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Syria: Turkish military operation against Kurds – BBC News


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Название :  Syria: Turkish military operation against Kurds – BBC News
Продолжительность :   9.37
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Просмотров :   358 rb

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Коментарии Syria: Turkish military operation against Kurds – BBC News

Turkey lecture India about human rights now look what they doing in Syria
Comment from : M5

And turkey lecture other countries about human rights
Comment from : M5

Sohail1235 Sohail
Salaam turkey salaam erdogan from pakistan
Comment from : Sohail1235 Sohail

Donald Dragomatz
Old news
Comment from : Donald Dragomatz

Donald Dragomatz
Trump is not the president of any country
Comment from : Donald Dragomatz

kuya moko
Don't worry that 1000 terrorist were trained and financed by France and US So no worry to escape the terrorist
Comment from : kuya moko

kuya moko
Terrorist is your key ally According to your Chief Arm forces that YPG is part of PKK but what happen? after few years western sent weapon and helping YPG terrorist in Syria
Comment from : kuya moko

hippi 35
Disaster bla bla,usa make the biggest disaster in irak and now in syria🙃
Comment from : hippi 35

Comment from : GTA 6

Harriet Hare
Go Turkey❤🇹🇷
Comment from : Harriet Hare

Correction, Against the PKK terror organization Recognized by the United States as a terrorist organization Ahh the hypocrisy of the us government and mainstream media never fails
Comment from : mcLynguist

just a guy
Comments full of erDOGan's ass lickers
Comment from : just a guy

Abdulkadir Memis
They not operation against Kurds this is not possible we live together in our country but this mfs are terrorists but you are never except that facts they call themselfs PKK and PKK is a terror organization please dont show false news
Comment from : Abdulkadir Memis

time storm
Turkish operation against terorists and their western supporters, not against Kurds as you guys trying to manipulate!
Comment from : time storm

MKubilay CANÖZ
This is not kurdish fighters !! this is terorrist
Comment from : MKubilay CANÖZ

Göktürk Altay
Kürtlerle pkk pyd aynı değildir Küçük beyninize sokun bu bilgi lazım olacak size küçük ergenler😂
Comment from : Göktürk Altay

James Bultemeier
Watch the Kurds-Medes Daniel 8:1-10 says that once the Kurds-Medes align with Iran-Persia, we will both these nations crushed or destroyed Turkey is genociding the Kurds right now with new attacks in Syria and Iraq in the last month If Erbil were to fall the Kurds would have to flee east and south-east toward Iran
Comment from : James Bultemeier

Vedat Bilgutay
It's now been over two years since this operation ended and none of the doom & gloom predicted by the Western governments or their press has come to pass If anything the Syrian people who live in these territories are grateful for the Turkish operation The US and EU terminate those whom they consider to be terrorist with extreme prejudice, but when Turkiye goes after their terrorist enemies US/EU have a cow I’m sorry if you guys made an alliance with a terrorist organization (YPG), you should have known better I think it’s time for the Turks to finish the job and the West to shut the F—K up
Comment from : Vedat Bilgutay

Against YPG!!! Turkey did not attack me! YPG are fascists!
Comment from : M S

Po Wasjington
Why are they making a invasion against “Kurds?” Isn’t it an organization which has attacked Turkish army before Is it actually Kurds they are against or a group who’s leadership is mosty Kurdish
Comment from : Po Wasjington

Aksal Eskikaya
Comment from : Aksal Eskikaya

So turkey invades Syria an u guys say it's an incursion? No big deal it's okay for NATO memebers to illegal occupy another country but Russia having a Existential threat from NATO expansion and there the bad guys? Wake up worldbrStudy your history 1939 Minsk accords plus 1947 Russia Finland have a treaty signed to stay neutral Finland so NATO Finland breaking all sorts of laws
Comment from : * COMRADE *

Douglas Bruce
Russia does a special military operation in the Ukraine and the legacy media calls it an "Invasion"brTurkey invades Syria and the legacy media calls it a "Military Incursion" 🤔brHow do you define "Hypocrite"
Comment from : Douglas Bruce

Cloudy Five
Operation against Kurds? More like opdration against PKK and YPG
Comment from : Cloudy Five

Medes Kurdish Empire
anyone who sided with Turkey is siding with ISIS because they allowed foreign IS fighters into their borders to kill Kurds and equipped them too the Kurds defeated IS though brave and admirable people Long live the Kurdish nation
Comment from : Medes Kurdish Empire

Medes Kurdish Empire
I love the Kurds Long live Kurdistan, true and loyal defenders of their long overdue land
Comment from : Medes Kurdish Empire

Not Kurds idiot To Terrorist PKK
Comment from : Highway9Patrol

Omar چوہدری
Lot of my Pakistani friends were on the way to Europe illegally and were captured by KURDS and some of them were executed by not receiving ransom from home and other were released after getting money and were brutally tortured by those KURDSbrMy full and ultimate support to Turkey🇹🇷🇵🇰
Comment from : Omar چوہدری

Arnn 0007
It is the British that divided Kurdistan because Kurdistan had oil, now millions of Kurds have had to endure the consequences of being divided and land stolen from for more than a hundred years
Comment from : Arnn 0007

Mama Fara
They try wipe Kurdistan but it's there dream
Comment from : Mama Fara

F 18 superhornet cer
turkeyis strong millitary ,
Comment from : F 18 superhornet cer

Kadir Kolanci
Terrorist pkk terrorist ypg real terrorist USA 👈
Comment from : Kadir Kolanci

See turkish crimes against kurds in west kurdistan (Syria) youtube/bhVF55WrHb8
Comment from : kurd

See turkish crimes against kurds in west kurdistan (Syria) youtube/bhVF55WrHb8
Comment from : kurd

Jay Kumipang
US inter the Word tororists
Comment from : Jay Kumipang

joy gun
Pure propaganda
Comment from : joy gun

Ro Sa
Turkey is terrorist
Comment from : Ro Sa

Chad Muslim
Based Turkey 💪💪🇹🇷🇹🇷
Comment from : Chad Muslim

Elahe Talkhabi
برای رهایی از شر دشمن، سوار بر کشتی امپراتوری ایران شوید 🇮🇷brللتخلص من العدو ، اصعد على متن سفينة الإمبراطورية الفارسية🇮🇷brTo get rid of the enemy, board the ship of the Persian Empire🇮🇷brDüşmandan kurtulmak için Pers İmparatorluğu'nun gemisine binin 🇮🇷br为了摆脱敌人,登上波斯帝国的船 🇮🇷brदुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए, फारसी साम्राज्य के जहाज पर चढ़ो 🇮🇷
Comment from : Elahe Talkhabi

If CNN and the BBC are interested in a place If he talks about society and country, he is doing it in the interests of the American and British imperialists
Comment from : BismarckCrow

oguz b
It's been more than 1 year now and there is not any destabilization in the area, there is no Isis, too Turkey is fighting both against Isis, PKK and western propagandas
Comment from : oguz b

Özgür Öztürk
Millions of refugees fled to Turkey and than They took refuge in Turkey The Syrian Territories are divided due to the authority vacuum Like America, Russia uses pawns for oil in the region However, an important move as pawns bothers Turkey In this case, pawns must be crushed Pkk or SDF are Terorrist organization They have killed many innocent civilians since the past Don't be fooled by their lie masks !
Comment from : Özgür Öztürk

Marine T
As an Armenian I now understand how bad Trump was for us I realize that Trump had a hand on the recen Turkish Azerbaijani attacks against the Armenians! This story makes me sick! Erdogan must go down just like Trump! Trump is good friends with Erdogan! Thank God, Trump lost 🙏
Comment from : Marine T

Marine T
I hate Trump now!
Comment from : Marine T

Aedin Ridmash
That safe corridor is for Syrian, not TurkishbrLook at the results nowbrSyrian are living there peaceful
Comment from : Aedin Ridmash

Aedin Ridmash
Biased News
Comment from : Aedin Ridmash

egehan sarı
çok seviyosanız alın şu itleri amerkaya bizde kurtulalım
Comment from : egehan sarı

Piyade Komando
Turkish army not kiling civilens
Comment from : Piyade Komando

Kadir Demir
Videos 88 teröristbr12 donalt trumpbr8 BBCbr2 Turks military
Comment from : Kadir Demir

Firoz Alam
Support turkey from india
Comment from : Firoz Alam

I am a little uneducated about this conflict Could someone explain why Turkey wants to kill the Kurds if the Kurds are fighting ISIS? It makes it sound like Turkey is pro-ISIS, but I'm sure that's not the intention I appreciate any answers because I truly want to understand more about this area
Comment from : digitalconsciousness

İbrahim Efecan
TSK anasını sikti pkk'nın
Comment from : İbrahim Efecan

Saya Rizgar
American government( not the ppl )betrayed us (kurds) we will never forget that (No Friends But The Mountains)
Comment from : Saya Rizgar

Muhammad Sadique
Love turkey from pakistan
Comment from : Muhammad Sadique

Im Infinite
BBC news stop lying Turkey is attack terrorist groups ypg, and pkk Turkey is not targeting Kurds Their are kurds living in turkey
Comment from : Im Infinite

Not against Kurds !!! it's against terrorism that you also US and eu are created and feeding !!!!
Comment from : Bilal

Ismail Duman
You are lier,esad and Russia bombing this people and they are walking to turkeys border
Comment from : Ismail Duman

Mete Turanli
lan abd li lavukalr, Türklerin Kürtler ile sorunu yok sizin picleriniz olan pkk-pyd-ypg-fettos ve diger picleriniz ve sizlerle sorunu alcaklar, cebinz ve cikariniz icin ortadoguyu yakmakdan baska bir isiniz yok serefsizler, hacli seferlerinizden bu bugüne kadar buralara sadece ölüm getiren serefsizlersiniz, burda zavalli kürt- zalim Türk dalaveresini birakin bu propagandaniz yemiyor artik yavsaklar
Comment from : Mete Turanli

Olivia Concepcion
Us is terrorest becouse not netives of the iland
Comment from : Olivia Concepcion

Ayça M Yılmaz
Comment from : Ayça M Yılmaz

Cavid Quliyev
American soldier terorist
Comment from : Cavid Quliyev

Serhat Şamil Çoban
Yapacağınız haberi sikeyim Hala kurdish diyorlar kurt değil terörist onlar
Comment from : Serhat Şamil Çoban

Abijith Kantha Raju
Turkey should put there safe zone in there country not on other country
Comment from : Abijith Kantha Raju

Turkish army 💪 welcome Turkey
Comment from : Atbydn

Borax Sopanic
Fun watching America owned by China
Comment from : Borax Sopanic

Borax Sopanic
Propaganda Drop dead America
Comment from : Borax Sopanic

This can't be real because Trump promised he would destroy Turkey's economy if it did LOL The entire world just continually calls Trump's Bluffs and the worst things happen Genocide will be the new Norm in 2020 I guess
Comment from : chinogixxer750

Gök Hun Türk Han
Terörist pkk pyd usa
Comment from : Gök Hun Türk Han

Jonathan BR
Turkey is a NATO member Turkey said it was going in and couldn't be persuaded otherwise Keeping a small number of American forces there could just enable a mistake especially by the Turks since they are on an offensive with a large number of troops The USA and Turkey have been allies for decades sorry but when two allies fight you can't take sides Just like the USA didn't with the Falklands war Well, mostly they did give the British intelligence But they were the longest standing and closest ally And Argentina started the conflict
Comment from : Jonathan BR

Paul Valdez
Turkey sucks ass!
Comment from : Paul Valdez

Murat Güneş
Not the kurds! Against to pkk and ypg terrorist groups brWe live in peace in turkey with all kurds Do you know more than 3 millions kurds live in Istanbul only?
Comment from : Murat Güneş

Boro Addict
long live the great turkey may Allah give you victory bring peace to innocent syrian who flee because of evil syria government and its supporter good job turkey
Comment from : Boro Addict

Adarsh Yerneni
Donald trump is a baby
Comment from : Adarsh Yerneni

Assyrian gal denise297
Kurds held back Isis now no one helps them
Comment from : Assyrian gal denise297

Assyrian gal denise297
So turkey will release those Isis prisoners if they succeed?
Comment from : Assyrian gal denise297

BBC shame on you and your stupid lies your news is fake Turkey is not killing innocent people in Northern Syria Turkey is liberating northern Syria including Rasulayn Tel abyad and other towns in northern Syria BBC your just trying to brain wash people Turkey is clearing northern Syria from Terrorist groups such as PKK and YPG and Isis ISIS was created by America those people are fleeing from their homes because of the terrorists PKK YPG SHAME ON YOU BBC SHAME ON YOU BBC TURKEY IS NOT AUSAULTING KURDS THEY ARE DOING IT TO THE TERRORISTS brbrTURKEY IS NOT INVADING SYRIA TURKEY IS LIBERATING SYRIA FROM TERRORISTS
Comment from : Almz

Arisercubick Gaming
Turkey is trying to make the Ottoman Empire again
Comment from : Arisercubick Gaming

how fucktup this so called news agency?!? ethnic cleansing? mostly all kurdish people living in turkey most of kurdish refugees go to turkey and still ethic cleansing?? something definitely wrong with this fake news people! stop saying kurdish force they terorist they don’t represent kurds most Majority kurds living in turkey and most kurdish refugees in turkey because they running from ypg and sdf so called kurdish force!
Comment from : balikci035

Mughal Empire
Love turkey 🇹🇷 Long live erdogan the lion of Islam
Comment from : Mughal Empire

ypg and isis are both terrorist groups that happened to hate each other ypg being enemy of isis does not make them less of a terrorist What kind of logic is that?? Just search have many mass shooting and bomb attacks kurdish libertarians committed in Turkey
Comment from : Bengi

KungFu Master
Turkey is not invading Syria Turkey is securing the places that are invaded and making them liveable If you are not seeing the real game you are really stupid Middle east is the playground of imperialistic countries PYD or other terror organizations are the toys of these imperialistic countriesbr(USA Russia) They use terror organizations for their benefits (petrol reservations) and USA legitimates PYD as a Kurdish government Don't believe this I have many Kurdish friends and relatives in Turkey that are against PYD and we are very close In the east Anatolia, there are many Kurdish families The extension of PYD, the PKK abducts children from these families and manipulates these children's minds and raises these children as militants The families of these children cry in front of the Turkish government buildings They suffer from PKK They don't want their children to be taken by PKK Turkey rescues these children and brings back to their families All in all my point is that Turkey is not against Kurds Kurds are our brothers and sisters We don't discriminate them We are against PKK and PYG The USA shows these terror organizations as governments, but in fact, they are not They kill babies They rape women They are not innocent like it is told I have a second point My second point is about Syrian refugees In media, it is being told that Turkey discriminates the Syrian refugees This is false too In Turkey, these refugees have more rights than us For example, they have the privilege in hospitals They are being protected by the government Turkey is looking after them There are just 3 million registered refugees, but there are also unregistered ones as many as the registered Syrian Refuge problem is not just Turkey's problem It is the problem of the whole of Europe, but just Turkey is trying to solve this I have said that Turkey is not invading Syria I have said this because other countries are blaming Turkey for killing innocent Kurds(PYD) in Syria We are not killing innocent Kurds We are killing the monster, inhuman, terrorists to secure those places and make those places liveable We place the Syrian refugees there Those places are not belonging to the terror organization PYD They belong to the Syrians and we give the belongings to their owners Because our priminister can't represent us well , I don't want anbody to have a wrong opinion about this operation I am a first hand source Don't just believe the news you listen
Comment from : KungFu Master

KafHaYaAinShod  Chanel
Propaganda brBBC News
Comment from : KafHaYaAinShod Chanel

Erdem Yıldız
Comment from : Erdem Yıldız

That Buffer zone filled with Arab Syrians would be a nice recruiting ground for the revival of ISIS Nice job TRUMP You betrayed the most democratic & Progressive ally in that area who had to now join forces with ASSAD & Russia
Comment from : HailStonE

Turkey has no right there! The use chemical weapons killing Kurdish civilians! they have been betrayed and now have to fight 2 fronts Turkey and ISIS oil may be the real reason
Comment from : K G

fix your title, do your homework and stop with the pathetic propaganda The fight is against a terrorist organization openly supported by the west, and not a people The Turkish regime have stated this many many times, but alas it seems it doesn't get through your thick heads
Comment from : Jamokai

music güzel
Turkey isis terörist Erdoğan terörist
Comment from : music güzel

Air Force Veterans
Comment from : Air Force Veterans

Cpt M Khan
*The most dangerous country is US"
Comment from : Cpt M Khan

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