Название | : | Saturn in Astrology: Meaning Explained |
Продолжительность | : | 3.25.58 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 104 rb |
1:08 Amen Comment from : Gabriel Lowman |
Thank You🖤💖🧡💛💚💙💜 Comment from : Hanna Järvenpää |
😅Im using 1st h ♍ Saturn to pass by traps of future months Began 8th h profection year with Mars time lordship with natal in 3rd and progressed in 4th Sloooow is good Comment from : Hanna Järvenpää |
As a Neptune in the first and Saturn in the 5th, I geddit Comment from : Kitty Hinkle |
Somehow it boggles my mind that Saturn is not exalted in Virgo Comment from : cloclo |
tight saturn placements have been difficult for me to come to grips with in my own natal chart i'm feeling thankful for the reflection note made by Diana at 14:20 Comment from : David Barnard |
Hail Saturn Comment from : Tiffany Bee |
I am a Sagittarius ascendant, while my best friend is a Capricorn ascendant, and watching this gave me a really good insight into the Saturn ruled people! We are born about a month apart, making me a Gemini Sun and her a Leo Sun, and yet we both are like the two different sides of the same coinbrI have Saturn in my 8th House while she has in her 7th House, and back in high school we actually signed a childish friendship contract 😂, and she has kept it so safe for years Comment from : Saby |
2:00:47 as a person with Saturn in Aquarius as dispositor of my chart ruler I have always had and still have the ick towards anything mainstream and I don't opt for anything that is trendy, I always stay near the line but outside of it 😂 Comment from : Lifecanbefun |
Okay so I’ve been wrapping up my own saturn return and now going through a natal sun/natalMercury: Saturn transit It honestly feels just as important I have been listening to this episode slowly for that reason… Now this is the second time I’ve heard about The greatness of Saturn and just got it in the mail yesterday I’ll let you know how depressed and harboring I feel when finished🎉🥳 Comment from : Swiminatub |
I feel you should add 5th house placements to that list Dated an Aquarius for majority of my twenties that was 11 years older than me Aquarius is my 5th house with Saturn snack dab right in there Broke up with him at 29 around Saturn return That relationship had SO many Saturn aspects not going to get into it Just ventingbrbrThanks Chris Comment from : Swiminatub |
Thank you, you help me understand astrology and thru that knolage I understand myself better I support your cause of making such insightful system available for all sort of people Comment from : An Stoi-va |
notable quotable:br"Neptune is really chaotic neutral, but in a low key under the radar kind of way"brgreat D&D reference Comment from : Jason Pruski |
So glad you guys arm touched on the positives of this malefic My fiancé has Saturn in cancer at 29° also in the 10th house We know in astrology that cancer at the 29th degree is said to be the millionaires degree I am hoping that his positive is to help others, just as you guys mentioned by writing a book, and it becoming a bestseller Comment from : Sharae M |
Chris opening up at 2:24:50 about meanies on Reddit honestly warmed my friggin heart and now I’m actually emotionally invested in this podcast Thank you Chris! Comment from : Sean Sean |
I love how you break it down Comment from : Honeybee Monkey |
I love this content so much thank you for all of this information it’s really really good 😀 Comment from : Leta Lucy |
Thank you for this episode Reflections after Saturn with water element is like extracting something ( distillation ) with boundaries skin is like touch sense with gender is like women with tendency to be a little old man inside my cappy placements appreciate this episode very much🙏 Comment from : jablkaijarzebina |
Thx, guys Comment from : Michael Watts |
my saturn is gemini in the 3rd house my father was murdeted at the age of 4, had to leave my native country and realised a learning trauma moving now to teach several subjects Comment from : The Christian Fedor Experience |
not sure if theres a time stamp here Comment from : The Christian Fedor Experience |
Just had to say something about the reference to the ancient Mesopotamian belief of the stars lining up in cancer and the world ending in fire, and water in they're in Capricorn This is amazing to me because in Chinese astrology, Cancer equates to the sheep, and it is called the grave of fire (it's the last of the fire season signs), and Capricorn is the ox which is called the grave of water (it's the last of the water season signs) It was thought to be called these things because these signs are of the transitionary Earth element and are the last of their respective elemental/seasonal signs But maybe there's more to it than that Comment from : Ren |
Thank you both so much This has helped me to understand Saturn and myself so much better , 🙏💜 Comment from : Lea Moonlight |
tattoo artist here in the last decade and especially since covid, apprenticeships are becoming less and less common, and more folks are self/community-taught and have found success independantly through social media Would be interested in the potential astrology behind this! Comment from : Jupiter M |
I appreciate your podcast, thank you for deep diving into history of astrology Comment from : Unleashed Gamez |
I absolutely LOVE that you are serious!! I want to learn not be entertained by a bunch of bullshit This is coming from A Virgo sun, Gemini moon, Sagittarius rising with Saturn in the 1st house !! Please keep being you!! Comment from : V |
To me being August person Saturn is so intelligent and caring ❤ Comment from : Ana Hurtarte |
If destroying that planet doing nothing to life on earth(watch what if) maybe that planet is just a problem if peoples born without that in horoscope theyre will be happier and better for others Comment from : Pan Trutti |
Wonderful to listen to two intelligent humans discussing this interesting topic! Comment from : Amanda Ob |
Isn't this so saturn? It's like yeah there's all those things you're saying, but there's also these other things that you haven't mentioned Comment from : remi williams |
youtube/9VH8lvZ-Z1g Comment from : remi williams |
MC in Aquarius 💀 Comment from : Bardo |
I have to say I’m on the side of Valens in this discussion as I abhor Saturn, even though it has quite the influence on my character, my rising being in Aquarius and Saturn is conjunct my sun I wish you had a third person to balance out the equation that was not so obviously biased pro Saturn Comment from : Luminous Warrior Oracle |
Beautiful podcast Health and happiness to Chris and Diana Rose in the new year Comment from : Janet Lee |
Thanks, enjoyed Comment from : mercurius6699 |
I never connected Saturn (Kronos, Chronos) to the word “chronic” Comment from : Carter Burton |
I have Saturn in Capricorn in the 3rd house within a stellium Still figuring out the 3H elements that should be echoing into experiences like my Saturn Return which 'felt' more 2H (or even 1H?), but that might be the 26th degree that it's on I feel like with having a stellium there which includes Neptune and Uranus, the whole energy gets pulled in so many directions that I don't have enough clarity of what Saturn is doing over there Comment from : Sabine Metz |
Saturn in 8h Scorpio almost in to my 9th house but I don't know what that means Comment from : D A |
Your voice is so relaxing! Listen at bedtime and it's so comforting Comment from : D A |
Diana must be born around the same time as me cos I have Saturn in cap opposite jupiter too I’m surprised she didn’t mention having Uranus in cap as well! So much cap! Comment from : eve |
Both of you were just great! Lovely talk! Thank you!! Comment from : Conciencia Poder |
This is insanely good and valuable! I feel so blessed to have access to this information and so grateful that you have shared it with us Thank you so much I only thought I was going to watch a bit, but I am finding everything that you guys are saying so valuable that I'm like 'oh damn I think I'm going to watch this whole thing' 😂 I'm Saturn dominant (Sun and Mars in Aquarius, Mercury and Jupiter in Capricorn and my Saturn return is coming up in Pisces soon) So I'm guessing that Saturn provided this information to me at the right time Thank you again so much - I feel so blessed right now! 🤗 Comment from : Chwayita Yose |
Chris, you are an educator, the sharing of knowledge is what I am fascinated with I consider you an astrology academic The quiet presentation lets the information be the focus instead of ego That is refreshing in the ‘influencer culture’ that appears to this fifty-something to be appearance over substance Comment from : Grace Looney |
I love Saturn and I LOVE Chris' saturnian disposition He's wise enough to have incredible astrologers join him making the show flavorful and diverse This will always be my ideal Astrology Podcast which is why he knew to call it THE Astrology Podcast (Chris knows what's up) I have a day chart w/Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon Saturn ruling my 10th and 11th house w/ Saturn in the 8th house (ruled by Scorpio) My Saturn transits have been so evolutionary and have continued to bring me life-long gifts as long as I choose to learn and grow Comment from : Quiana |
This is a great episode! ThoroughlyLOLenjoyed it Comment from : Diamonds in the sky astrology |
I have never heard of Saturn being feminine Sounds weird to me but like Chris said, do what you want 😊 Comment from : Raychel Parks |
Chris, seriously brother, If it wasn't for your saturnianness I wouldn't be watching this podcast, I hate when shit is too short, I need substance!! And to me this is the juiciest podcast there isbrBig saturnian hug to you ♥ Comment from : Ana Vera |
What if you have Saturn cazimi? Comment from : Damarys Pinzon |
I’m learning more about Chris’ personality and nuance as I learn from what caught my attention, his deep passion and knowledge for astrology and it’s heritage and his need to ensure information is presented accurately and fairly I owe so much to these podcasts, bringing me back to astrology after years and reminding me of this beautiful language! The original algorithm ❤ Comment from : Little mystic |
Is it possible To not have a lot Saturn in your chart? Comment from : Julie Villia |
I also have a 4th house Saturn like Dave Ghorl Comment from : Julie Villia |
I have Saturn Rx in 11 th house I grew up with a severe learning disability I get discriminated often Overlooked for things I live in poverty, so many challenges I have had to stand up for myself, but have to really know myself well I have started a business, but Saturn has taught me my mistakes with relationships How I am sometimes perceived Comment from : Erin LIght |
Please, don't apologize for who you are Chris Yes you are a Saturnian person and that's totally fine You're doing a great job and if somebody doesn't like it it's not at all your fault, please don't apologize I felt terrible hearing that people shared those comments They should just keep it to themselves Just keep doing your job, it's amazing and inspiring and we are greatful! Comment from : Viola Ottomari |
I'm an Aquarius Rising with Saturn Gemini in 5H Comment from : Virgo |
Have you considered repeating these extended discussions with different guest astrologers? When this Saturn episode appeared, I looked forward to it I admit, I turned it off relatively soon I waited a year (Saturn in Scorpio 12:54") and just attempted to rewatch it I do apologize, but this episode is unwatchable Comment from : Ami à Plumes |
You made a great podcast for yourself, Chris I tune in from time to time I am a fan of your work I am learning something new -- each time that I tune in Keep grinding brother 💯💯💯 Comment from : CTA |
1:03:00 - About BoundarybrMy mom would always say "in order for trees to grow healthy, they need spaces in between Otherwise each other's shadow would kill each other" Comment from : kunichiwa |
I love these videos! I just play them at 15x speed Comment from : Kiki |
Having Saturn touching ALL of my planets except Sun, Moon and Mercury (amongst which 5 squares) plus living under my Saturn Zenith lolbrDeftly fully feeling this one :) brThank you tremendously, you both shared and clarified all so amazing and feeling a new way to be with it! :) ❤❤❤ Comment from : Plemongrass |
does saturn make you poor Comment from : Gothicc |
what would happen to astrology when the sun dies Comment from : Gothicc |
Being worried about not pleasing the widest possible audience is so very Saturnian feature of character! :) Comment from : Anna Kołbuk |
Chris Brennan is number 1 in astrological content! Thank you! Comment from : Elena Ruth Hondroyianni |
would love to see a retrograde planet series Comment from : K G |
should’ve gone more into iamblichus’ statement that the planets have an ideal nature above the material that is perceived differently within the material, i feel like understanding that is the whole work of astrology itself! Comment from : FryingWithTheAntidote |
I notice in my charts and my friends charts the areas they struggle internally in have to do with their social life according to the house their Saturn is in For me it's always been about my image and finding the right work and reputation Comment from : the_scent_of_youthsss |
This is not a nice planet it's very malefic Have had many experiences of the first descriptor in this vid Comment from : the_scent_of_youthsss |
I'm always learning with these podcasts Really appreciate it Thank you Comment from : Swatz |
Clowns, or at least, the artists behind the clowns, are definitely saturnian I have hired many while working for Cirque du Soleil and I confirm they are somber, austere, stern people But very, very profound and knowledgeable people too! Comment from : Bea Bee |
I have a Capricorn Saturn in my 6th house it’s part of Stellium with 5 other planets including the luminaries Saturn is conjunct Neptune it’s really hard to figure out how it works since there’s quite a bit of energy working with it Comment from : Mayra Palomares |
Saturn is associated with the sphere of Binah on the tree of life, which represents the Feminine creative principle Comment from : thescarecrowcat |
Recently new to your channel and loving these valuable in depth reports on the planets especially I've been reading books dedicated to single planets, but this adds another layer as reading can be sometimes a cumbersome way to digest large bodies of important information (but of course makes great reference material)brbrI use True Sidereal which resonates the most with my life experiences Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, Aquarius ASC Saturn and Mars conjunctbr 4th housebrSaturn as chart ruler makes more sense than Uranus for me and I had a EUREKA moment watching this, that Saturn was connected with drowning (I won't explain here why ☺), I'd always assumed that to be a water or Neptunian thing Thank you for all that you do and share on this channel 🙏💜 Comment from : Rita Greenwood |
Wow, some serious dedication on this channel :D Comment from : Amber Signore |
I have Saturn 🪐 as my second dominant planet in my natal chart Comment from : Romeo santos |
I have Saturn in the 12th in a day chart, in Leo, the ruler of Leo is in my 7th in a Jupiter ruled sign I had an incredibly challenging Saturn Return & following years of integration, but other than that I find it hard to discern my Saturn Almost always had bad relationship experiences Comment from : nodont |
I love this episode! Having Saturn feeling extra joyous in my 12th house holding Moons hand in conjunction I have that extra tender spot for Saturn I also remembered this song and it feels very Saturnian, just wanted to share: youtube/DLFI7Cs7qmk Now back to listening the rest of this amazing episode! Comment from : MyosotisSylvatica |
I love hearing perspective about world events or even about things like bonsai trees on this podcast so I don't feel so bad for gorging on hours of astrology! 😅 Comment from : nodont |
Saturn is transiting my 1st house and I feel the same, so sluggish and so not motivated, like I’m doing things but SUPER SLOWWWW Comment from : Nisha Chhetri |
Have you heard the sound of Saturn (from NASA)? It's eerie, like the sound of the wicked souls screaming while perishing eternally in the darkness He truly is the lord of the darkness Comment from : Semiramide |
harikaydı , teşekkürler💕👌🌹 Comment from : Yomuhe |
dakika 64 ve harika soru 😍 Comment from : Yomuhe |
Dracula is very Saturnian Soil Confinement Evil Societal upheaval Long travel in ships Foreign lands Seclusion Boundaries made by time Opposition to the sun Eternal life Death 🧛🏻♂️ 🪐 Comment from : nick |
Thank you both so much! Your lil Saturn jokes and tiny laughs are the cutest thing I think I've ever seen :) Much love to you both! Comment from : Owning Authenticity |
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