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Narcissists want you to know that they are ignoring you on purpose when using the silent treatment


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Коментарии Narcissists want you to know that they are ignoring you on purpose when using the silent treatment

Kp Kp
Even on the silent notifications right?…
Comment from : Kp Kp

Sheree Herring
Take it as a vacation Because once they break the silence there going to cause drama to drive you nuts
Comment from : Sheree Herring

Gwendolyn Wehage
They hold against us what they have done to us because we didn't react They also ignore us until they want to boast about something in their own life
Comment from : Gwendolyn Wehage

Mine will call my mom lol he knows i don’t give a d***
Comment from : Shaythegoddess6

Salina Stewart
I'm absolutely positive that I'm enjoying this silent treatment It can go on forever and I'll never complain It doesn't take too long to realize that this grown child just can't grow up
Comment from : Salina Stewart

Sarah Wagland
To this very day I don't know for sure what I said or did to deeply offend my covert narc neighbour but, whatever it was, she refuses to forgive me for it I apologised once for whatever it was that I said or did to offend her in a letter and she sent it back scrawling on the envelope that it was discourteous 😂😂
Comment from : Sarah Wagland

slim Little
By the time this started to happeningit was a blessing in disguise There isint much peace and silence in these realnships 😂
Comment from : slim Little

B Aa
I just got a promotion at my job My best friend works at the same job and he’s been silent ever since My advancement does not place me in a supervisory position over him I tried to talk and now, I simply enjoy my silence
Comment from : B Aa

gave all my love and SHE SHIT ON MY PORCH! BYBY!
Comment from : billyhillbilly13

Comment from : billyhillbilly13

Comment from : billyhillbilly13

you know what i mean!
Comment from : billyhillbilly13

time to go!
Comment from : billyhillbilly13

love you LEE!
Comment from : billyhillbilly13

she need a skillet!
Comment from : billyhillbilly13

i don't need a recipee!
Comment from : billyhillbilly13

you think you stold my recipe
Comment from : billyhillbilly13

i know how to make a waffle!
Comment from : billyhillbilly13

let go of my ego!
Comment from : billyhillbilly13

It’s My Life with NILAJA
Stomach flips and deep sorrow fills it when you realize how much of it is intentional 😮😢
Comment from : It’s My Life with NILAJA

Truth!!! Stay strong y’all!
Comment from : EssR

Cindi Massey Bates
It’s very hurtful! It pisses me off !!! I I have been crying every day for 3 weeks like a idiot
Comment from : Cindi Massey Bates

Sticks and stones may break my bones but your silence can never hurt me
Comment from : LouisTart

You don't have to be a narcissist to give someone the silent treatment
Comment from : LouisTart

John T
Tell the English narcissist bitchbrher UK pussy ent warm enough for yabrfuckin horrible slags
Comment from : John T

Kate G
Grin I know it's on purpose - I used to get formal legally worded letters over breakfast! Seriously
Comment from : Kate G

Cayote Lives
I am cool with silent treatments Hallelujahs 😊
Comment from : Cayote Lives

Thank you
Comment from : iTravelDoU

Deliberate, crazy making behaviourmakes them look like the victim to ease that guilty, inadequate, self loathing, unconfident, empty, shallow etc,etc,etc soul! 😂 low self esteemnot yr problem people ✌🚩
Comment from : 1love

Morgana Davies
Awesome I really like the honest explanations on what the toxic person is thinking/coming from in these situations Really makes me remember what a F$wit he was Thanks
Comment from : Morgana Davies

Jessie Valentine
Thank you so much
Comment from : Jessie Valentine

Always Bresha
I’ve said these literal words to a narcissist “you’re just mad cause I’m holding you accountable, you’re asking how dare you” 😅 after being raised with so many of them and dating them I’ve learned how they operate Unfortunately on ego which is easy to shatter if you say the wrong thing and easy to stroke if you say the right And everything you said at the end is NOTHING BUT FACTS! A person has to decide if they want to deal with someone who does intentional things to hurt the one they love Also who does things for their own benefit It’s not worth it at all I like that you’re honest and not sugar coating Some people can handle certain people but most people cannot handle the deceit and manipulation a narcissist brings into one’s life It’s a sad road May you continue to be blessed Thank you again I never seek validation but I didn’t know I needed it from someone who is actually on the other side
Comment from : Always Bresha

Miss Rockstar Glamazon68
Yeah the one who came onto me was throwing her arms around Me every time I saw her! But the next time she saw me she just stared right though me , she looked me straight in the eye and looked away and talked to everyone but me ! I guess it was because the last party i attended , I was in a corner talking to someone a door girl onfact who likes me but I don’t like her like that , none the less that detail is irrelevant to the Narc ! That time should have been spent on listing after her in her head 😂😂😂😂 for an hour or two I talked to this girl and the narc even sent her spies out to try and snoop flying monkeys 😂😂😂, but the door girl told them this area is out of bounds 😂😂😂 she runs the whole venue so she can do that ! I know the narc was pissed at that , and also because instead of chasing her I was occupied talking to the door girl! As I saw the narc was acting weird towards me and she’s dating this girl who was after me ! That she thought I was into , but I wasn’t ! Now they both stuck together while the narc watches me every time it’s the craziest thing brbr4 weeks later she ignored me after this one thing ,crazy’ and I’m not even the Gf lol 😂😂😂 but she talks to everyone in the party’s and I’m a paying guest too ! Guys this saga is so laughable! Best part is once you know they are narcissistic as I dated one 3 years ago ! But it takes a little while to realise your dealing with another ! But once you do , you can pull back and I tell you it’s the same patterns and behaviour you cannot mistake ! It’s the best pantomime ever !!! But don’t like the bear ! Just be cordial! Although your mind will be saying nah it’s in your head ! Yeah it’s in your head because they are narcissistic! No other person makes you feel this way do they? NEWS FLASH !!!!
Comment from : Miss Rockstar Glamazon68

Jackie Carson
What if they’re giving you the silent treatment and you get a new boyfriend or girlfriend forever and they blew it by their silent treatment? And you don’t beg for them back?
Comment from : Jackie Carson

Just C
I’m confused! Ex Narc sent me a GC on my birthday via Amazon brToday, she pulled out in front of me and ignored me- actually scurried off- I honked and gave a wave and she could barely wave back What gives??
Comment from : Just C

Junithys ch
This really helped me today, I just sent a close friend a message saying that I submitted an audition video to a big agency, but instead of cheering me on, they left my messages on read and when I asked them what was wrong, they left the messages on read again, it felt as though they were trying to discourage me or get under my skin, so this vid really helped me :) I won’t disrespect myself anymore by begging them to talk to me or worrying about what’s wrong, I will wait until they decide to reach out 🙏✨
Comment from : Junithys ch

Meh Man
I'm being ignored by a covert female narcissist at this very moment Doesn't bother me at all
Comment from : Meh Man

Pump Yourself Up
Learn to Enjoy Your Own Company Enjoy the Silence Let them hang out with Other people Yes It gets old real quick because they won't be able to hang out with those people everyday They are socially awkward remember
Comment from : Pump Yourself Up

Victoria Ross
Mine has been ignoring me for 2 weeks whilst being active in group chats, it's honestly quite sad because he's almost 50 lol
Comment from : Victoria Ross

I am so grateful for what you are doing with your videos And even more happy to see folks want to be a part of the change even when it involves looking within ourselves to identify the toxic behaviors and want to do better by others as well oneself
Comment from : Redwoodbeauty

JayRican 954
Come to Ft Laurderdale
Comment from : JayRican 954

Joe B
It work both ways It's been 25 weeks now Fine I'm doing it too, on purpose
Comment from : Joe B

Hmm Yup
Comment from : ZEN TENN

My sister done this, I blocked her on everything and she still talks about me to family 😂, I'm like I'm super happy you are ignoring me Cause I actually love the silence anyway I'm content with it and she is so pissed, that she can't control or train me like she wants 😂
Comment from : Teammoney

Speaking for all
Yeah🤗They will ignore you so they can say that you are stalking them
Comment from : Speaking for all

I ignore tf out of these people, life too short for this shit
Comment from : ZetaCancri

coco rodriguez
I see the famous grey sweats moving 😉
Comment from : coco rodriguez

Ru M
Yes, and it is painful and I am getting triggered I left him and I was so bored He poked me like did things to make me jelly He " took" me back and now he is ignoring me Uuff , ok will try to enjoy the silent treatment- thank you
Comment from : Ru M

Jess A
These people are wierdo's 🤣
Comment from : Jess A

Yep Things like making a point of being on WhatsApp while leaving you on read They know you will see them online, and it will hurt you to know they're busy chatting away to other people, but not to you It's sounds silly, but it's surprising how much these little things really hurt and eat away at your self esteem
Comment from : tjfSIM

My suspected narcissist doesn't realize that this is a good break for me I need a break from her for the entire recipe holiday season
Comment from : Nuance

Mine goes all day without even checking or opening my messages and when I tell him it upsets me he gaslights me and makes me feel crazy
Comment from : Nat

Fight the Matrix
Do you think After two years ignoring me she forgot me totally ? I am not asking because I want her back I write her till last month I was chasing her like an idiot Just wanted answers I said just tell me go away I go She never blocked me If someone is annoying you I will block that person But she ignores me and now I moved on And my new partner is afraid that she will reach out Do you think I am safe ?
Comment from : Fight the Matrix

Darlene Sutton
I enjoyed the silent treatment his mouth was closed lol
Comment from : Darlene Sutton

Alegna V Black
Mirror their actions Simple
Comment from : Alegna V Black

Agreed— everytime my ex has blocked my number She says I am blocking your number It’s all about power and control When I didn’t beg and plead anymore and had her blocked— she texted my mother trying to antagonize me— by saying he should never contact me again or I’ll file false harassment
Comment from : Dkorb27

Nadine Colbath
I laugh at my husband when he storms off!!! I KNOW he HATES THAT!!!!! He wants me to beg him to talk just so he can have power!!! I don't give it to him!!!!
Comment from : Nadine Colbath

Nicholas Hudson
My only form of communication with toxic people in my life is through text, phone and email I never used to know what silent treatment was Now I use it regularly on people who go silent on me and seem toxic, to be able to see how truly toxic they are I am enjoying the silence, it's why I choose not to go on social media
Comment from : Nicholas Hudson

Marjorie Dawes
Don't just enjoy the silence, continue it forever - go no contact and let them face the consequences of their actions
Comment from : Marjorie Dawes

You have helped me deal with my narc wife (soon to be ex-wife, she’s discarding me through divorce) so much! You’ve been like a Bible to me
Comment from : OG BLERD P Triple OG

Shannon Lewis
That's why my narc hated me so bad I wasn't the slightest bit aware or bothered by silent treatment as our baby was small and needs mebrSo we ended up as housemates
Comment from : Shannon Lewis

Shannon Lewis
You are my fave narc 😂😂❤
Comment from : Shannon Lewis

In order to survive the mental game Ignoring you is to eventually train you to feel like nothing, like your thoughts and feelings dont matter, therefore you dont matter You're being conditioned The only way to combat that, is to know that They do that to eventually have control because it's the only way they can
Comment from : Melody

Jolynn Marie
Once they get you upset, what type of satisfaction does that give them? Do they feel that they have power over you? If so, why do they want to have power?
Comment from : Jolynn Marie

What if they see it but they still continue to be silent ?
Comment from : iEscaped

Narc is marrying new supply and my first thought was he’s trying to hurt me
Comment from : iEscaped

Welp! That didn’t work Little did he know his silence was my peace It was like the trash took itself out!✌️
Comment from : CC

Rorty S Kierkegaard
“Takes two to communicate…”brbr“takes only one to end it… that was you”
Comment from : Rorty S Kierkegaard

The best way to get rid of the narc is to BLOCK them and get away from them Don't give them attention Leave them alone if you can
Comment from : Katemkeng

Dawn Serrano
Goodblked them yrs ago
Comment from : Dawn Serrano

Robert Ford
A nassasist I live in the same house as gave me the silent treatment I have made it a permanent arrangement He hates it, I dont think he's realized it's not a punishment from my end, he's just to pathetic to bother with
Comment from : Robert Ford

Brandon Harvey
That's all I got discarded, all i noticed was trying to attempt to get my Childs mother to be accountable She couldn't even answer a question about why she was doing the things she was, as in the intent to her actions brilliant person, yet not so brilliant Just don't know what to call it I'm coolin on the low contact, I haven't had this much time to myself in 8 years, thank god
Comment from : Brandon Harvey

Shay Childers
N a narc storms their feet wanting to intimidate u!! They learn about the grey rocking n play the victim n think that’s what they are doing!! That’s the other end of all this awakening happening!! N ppl are not being careful!! N u are a recovering narcissist so … at times all the victim has is grey rocking n trying to reach out for support in some form!! U can’t call ppl cause they eavesdrop n the proceed to tell u how to talk what to say who are u talking to etc… U are flipping our only healthy method of dealing with these monsters on a healthy level when we are stuck!!
Comment from : Shay Childers

Shay Childers
This is ridiculous!! Grey rocking is a form of silent treatment!! N healthy! n reaching out for help n support from others?? Also needed n healthy! There are very fine lines here n they can be dangerous!! N narcissist abusers that are in denial r watching this in order to learn to play the victim n use it against someone trying to stay away from there abuse!! Too many ppl creating content for views, $$ , or clout!! This is a very very intricate situation!! N ppl need to take more time to write n rewrite content before just blurting out things n take into account who is listening!!!
Comment from : Shay Childers

When you realise that alot of their behavior towards you are intentional, you will get the shock of your life 😳😳 I did!! It hurts so much!! It has nothing to do with me/you and all to do with them and their disorder 💪🙏💪
Comment from : HE

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