Название | : | COVID-19 and the schools crisis - BBC News |
Продолжительность | : | 10.33 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 89 rb |
youtube/BDnsZnqVbmEbrbrDocumentary : Covid-19 impact on education in India Comment from : @sumitjha2458 |
What is wrong with this world 😢👎 Comment from : @annap8709 |
BBC can only produce fake news The schools never needed to close in the first place Rockefeller Foundation doc- lockstep UN agenda Comment from : @miriam100ful |
UTTER bs !! They want to DEPOPULATE n Testing kits have Morgelon strand fibres on them also Nano particles to infect host they are scaremongering people to get gene THERAPY jab as it is NOT a vacc1ne they call it that to be non liable for known side effects which include DEATH For what ? A virus with 999 recovery rate ? listen to David Martin speak on this ps look up PATSY STEVENSON shes a crisis actress paid to play role of Sarah EVERARD n look up crisis actress MARGRET KENAAN who played old woman in pastle suit n pearls pushed over by police in peaceful protest in London and the 1st ELDERLY woman in UK to get a fake c0v1d jab crisis actors these pedo Government would love nothing better than to take your child off you to get lost in foster system n into child traffickingNEVER believe a word MEDIA say they are paid BILLIONS to decieve publicare 1LLUM1NAT1 owned Comment from : @sandracaira4554 |
Keep all schools closed, teachers need protection Total lock down with vaccination is the only way out, stricter rules are needed, no traveling, all educational venues including university’s closed for at least 3Years We must take a zero Covid stance no matter what Comment from : @karendimond1593 |
My introduction Dhafa Ramadan from Smk Bakti Nusa, in my country many students who complain because the school requires his students to learn at home, I hope Covid-19 immediately ends and students can return to study like they could again Comment from : @dhafaramadhan9646 |
Search swprs (dot org) to see how absurd and damaging putting masks on children is Comment from : @mediterraneandiet2483 |
Why hasnt Macron French President been deplatformed by Facebook, Twiitter, Salesforce and Youtube over his lies and misinformation on the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine efficacy Comment from : @alicelander9058 |
this is bull shit Comment from : @peki8889 |
I dont think you really care about childrenbrPutting a mask over their faces does little to protect them since they are already the least likely to be harmed by the virusbrThat would be like putting an airbag in a toy truck that goes under five kilometers and hourbrMan we live in a society of fear and coddling Comment from : @LordBlk |
Parents gave thier permissions so they will gonna re open schools, But children do not ask for permission, after all, children are going school nor parents!brJust so bad Comment from : @seokgenie7659 |
#BigLockdown Comment from : @moto-bruvs666 |
There is no reason to open schools ever again mindlessly spreading diseases Everything should go online brbrThe schools should all be permanently shut and sold to enforce harder lockdowns We should never allow this to happen again Comment from : @Manoshpereshorts |
Kids and young people are going to be the last to get vaccinated, and yet we don’t get a choice about going back or not, we have to wait for the govt to tell us what to do How about we prioritise childeren for a bit so we can get back to school? Comment from : @peregrine1886 |
As long as they don't hit us with that GCSE bs, I'm fine It's not fair at all Comment from : @ch3rrioz |
its a joke and a marketing scheme, stop watching irreverent things and you won't hear a thing Comment from : @kingpinsmith22 |
so many neeks in this comment section Comment from : @etpk674 |
It gets more confusing by the day Kids allowed back to school, with out the miraculous 94 percent vaccines? So months of lockdowns, just to send millions of unvaccinated kids back to school Sounds like another lock down Aug or sept Absolute stupid goverment we have Comment from : @vinnybrig569 |
youtube/Keahgz6USFE Comment from : @ashleystyles6888 |
No just no :) Comment from : @Ippo_boxer2929 |
I don't support children go back to school, because not only teachers will be in risk but parents and children who might have low immunity strength Comment from : @osamahassan9749 |
DEFIND THE BBC DON’T PAY YOUR LICENCE Comment from : @Mark-rd1it |
4fdwwza Comment from : @geraldinehickey7857 |
If you believe in human knowledge you follow no problem but don't push it me! I never ever believe that you said vaccines or medical care any medicine or any measurements save me from Death!brEveryone has to die in their time is arrived! But you say same reason for death, you find the reasons or not death must be happening no one can save from Death! Death fear is making you slave for everything!brAny Human knowledge technology science never ever do anything in nature! In nature if any Disaster human knowledge what can do??? Everything they said for controlling peoples as slaves global warming, global pandemic, Aliens are nothing, human knowledge nothing do in the nature please try to realize yourself! Please don't be proud in human knowledge! So many safety system made by human knowledge but accidents are happening so much peoples die in hospitals why can't you save them???? Anyone Can you save human from Death???? Comment from : @PeacefulHumanLife |
No one thinks schools should stay open Comment from : @thomasmunchkin8007 |
Boris is just stupid Comment from : @maiaisthebest |
The year should be written off A new online synchronised learning operation run by the DOE should be implemented NOW as a matter of urgency with all schools using the same IT systems timetables methods etc with a hope to start as soon as possible This pandemic is not going away for some years, more lockdowns are most likely to happen now that schools are opening in March To bring back kids to school knowingly with the use of data that people are going to die and be hospitalised is both criminal and wicked Kids education is important but it is not more important than death!!The kids will not get the education this year A lot of kids that I personally have been monitoring in school and also at home over the past few months have been playing gamed in lessons or not getting out of bed to do work at home It`s a disaster that cannot be corrected over the next coming months with catch up lessons also putting huge pressure on staff at the same time exposing them to the virus Comment from : @liamstrauss5477 |
The only reason I wanna go back is to see my friends and do practical lessons Comment from : @isaacshaw6129 |
I like online school more Comment from : @hz7337 |
I don't want schools back because in the 2 weeks it's easter holidaysbrbrbrbrbrWake up government stop killing us Comment from : @zeehysen |
Keep children home until everything about this virus is over, go easy on them with online schooling Don't keep children in school with face masks on them, because that's the kind of thing that stays with them forever Don't expose them to the fear that the news is trying to spread BBC News, you should be more Considerate Comment from : @spiralmapping9899 |
Just put every child back a year and redo the last year again It will really only massively affect 1 year but give every child a fair chance at a regular education Comment from : @geoffreyjohnstone5465 |
We always compare schools internationally but here in the UK state schools built for 18-26 students have classes of 32 How do you socially distance in over crowded classrooms in schools with thousands of children? Comment from : @sophiabailey4248 |
What an evil world we live in now masking and nasally bothering children for a virus thats zero threat to them Evil, evil, evil Comment from : @tiberiusmononoke6824 |
What's the problem with online schooling? The only issue I have with it is that my eyes start to hurt after like half an hour of looking at the screen but that is a minor issue as that can be fixed by using the 20/20/20 rule So I ask again, What is the problem is online schooling? Comment from : @sniperpromlg1133 |
My mental health was already bad before all this Now it's been shot to bits Honestly, at this point, school doesn't matter anymore Comment from : @mysticaljampot5093 |
When will BBC News actually read their comments on YouTube for once?? Comment from : @sniperpromlg1133 |
Tbh with everyone covid is fuckin fake and they just get paid to do that an old person could die of illness but they say they died because of covid just stupid lies Comment from : @MUnited4Life- |
This is an EXTREMELY bias report these peopl know for a fact that the majority dont wanna go back simply because the majority of them aren't tone deaf and know there a pandemic and that alot of children who have metal health issues have it come from school and not home Comment from : @kennya6971 |
Lockdown Do not work there are states in USA which have very similar infection and death rate and 1 is open like normal and the other one is in full lockdown Comment from : @Alex2Cast |
First step to opening schools has to be vaccinating all school stsff Kids cannot be vaxed yet, but staff can Get it done before even considering opening back up! It's not difficult to understand Comment from : @MrsBrit1 |
'most kids want to go back to school' br'everyone wants schools back'brwho tf is everyone? Comment from : @dippydingleduck |
I'm in year 12 and I have no idea what is going on with these mock exams but I hope they don't throw all the exams at us at once when we get back because I am not ready🥴 Comment from : @erica9701 |
You see I’m a kid I want to go to school because online is worse it’s lags and they overwork you the school system is broken seriously Comment from : @ParamAmber |
you call them 'schools' i call it covid-19 agents like if you agree Comment from : @dzonizuka3488 |
I cant be the only kid who wants lockdown to end/ease but still continue with online learning? Comment from : @itzcreepy3648 |
its better to not open schools and kill another chunk of the population rather than just collecting coursework data and predict a fair grade Comment from : @haiderboota2747 |
What about Matt Hanckock Stealing our taxes to give to his friends? You are terribly quiet about that while 'serving the people' Comment from : @thegingerwon2795 |
👎 Comment from : @babygirl-ey7em |
Fnlies !!! Tell people that new Luciferan system is coming !! Comment from : @tomgrol9493 |
Nah fuck school Comment from : @swrvey1391 |
This is blatant propaganda from the British bullshiting company Comment from : @lynnB3159 |
What’s the point going back yet, schools have made sure everyone has access to work via online classes, may as well wait for it to be safebrLast year in the first lockdown in was in Y11 and in my opinion from Y1 to Y10 u can afford to miss time for short periods (obviously not years on years missed) I feel like adults don’t put themselves in the child’s shoes it’s so much easier to improve and recover than they seem to think brbrAlso, with my experience, I learn more at home online than I do in college and would rather do the rest of my course online Comment from : @Harrison-ss2ct |
Would u rather be safe at home doing online school or would u rather open schools just for the cases to rocket high? Comment from : @Firepr0 |
sym Comment from : @user-bj6zf9yv7k |
Leave those kids alone😐🤷🏼♂️ Comment from : @pedallinraw |
#arrestmatthancock Comment from : @monsieurpoisson8163 |
Why open when the kids spend this coivd ok open the ones that are for teens and one's that need school ok not the ones that have coivd ok Comment from : @sunlight8088 |
Nono tests no covid no Comment from : @LORDENGLISHVETERAN-nx6rk |
Child abuse When will we say enough is enough Comment from : @scottydog20littler13 |
bias report, how about you ask the children that actually wish to stay at home and hardly anybody wants schools back open Comment from : @SKJunior_ |
Stop trying to making it look like only Black school children are affected Comment from : @azzazz4549 |
If I were a teacher, I would protest for a vaccination before going back We're ahead of the game apparently, help 'em out Comment from : @ryanharriss7950 |
What about the people that are putting the electronic tags on There not being tested for C19 and coming in to people's home's Comment from : @johnlynch7181 |
Children are not robot, kids are supposed to be interacting with each other Do not kill the love inside our children Universal mask wearing? There is lot of division amongst the scientists, conflict of interest!! Comment from : @nathaliejohn3614 |
Got to keep the brain washing up Comment from : @MACKTENMEDIA1 |
I don’t feel represented as someone who will soon be a uni student All these leaders are talking about safety measures and COVID data, but I just want my learning to be prioritised - I’m going to be paying £9,000 a year for what? A pixelated zoom call? Comment from : @benphillipson3260 |
Keep them shut!brThere is absolutely no data supporting that school don't spread any virus at mass, infecting the adult population at an alarming rate Comment from : @grantmidd |
you really have no idea on what the fuck you’re talking about lol if covid wasn’t on every MSM outlet you wouldn’t know covid exists Comment from : @marcokiebra1154 |
Tests are not 100 efficient! Vaccine is not!!! So wtf!!! why traumatise children with this??? Comment from : @gsggsg3234 |
Covid19 was downgraded from a highly infectious disease 1 week BEFORE the 1st lockdown You have been lied to since day 1 - wwwgovuk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid Comment from : @leemendez7876 |
How to educate children in a pandemic? Teach them that their goverments are a bunch of lying, corrupt scumbags along with the mainstream media brbrThis is a valuable lesson the children can learn Comment from : @lifeisyours8250 |
The government let down the young and the oldand those in between It's not all doom and gloom for the kids though as there is good money to be made in drug dealing and other crime Since the government doesn't care for the economy crime will take its place Comment from : @heatrayzvideo3007 |
How can we Educate children in pandemic ? Plz give me answer in briefly Comment from : @poetryofpoets1 |
The government cant even negate simple compound variants such as seasonality when correlating databrThis is as criminal as it getsbrUsual seasonal endemics dressed up as a pandemic Comment from : @kc8130 |
I work in a school but kids just dont social distance let alone not touch others, keep up hand watching and wearing masks without having to be prompted, I am not putting my health at risk when telling them to follow the covid rules to ensure everyone is safe,brbrMany kids see this as a holiday and a joke and dont respect anything and still go out and their parents dont even care Comment from : @Lulu-ut9pv |
How about university's? The government completely forgot about us Comment from : @ABESW0RLD |
No test, no jab Just open schools Comment from : @evgeniynagornyak1150 |
Scam China bought a few schools in UK brNew global government on a way Comment from : @evgeniynagornyak1150 |
Pandemic reached a critical phase now Comment from : @sanujitroy6830 |
As someone in my final year of A levels, COVID really has screwed me over This is debatable but I genuinely think my cohort has been hit the hardest out of all the other cohorts that have been effected, all things consideredbrbrI've had 2 years' worth of exams cancelled (both AS and final A Level exams) I've spent just as much time away from school than actually in school, in what people have always told me would be the most important years of my life To make matters worse, there is no fixing this for our cohort Our exams are gone forever Also, longer school days and summer school programmes that have been talked about will probably not be implemented for us given the awkward timing as we were meant to be done with A levels within the next two months Whilst other cohorts will probably make up for a lot of the time they've spent out of school in the long term, we'll be at uni having only done our GCSEs Comment from : @IR_ |
Thank bbc Comment from : @rezoanshuvo7952 |
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