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25 Tips to Living on a TINY RETIREMENT INCOME


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Продолжительность :   13.48
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Просмотров :   46 rb

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Коментарии 25 Tips to Living on a TINY RETIREMENT INCOME

Holy Schmidt!
If you like this video check out my video on: 7 Tips for Living Comfortably on Social Security Alonebr youtube/D_uDwgBkQlA
Comment from : Holy Schmidt!

brian mcintyre
You missed a big one (retire outside America) You can lower you costs by 50 or more
Comment from : brian mcintyre

Will The Trill
I am 45 years old with very little set aside for retirement at this point I have always been curious about the stock market and have witnessed some people who played the game right and retired early because they used the stock market When I ask them, most said that they invested very little to start with, but their portfolio grew I do have a significant amount of capital that is required to start up but I have no idea what strategies and direction I need to approach to help me make decent returns
Comment from : Will The Trill

Sartin Raul
I’m closing in on retirement and love to move from Minnesota to a warmer climate, but home prices are ridiculous now, and mortgage price skyrocketing on a roll feel I may succumb to the fear of missing out and purchase home, or should I expect a crash soon?
Comment from : Sartin Raul

Michael Torrey
Couldn’t disagree more about using one of those quick lube places for oil changes Worst quality and incompetent techs ever Not to mention all the up selling on stuff you don’t need
Comment from : Michael Torrey

Wnere is the Link to the article referring to abandoned 401k's?
Comment from : JoJo

Mel Blacke
How do you FORGET about a 401K?
Comment from : Mel Blacke

J Patrick Moore
My eyes used to be bigger than my stomach, but my stomach eventually caught up and overtook my eyes 😁
Comment from : J Patrick Moore

A Mind With Heart
If you have an EBT card there are all kinds of great deals to enjoy I've seen a few Shakespeare plays in Ashland for just $5 using my card! I don't get much in food benefits, but the other benefits are very nice
Comment from : A Mind With Heart

Tiffany M
I have both a 401k and a Roth 401k from a previous employer My issue is I can't figure out how to transfer it into my Vanguard Roth IRA I've called 3 times for instructions but am utterly confused It was from a part time job so it isn't that much What bothers me is that they are probably charging a quarterly service fee for each account Won't be much left by the time I figure this out
Comment from : Tiffany M

Jay Gold
We don't need any "tips" to live in poverty We need a massive increase in Social Security We need to lift The Wealthy Tax Cap completely and make the wealthy pay Social Security taxes on their FULL INCOME We need to pass the Social Security Expansion Act! This video is abhorrent This is a direct result of wealthy Republicans trying to destroy Social Security and Medicare As a retired Senior Citizen I will NEVER vote Republican Evil This video is ridiculous
Comment from : Jay Gold

I have been retired for nine years, and I do most of these things, In fact, I lived like this all my life As a result, my retirement income is the opposite of tiny But I’m sticking to the way I’ve always lived, with a few small exceptions
Comment from : vinyl1Earthlink

S Jordan
Purchase fresh fruits and veggies from the 'REDUCED' bins, use some now, and dehydrate the rest for future use, one can save a fortune by doing that I NEVER shop with a list, rather I buy items I can use and stash as much as possible for future use Being a prepper is the very best way to hedge against inflation and food shortages As much as possible, I buy other items used, but in excellent condition This provides a buffer so that I allowing me to absorb the high cost of petrol, I also have an electric bike for short trips and just plain fun!
Comment from : S Jordan

Vann Shuttleworth
It's not how much you make, it's how much you keep A penny saved is a penny towards retirement
Comment from : Vann Shuttleworth

peter bedford
Don't eat, you just get hungry again
Comment from : peter bedford

I want to live the rest of my life in cargo shorts and tee shirts
Comment from : beerster

Kathleen Readinger
Excellent tips I look forward to your next video with the spread sheet on budgeting in retirement
Comment from : Kathleen Readinger

richard c
Thank you Mr S
Comment from : richard c

Lydia A
Very informative Thank you
Comment from : Lydia A

Ithaca Comments
I am a low income retired older adultbrLast year when I got my Social Security cost of living increase, I decided to save the $$$ to try to live without spending those $$$brI saved $1,000 !brI plan to do the same this year
Comment from : Ithaca Comments

Wdeemar Wdeemar
Staycations are my favorite
Comment from : Wdeemar Wdeemar

William Zeliff
Had a huge issue with savings bonds I have all the numbers…but the government can’t seem to explain what happened to them They were turned in and converted to digital when l get divorced Spent months waiting only to get a damaged statement l can not read as to the status No idea what to do Any ideas?
Comment from : William Zeliff

Seraphim Rose
Waste not, want not
Comment from : Seraphim Rose

Philip Hicks
Top hint, and one you should start immediately if you don’t now, grocery shopping WITH A LIST Also, don’t shop when you are hungry, have a snack before shopping
Comment from : Philip Hicks

Deborah Caldwell
Thank you for recognizing ‘tiny’
Comment from : Deborah Caldwell

Jimmy Amico
Hi Geoff,brA truly brilliant video I will tell you JEFF that guy canceled my DIRECTV and it’s one of the best things I ever did and it’s saving me hundreds of dollars a month I’m also gonna take many other tips because I truly am hurting at the end of every month ❤
Comment from : Jimmy Amico

Bob L
While I long ago gave into the fact that I will need at least one suit on hand at all times, I would like to never wear it again Many an argument with my Dad over the years of how stupid suits are and a waste of money Sadly, in my lifetime they won't go away Peace to all you who love suits, I just never found them comfortable
Comment from : Bob L

leisure057 blank
I am retired I have a classic wardrobe: t-shirts, sweat pants, sweat jackets And I always love my sketchers, lol
Comment from : leisure057 blank

Aditia Niagara
LoL, just stumble to your channel and I thought you're Mark Rutte 😂
Comment from : Aditia Niagara

S Soule
Plenty of used bookstores out there as another option Good info
Comment from : S Soule

Bald Mi
I loooove the do not buy bottled water comment The cost of bottled water is higher than gas and it is way cheaper to fill you own bottle Not to mention so many empty water bottles litter sidewalks, grocery store parking lots, and streets Even if everyone disposed of their empty bottle in the trash we do not need landfills full of more plastic
Comment from : Bald Mi

North Idaho Drives
Some good tips Thanks for another good video
Comment from : North Idaho Drives

JTs Retirement Countdown
This is an excellent vid, love the channel and you have inspired me to start my own channel JT's Retirement Countdown Keep the vids coming bro!!!!
Comment from : JTs Retirement Countdown

Rob Ranney-Blake
…and always ask if there’s a senior discount
Comment from : Rob Ranney-Blake

I have started pre retirement planning ( 3 -5 years left) in order to start saving money, paying off any debts and organizing downsizing to a 550 sq foot cabin I look forward to travel , spending time with my family and feeling relaxed
Comment from : Nata

Spend spare time volunteering For example:brI am 72 and for the pat 15 years I spend one day a week (about 5 or 6 hours) at a local shelter for abused women and children I grew up in a construction family and use that experience doing repairs and improvements to the buildings and grounds brEveryone has skills charitable organizations could use It helps my mind being sharp doing the work, interacting with others, and gets me out of the house without costing anythingexcept gas and my time And the organization improves our community brThe best is I get to fix stuff! Really enjoy it
Comment from : TNtoolman

nicolas benson
The thought of retirement makes me cry My apologies to everyone who have retired and filing social security during this time after putting in all those years of work just to lose everything to a problem you weren't to blame forit's especially difficult for people who are retired
Comment from : nicolas benson

Tina Braxton
Also, stop buying expensive gifts for people I know a lot of people who continue to lavish grown children, who have good jobs, and grandchildren with ridiculous gifts, even when they can't afford basic expenses for themselves
Comment from : Tina Braxton

Giller Heston
I am in my early 60s and retired at 53 Lots of people gave me pushback because they had difficulty grasping the concept of not working if you don’t have to I looked at my life as stages I earned everything I have now through a lot of hard work, but I owe it to myself to “stop and smell the roses” in my final stage of life In my case I left the country after I retired and live in Latin America It allowed me to get away from all the negative things happening in America while appreciating my new environment I have yet to meet anyone who regrets retirement
Comment from : Giller Heston

Comment from : Mexicolivingeveryminute

deborah parise
Also can check dvd out of the library, and not have to rent a movie
Comment from : deborah parise

Bookmagic Roe
Your comment about locating old 401k accounts is accurate In the 1980s I bought an investment while working for a brpublic school system It was very small at the time, and I received statements regularly After 30 years,brI decided to take the money out brIt took two weeks and multiple phone calls The account had been bought out by another company, which wasbrrolled into a different company, which was merged and the account number changed - even though I was stillbrgetting statements based on my original account number They couldn't find it; good thing I'd kept all my statementsbrFinally it was settled The account had grown by thousands of dollars Probably if I'd waited longer, thebrrecords would have been impossible to find
Comment from : Bookmagic Roe

Practice, practice, practice! I live on about what my social security payment should be But I’ll have the 401k & IRA’s to live off too, when I get there ❤
Comment from : dugfriendly

Rodney Macomber
I really like your videos Maybe you could do one for people that really actually have nothing
Comment from : Rodney Macomber

Legion Theatre Group
As someone who lives frugally, and has their entire lifetime balanced checking accounts to the penny, it astounds me that 20 of people have a 401K they have forgotten about…
Comment from : Legion Theatre Group

Maureen & Jeremy - Moving to Ecuador
Great tips that aren't talked about in other places
Comment from : Maureen & Jeremy - Moving to Ecuador

cl west
Also, In addition to unclaimed 401Ks, check your state's unclaimed funds! I found a 'last paycheck' I had never received from my last job prior to moving and starting my own business Seemed I had unpaid vacation time they paid me for
Comment from : cl west

Chess Dad
Riding my bicycle is my big money saver in retirement Plus I get plenty of laughs with the people I meet as a result
Comment from : Chess Dad

Marianne B
Good advice Thank you! 🎉
Comment from : Marianne B

Welcome to the post-prosperity economy Once upon a time the state waged a war on poverty Now it wages a war on the poor Neoliberalism is economic savagery, pure and simple
Comment from : Oroborus

Peggy B
Excellent video The one subscription that actually saves me money is my instant ink, because of my own printing habits brI'd be interested in your ideas about tips for living without a car, especially those of us who don't live on the bus line Will things like Uber and Walmart plus end up saving money in the long run? Or is it better to hang on to the car for as long as possible?
Comment from : Peggy B

Jonathan Gordon
Thank you for bringing up the water bottles It’s all a marketing scam with the added benefit of ruining the planet, at least the part we live on You can buy a filter and carry an insulated stainless steel bottle that’ll keep your water cool all day With all the talk about BPA and PFAS, you’d think people would be buying reusable glass and metal bottles brIf you live on a limited income and to drink water from these one-time use plastic bottles, you have no place complaining about money You even pay tax when you buy them!!
Comment from : Jonathan Gordon

Your videos are very informative and good however you speak so fast and you go to the point so fast that it's hard to absorb everything Instead of just giving bullet points maybe you can explain them in more detail so people can absorb Point you're making before moving on to the next one But I do like the information in them
Comment from : Writer

Ok, watched the video now Great advice and if you stop and think about it, a lot of the things you mentioned are common sense
Comment from : Thullraven

Don't automatically get a buggy when you go into the grocery store Only buy what you can carry through the store
Comment from : morganjen1962

Laurence Clark Crossen
Unbudget: study how you actually spend your money Know yourself
Comment from : Laurence Clark Crossen

christine meers
If someone has food insecurity or needs more food, check into local food pantries It might help those with tiny retirement funds
Comment from : christine meers

Clive Roberts
My cable bill was $225 per month
Comment from : Clive Roberts

You forgot a very important one Cook instead of using prepared foods The cost difference is stunning
Comment from : M W

Tina Lippincott
Excellent content, as always!
Comment from : Tina Lippincott

V p
This is our main event not a dress rehearsal I don't want to do without or skimp in retirement
Comment from : V p

Great points, Geoff Thank you Now if I can only figure out how to say no to my 7 year old granddaughter when she wants something
Comment from : Jeff

Nancy Catlett
I was an unexperienced stock trader and i lost over $30K when everything started to tank Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said I'm still responsible It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I find one source to recover my money, at least $5k profits weekly Thanks so much Mrs Brittany Utley
Comment from : Nancy Catlett

Donna Norris
Buying groceries - try store brand items, shop sales, buy fresh produce in season, stock up on canned goods on sale Buy clothes at thrift stores, garage sale Learn how to DIY simple repair projects Been living on lower income for many years Buy quality they will last longer
Comment from : Donna Norris

Jim V
Things I have noticed I've done this year probably due to inflation: br --More rice, potatoes, carrots, chicken quartersbr--the A/C is set to 88 degrees whenn electric rates were high during the 2pm-7pm day with a box fan blowingbr--On this hot days, taking a quick COLD shower actually feels goodbr--Only driving the most fuel efficient vehicle maybe even walking morebr--I switched to generic powder laundry detergent from Sams Clubbr--We have stores that sell surplus items in my city Cereal boxes for $100 2 pounds of Starbucks whole bean coffee for $200 A whole case of cleaning wipes for $500 which I rinse out and use as wet wipesbrbrI have more but dont want to sound toooo cheap😂
Comment from : Jim V

Mary G
Comment from : Mary G

Hal Letts
Funny you brought up the forgotten 401K I am getting ready to retire at the end of the year and remembered I had a small amount in NC orbit system, about 5K as i remembered Did the paperwork, got it notarized for transfer to my TSP account and low and behold 18K was received Nice plus up for a forgotten account!
Comment from : Hal Letts

The abandoned 401K is real! About 8-10 years ago, I got a call, telling me I had $ in an unclaimed account I thought it was a scam and asked for the information to be sent to me via the US Mail Sure enough, it was an old plan I didn't know existed at all I received $42K (and transferred it to my 401K balance to increase that account)
Comment from : Chris

Thomas Van Etten
Thanks for this video! When I retired earlier this year I remembered the earlier video with some of this advice and saved myself more than $200 a month
Comment from : Thomas Van Etten

Diane Diliberto
Great video Thank you
Comment from : Diane Diliberto

Dave Schmarder
I cut the tv cable a couple weeks ago I've always used a shopping list It helps me remember to pick up the items I need
Comment from : Dave Schmarder

John Wilson
I am super happy to listen to this video after the one about whether a nice Tesla is worth it or not this is better :)
Comment from : John Wilson

Pro medical Vampire your service
Thank you Geoff!
Comment from : Pro medical Vampire your service

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