Название | : | Modifying My Laptop’s Cooling to Make it Run Cooler (Laptop Running Hot?) |
Продолжительность | : | 22.00 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 110 rb |
Do you even know how the heatpipes work? Place heatsinks on "cold" side lol Comment from : @csn_-7662 |
Sir i think you must do repaste, because turbo max 98C is not normal My laptop use I5 10300H and have 45Ghz clock speed and reach only 75C to 80C in max speed My recommend is Grizzly Krayonaut because it has highest max working temp in market -250C to 350C Its mean it good for long term use and will not dry quickly My next recomend is use thermal glue Its more efficient in close gap and more thin dan thermal tape, because distance between heatsink and heat source is very important Comment from : @Garry-Stewart |
Maybe it's not running cooler but it is running faster, as in boosting harder and longer? Difficult to tell now i suppose :D Comment from : @SianaGearz |
There is airflow inside laptop So the airflow will cool the heatsink, nice idea, im agree Comment from : @Garry-Stewart |
You should stick a heat sink on the PCH as well when it doesn’t have one I saw that this one was exposed Comment from : @mattkazmer451 |
whats about if I remove the back cover while using a cooling pad for direct airflow to the board? Comment from : @NSN9921 |
What laptop is that?? Single heat pipes??? Comment from : @deathgod3121 |
Just under volt you laptop and it will be better Comment from : @thetocinow |
5:35 oh so 270 GHz means that Turbo Boost is already disabled? I have these same Max clocks on my AMD here I thought something was wrong because the max clock it has is 210 GHz so how is it able to go up to 270 ? Comment from : @FeelingShred |
I've been looking for ways to completely and permanently disable Turbo Boost on Windows for AMD processor, anyone knows how? I can only disable it completely on Linux so far, but Linux makes my fan spin on max and it will cause damage to it over time :( Comment from : @FeelingShred |
Fan will give more, but you have to do a custom case cut in the bottom to fix a new fan Comment from : @juanmaltez3592 |
hope to see someone can modify the heatsink can be attach to external gaint heatsink with 120mm fan but the thickness should be not more than 80mm , so just only raise the monitor back part higher 80mm for enable more air flow Comment from : @vincentdoubt |
Omit the added heatsinks on the output cooling fins They'll only pull more heat back into the case You'll also need to run benchmarks for a long time to account for the added thermal capacity of additional physical material Comment from : @VeritasEtAequitas |
Also I had another idea of cooling the laptops better other than using the hot air inside to computer to cool the fins Use a Vituri style air duct to pull cool outside air in from before the fins but after the fan Comment from : @johnroyal4913 |
Can you just upload the butterfly snip? lol That needs to be in a movie Comment from : @johnroyal4913 |
My experience with lowering the laptop temperaturebrSpec: Acer Nitro VN7-592g, I5-6300HQ, GTX960m (4GB), 32GB RAM, SSD Plextor 512GB NVME M2 and SSD Crucial 25 ”1TBbrA problem with the GPU forever The CPU never overheated, because you know my CPU gets bored with the weak GPU The GPU in games hit 95C and the protection dropped the timing for a moment, which caused Throttling and a drop in FPS Replacing the thermalpaste… it helped for a moment, gently After 4 years of use, I opted for liquid metal I bought a top shelf - Kryonaut, put it on, securing the GPU and CPU core with a special tape The result: a revelation Temperature drop by 5-8C No throttling But you have to replace this liquid metal every 3 months on average, because I notice an increase again In my opinion, heatpipes are the problem, I wonder if they wear out and lose their performance despite being tight The problem with liquid metal is that they will take heat from the CPU or GPU core faster, transfer this heat to the cooling system, which in my laptop does not handle it anyway Tubes are not able to transport such a large heat (given off very quickly by liquid metal) to the fans, which in turn are not able to blow this heat, despite working at the highest possible speed So whatever you do, you won't do anything High temperatures of processors and gpu in laptops are something normal and provided by the manufacturer The point is, just don't get to those 93-95C 90C is the normal operating temperature for laptop systems I also modified the case and cut a hole in the bottom case of the laptop - 10cm x 35cm, directly under the CPU and GPU and heatpipes It helped a bit, but not great As an additional note: do not test GPU temperature with Furmark He is misleading It tires the GPU so much that it eventually reaches its limit temperature In no game is the GPU so loaded all the time I wonder what it's like with today's RTX laptops on board Comment from : @maverickmj |
00:17:44 jump to before after results Comment from : @blackholeearth0_923 |
instead of moving heat from cpu to fans with copper pipes -> than out you are dissipating the heat inside of laptop case which is narrow already brbri paused at @00:09:10 i think this wil not work as expected cause it radiates the heat inside the case more with mini heatsinks brbrx) if u can extend that copper pipes outside of the case throught the fan( discard the fan ?? counter prod ) put heatsink there even connect it to iceboxesbrbr-----brbr2) another idea is,brbigger laptop case would might help with heat but they make it tinier each day Comment from : @blackholeearth0_923 |
I think you need graphite thermal pad Comment from : @saiko9472 |
Trottlestop is your best friend! Comment from : @AFiB1999 |
i triie taknig a shot og vosdja evrutme you say geatskinkss od gun Comment from : @HelliOnurb |
I am more interested in your cool laptop stand there at 1:56 did you made it yourself? I wanna do something similar it looks neat and probably helping me getting fresh air underneath my own laptop 😀 Comment from : @lionsinofprideescanor8709 |
rest your laptop on one of those fan laptop holders, with those heat sinks actually getting air, it will do something impressive The reason you don't see anything on the enabled boost, is because the heatsinks are just saturated, and can't release the heat, but at the disabled boost, they have a little time to release the heat since it's not as extreme A fan under the laptop would have made a huge improvement with this mod Comment from : @TheSkepticSkwerl |
nice experiment! But like people here said, undervolting is much more effective, undervolt your CPU and GPU and the laptop will be very cool! Comment from : @TabalugaDragon |
He sounds like the aliens that cloaked themselves as humans in GalaxyQuest Im thinkin of cooling my laptop with heatsinks or watercooling Comment from : @supjay3945 |
my computer has 10 cooling fan l use it as Fan In SUMMER Comment from : @cavid782 |
Why dont you put on to foxconn sticker Comment from : @Onur818 |
It's risky, so you could have tried to change paste with a liquid metal one Use an adhesive thermal conductor for those little heatsinks, it may give you perfection Comment from : @DarioADhalon |
keep it bro, i believe in your work Comment from : @DarioADhalon |
I did this and one block fell off to short-circuit my system Comment from : @godofallthingsandall |
Why does his face look 2d Comment from : @captainpotatord6984 |
My suggestion was put a copper heatpipe connected on both GPU and CPU so it will have a shared heatpipe This design was proven on newer gaming laptop and very efficient You can also add another layer of heatpipes on those sides for better heat dissipation Comment from : @KM-kl2wu |
No wonder it gets so hot, the gpu and cpu has one heat pipe Comment from : @inmatejason |
Hey frazer, great thanks for this video Actually there was negligible difference but I was going to try this, watching this video saved me tons of time Thank you so muchbrI would try something other, (can u suggest?) I am thinking of adding a metal type heat pipe as an addition WDYT? Comment from : @HassaanALal |
you could run CPU stress tests that score your CPU's performance at those different configurations doing so would be able to tell you more definitively whether or not it is improving performance considering the fact that most CPU's will not throttle until the package hits higher temps like 95 and 100 degrees, going off the max temperature in both tests doesn't really show any improvement looking at the max and min temps of the CPU when you had turbo boost off does show an improvement in cooling so my guess is that in a program like cinebench the score would probably jump a couple 100 points Comment from : @calebmoss802 |
Clevo laptop they really do need to improve the cooling system on these, mines exactly the same and its a 6 core :/ Comment from : @DualityV2_ |
Try repasting the CPU/GPU die with some new high quality paste and undervolt the CPU Comment from : @royalsonshrestha9982 |
I would leave the cover off and place a high cfm cooling pad and you could drop 10c Comment from : @Akye20xx |
good video Comment from : @catman1353 |
"in 2020, this list helped me decide for the best laptop cooler bscafeshop/tblc2020?81/b hope it helps you out too!" Comment from : @sebastianlinn1917 |
Dam bro that stock heatsink is major tiny for a laptop that can boost to 38ghz! Thats way undercooled! Good call adding SOME kind of mod to it that cooling unit is pitiful 😆 Comment from : @ahdasick |
Your heatsink method actually not working, the temperature just drop because u disable turbo boost Comment from : @myrtle_official |
isnt the cleaning at fresh paste did all that? Comment from : @edwindelfin7894 |
Liquid Metal instead of Thermalpaste does the Job even better 😉 Comment from : @Franky_digital |
Try to speak less and go straight to the point Is kind of annoying Comment from : @Raylightsen |
You could have also used thermal adhesive instead of the pads This would have reduced the height of the heatsinks slightly, improved thermal conductivity, and it would be more permanent, so less chance of them falling off and shorting out and frying your laptop Comment from : @twistdshade |
Should have run a benchmark with turbo on before ad after Turbo boost will boost as high as temperatures allow So more heatsinks won't make it cooler with turbo on, but it will make it faster Comment from : @twistdshade |
ive already try adding head sink to a laptop by making a hole in the bottom Comment from : @carljeremiahlamprea1651 |
Good idea Comment from : @tovKombat |
My laptop idle temp used to be 55C-58C, after replacing the thermal grease and cleaning the fan vent the new idle temp is 32C-35C Comment from : @Username_-fm4lj |
put these heatsinks on VRM controller cpu and gpu and you get a better results i make this on my old laptop with i5 2450m and drop from 98c to 71 just 1 heatsink Comment from : @DDRGamerful |
do u know "ASUS X550IU"?
brim very desperate want to reduce heat even its only 2c
brthis laptop locked at 74c with shity cooling im already use vacum and good cooling pad for this laptop, and change thermal paste upto 4times alrdy and down the procecor Voltage to 90
brbut its still get 74c easly when i play games only for 5-10minutes
brthe negative effec i get is my Graphic card clock down from 1180mhz to around 700mhz (i lost 10-15fps in BDO)
brif im not down voltage and working with 100 procesor the clock is only 300-400mhz (and get 18 fps in BDO, normal 40-45) Comment from : @peoul1 |
Put new thermalpaste to the laptop, it should help more than those little heatsinks Comment from : @vilibjorklund1185 |
3:35 the package temp is the overall temperature of the cpu chip in most cases, that could be from poorly applied thermal paste, sadly a very common manufacturing mistake Comment from : @darronpattel |
Just UV it to -128 un throttlestop and see the magic Comment from : @MashreefAhmed |
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