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AVP: ALIEN VS. PREDATOR Clip - "Xenomorph Kills Predator" (2004)


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Название :  AVP: ALIEN VS. PREDATOR Clip - "Xenomorph Kills Predator" (2004)
Продолжительность :   5.09
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   5,3 jt

Кадры AVP: ALIEN VS. PREDATOR Clip - "Xenomorph Kills Predator" (2004)

Описание AVP: ALIEN VS. PREDATOR Clip - "Xenomorph Kills Predator" (2004)

Коментарии AVP: ALIEN VS. PREDATOR Clip - "Xenomorph Kills Predator" (2004)

Bảo Dương
Predator make the sound like tiger roar bro 😂
Comment from : Bảo Dương

Grey Crusader
I love this film, but I wish that they had killed the second Predator later instead of two of them in a single battle
Comment from : Grey Crusader

Pongan aca sus mas sinceras opiniones ¿Que son? "TEAM PREDATOR" o "TEAM XENOMORPH"? No de las peliculas, sino de la especie en si dentro del lore
Comment from : MechBandicoot

The movie was shit but now I think it is also the first time since the 1 movie they have shown an Alien actually dangerous
Comment from : acb1511

Жанна Белоусова
- тепловое зрение, структурное зрениеbr- присутствие людей помогает определять какие структуры захватываются паразитамиbr- у них точечное вкрапление при рассматривании структуры?br- верно, что помогает подбирать антитела br- именно по этой причине идёт отбраковка? br- верно, они просто не умеют помечать маркером точкиbr- а как происходит процедура возврат в тело?br- через буферную зону, там постоянно обновляются антителаbr- в итоге при выходе из буферной зоны в воплощение организм полностью очищается от паразитов?br- даещё вопросы?br- по данной теме нет Но вотbr- ?br- данный алгоритм синхронизирован с прижиганиями?br- нет Там алгоритм другой и действует только на внутреннюю структуруbr- те очищенная структура может снова заболеть той же патологией?br- да, если рождение идёт у заражённых родителей, но может протекать почти бессимптомно имитируя здоровый организмbr- значит иммунитет при этом не формируется совсем?br- нет Может сформироваться у единичных экземпляров на фоне бессимптомного проявления при некоторых усилиях больногоно это очень долгий процесс с поддержанием восстановления структурыbr- понятно, вопросов нет
Comment from : Жанна Белоусова

M Farid
Meanwhile, these Aliens were born just a few days old at most, and yet managed to kill those Predators (called teenagers)
Comment from : M Farid

This was the shittest movie LOL
Comment from : Drew

Chad ThunderKawk
Yautja are inferior to Xenos!
Comment from : Chad ThunderKawk

Dennis Sinned
Bullshit The alien's tail is waaaaay tooooo looooong, not to mention that it's able to lift the predator off the ground and the predator weighs twice as much as the ksenomorf Predators are freaking strongmen as compared to the alien shits But because of crap like this, it's why the movie tanked But that stupid alien killed 2 predators in this movie, because it's played by Andy Serkis, it's even hissing"gollumgollum"
Comment from : Dennis Sinned

Sapere Aude
Im mad 1 xeno took out 2 predators
Comment from : Sapere Aude

Isma Ida
Hutang janji😊
Comment from : Isma Ida

Hey! Alien saves life of that girl😂
Comment from : Misogynistic

Achinthya Media Creations-2
Excellent movie 🎉
Comment from : Achinthya Media Creations-2

Imma be honest celtic shouldve ended that xeno cause the movie had way pittoe preds and way more xeno evem though the movie name is avp 💀
Comment from : LegendSlug

Comment from : RossoMalpelo_

ФЫв фыфвф
This movie is dope af
Comment from : ФЫв фыфвф

Alex Cisneros
Why can’t I find the score that plays at 1:10 ? I’ve looked through the motion picture soundtrack listing and nothing comes up
Comment from : Alex Cisneros

3:33 open your mouth here😋
Comment from : TechFrank

Predators don't kill women or children
Comment from : ChannelWatcher0808

bendy gamer
And my friend as a Halloween fan still saying:cot Michael Myers will beat alien grid
Comment from : bendy gamer

funny dinosaurs
xenomorph is my favorite from aliens
Comment from : funny dinosaurs

The return of the phoenix
I watched it more than once, it is a very wonderful movie 👍❤️🇹🇳💪br The movie The Predator is inspired by the characters of a book about sorcery, magic, jinn, and demons called The Book of the Azif or Necronomicon It is a fictional book mentioned by the American horror writer Lovecraft in a number of his stories[1][2][3] The book was written by an Arab poet from Sana'a named Abdullah Al-Hadhrad, who was also known as the Crazy Arab The book talks about ancient entities, their history, and how to communicate with them and conjure them🤗
Comment from : The return of the phoenix

Andreas Boose
Alien is the king
Comment from : Andreas Boose

Pig vs lion
Comment from : Aaron553

This fight took over 2 months to film
Comment from : Tree

Briseur De Lance
04:22brGee how many humans or humanoids were taken and sacrificed here? :-SSS
Comment from : Briseur De Lance

Goku Super Saiyan 4
Both r Badazz n thier own way -
Comment from : Goku Super Saiyan 4

ƒuck joblo movie clips This one ended badly, a real hatchet job They have too many subscribers, they don't care, they don't have to care
Comment from : outerrealm

Those predators are too slow, what an idiotsbr🌎
Comment from : wildaidany

Matias Fiorito
I didn't remember it was that bad 😂 I haven't seen her in a long time
Comment from : Matias Fiorito

Julian Dunn
I did a better job with my imagination with the comic books than this crap
Comment from : Julian Dunn

Eric Torres
As a person who’s only real complaint with the predator movies is the predators dying this movie left me with a burning rage
Comment from : Eric Torres

Keandre Edward Starks
they killed two predators way too fast for my liking
Comment from : Keandre Edward Starks

Muhammad Salman Saqib
This Alien literally killed 2 predators, pure badass
Comment from : Muhammad Salman Saqib

David Cole
Stupid scene One drone slaps two preds down Dumb
Comment from : David Cole

Deffroad Celtaidd Celtic Awakening
Celtic might of lost, but he went down like a true warrior! 🗡💪👍
Comment from : Deffroad Celtaidd Celtic Awakening

Rex Yumul
Comment from : Rex Yumul

Kenlove Elysee
Oi meu Laga tudos filme 🎞️ completo e melhor
Comment from : Kenlove Elysee

Marco not on facebook
The tail of the xenomorph was way too long
Comment from : Marco not on facebook

GP Records
Despite his death, Celtic was a badass That throw is pretty epic 💪
Comment from : GP Records

Darth Fader
man the kid in me got multiple Hategasms watching this
Comment from : Darth Fader

Darth Fader
YES 1111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : Darth Fader

Матвей Малинин
Comment from : Матвей Малинин

theyre fighting who is the uglier
Comment from : meow

Quan Nguyen
CGI in this looks thousand times more realistic than Alien Covenant Unbelievable
Comment from : Quan Nguyen

Super Bobr
Постановка боя полный отстой
Comment from : Super Bobr

votso sothu
No one making this kind of movies anymore, sad 💔
Comment from : votso sothu

Aldo Sam
Pure crap
Comment from : Aldo Sam

Doble Alfa Brazilian Jiujitsu y Fitness Chile
Xenomorph embarising predators, the film show as predators weaks and fools
Comment from : Doble Alfa Brazilian Jiujitsu y Fitness Chile

1000 Cuts in one minute its painfull to watch
Comment from : Râkso

predator: big respect she survived but sorry im just bored 3:05 bodycheck
Comment from : compiismyhobby

The Xenomorph never disappoints brbrThat thing can take a beating and still keep coming for you… unstoppable brbr😁
Comment from : TLW

Victor Guerrero
Predators without there weapons aint shit 😂 And dont bring up comics that the movies never mention or use 😂
Comment from : Victor Guerrero

el demonio
Me dolio ver a celtic muerto hubiera sido un gran cazador solo que se confio demasiado y pos ni modo se murio mi predator favorito
Comment from : el demonio

Mark Johnston
If it wasn't for Alien that girl would be in serious danger from Predator Team Alien!
Comment from : Mark Johnston

Lex didn't know it, but if any of that predator blood got her she would end up damn near immortal compared to most other people😂🤣😂😂
Comment from : Dio

Jero Jero
This scene is really cool I will say though, to people that think this means alien>predator, Grid didn't exactly "singlehandedly kill two predators" Chopper got snuck up on, and Celtic, if you analyzed the fight, was definitely more than the xenomorphs match He got knocked over by the tail do to his inexperience at 2:50, but aside from that he was definately in control of the fight The reason he lost is specifically because he didnt seem to expect/realize that the xenomorph's blood was going to burn through his net, which is why he didn't immediately jab his knife into its face (Again, because he was an inexperienced teen)
Comment from : Jero Jero

NerdAlert 8910
I like how the guy who got killed by the net is the same actor for resident evil who had a similar death with a checker pattern laser grid
Comment from : NerdAlert 8910

Sanaa Lathan actually looks a little like a predator
Comment from : funnyYoutubeComments

That's what happens when your first encounter as Yautja is the deadliest warrior in the whole hive second only to the queen
Comment from : Teremin

Gastly 忍
So obviously this scene holds a lot of tension between fans What I will say is yes they were unblooded (teenage Yautja s) but to have one xenomorph kill two is crazy Obviously someone had their fanboy moment Though the argument counters itself so having one xeno kill two Yautja makes sense I guess ALOT can be said really argumentatively Rest in Power Celtic and Chopper
Comment from : Gastly 忍

Ligg Mahnutz
hmm so xeno blood melts whatever their armguard blades are made of but not their nets?????
Comment from : Ligg Mahnutz

Terminal Red
This particular clan of Predators look like they prefer lifting weights over Jungle Parkour
Comment from : Terminal Red

Grid passed his trial
Comment from : sulfo4229

Peter Mason
What I loved about this movie is that in all of their separate movies, people are running from thembrbrIt was nice to see these iconic beasts with an opponent who isn't afraid to attack head on
Comment from : Peter Mason

eddie 4800
What the hell were those things? You tell me!!! You're the pyramid expert!!
Comment from : eddie 4800

T r
Predator should’ve won
Comment from : T r

Apocratos 01
they nerfed the predators to the ground in those movies
Comment from : Apocratos 01

Harold Torruella
The fact that a young unblooded Yautja can fight on par with, ragdoll and body slam, and nearly kill an adult Xenomorph which is a perfect killing machine goes to show how badass Predators are
Comment from : Harold Torruella

Afzal Hakim Bin Zairini
This movie along with Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen are my two biggest guilty pleasure movies of all time It's dumb and not a good movie at all but the movie know what it wants to be Unlike the Trashy Sequel after this movie
Comment from : Afzal Hakim Bin Zairini

The Princess Peach Cherry Blossom Presents
The predator is a bad guy
Comment from : The Princess Peach Cherry Blossom Presents

Mr Tubulur
Just likke amour in kristhmas day
Comment from : Mr Tubulur

Shawn J
Overconfidence was the Big Yautja's enemy, just as much as the Alien was And inexperience
Comment from : Shawn J

illegal ALIEN vs $ex PREDATOR
Comment from : AAA

Borytaw TV
July 1, 2023
Comment from : Borytaw TV

Charly Skywalker Reyes Jimenez
Hay pinche celtic por confiar en su ventaja y su músculatura termino perdiendo 😢
Comment from : Charly Skywalker Reyes Jimenez

Alien's acid has pH of -7777777
Comment from : MRANDERSON

Comment from : LANTERNA AZUL

Humans, they are children, merely playing at the game of war, they know nothing of the thrill or skill of the hunt, but this makes them exceptional and dangerous prey The Xenomorphs however, lack empathy, lack emotion or mercy They are born killers and make the best sport To Hunt the Alien is to know neither victory nor defeat, but to earn our place among the elders (Yautja Hunting Code, Translated)
Comment from : PsychoTy

Van Helsing
Comment from : Van Helsing

Wet Owl
I remembered this movie looking and sounding a lot better for some reason
Comment from : Wet Owl

Why cant they just have a movie be just alien v predator? No humans
Comment from : ArcticKomodo

Santosh Kotekar
Comment from : Santosh Kotekar

Still annoys me that one Xeno took down two Predators I don't care that they are unblooded "teens" At least AvP2 corrected that
Comment from : SolSammo

At 1:24 you can just see the hatred they have for each other even tho Chopper had a mask on you can clearly see the intense hatred
Comment from : JurassicKid

Angel Ingles
I need the songs of all these scenes, do you have them?
Comment from : Angel Ingles

I consider the xenomorph to be scarier than the predators, because the predators do have ethics, a code, and a society: if you're not a threat, it probably won't come for you, but the xeno will not think twice
Comment from : TdotSoul

I don't think this movie was quite as disastrous or disappointing as some have suggested, however, there was something cheap about this scene, like a prize fight that everyone came to see Part of it for me I think had to do with giving the xeno too much personality, like it was getting angry during the fight rather than just a mindless killing machine And both predator and xeno engaged in some corny tactics, like the way the xeno tossed the first predator aside
Comment from : TdotSoul

I will go to make grave calling 1:20 one of the most epic things I’ve ever seen in film The shot the score make the movie to me
Comment from : AEsir2021

Michael Alfonsi
Honestly the scene makes no fucking sense, the predator should have sliced that things head off
Comment from : Michael Alfonsi

Although this film gets a ton of hate and dismissal, the filmmaking is thoughtful in showcasing the power of each species; the camera trembles as the predator approaches, the human lands a smooth, clean gut-punch, and the Alien sneakily attacks Great filmmaking that wasn't helped by studio mandates
Comment from : Juangiorno

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