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Coronavirus: Education dominates UK briefing on Covid-19 ? @BBC News - BBC


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Информация о Coronavirus: Education dominates UK briefing on Covid-19 ? @BBC News - BBC

Название :  Coronavirus: Education dominates UK briefing on Covid-19 ? @BBC News - BBC
Продолжительность :   51.20
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Просмотров :   281 rb

Кадры Coronavirus: Education dominates UK briefing on Covid-19 ? @BBC News - BBC

Описание Coronavirus: Education dominates UK briefing on Covid-19 ? @BBC News - BBC

Коментарии Coronavirus: Education dominates UK briefing on Covid-19 ? @BBC News - BBC

Salman Patel
: what about my next future ?????What about my next future waiting for thousands millions ruppys now send me my home address fast answer Salman Abdullah Patel visa and give me fast answar and give me visa & redcard fast reply
Comment from : Salman Patel

Tetsu de Rothchild
honestly agentina is far from uk reach forget afghanistan iraq etc middle east try ireland or even argentina
Comment from : Tetsu de Rothchild

Tony Hursit
A cure for the virus has been found Doctors, Nurses and Scientists willbr be talking about Covid 19 and the Vaccine, at Trafalgar Square in brLONDON on Saturday 29th August at 12pm DON'T MISS IT
Comment from : Tony Hursit

Vincent McNabb
Defund the BBC!
Comment from : Vincent McNabb

Why not allow some classes of older pupils to carry on over the summer , why have a holiday ?
Comment from : yvelaine

Allan Hough
Yes we are in a lock down but at the moment all I see on TV his give £5 for this that and other just been told people today have had a text to say not to return to work and there's no job slse were so from a date you have not got a job,so people will be out of work and the charities are still asking for money to help other countries and animals need to stop advertising for money which we do not have
Comment from : Allan Hough

Norte Sul News
We are going to work with buying gold in the amazon comes with me
Comment from : Norte Sul News

You just make me sick money over lives how selfish Why can't you just wait and be patient till September!!!!!!! Can't you see people are dying if primary school kids catch the virus or virus and even worse that all answers to you It's impossible to social distance in school and what do you know they are only little kids so why treat them that way? Yes we get we've been home for 3 months but we still learn at home!! Just wait till September Ffs!!!
Comment from : Yxngib13

And the government seem ok with that amount of daily deaths it doesn't make sense none of it
Comment from : RAD

Joseph Jackson
Thay only want to open schools to get the perants back at work
Comment from : Joseph Jackson

Joseph Jackson
Every day is like watching the muppet show u never know who's up next with more lies
Comment from : Joseph Jackson

arifBro u r great sctg
Comment from : arifBro u r great sctg

The teachers do not want to return to work,key workers children have been at school for weeks how many of them have caught the virus in this time It just as well that shop workers don't have the same attitude,or we would all have staved!
Comment from : impmanful

you  tube  doesnt  pay  any money
I think need you to reopen all the companies my husband doesn't any benefit because he almost didn't work in this country How he can ea and pay his room t???
Comment from : you tube doesnt pay any money

Sue Smith
BBC fake news, don't bother watching
Comment from : Sue Smith

No one believes you Stop showing up on live television!
Comment from : denkatacohen

There is a Kawasaki type desise going round very dangerous to anybody under twenty-one that's why they want your children back they want them to catch it save money
Comment from : balsgal

Not my child murdering assas
Comment from : balsgal

Matt Thomas
Cancel your TV licence
Comment from : Matt Thomas

jennifer wanja
Health is wealth I believe that make sure is safe for the kids and the teacher's but rushing to open the school's no parents what to see their kids sick with this horrible virus because it's he government ministers that are going to be there to see their child be sick and most of them don't have children So they don't know how it feels to see you're child sick and they is nothing u can do for them if I can keep my child safe than I will
Comment from : jennifer wanja

Moments Like This
He said " thanks to for the hardwork and sacrifices of the British people in this lockdown" - there are so many ethnicity not just british people who is working hard and experiencing all of these Don't exclude those foreign citizens who are frontlinersYou sound so racist!
Comment from : Moments Like This

iuliana codreanu
Bless and bless Lovell iuliana Codreanu Luton ❤❤❤❤👩‍💻🙏😇
Comment from : iuliana codreanu

Saif Iqbal
I've been scrolling through the comment for 3 hoursbri feel depressed
Comment from : Saif Iqbal

Eric Liu
I will be Lower 6 academic year
Comment from : Eric Liu

Jay ThankYou
Coronovirus is the medical name given to influenza and Covid 19 is the strain 20000 people died last year in the UK of influenza How can they tell Covid 19 death rates after 1 day without autopsy They don't know and are screwing the public The people who died had underlying medical conditions this means they were sick already People don't worry go out if you're healthy
Comment from : Jay ThankYou

Mike bryson
Imagine listening to fools like this (jackanory) #distraction from brexit
Comment from : Mike bryson

About year 7,8,9's going to school because you only say year 10,11and 12
Comment from : patheticseb

Team Toby 05
bwhat about secondary schools and special needs schools/b
Comment from : Team Toby 05

sovereign jane
They don't want you getting close to family because we'd get herd immunity so they wouldn't be able to implement mandatory vaccines that's gonna make dear old bill gates trillions He holds the license for whoever makes it Dig deeper and stop listening to this brainwashing news !!!
Comment from : sovereign jane

sovereign jane
We are being lied to people There is a frightening agenda going on ,trying to gain momento Look deeper into what's going on in America Shit going down big time Agenda from global elites, mandatory vaccines that are untested and dangerous 5g going up in some countries with dangerous radiation levels Covid numbers being inflated ,global elites trying to damage countries economies for a much worse agenda
Comment from : sovereign jane

Johnny Phillips
Reopen schools as soon as possible
Comment from : Johnny Phillips

Ryan Murphy
Eton is closed till September
Comment from : Ryan Murphy

zahid ITB
read the Qur'an and you will know the truth it says thousands of years ago that we forbade eating bats and frogs as well as pork but why do you guys still do it 😭
Comment from : zahid ITB

Ramazan Ates
Comment from : Ramazan Ates

Ramazan Ates
I always have to watch you because it’s important for the earth 🌎
Comment from : Ramazan Ates

Lubna Raza
Not sending kids to school what the hell
Comment from : Lubna Raza

belfast g
Nwo luciferian globalist lie I pray your eyes are open in jesus holy name amen
Comment from : belfast g

Latia Atkinson
Comment from : Latia Atkinson

Christiano Herbst
Idgaf I’m not going to school
Comment from : Christiano Herbst

I hate rona pls get it away my cuz josh died from it
Comment from : BurgerBoy

Blah blah blah

Ajeet Matharu
And your saying so they can be with their friends have fun what happened to social distancing you might as well keep classes the same sizes if you want kids to be with their friends
Comment from : Ajeet Matharu

wisdom podcast and vlogging
I get the feeling that the reporters have been given the questions buy the press office quote " David, I am not sure if there is a follow-up question to that" come on do we look stupidI am university educated and look through the deception here
Comment from : wisdom podcast and vlogging

wisdom podcast and vlogging
still going for the herd mentality I seelets just put everyone at risk except us and our kids
Comment from : wisdom podcast and vlogging

wisdom podcast and vlogging
repeat himself quite a bit with only very slightly rewording
Comment from : wisdom podcast and vlogging

wisdom podcast and vlogging
this is crazyits all about the moneyare thier kids going back to the private schoolsi bet not
Comment from : wisdom podcast and vlogging

Cute cookie
Mr whatever your name is’ hear this MY CHILDREN ARE NOT GOING BACK TO SCHOOL ANYTIME SOON’ THEY ARE PERFECTLY HAPPY AT HOME AND LEARNING you have 34469 deaths and no way of controlling this virus’ YOU WANNA KILL OUR CHILDREN’ I bet your kids don’t attend school’ year 1 and reception are vulnerable children they won’t and can’t keep distance from each other’ our children are not your guinea pigs
Comment from : Cute cookie

Don’t open schools bad idea
Comment from : 1whotakeslss

Bt Liv
1 They refuse to test NHS staff, so why would they test students and teachers???? 2 Apparently schools were kept clean before they even shut, although in my school the soap bottles are so dirty that we are scared to touch them! So how is that the best way to keep us safe? 3 Start being more exact What do you mean by bringing back Yr 10 and 12 in limited ways? Smaller classes? Later bring back? Not full time school? Are we going back on the 1st of June as well? What is happening???
Comment from : Bt Liv

as a high school student, our lives are more important than school why should we be put at risk and risk our families? :/
Comment from : flora

Gloria Acuna
Can you imagine how parents, grandparents will collect children with social distancing with narrow halls, narrow gates, making a queue for Boock to be able to collect our children ??? brSchools MUST STOLL CLOSED
Comment from : Gloria Acuna

Gloria Acuna
SCHOOLS MUST STILL BE CLOSED To be honest our children are learning more than ever They are not only learning academically, but they are developing and learning new life skills Teachers have normally 20-30 pupils, not have the time to pay attention to your child as we do in our homes Schools may be close, but they were opened one in each home! Like my child is developing more in each subject, as I am his teacher and observing what are his weaknesses so i can help him more improving them and make a huge impressive improvement in those areas! I-taught him to Dre better, to rite better, with more sense I ask him question that challenge him so he can go more deep in his understanding of the question and have a better answer He is faster in maths, we get fun in science, etc! I think all in all academically I can say he is better at home! as his is having a private teacher, me like each mother or father or carer 😊
Comment from : Gloria Acuna

Robert Wood
Statutory Inquiry > Control Government > Save Lives
Comment from : Robert Wood

They be talking about children being unhappy at home lmao? Atleast at home they can learn without any social pressure, bullying, teasing, having to wake up at certain times etc
Comment from : Pyrs

David Pape
Maybe in a few years this decade will be known as „the sick 20s“
Comment from : David Pape

Ann Collins
Most students study at home disgrace
Comment from : Ann Collins

Ann Collins
You are Sacrifice people's lives put money back into government it's a disgrace
Comment from : Ann Collins

Russell Johnson
Could you tell me why I'm not allowed anyone in my home but I'm aloud to go to a crowded area with a relative , but your trying to keep the r number down ,,,,, your an absolute joke of a government , you all will one day be accounted for ,
Comment from : Russell Johnson

Russell Johnson
Could you tell me why your lieing
Comment from : Russell Johnson

Russell Johnson
Why do you lot not need a haircut ? Please tell me your secret , also could you tell me why the police across the county don't have many people sick with the virus , could you tell me why people I know have had covivid 19 put on the death certificate ,? Even though they didn't do from it
Comment from : Russell Johnson

George Johnson
7 8 9 ?
Comment from : George Johnson

Dr B
Don't you realize all the billionaire Tory party doner's are losing money due to this lockdown that's why we must send our kids to school and return to work so we can be bullshitted with false figures regarding how many are dying ?
Comment from : Dr B

Jay AT
why schools are scapegoat when others twitter employee are working from homea stupid decisionbrbrkeep phone call study facility for kidsif they need help they will phn call teacherbrbrmoreover 1yr less study for little kids is not a big lossthey can catch upbrin this one year let kids and teacher orient themselves
Comment from : Jay AT

MR rapi
138/5000 brHi, I saw your video and I liked it I have a clip related to your video brTo see the clip, go to the link below br br br rabonincocom/dMCQ
Comment from : MR rapi

Woof Dog
Wrong un 🤢
Comment from : Woof Dog

School isn't really the priority as of the moment
Comment from : jesseherox

Alice Kate
Tbe best is to control the virus
Comment from : Alice Kate

that dude is the most annoying person ever (not the sign language man)
Comment from : Millie

Kamran Denizer
The government has admitted to putting children at risk in the COVID-19 out break
Comment from : Kamran Denizer

Crazy cat lady
I for one will not be sending my beautiful daughter back into school This term is the first I will have only one child in school with one child due to start college, they mean the world to me and so do the vulnerable members of our family So until I’m satisfied that the corona virus is gone they will stay safely with me
Comment from : Crazy cat lady

Grand Miser The 3rd
Fox News youtube/0KfAy4oWR1E
Comment from : Grand Miser The 3rd

pg bee
the corridors at my college aren't even 2m wide
Comment from : pg bee

Aaj Ki Aiham Baat
Comment from : Aaj Ki Aiham Baat

I have proof
Comment from : 60srecords

I know about the virus rump had something to do with it
Comment from : 60srecords

Put the all kids in those large clear blow up human hamster bubble balls - they'd love that!!!
Comment from : ojbeez

Kashif Khan
The Era of Deception
Comment from : Kashif Khan

Everyone who voted them in, can you now see the monsters you created?
Comment from : Clouseau69

Don’t believe the lies! Believe the rest of the world and wear a mask to save many lives The police must set an example in London and wear masks to save lives!
Comment from : Clouseau69

Si H
He talks like he cares but he couldn't careless
Comment from : Si H

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