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Debate: Bitcoin vs Gold with Anthony Scaramucci and Peter Schiff


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Название :  Debate: Bitcoin vs Gold with Anthony Scaramucci and Peter Schiff
Продолжительность :   53.05
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Просмотров :   33 rb

Кадры Debate: Bitcoin vs Gold with Anthony Scaramucci and Peter Schiff

Описание Debate: Bitcoin vs Gold with Anthony Scaramucci and Peter Schiff

Коментарии Debate: Bitcoin vs Gold with Anthony Scaramucci and Peter Schiff

Jay P
Unlike you people, Some people have to work for their money People like you have corrupted money along with your Masters at the gov and reserve Scale back, Your dealing with problems for ur people
Comment from : Jay P

Money & Muscle
Anyone who would rather choose to store the wealth they have created or inherited in anything other than something REAL and of significance to its utility And or necessity is out of there mind To preseve and store wealth ur better off buying physical gold, rental real estate, a dairy farm, etcc These things have a USE of significance and or necessity to society and human existence U will stay wealthy because u have assets that have real value to the benefit of mankind If govt changes currencies doesnt matter because u will have an abundance of that currency as it is a call option on ur very valueble assets; which most should be income producing assets as well so u r not just relying on appreciation
Comment from : Money & Muscle

Dan ONeill
2 years later Peter Schiff mops the floor with MAX , MOOCH & SAYLOR bit con the Greater Fool asset
Comment from : Dan ONeill

Carl Marston
Did this clown really just complain about US dollar bills having dead white men on them???😂
Comment from : Carl Marston

Scaramucci opens up with a virtue signal from the start, and continues smuggly selling snake oil the whole debate
Comment from : yur_tude_sux

Cool guy
bitcoin is helping the globalists ruin the economy and turn us towards CBDC
Comment from : Cool guy

Bitcoin is like the money in Disney worlduseless
Comment from : captur

The MOOCH got owned 😂
Comment from : Kallaji

14:59 "Does the Bitcoin Network have value?"brbrThe answer is clearly NO, because the bitcoin network does NOT actually work! It's highly inefficient and fails to process more than 75 transactions per second How is that supposed to generate any value?brbrI find it hilarious that none of the Bitcoin Maxis are accounting for this fact
Comment from : Kallaji

Filipe Rosario
I didn't see Anthony's arguments being disproven I saw a lack of vision from Peter But the main take away at least was having Peter stating at which point he will fold to bitcoin I thought it would be harder I also enjoyed someone arguing in the favor of bitcoin on its adoption and potential, instead of the price Price is just a consequence, but the main take away is adoption
Comment from : Filipe Rosario

Steve Barco
Peter Schiff’s a gold salesman who accepts Bitcoin as payment for his gold
Comment from : Steve Barco

Hugh Mungus Bungus Fungus
Did he really start off by talking about how America only has "white males" on her money, like that's a valid argument against fiat or a cogent argument at all? What a clown
Comment from : Hugh Mungus Bungus Fungus

Jeremy Whitfield
young money vs old money never fails to amuse!brbryoung guy has to take notes to stay focused, very smug with a high guard, and references professorsbrbrOld guy truly understands what's going on, entertained by naiveness, and references the past
Comment from : Jeremy Whitfield

alll these crypo-coins some are infinitely divisible, arguably all of them are infinitely divisible therefore effectively if there are infinite amounts of divisible units each of these worthless coins are infinitely useless now probably why the hell does no one think that way

Greg D
I would love to make a fortune from bitcoins, but I have never heard an argument in favor of bitcoins that was convincing All of the advocates say the same few lines and none of them are convincing and many claims are either false or irrelevant brbrBut, ignoring all of that, if there was a way to get rich from it and some made coherent arguments about how to buy, sell, trade bitcoins and make a profit, I'd still be interestedbrbrBut for now, I'm investing in gold, silver, mining, oil companies that pay dividends
Comment from : Greg D

Steven Snyder
Moderator speaks too much,and right when a point is being made,I like both these men,both very intelligent,but peter won that round!
Comment from : Steven Snyder

I hated that woman, so arrogant In spite of this Peter was brilliant anyway
Comment from : Teddy

Myname MyLastname
RIP⚰️ Bitcoin Peter Schiff said so
Comment from : Myname MyLastname

Nirmal Hruday
I am a bitcoin believer, but I really learnt a lot from this debate and it is making me think more about my investments Thank you for the nice content :)
Comment from : Nirmal Hruday

Steph B
Anthony seemed defeated after Peter's first argument
Comment from : Steph B

Steph B
Imagine if you had a guy like Peter for president Would be awesome
Comment from : Steph B

Richie Rich
peter destroyed bitcoin nothing beats gold
Comment from : Richie Rich

Dark STK
Bitcoin is more of a uncoruptable form of fiat currency Rather than money like gold
Comment from : Dark STK

Most commenters have their real names as their youtube names, tells you the age of this audience 😅
Comment from : GankMan

Remington Noble
Remember when Peter Schiff spent months talking about the George Floyd case but never spent one second talking about Epstein‘s pedophilia
Comment from : Remington Noble

Temel Nosce
and the "internet" was created by ARPA (later DARPA), way earlier than commonly thought xd
Comment from : Temel Nosce

It is embarrassing, to even try to defend Bitcoin or any crypto against Da' Schiff!
Comment from : UFCPR

Bunch of poor people in the comments :D
Comment from : MsWorldMine

Beautifully done, thank you both of you, to be able to co-exist as friends even as ideas and believes diverge, I think it speaks volume of your true friendships Thank you for making this public for us all peasants to see, fascinating talk
Comment from : T

Excellent explanation Peter BTC seems to have some value, but BTC is definitely not worth the price that's being quoted today I agree, Mr Scaramucci has jumped on the BTC bandwagon a little late His point about multiple wallets holding BTC is a moot point, I can create as many wallets as i would like so the number of wallets do not prove diversity Gimme gold baby!!!!
Comment from : koji

Nathanael Hinzman
Moderator did a poor job
Comment from : Nathanael Hinzman

Russian Troll Farm
The moderator is insufferable
Comment from : Russian Troll Farm

REDUCE BUDGET DEFICIT TO ZERO brOne drastic step could be to write off the debt held by the Federal Reserve-- a step that would be an "accounting trick" with "no consequence" on the real economy, said Frederic Burguiere, an international economistbr"But this does not take into account the moral dimension of economic mechanisms if we allow states not to repay their debts, what becomes the rules for private investors and the state itself?" asked Burguiere
Comment from : Lawrence

You actually cannot use btc to buy small things like a coffee with btc due to the transaction cost well exceeding the item cost This will keep rising too
Comment from : THE COMPANY

China has banned btc and crypto brThe dead white men comment just told you all you need to know BTW That was a very pointless sad comment
Comment from : THE COMPANY

One suggestion Peter: avoid phrases like “greater fools” It’ll cause unnecessary resistance from the fools
Comment from : augustc4

Keaton Zaragoza
Comment from : Keaton Zaragoza

ACElectro Alex
Ha"dead white men" tells you all you need to know about the logic you listened to after that statement
Comment from : ACElectro Alex

50 each Both are liveable at the same portfolio
Comment from : Marcio

Coimbra Law
I like the Mooch because he hates Trump but he’s insane to think Bitcoin is anything but tulipomania Schiff rhetorically wiped the floor with him
Comment from : Coimbra Law

Wael Osman
I can’t believe that Sacramucci actually believes what he is saying!
Comment from : Wael Osman

Pay Scaramucci enough and he'll become a Gold advocate
Comment from : Ragnar

Peter lost me at pump and dump Unlike those, Bitcoin keeps coming back even after severe drawdowns His pumping whales theory is thinfoil
Comment from : pr4nk5tr

Sergii Real Estate
That lady was talking so much like anyone cares about her thoughts, none even understands what she is saying, we thought she is a mediator
Comment from : Sergii Real Estate

Can she not be there interrupting next time?
Comment from : IRONOR SPORTS

Ivan Padilla
Peter I'm a millennial and totally agree with everything you said I'm a pro gold and silver and I believe there's no other better Commodity than precious metals to fight against inflation Also you won this debate by far
Comment from : Ivan Padilla

Comment from : Amèrícanõ

Guest's mic's level way down and moderaters mic level cranked up That was highly irritating Please fix this in post next time
Comment from : B4PH0M3T DK

Alexey Vedernikov
Surprisingly civilized discussion 👏🏻👏🏼👏🏾
Comment from : Alexey Vedernikov

Look up “painting the tape” Bitcoin is a scam
Comment from : coryg121

Peter Barrett
Rekt The mooch thought he was in a new investors meeting for bitcoin He should have known that Peter is operating at a higher level when debating other bitcoiners, he already has arguments for all mooches points from years ago
Comment from : Peter Barrett

This woman is so annoying Power hungry, constant interruption
Comment from : CraveThatCoin

shada hampton
Peter won 👏
Comment from : shada hampton

Jack v
That was predictable Peter Schiff once again wins the debate Cryptocurrencies are vulnerable Too human thoughts and even God, what if God decides eject a massive Fireball from the Sun and it fries all the digits in your wallet LOL can you get an act of God insurance on that? LOL
Comment from : Jack v

Frederick Newman
i wonder if Peter really believes what he says, or is he purely stirring the pot for entertainment purposes only
Comment from : Frederick Newman

Fusion Wave
You must protect your financial wealth in America now Buy gold and brsilver in Panama Own and store physically allocated gold and silver brfrom one company in the Republic of Panama This is a safe, secure, brand anonymous physical ownership of precious metals Gold and silver brcoins, bars, and ingots We only sell LBMA and COMEX approved precious brmetal products You can take delivery or store privately in Panama brOur firm will also set up your offshore corporation, bank account, and brresidency visa Just ask me how Rey Solomon (American Sales) / Noble House Metal Trading
Comment from : Fusion Wave

Rose Wild Bill
I listened just to see if bitcoin hodlers have any real arguments that I could learn about not so much they really don't have any logical reasoning for me to invest in crypto I still don't get it just can't understand why anyone would gamble like that
Comment from : Rose Wild Bill

Anthony couldn’t begin to defend what if it’s a scheme and who owns it all
Comment from : TravelWithMe

Peter kinda smoked him
Comment from : TravelWithMe

Gold is not the most useful metal on the periodic table! Silver is! The only commodity that has more usages than silver is oil
Comment from : rickmalone270

Sandwich King
Wow, that was a brilliant explanation by Peter
Comment from : Sandwich King

Is this a joke? Scaramucci? Come on Peter You going to debate a high school student next?
Comment from : GlockGoPop

François Schnéegans
I am surprise about how many people give the win of the debate to Peter Peter is very knowledgeable, but he hasn't grown from his debates I watched so many of them Most of his arguments haven't changed even if they have been very efficiently counter-argued Also, Peter argues IDEAS, the real world and the market, so far, says Peter is wrong You talk about Scaramucci's customers how about yours Peter? How is gold performing?
Comment from : François Schnéegans

Daniel Kohen
What, I see many dead males on other countrys’ currencies
Comment from : Daniel Kohen

Ant Poo
Young and dumb Yes Peter is right, the boomers need to blow smoke up millennial ass so they keep funding boomer lifestyles until they pass brbrThe last thing they want is millennial revolt over boomer corruption and incompetence
Comment from : Ant Poo

smash Don
No one really talks about the biggest issue I find with bitcoin An environmental catastrophe which can take out our communication networks What will bitcoin be worth if its not available What will happen if the Bitcoin network goes down for a week? The threat of a solar geomagnetic storm which could cause huge power surge and destroy electronics is ever more likely now that we are so much more dependent on electronics
Comment from : smash Don

Stuart Ferguson
Why not both though?
Comment from : Stuart Ferguson

Numismatic Addict
Mike Maloney Enters Chat
Comment from : Numismatic Addict

Blue Collar Bullion Baller
So great why is El Salvador rioting over it?Great speculation but BTC is not very good to use I the world yetMaybe one day but now its value is just holding it
Comment from : Blue Collar Bullion Baller

Schiff loser
Comment from : yuriengland1

Carl Zimmerman
minute 19
Comment from : Carl Zimmerman

Mark Aman
Peter just nailed it in his opening statement Look at the expression on Scaramucci's face
Comment from : Mark Aman

Heraldez Burrel
Fascinating! My call? I have some of each! I kinda' see them as a way to try solve a lot of the same problems, though I will however, say that I mentally lean more on gold as SHTF insurance than I do my BTC/ETH brbr(Also, let's not forget silver! A truly wondrous metal!)brbrThanks for the content
Comment from : Heraldez Burrel

Peter Murphy
BLAH BLAH BLAH --- Schiffty needs some new material Same old rhetoric over and over Every debate is exactly the same with Schiffty He's simply memorized the same unless lip service Once again Schiffty gets his ass handed to him brBitcoin for the win
Comment from : Peter Murphy

forgive me, but isn't Scaramucci some kind of deceiving clown from Italian folklore
Comment from : rphb

Christopher Hart
I love how the prettiest person has the prettiest background and vice versa,, she cant get wireless earbuds for a debate? It's 2021
Comment from : Christopher Hart

Peter’s logic has weight
Comment from : VAL ERY

Tim K
The narrators always seem to take the other side of Peter Schiff because Peter always seems to be winning and the narrator tries to keep it even
Comment from : Tim K

Tim K
Peter wins again as usual He is so sharp on so many issues I think we have to thank his Dad for this
Comment from : Tim K

jung mo
people who believe in bitcoin looks like they're always depressed or exhausted
Comment from : jung mo

Man-made artifical scarcity is not the same or equivalent to naturally occurring real world scarcity
Comment from : DillonC

these debates have no weight, this is not a bitcoin developer, this guy has no idea what he's talking about
Comment from : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

How many times does Peter have to B!tch Slap Bitcoin before it's owners start crying?
Comment from : DillonC

Jose Figueroa
Dude looks heart broken 🤣 Peter whipped his ass
Comment from : Jose Figueroa

Gary Biggs
When it's every man and family for themselves, Gold, Silver, Copper, Bullets, Firearms, Canned food, Survival tools Bitcoin? NOT
Comment from : Gary Biggs

Antoine Sims
next time we should put Peter Schiff vs Dave Ramsey debate on gold
Comment from : Antoine Sims

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