March of 2020, so have used those extra funds to pay down debt and build an Emergency Savings Fund
Comment from : Veronica Stevenson

Maria Portillo
I accomplished my goal and did $250 😊😊
Comment from : Maria Portillo

I love you! You give awesome financial advice which I soooo appreciate! You are so cheery and for years I look forward to listening to your channel!!
Comment from : Susan313

Paula Costello
In October/November/December, I put a total of $750 in my retirement savings mutual fund I also wanted to say thanks to Buns for saying hello in this video Such a cutie :)
Comment from : Paula Costello

I-Post M
Kate, tx for your inspiration!brbrMy accomplishments:br1 Moved $10,000 from a very low 5 yield savings account to another fund that's a bit more risky but will likely yield on avg approx 5 br2 Converted 12 of my IRA to a Roth IRA brbrDoing these 2 things will raise my 2020 taxes about $1,000 but will save me approx $20,000 over the next 30 years I'm 60 and singlebrbrMy savings goal was to:br1 Eat out only 2 times during this period br2 Clean off my dining table so I could eat more homemade meals there brbrI've only eaten out once and the table is still covered with piles of paper But I feel really great about saving $20,000 and that motivates me to find even more savings opportunities And, I've set a new deadline - Dec 31 - to reach my clear tabletop goal brbrHope this detail helps! 😀
Comment from : I-Post M

Theresa Begin
I'm just cruising your channel, but I happened to start an account with E-Trade and now I'm up to $1,358!
Comment from : Theresa Begin

I made the goal of $1K!! I wanted a new apartment and I've already found one (moved in last week) I worked extra overtime and stopped eating out
Comment from : J D

Pam Sunderland
Hi there UKSQUAD here I have saved my £100 up for the challenge I started a week late as it was our Sons Wedding and needed all our extras for that Just saved from housekeeping and putting away 10pence first day of month 20pence second up to £3 on the 30th month Really enjoyed the challenge Have bought new bedspread bed sheet Pillows and cases and lampshades Had enough for our favourite Moët Chandon on special offer to drink on 15th December - 41 years since our first date Stay safe and well out there
Comment from : Pam Sunderland

No disparaging the ex, publicly I like that! At one time I had a good relationship with my ex, but his new wife, unbeknownst to me, would come between us in a very bad way Feel bad for my son though
Comment from : allkindsamusicchick

Thanks for video You always inspire me when I need it! 🙂 I loved the advice from you friend very wise brThe car you mentioned in your story, was it a Toyota Aygo by any chance? If so I had one abrin 2011, also brand new & god it was great on fuel! X
Comment from : Katherine

Dian Van De Vyver
Hi Kate I save all year long, everyday is a savings challenge for me :D For 2020 I wanted to save 10k Euros I did'nt even have any idea how I would achieve that goal ! You know what , I just checked in my financial app , during 2020 I have already saved 9,059 Euros Is n't it amazing ? I'm a low income earner , but I can do it I fix the same amount of saving goal for 2021 !
Comment from : Dian Van De Vyver

Jennifer Spence
Can you sell some of your merchandise on Amazon, I want a hoodie 😁
Comment from : Jennifer Spence

Sylvia Nobles
I really think of you as a real person not just a internet image
Comment from : Sylvia Nobles

Lilia Rolark
Love your story, good advice Thank you
Comment from : Lilia Rolark

Chelsea K
Just told my husband he gives me 80 and I've been giving 20 and he said really? I think you've been giving 80 and I've been giving 20 😌
Comment from : Chelsea K

Barbara Hatfield
I like your example with the elastic Keep up the good work
Comment from : Barbara Hatfield

Eclectic Beth
Great advice, Kate! You have to change your expectations and get focused when times are tough! Also, don't beat yourself up and go to the " woe is me" mindset Going through tough times makes us stronger and more resilient!
Comment from : Eclectic Beth

Jan Clark
Makes complete sense give and take You came out of it a stronger and wiser Thank you ❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Comment from : Jan Clark

Anabela Gomes
Oh yeah,I saved $50000 and I'm in bankruptcy thank got couple more months to go and headache is gone its been a challenging 2 years
Comment from : Anabela Gomes

Anabela Gomes
You are so awesome and such an inspiration thank you🙏
Comment from : Anabela Gomes

Kristi Nolan
This is one of my favorite videos ❤
Comment from : Kristi Nolan

Aww the rubber band analogy 🥺 💕 really good to hear thanks
Comment from : ThymeToCook

Cyndi Patti
I heard a comment recently from a guy in a happy marriage and I thought it was great! He said “when I’m having a bad day she helps make my day better and when she is, I do the same for her” Love that ❤️
Comment from : Cyndi Patti

Linea Zielsdorf
I appreciate you so much brThat is so great that you are very respectful of your ex So often people tend to tear down their ex spouse That is so much better for your Son for you both to be co parenting and getting along brI hope that you and Kaden will have a wonderful weekend
Comment from : Linea Zielsdorf

Brendas favemusic2017 Polito
Dear Katebr how are you and and kaden first of all i never ever forget you just because imnoti writing that i forget you no heres the thing my work is required to be stay in someaning of for a whiles but i keep watching you as much as i have extra time i love all your savings tips from last year i save up some if my salary i keepfollowing your tips o and on and thank you so much Kate and belated happy Thanks Giving to you and your family brbrGod blesssbrBrenda from Philippines
Comment from : Brendas favemusic2017 Polito

Kate, can you tell me the water fountain brand for the cats? I saw it in one of your videos a while ago - thank you!!
Comment from : L

Sandra Bendig
So much wisdom!
Comment from : Sandra Bendig

I was doing well, with the savings goal, until my car needed an expensive repair very unexpectedly But I was grateful I had the cash to pay for it I'm getting back up again, and back on track This is extra savings on top of all of my savings etc already in place 50/50 to me, means striving towards balance, not being against each other just my opinion :) tfs 🎄🌵🎅🍭🍬🍥🏜️🩰🎁🎀🎉🎄🌵🎅🍭🍬🍥🏜️🩰🎁🎀🎉🎄🌵🎅🍭🍬🍥🏜️🩰🎁🎀🎉
Comment from : momof2

Esther S
Amen! Married going on 39 years For the first 20 years my husband worked his rear offwe had a son and daughter (now 34 and 36)brIn 2009 he was injured on the job, had several major surgeries and became addicted to prescription medications I felt like I was giving 75 ( his disability payments helped pay most of the bills) at the timebrHe is still not 100 physically and I feel like I do much more however, I feel due to his injuries, etc he is doing his best ( recovered from addiction)he still covers most of the bill's with annuity, SSA income, etc There are days I think, the kids are raised and gone butI love him, and I feel hes giving his best even though I wish it could be better
Comment from : Esther S

Toni Deluca
Hi Kate, Kaden and kitties Thanks for another great video 3500 dollars is amazing You work hard for it and deserve it My goal was 1000 dollars by cutting a hundred dollars a week on my groceries So only spending fifty a week I did it! Saved 100000 dollars plus cashed in my coins to make 1200 in total Spending 50000 on a generator and banking the rest Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
Comment from : Toni Deluca

Emily Dowgialo
I like the analogy of the 2 hands holding each other rather than two fists! It totally makes sense because it is always give and take and it does ebb and flow
Comment from : Emily Dowgialo

Mrs S
Our goal after we had ours second child was for me to be a stay at home mom I’ve enjoyed that for 10 years now The biggest step to hitting this goal, along with so many more, was a budgetbrbrDuring the K Squad challenge we hit our goal of $1200 Which happens to be the same as our sinking fund for Christmas, so Christmas 2021 is funded!
Comment from : Mrs S

tanya fletcher
I love your channel so much!! I never get tired of listening to you! Hugs 😘
Comment from : tanya fletcher

Cynthia Campbell
$800 should be able to do $100000 this week or next week added to my Emergency fund I will keep the challenge going
Comment from : Cynthia Campbell

DebtFree Dad
Good video, great transparency
Comment from : DebtFree Dad

Fran McAvoy
I saved $40000 toward car tires I was able to do this by watching purchases,making lists, sticking to tight budget
Comment from : Fran McAvoy

Lisbet Soda
Always a great inspiration I need constant brain-washing on how to be frugal
Comment from : Lisbet Soda

Annie Charlotte
I saved $1,000 so I could get a new puppy Olaf is home with me and 8 weeks old Paid cash!
Comment from : Annie Charlotte

Crystal Young
Loved the example you give with fist/rubber band!
Comment from : Crystal Young

Janet Landry-Lucey
Love all your videos, I shared this one with two of my good friends ❣️brI saved $200000 Oh My God, it went by fast snd now I will have a Christmas, great idea for us!brAlso loved reading everyone’s comments snd the goals they all achieved!!brWe rock👍🎄
Comment from : Janet Landry-Lucey

Subba Raj
Love your content and always positive 🙏🏽
Comment from : Subba Raj

Just Frugal Me
Thanks for this Storytime These are great suggestions, and its such an important topic to be discussing right now, I really enjoyed the video My wife and I decided to living on one income and the other income is set aside for things that we "want", savings, investing, etc
Comment from : Just Frugal Me

rochelle thundercloud
I get thatwith my husband,due to his disability,he is unable to do certain thingsdue to my asthma,i cannot do certain things,but we work together I did yell at him,thoughwhy?ispent a lot of time cleaning our tiny studio apartmentgot it clean,nice,neat,organizedhe utterly trashed the place Anyone would lose their shit in this situationi said its hard work to cleanwhile i have no problem with it,the least you can do is not destroy my work
Comment from : rochelle thundercloud

Katherine Was
My goal was $1000 by 12/2/2020 I am on track to complete that goal by that date Using it to start another savings account
Comment from : Katherine Was

I'm going through the comments and cheering for you all by clicking your like buttons Way to go! I wish this channel had been around in the Dark Ages (1990s!) when I was working harder on frugality Kate: you're doing good work
Comment from : Beth

Irene Roy
Saved $24,000 this year so farbrThis year, $5000 this last 2 more months we have 2-15 year old vehicles 🚗 br🚘 br I got 4 tanks of gas ⛽️ since March
Comment from : Irene Roy

Irene Baker
Your story is going to be a great help to people! I loved that story Kate and you speaking very gentle about your sons dad was right on You got through that rough patch of the road!💖🏡💯
Comment from : Irene Baker

Bobbie Scott
Saved £500 in ten weeks Kate x
Comment from : Bobbie Scott

Norma Brown
Reached my goal, I saved 1k, I really had to be intentional, pay attention and stick to my budget We are on code red lock down and you can only buy essentials at this time - which also helped 🙂
Comment from : Norma Brown

Liza Marie
In Oct & Nov I put $1800 to savings, $500 to our canadian RRSP (registered retirement savings plan) & $3,387 extra on my mortgage--single gal with 2 jobs busting my butt
Comment from : Liza Marie

The rubber band analogy was amazing! Thank you for sharing it Also, it is so nice when someone takes the time to say they won’t speak poorly of someone, who at one time was probably the most important person in their life My ex and I are friends and so many people can’t understand how My kids have told me many times how their friends wish their divorced parents were like we are but instead they can’t even be under the same roof at the same time (I feel sad for those kids) Lastly, although I didn’t get to save money myself, I did open a bank account for my youngest daughter (she’s 16 and is trying to get a job) and started her a savings account with $100 and a checking account with $100
Comment from : Reneas

Vaida Bu
Kate, how do you do your hair? Do you have a tutorial video? I love it so much😍i want to learn to do my hair the way you do Much Love from Germany
Comment from : Vaida Bu

Ann Sovilea
Thank you for sharing your story with us Kate Like always, great content 😘😘
Comment from : Ann Sovilea

I saved alot
Comment from : PEANUT

Rania Diy Craft
Excellent my friend brStay in touch have a wonderful weekend
Comment from : Rania Diy Craft

Diana Álvarez Gómez
Hi Kate, mi ultimate savings goal is to pay off my house, hope I can do it 🤩, and I was wondering if you were going to do blogmas this year 🙂
Comment from : Diana Álvarez Gómez

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