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Liquid Metal Laptop Cooling – 1FPS to 60FPS Just By Adding Liquid Metal!


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Название :  Liquid Metal Laptop Cooling – 1FPS to 60FPS Just By Adding Liquid Metal!
Продолжительность :   14.41
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Просмотров :   520 rb

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Коментарии Liquid Metal Laptop Cooling – 1FPS to 60FPS Just By Adding Liquid Metal!

Congratulations on restoring the laptop to its former glory!
Comment from : JCD

Darth Psi
Its sticky? Oh boy
Comment from : Darth Psi

Szymon Gatlik
Ah yes i love me some 16Ghz ram
Comment from : Szymon Gatlik

hung giap
Never touch liquid metal Too dangerous My laptop died
Comment from : hung giap

Laptop makers really need to make it very clear that the machines need cleanning - ideally annually if not every 6 months - and 1/2 years between thermal paste renewalbrOlder video I know but same thing holds true today, if anything it's even worse with the kinds of dedicated GPU's they're squeezing in now
Comment from : lemagreen

that heat sink has aluminum I'd keep LM away
Comment from : ZoeyNerdHouse

Jason M
If an old laptop is stickyit's jizz, it's ALWAYS jizz, why you gotta out your boy like that
Comment from : Jason M

Hot and slow AF Sounds like my brbrlaptop
Comment from : Oblithian

Tom Jacobs
alienwares looked so coolbrSold my m17x R3 recently for €400 i miss it
Comment from : Tom Jacobs

Absolute Longplay
I will never buy an Alienware looking at how complicated it was just to get to the thermal paste I own a Razer Blade Advanced and it is stupid easy to change paste, ram, or SSD No pointless brackets or flipping motherboards, removing keyboards I wish other brands made a serviceable layout like Razer does
Comment from : Absolute Longplay

8ghz ram holy shit lol :P
Comment from : xRevoEmaGx

All semen jokes aside, it's probably the rubber/plastic material on the laptop degrading You can "revive" it with a light application of WD-40 or similar chemical
Comment from : lookitskazzy

Halloween Bloodfrost
Comment from : Halloween Bloodfrost

Sam DeRenzis
Comment from : Sam DeRenzis

Peter Rusanoff
8 gigahertz of Ram lol i think you meant 8 Gigabytes of ram
Comment from : Peter Rusanoff

That's Sheldon's laptop
Comment from : Aaradhya

Agung Maulana
What happens After 2 year's used liquid metal?
Comment from : Agung Maulana

I'm on an ancient Core 2 Quad desktop, and I've tried to squeeze what performance I can from it booting Linux Mint from a small SSD and having two spinning disks in raid 0 for opt, home, and usr It gets the job done surprisingly well, but takes FOREVER to load X-Plane 11 😋
Comment from : grovermatic

young broken boy
Wounder why it's sticky
Comment from : young broken boy

Alpha xSnowWolf
Do u still have it would not mined it if u do
Comment from : Alpha xSnowWolf

jacob stienecker
Who’s here because of the poll question in January 2021
Comment from : jacob stienecker

LuridFTW Gaming
You called it a “labtop” once in the description I’m fucking triggered
Comment from : LuridFTW Gaming

Roman Zieger
Haha its sticky from the college years You know what that is
Comment from : Roman Zieger

Wilburn Hutcheson
Why didn't you look up what those beeps were? They are called beeps codes That was a 4 beeps - beeps code Old video but just what I would do even if it was starting to work Never know if it could be helpful
Comment from : Wilburn Hutcheson

Osiris Rex
I have the same one, I've been watching your videos but this video is actually super practical for me I want to tear it down and use the components for experimentation I didn't even click the video, YouTube sent me this via automatic queue Happy coincidence Also i have a enclosure for the 3d printer The psu, Raspberry are out of the enclosure Question is it worth replaced the pcu fan with this AW cooler? I have a closed loop watercooler with a huge radiator, is that a better option? Or don't do anything?
Comment from : Osiris Rex

People say thermal paste cant become concrete They say this is bs Its not i had to literally take a hammer and screwdriver once in order to even see copper after 2 hours of no progress REPLACE YOUR GOD DAME THERMAL PASTE
Comment from : zacktheprogamer

Truce Feud
Truth be told, I think you may have had the same kind of boost just by replenishing the paste Due to how hard and encrusted it was, it was definitely expired paste that needed replacing anyways What I question though was if the pads would have done better compared to the paste on that
Comment from : Truce Feud

Cristian Barraza
6:30 Disappointed :C You should have included footage of the dust removal from the fan!
Comment from : Cristian Barraza

Syah Rizky Athaullah Anandisa
7 Years old Thermal Paste? bruh my dell inspiron 7537 still working fine and it performs the same even after 7 years of use U dont need to change thermal paste if u dont tear ur proc apart
Comment from : Syah Rizky Athaullah Anandisa

Gaming laptop I guess you truly do get what you deserve Well, not you as in the video guy, but the buyer
Comment from : anjelgiofu

Think I'll just repaste lol
Comment from : Stratelite

11:20 after seeing this I've concluded taking the heatsink off a laptop causes it to freak the fuck out for no reason i replaced the thermal paste on mine a while ago, it made some weird noises and the led flickered when i pressed the power button, and wouldn't turn on when the keyboard was clipped in but a few days later it was just Fine?
Comment from : Sketchy

jimmy hofa
thank you this changed my life, now I can finally watch kids videos on 4k without my dad being angry cuz of my loud ass CPU fans 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘🥵🥵🥵🥶🥶🥶🤪😵🥴🤮👺👽👻🐶🐺
Comment from : jimmy hofa

I have a 2019 Alienware m17 and I run at 99 degrees c* average
Comment from : MeltyCream

Lt Cdr Bryan H McCalister, Ph D
Your project inspired me to do this with my Acer Aspire 9810
Comment from : Lt Cdr Bryan H McCalister, Ph D

Do you know what can i do, if my m14x r1 do seven beeps and don't start?
Comment from : kcg

I killed mine trying this
Comment from : CompaRichy

Cunk tHe Delirious
its sticky cos your friend used that laptop for more than just playing games, well, he was playing games with something alright
Comment from : Cunk tHe Delirious

Pollus Emanuel Zhudarak
i guess you can not put liquid metal on copper
Comment from : Pollus Emanuel Zhudarak

Xdew Gaming&More
8GHz ram!?! Now that’s what you call a bottleneckbrLoL
Comment from : Xdew Gaming&More

Joel Alvares
Awesome vid man for all those who will be attempting this the first time remember if u disconnect the bios battery to the board, after you connect the power give it like 5 mins for the board to charge up before u press that start button or u will enter into panic mode like here lol!!!!
Comment from : Joel Alvares

Dont Stop
that was really cool
Comment from : Dont Stop

6:45 "Thermal concrete" that must be what they mean when they refer to "curing" your thermal compound lol
Comment from : TH3C001

“It only has eight gigahertz of RAM”brbrReally
Comment from : Benjai

i'll RAM your SSD for you!! no, seriously brought it back from the brink, though i wonder how much of that was merely blowing out the fan and even with a normal thermal compound, it would have been working again
Comment from : adam

Aaron DeRossett
Do the liquid metal wrong and its just an excuse to upgrade the processor
Comment from : Aaron DeRossett

ben hostetler
him: complains about 2fps in overwatchbrme who can barely play 720p youtube: bruh
Comment from : ben hostetler

bluesillybeard2 bczhefgthspswd
before: I thought my laptop was badbrafter: my laptop is about the same
Comment from : bluesillybeard2 bczhefgthspswd

Just a little tip, maybe heard it 100 times already: Apply normal thermal paste around the DIE area to prevent Liquid Metal to drop onto something around the DIE Or apply nail polish on the caps around the die's or at least Isolation Tape
Comment from : boatoflol

I have that same laptop The motherboard won't support 16gb of ram 8gb is its max It will allow an ssd though
Comment from : Sebastian

Gage Mosley
I could care less about computers, but I watch most of your videos for the science included in the content Keep up the good work buddy
Comment from : Gage Mosley

i agree heat is one of the biggest problem from PC or Laptop it decrease performance sometimes even stuck in 03Ghz in task manager because of it
Comment from : RoseberryGamingID

Fred Eric S
That typically happens to Alienwares after a couple of years I recently repasted my Alienware 15 from 2015 and had the same paste-turned-concrete stuff But you gotta give it AW - their machines run for years I nor my friends have had an AW with a hardware failure in all the years we've used them Even the company I work for uses AW systems for GPU intensive applications
Comment from : Fred Eric S

Anthony Williams
What is liquid metal? Presumably galium or something since mercury would eat the metal of the cooling assembly
Comment from : Anthony Williams

Anthony Williams
This laptop idles 10 degrees above my tower that's vr capable, that's not bad to be fair, laptops like this being refurbished are brilliant for entry level gamers, but most beginner gamers aren't savy enough to do the upgrades
Comment from : Anthony Williams

James Kennedy
Love your videos 8ghz memory oh boy!!
Comment from : James Kennedy

porter davidson
3:45 tis is vrc for me
Comment from : porter davidson

I've always wondered if it was worth the effort of spending that extra money and time to try save my 8 year old laptop with liquid metal thermal paste Thank you for sharing the results!
Comment from : asd

I don't really understand how thermal paste can get this badbrbrI've got a laptop bought in 2006 and it's performance is pretty much identical to when it was made, and it's never been taken apart to this kind of level (have cleaned major dust deposits out of the cooling fan multiple times)brbrGranted, it's become more and more awkward because you know Windows XPbrLack of software supportbrStuff like youtube moving to newer video compression standards meaning what was once GPU accelerated video now has to be done in software (used to run 1080p videos fine, now it stutters with 720p videos)brbrBut This is all software problems in the end, not hardware
Comment from : KuraIthys

Michael D
He also could have locked the Fps to only 60fps (in the game) so that the GPU doesen't work on maximum to produce as many Fps as it can (becouse you usualy need either 25, 30fps, 48-50 or 60fps for smooth gameplay)brYou can do that with Msi Afterburner or sometime in settings from games
Comment from : Michael D

That's a lot of work to disassemble a gaming laptop
Comment from : Nick

Did you ever add the SSD?
Comment from : fightmeirl

bruce preston
8ghz of ram! lol
Comment from : bruce preston

Janak Nagaraj
It's been almost two years now and you should open this laptop up to see what the liquid metal has done to the bare copper heat pipes and contact plates
Comment from : Janak Nagaraj

fish sauce
No follow up video??? Can't find one
Comment from : fish sauce

The Mup
I bought an M14x R1 back in 2011 And it lasted me 6 years before I upgraded to a Dell 7577 with a 1060 Max-q They were solid laptopsbrbrThe reason the M14x is sticky is because of the soft touch material that it's coated in, that stuff degrades and gets sticky after a few years Same thing happened with a Bitfenix Shinobi pc case I had, and a Roccact Kova mouse They all had that soft touch material and ended up becoming really sticky after a couple years I won't buy anything that has that crap on it anymore
Comment from : The Mup

The early 1900s want their stop motion graphics back!
Comment from : deinemuddaisdoof

So sad But at least that chassis had ABILITY to be opened, many do not Glued, Soldered, sealed never to open without failure "as designed" Good job But why Liquid Metal? Thats one way, and shouldnt be advised to people in general You really have to be precise to manage that stuff
Comment from : SeeTheWholeTruth

Charless Outdoor
Better do some research if your watching this in 2020 That stuff can eat up and etch metals
Comment from : Charless Outdoor

Gurista Ex
I still have and use that laptop I have also recently bought a m11xr3 that ill restore for some retro gaming on the go :) brGreat video
Comment from : Gurista Ex

Valentín Rodríguez
Thermal concrete cracked me up
Comment from : Valentín Rodríguez

How to remove the CPU? I bought a new MB but didn't realise it wouldn't come with the CPU and now I have no idea how to safely remove the CPU from the old MB
Comment from : Hestia3332

I wonder how many of these laptops are junked just because the cooling is bad, which is a really easy fix With an i7, SSD and 16GB of memory, you have a very decent base system and it can do some pretty capable gaming, in particular if you add an external GPU
Comment from : Stoney3K

1:50 did he just say 8 gigahertz of RAM
Comment from : Raveress_Moss

Serg Adrenalin
Comment from : Serg Adrenalin

Farid Yusubov
Do you know If I will change thermal paste to the liquid metal, will it be problem for me Cause I throw the laptop in the bag and travel a lot Soo thats why it is shaking so much Can vibration cause liquid metal to overflow? brbrI'm undecided in switching thermal paste to liqiud metal)
Comment from : Farid Yusubov

alexander cee
It's Dying The beep is about to explode 😦💣
Comment from : alexander cee

damn i thought got click bait but it turn out alright
Comment from : Tromaxer

don’t know why it’s sticky 🤢🤢🤢 sure you could figure it out
Comment from : mcloveeen

how is that stuff called you added at 8:32 ?
Comment from : Jingizz

the beep sounds are traumatizing
Comment from : vPanda

Rayan Abdo
Bro your friend could done some barbecue with that overheating, hhhhhmmm I don't understand people
Comment from : Rayan Abdo

Jasper Domingo
Its not about the liquid metal, you just replaced doomed thermal paste I know tjeres a huge difference between paste and liquid metal as LTT did it Like a 20C difference But most of it is because it is cleaned and that rockhard paste have been replaced
Comment from : Jasper Domingo

Mick OCarbomb
I wanna know why he gave you a sticky laptop
Comment from : Mick OCarbomb

Bluesfire TV
Love the video but watching you scrape the thermal paste off the CPU instead of just using some isopropyl alcohol to weaken it hurt my soul
Comment from : Bluesfire TV

My stepdad gave me his old M14x R2, and the first thing i did was put new thermal paste on it, and it still gets up to 110 degrees so i might just have to do this lol
Comment from : Im2cool4FaZe

Niente Nessuno
1:50 8GHz of RAM?? Wow! 😂
Comment from : Niente Nessuno

Choobie Scoots
Thank you so much, i just bought the same laptop and this is an exact guide of what i want to do
Comment from : Choobie Scoots

luis alejandro rodriguez pinilla
Now i want to install Windows 7, but it doesn't have anymore support😢brI'll to have to settle for 81😏
Comment from : luis alejandro rodriguez pinilla

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