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AMD Ryzen Precision Boost Overdrive u0026 AutoOC Benchmarks u0026 Explanation


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Название :  AMD Ryzen Precision Boost Overdrive u0026 AutoOC Benchmarks u0026 Explanation
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Кадры AMD Ryzen Precision Boost Overdrive u0026 AutoOC Benchmarks u0026 Explanation

Описание AMD Ryzen Precision Boost Overdrive u0026 AutoOC Benchmarks u0026 Explanation

Коментарии AMD Ryzen Precision Boost Overdrive u0026 AutoOC Benchmarks u0026 Explanation

Just commenting for the 'rithm
Comment from : Sav

Colby Rountree
Thanks Patrick!
Comment from : Colby Rountree

RAul Titacu
I set pbo advanced, pbo limits disabled, curve optimzer all cores/negative/10 why do I have the same TEMPS????
Comment from : RAul Titacu

I just got a new motherboard and a ryzen 5 5600, my old motherboard just had a cpu boost option in the bios wich set the cpu from like 32ghz to 36ghz my new cpu is like 35ghz to 44ghz I enabled the precision boost overdrive in the bios but when i look at my specs at this computer it just shows 35 ghz is that normal?
Comment from : Japyoo

manoranjan panigrahi
my r5 3600 out of the box is running at an ideal temp of 60deg cel, will turning off pbo help in lowering the temp? the ambient temp is around 35-38deg and humid
Comment from : manoranjan panigrahi

Mikko Rantalainen
Great summary of the AMD marketing It seems like it would have been better for AMD to speak about automatic "turbo" or "boost" clocks instead of "Precision Boost", and "overboost" or "overclocking" instead of PBO
Comment from : Mikko Rantalainen

Clayton Ginther
6:39 As an AMD enthusiast, I'm not too familiar with Intel's tech, but it's interesting to see TJ Maxx stepping into the CPU market With their strong track record for delivering great value and performance, they have the potential to shake up the industry and bring some significant benefits to consumers Exciting times ahead for the tech world!
Comment from : Clayton Ginther

Raja Mahesvara
I have asus a320 and ryzen 5 2600 on it I wonder why there is PBO settings in the bios A320 board shouldn't have the configuration right? Trying to tinker with those settings feels pretty creepy ngl
Comment from : Raja Mahesvara

Tribulation comes first
My pbo does not work my chip stays at 417 base clock 42 makes absolutely no sense no curve on just trying to hVe pbo boost my freq and its been like this a week I've been trying to get it to workbrbrAll the resetting starting checking clock as soon as windows opens is probably hurting my rig more than if this stupid setting world work I'm so just over it brSpent better part of a month gets my corsair vengeance from 3200 to 3733 and now when that's stable my chip doest want to work brbrWorst 5 grand I ever spent in my life complete waste of time
Comment from : Tribulation comes first

Why Is my PBO enabled by its default and also greyed out and I cannot change it to disable or anything its locked for how can i fix this? I even update bios to newes version ;/
Comment from : Vados91

absolute nonsensethat makes us feel dumb but, in reality it's about getting us to buy new motherboards and cpu's, that dont perform consistently in games, everbrwe're lead to believe we'll be achieveing higher performance, if we could only set all the right settingswhen in reality new hardware will never run fast/consistently for any length of timebrever since more and more forcing of power saving was enforced by manufacturersthat's when game juddering/stuttering problems exploded in numberbrwe're buying more and more crippled hardware, that never anymore runs even a game rightbrcanned demo benchmarks by pretend experts are a jokebrcomputers these days spend 99 of time running power saving instructions, so you dont blow components, and 1 of time running your code or game
Comment from : Chris

What I want to know is will PBO help keep my Threadripper stable ! And increase longevity
Comment from : Grocksauce

Barney Wobba
TDC Top Dead Centre :D
Comment from : Barney Wobba

Tech Luvn
In my tests, I find that PBO does nothing really, and that on the whole gamut of Ryzen processors I’d rather overclock through bios
Comment from : Tech Luvn

Gregor Deissler
Precision Büsting
Comment from : Gregor Deissler

A question guys,I want to manually set up PPT EDC TDC to archive 65W TDP I know that PPT number needs to be 65,but im not sure what numbers should i use for the rest to be optimal ( now using TDC 60 EDC 90)Any help will be appreciated
Comment from : Woofaki

batuhan yesilbursa
You are doing gods work brother
Comment from : batuhan yesilbursa

Jack Dunn
Sans turbo , c'est beaucoup mieux pour la consommation/chauffe
Comment from : Jack Dunn

Andrew Lantz
so basically just use the cpu the way it is ok
Comment from : Andrew Lantz

Stolen Halo
13:25 😂
Comment from : Stolen Halo

angelos ioannou
Does this guy's even knows how to use pbo???
Comment from : angelos ioannou

Should I dissable pbo ?
Comment from : HELL-STAR

Is it good to enable pbo ?
Comment from : HELL-STAR

Lets Cackle Online!
I dunno what it is, but I trust y'all more than the other channels
Comment from : Lets Cackle Online!

Bro i just wanna know if i should auto oc or pbo
Comment from : Bild

The Creator
On guru3D they say there is no bottleneck when using at least a 2080, or a radeon rx5900xt
Comment from : The Creator

j ll
TLDR: It lets you boost more at higher temps
Comment from : j ll

Thanks and What's the Cat's name?
Comment from : Eleazar318

The Creator
Even the cat is confused
Comment from : The Creator

Josh Buck
if that is off my xmp wont run comp just crashes over and over
Comment from : Josh Buck

Alvydas Jokubauskas
CTR loves when I disable PBO, if I had zen3 I would use Hydra and some people suggested on zen3 PBO is powerfull! Still though at the end would compare hydra results with PBO on and off
Comment from : Alvydas Jokubauskas

Brendan White
On my 5950x on Aorus x570i pro wifi PBO gives me a boost from 3700 - 4800mhz all core But it makes my system REALLY unstable Any rendering requiring results in an immediate black screen crash Seen some other folks with the same issue but no clear fix
Comment from : Brendan White

that cat messing with the chip gives me anxiety
Comment from : WaveArsenal

Lord Humungous
Hellow kitty!
Comment from : Lord Humungous

PBO and autoOC increase my clocks in cinebench and in every game I've tried, and in some games it can run above the stock boost clock
Comment from : derpy153

Rusty Blader
Am I the only one who thinks all this is pointless and you're better off just manually setting your clock speed to the maximum clock speed your cpu can support without bumping up the voltage?
Comment from : Rusty Blader

33:45 im watchingbrDik 😆
Comment from : Gamer0007

From my understanding, Shouldn't the Precision Boost Overdrive mode have the most effect on very well cooled CPUs as Overdrive only raises the top value of parameters other than temperature So if a cpu is kept cold enough it is only limted by parameters other than temperature but if tou enable PBO these parameters can be allowed to go higher resulting in a higher performance A badly cooled cpu is already constrained by the temperature limit so enabling PBO does little as it doesnt raise the temperature limit
Comment from : David

Dwayne White
This was a great video Still confused but my take away based on GN's testing was it does not do that much in the long run, especially in games So I changed PB Overdrive in BIOS from Auto to Disabled I am sure for everyday, casual use I will not notice or miss anything
Comment from : Dwayne White

Can I use XMP and PBO at the same time?
Comment from : POP SHEPSKI

Al S
My eyes glazed over
Comment from : Al S

Duncan Firth
With 5000 zen 3 and pbo and CPD did you experience any WHEA critical errors? I can't work this one out when I disable these both I get horrible performance but no more crashes? What could be the cause is it a design flaw of zen3??brbr communityamdcom/t5/processors/ryzen-5000-crashes-whea-errors-will-get-a-quot-silent-fix-quot/td-p/471392
Comment from : Duncan Firth

Joe & Artie Albano
You seemed like a cat person like myself Bravo
Comment from : Joe & Artie Albano

Werewolf Money
Sitting here watching your core voltage hover just under 15v and wondering if all the people who told me 1325 was too high were pulling my leg
Comment from : Werewolf Money

Since I’ve switched to AMD I low key look like the cat in the beginning 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
Comment from : iTimmyD

This program is the best
Comment from : Gamer0007

Tres Waters
I'd like to see this revisited with PBO2/Curve optimizer although I wouldn't wish that hell on Patrick
Comment from : Tres Waters

Some One
How to deactivate boost on 3700x?
Comment from : Some One

I just had my 3700x come in yesterday and started Overclocking Are you saying it would be better to use pbo vs manual?
Comment from : 3cho

Thank you
Comment from : AbsolutelyChase

Eric Lopez
Steve how do I make sure the planets are aligned properly? What day of the year is best for that? And do I make a sacrifice to the old gods or new?
Comment from : Eric Lopez

Lazarus The adventurer
Great content! Thanks PatrickbrI guess manual PC is the way to go, brAll core OC , memory OC and memory timings!brTime to visit AHOC channel!!!!
Comment from : Lazarus The adventurer

Comment from : NickyS550

Opens Ryzen Master, clicks on Precision Boost Overdrive tab, clicks on Auto Overclocking, scratches chin, closes Ryzen master looks for How to use Ryzen Master for Dummies
Comment from : Scylla

Andrew Peters
Any plans to revisit PBO now that it's been more fleshed over time? Interested to see the differences between Zen 2 and Zen 3 behavior ASUS has a cool BIOS feature called Fmax that significantly boosts single-core performance on my 3700x at the cost of multicore Changing some of the limits in PBO (not intended for use with Fmax) I was able to gain back some of the performance loss on CB20 MC 3 run average using Arctic II 280, MC: 5008 SC: 515 (highest 518) PPT: 200 TDC: 60 EDC: 90 Max Boost Override 100 Ryzen master reported average MC voltage 128-131V SC Voltage 143V HWinfo power reporting accuracy percentages were all over the place MC avg temp 58C, SC avg temp 46CbrbrEdit: Fmax feature alone would be a good content piece
Comment from : Andrew Peters

Jorge Vespucci
In ryzen master edc is pegged at 100 with pbo on auto
Comment from : Jorge Vespucci

osamelý varan
now i understand it, finally! precision boost and precision boost overdrive are 2 different things still don`t know what is difference, but whatever was there any other useful info in video?
Comment from : osamelý varan

Madeira Islander
Comment from : Madeira Islander

Ollie H
So which is it using ryzen master Pbo or auto or manual?
Comment from : Ollie H

Any news about PBO2?brI have an AMD Ryzen 9 5900x It looks like it works much better than PBO
Comment from : AyzekUorren

God Emperor Meow
Sounds useless
Comment from : God Emperor Meow

James Tierney
It now appears you need an MSc degree in OC to get a few more performance
Comment from : James Tierney

Sky Pickle
Have these benchmarks been run on zen3 processors?
Comment from : Sky Pickle

Luke Brosious
So TLDR don’t bother
Comment from : Luke Brosious

G Sehm
Will you make a new video on PBO 20 please?
Comment from : G Sehm

Jonathon Irvine
So as a person who just wants to game should I enable PBO and be happy or what?
Comment from : Jonathon Irvine

So I basically have no clue about all of that shit But I just build my first PC with a 3700x on a B550 board I did not tweak anything, but I see in HW monitor that the CPU is boosting up to 4,4 ghz and is constantly running on 1,4x volts Is that stock and normal?
Comment from : JF89

Comment from : ancientSumerian

using PPO in bios you can raise the limits over 200mhz this turned out bad in my case it will raise the cpu vcore to up to 148 volts under loads i was in safe temps under 80c but thats to high for my comfort it is simple overclocking but with manual controlling voltage and checking stability you can get safer voltages with work
Comment from : MRgreen

Arsenio Garcia
Just bought a b550 A Pro and it came with PBO enabled Is my first amd chip (3600) and PBO had the voltage going up to 14 just to boost to 42 ghz It was making my cpu run super hot and I was using the stock cooler until my amd bracket came in for my AIO Manual oc in bios to all cores 42 and manual voltage of 1290 brought down temps by so much and was completely stable Really confusing given how old 3600 is and how new this motherboard is
Comment from : Arsenio Garcia

It feels like the real-world results from overclocking aren't very noticeable It's not like overclocking a 2700x will net you an average of 10fps increase, which would be huge
Comment from : 360Fov

I get the same score in benchmarks Only turned on auto OC so I get 51GHz on 5950x lol
Comment from : Will

After watching this I decided not to mess with my 3900x PBO settings
Comment from : Mr HAN

Got it, I think overclock is not worth the effort, I will just wait a few years and buy the latest cpu
Comment from : Mr HAN

So I'm late to this party, but you noted that you were getting stuck at 42 with PBO I have seen the same behavior with a 3800x on an asrock board It will comfortably run 435 manual OC on 129 set 122 get under an arctic 280 I'll have to try PB again and see what it does
Comment from : TTMR1986

I am not smart enough to parse all this out Asus x470 Prime Pro with Ryzen 3600 (Noctua cooler) and 16 GB 3600 What are my optimum settings for gaming?
Comment from : theonlyegg

20:31 "higher is etter"
Comment from : ____________

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