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Mercury in Astrology: Meaning Explained


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Название :  Mercury in Astrology: Meaning Explained
Продолжительность :   2.14.39
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Просмотров :   54 rb

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Коментарии Mercury in Astrology: Meaning Explained

The Astrology Podcast
Another good example of a native with a prominent Mercury that I meant to mention is Donald Glover / Childish Gambino, who has Virgo rising with Mercury in Virgo, and really exhibits the ability of Mercury to be multi-talented and multifaceted with his various careers as a comedian, actor, singer / rapper, writer, and producer Who are some other famous people with prominent Mercury placements that you think are a good example of some of the qualities we mentioned in the episode?
Comment from : The Astrology Podcast

Hanna Järvenpää
But think about the early days of curious students of anathomy, who had to steal corpses in order to create the basis of modern (western) medical field, that heavily leans on rational approach Mercurial distancing from emotions most likely made it possible to cut up people to find out how bodies tick
Comment from : Hanna Järvenpää

Hanna Järvenpää
Thank You💫🌟⚡️
Comment from : Hanna Järvenpää

Jennifer Brantley
I think the thing that is interesting about mercury retrograde ( or any retrograde really) is to reconceptualize it that it isn't the planet that is retrograde, it is our perception of the the things represented by that planet that is retrograde We are retrograde, not the planet
Comment from : Jennifer Brantley

I have mercury as lord of the 6th in the 8th in scorpio in bad dignity I have experienced these possible related symptoms in my life: As a child I needed minor tongue surgery and speech therapy for several years I am a terrible speller I have TMJ I have had chronic pelvic floor dysfunction for 20 years which involves nerve pain I have hyperhydrosis on my hands (gemini) Fun times
Comment from : Chris

Walker Goff
Fun fact: brbrThe first acid trip ever is celebrated by the holiday “Bicycle Day”
Comment from : Walker Goff

Shikha Safal
I learned so much from this Podcast I am learning astrology and refer to this channel on a regular basis to get a deeper conceptual clarity In Vedic astrology (aka Parashari) we refer to Sun as significator of Astrology Mercury is definitely needed for astrology as it gives logic and flair for calculations, however, it lacks intuition Alongside Mercury, good Jupiter is also seen
Comment from : Shikha Safal

Michael Watts
Thx, guys
Comment from : Michael Watts

Thank you, Chris, appreciate your planet seriesgreat interview
Comment from : Myralhf

Thomas Boyle
Hi Chris, I'm Thomas I'm a Virgo rising at 4°41' I have Mars just above the ascendant in Leo at 27°45, and in Virgo I have the North Node 5°, Jupiter 7°37, Lilith 9°46', my house cusp, Saturn 24°36', Moon 27°57 conjunct Alkaid I have Mercury 3°27' Rx square in Sagittarius square Jupiter and separating, but on the upside I have it by face and there is a mutual reception with Jupiter So I have an abundant of Mercurial energy I was walking at 8/9 months, which is the Sabian symbol for 3° Sagittarius My other placements are Sun 22°02' ♏, Ouranos 21° 21' ♏ both within a degree so some say "Cazimi" but I don't know, and they are also within a degree of my IC I think it needs to be looked at more Venus 13°05' ♐, Neptune 19°11' ♐ and Pluto at 20°23' ♎ If you ever want me on to discuss my interesting and dynamic life do not hesitate Valens writing on Mercury you interpreted was pretty good, and I understand why he has elaborated more on Mercury as he does bestow a continually thinking Man brThanks and grace unto you and Jo for a fine podcastbrbrThomas
Comment from : Thomas Boyle

Janet Lee
Enjoyed this concise and clear discussion My merc is in sag in 11th Have been drawn into heated discussions in politics and religion, but am mostly into spirituality I never intend for it to get negative, and related to the part about changing directions Grand daughter is virgo and has detective abilities, I can relate to as Scorpio My mom was gem with Virgo moon, a small but muscular swimmer, and I relate to her as a hummingbird Also loved her teaching me to swim in the ocean at 3 She was expert teacher, and the one time I swam way out past " undertow" , there was a shark alert and I was the only one left out in the water Needless to say, I swam the fastest I ever have And still have all parts, so far This was a very mind enriching podcast and I thank you for all your hard work Sometimes the details lead to much mind expansion! God bless! And hope you continue these podcasts! ( saving the planet one planet at a time!)
Comment from : Janet Lee

I have Mercury in Libra, in the 1st house with my Sun co present - conjunct South Node and Ceres When my progressed Mercury went retrograde I was in my early 30s and began getting (worse than usual) memory problems and stuttering slightly with anxiety I was diagnosed with ADHD the year Mercury went retrograde!!!!
Comment from : Bethia

Thank you! So enjoying what you share Learning a lot! ❤️🙏❤️
Comment from : en

Love Leigh
Happy to hear I’m an ass for having a Pisces Mercury 😅♓️
Comment from : Love Leigh

WAY - planetary heredity ☆ Astrologie
What a lovely person to represent mercury, she is exactly like one would imagine a "mercurial" character: young, witty, smart and bold 🙂
Comment from : WAY - planetary heredity ☆ Astrologie

Ruxandra Vlad
Mercury-jupiter…wow so me _sag and my husband gemini
Comment from : Ruxandra Vlad

1:44:30 We are all one, you are the clock 🤣😂🤣😂
Comment from : Pratik

Gina Baron
Comment from : Gina Baron

As far as poets go, Walt Whitman also has an interesting mercury placement and chart in general!
Comment from : ISeeMyselfInTheSparrow

Dave Fassett
Ani Difranco has Mercury cnj Mars in Virgo and it’s very evident in her songs
Comment from : Dave Fassett

Comment from : Maureen

Tracy Sternburg
I have a tight t-square with mercury in Taurus, mars in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius In the right situation, I love cursing More to say as it is my second Saturn return right now Ready for next spring Thanks for all the great work
Comment from : Tracy Sternburg

Scott Lewis
1:42:30 Restless and Fidigity just like Mercury :)
Comment from : Scott Lewis

Katrina Courneyea
As someone with Mercury in Virgo at 29°55 and Mars in Gemini I very much appreciated this!!
Comment from : Katrina Courneyea

Maz Kanata
So many Austin Coppick protégés
Comment from : Maz Kanata

Suz Dwyer
Yep, my mind and communication (especially writing) is usually at lightning speed, it can be really overwhelming, the huge surges of mental energy, and you are right, it's almost too much for the human body (and I have to be so careful to not burn out and overload my/others brain and senses!) Mercury aquarius in 9th house Capricorn brGeminis often way overstimulate me, they jump topics way too randomly, and I prefer to go deep, and I really dislike not being listened to I do love the fast interaction with them though, the wit and the laughs (in small doses these days)
Comment from : Suz Dwyer

Subrina Bruce
If someone born on July 22nd, but they feel more like leo but people say that people born on that day is a cancer Explain this to me please?
Comment from : Subrina Bruce

Secondary progressed Mercury ingress 9h for my beginning to study astrology 🥰
Comment from : Kate

Mysti Frost
I'm confusedI have Virgo rising, In your video, 42:48 stating mars ruling the 3rd house What do you mean? Like, I have Virgo Rising 29 degrees 1st house, Leo sun in the 12th house, Mercury in Cancer in the 11th house, and Mars in Libra in the 2nd house What am I not seeing here? Thank you!
Comment from : Mysti Frost

Blanca M
Love this episode! I’m a medical interpreter which involves fast thinking and speaking My mercury is in the second house co-present with mars in Aquarius Gemini sixth house (sickness) and tenth house libra (the other person)
Comment from : Blanca M

Arit Ma’at
Such an informative video Mercury is my chart ruler in esoteric astrology Thank you for all the astrological wisdom you share with the collective🌅
Comment from : Arit Ma’at

My mercury is in retrograde in scorpio in 8th house Mars in cancer in 5th house Saturn in 11th house in aquarius Nothing in virgo Gemini has my south node Both 6th and 3rd house emptyIve always had struggled with communication, being misunderstood and grasping what people are actually telling me Comprehending and being able to understand things I read or learn has been a hassle as well People have always judged me to be as not as smart or intellectual which also doesnt help Im almost 30 and havent seen a return
Comment from : Vanessa

Alyxandri Oberhansley
Virgo rising with a sun,moon,mercury,Venus stellium in Gemini 👋
Comment from : Alyxandri Oberhansley

Funny I always think of communication as listening and not as much relaying a message In order to properly and adequately send a message we need to know who we’re sending it to and learn their language first
Comment from : Etty

judy thierry
I have Neptune conjunct Mercury in Scorpio in the twelfth I was so holding that you would bring Neptune up
Comment from : judy thierry

I got Libra sun /Scorpio mercury combo retrograde This retrograde i noticed i am making decisions easily And im indecisive as hell
Comment from : Arbelius33

The Triplets
I'm a Leo Asc with a Gemini stellium and my time lord this year is mercury so this was super helpful!
Comment from : The Triplets

Jodi Underwood
Re-lisisting to this episode made me re-look at a chart from when I was 17 years old, walking home from work, struck by a drunk driver and flew 66ft though the air Uranus was directly conjunct my natal Mercury, Sun conjunction I had to learn how to read and write and communicate all over again A very literal example of Mercury/Uranus transit
Comment from : Jodi Underwood

Alan R
Comment from : Alan R

Tea Dale
I have just changed my Twitter comment to "Frothy of no judgement" Mercury is my strongest planet
Comment from : Tea Dale

Nicki Dolce
Mercury with Saturn makes the detective, the investigator I was an investigator for a detective agency years ago in my youth and this aspect made me never let go of a puzzling case until it was solved This Mercury aspect, coupled with Saturn, made me study cases from many angles until the subject is exhausted Mercury gives me so many ideas and shines the light and gives dimensions to these ideas Mercury can be like spraying WD40 on a subject It is a wonderful thought-lubricant!
Comment from : Nicki Dolce

Sheba Remy Kharbanda
These offerings are so rich in information and inspiration and so very generous! Thank you 🙏🏾
Comment from : Sheba Remy Kharbanda

Jodi Underwood
Jo, girl your eyebrow game is FIERCE!!! Hello from a fellow ♌ rising, ♍ stellium Love this discussion More Jo please 🙏🏻!!!
Comment from : Jodi Underwood

369 Gigi
Another great episode I am loving chewing through these planet episodes I had to chuckle at the Uranus discussion because of what happening in the Uranus episode with Rick Levineuranus on the asc :) that was actually the episode that literally pulled me into this series thank you so much
Comment from : 369 Gigi

Mrs Dela Cruz
Yeah…it’s part of legal ethics We as lawyers are not supposed to judge the innocence or guilt of our client but to defend him the best we can…on the flip side; if we get hired as a private prosecutor, we’d have to prosecute the defendant, despite our personal opinions about whether or not a crime actually happened etcbrAfter all what is the legal truth is different from factual truth🤷🏻‍♀️
Comment from : Mrs Dela Cruz

Eve Osiris
My mercury is nestled between to conjunctions 11 degrees to the side of my sun moon conjunction and 9 towards Lilith (not an actual planet so many not considered a conjunction) and Mars All of its in Cancer It is Retrograde, is this a good placement? I have always wondered since I swing between silence and cant-shut-up-even if I wanted to
Comment from : Eve Osiris

Eve Osiris
My merc exactly squares (to the minute)my Ascendant in Retrograde and opposes my mc
Comment from : Eve Osiris

Ashish Mishra
So pretty Love From India❤🙏
Comment from : Ashish Mishra

Magnolia Violeta
Mars conj mercury 38:00
Comment from : Magnolia Violeta

i have a virgo mercury jupiter conjunction in the ninth house, sun and MC there too! i’m definitely wordy… every word seems so necessary to include 🤣
Comment from : celestica

I have a Mercury Mars conjunction in 8th house Leo and I totally relate to the swearing part 😂😂 "words as weapons" really is a thing, too Especially in younger years, I was completely unaware of the impact my words had on people until I learned to control it
Comment from : Linda

Natalie Martin
Eminems birth chart!!! Omg I've been looking for that for years!! Also he has a literal song that is called words as weapons he recorded with D12
Comment from : Natalie Martin

Freedom Girl Princess
I have Leo Sun and Leo Acsendant my mercury is in Virgo ♍☺ trine Jupiter
Comment from : Freedom Girl Princess

Jill Leonard
Great so I have Virgo rising with Jupiter conjunct Uranus and Pluto; squaring the midheaven with a Mercury in Gemini conjunction I can relate to the energy overload, we joke at appliances going out when I get mad As for details, I often feel like a telephoto lens zooming in and out of deatils and big picture, but the details can be tiresome Why with all that excess mental energy why can't I bend spoons with my mind or is it more likely my mind will explode? :)
Comment from : Jill Leonard

Made Harimbawa
Love the birds on Jo's wall In Vedic Astrology, Mercury is related to birds as well :)
Comment from : Made Harimbawa

Arial Kann
I have a Leo Rising with a Virgo Sun/Mercury cazimi and a Virgo Venus - definitely feel what Jo said The Leo is there but the Mercury definitely gets emphasized It’s what I lead with and what people tend to see first
Comment from : Arial Kann

Sloane Frances
I'm a self-taught Placidus Astrologer of almost 12 years, and absolutely no one held my hand throughout any of it (Mercury in Cap in the 8th)
Comment from : Sloane Frances

Sloane Frances
I'm too poor to sign up for AYA right now–I'm hoping this changes for me soon–but, in the future Chris, if you want to discuss Uranus with me on the podcast I'd probably be your best bet: I'm an Aquarius sun with an entire Aquarius stellium in the 8th house, and I've been an astrologer for almost 12 years Don't pass me up! I don't read professionally for moral reasons (i hate money in general), but I definitely have I've also been a student of the Chinese Zodiac as well as Buddhism & Hinduism
Comment from : Sloane Frances

Rebecca W
Aladdin is GOAT ☺️
Comment from : Rebecca W

stephen jackson
I love my Mercury even more now Gemini stellium with sun, mercury, Saturn, Jupiter
Comment from : stephen jackson

My Mercury (Libra 7th House) squares my Uranus (Cap 10th House) and Neptune (Cap 10th House) and conjuncts my Jupiter (Libra 7th House) brbrHelp me 🤣
Comment from : RP DQ

My Crow by Ohm
There are only like five moderators in the big astrology subreddits Hard to believe Jo is such a monster
Comment from : My Crow by Ohm

Cara L
Sag Rx Mercury closely trine Cancer Mars by degree—can confirm I curse out the wazoo (around people I know well) Also will have to check out progressed Mercury station changes, thank you!
Comment from : Cara L

Really been enjoying Jo's contributions on the podcast!!
Comment from : Nataleo

Gitanjali Nandan
Great chat
Comment from : Gitanjali Nandan

1:41:28 That's because today we have a weird idea that observation and explanation of how things work materially somehow explain something about existence, and that's just simply not true Like, you don't prove God doesn't exist by going into space and seeing he's not there in heaven You don't explain human existence by knowing how the body works, you don't explain something's existence by just explaining its mechanismsThis is what scientits started doing after the Enlightment and it's just dumb functionalism
Comment from : sarah

Simon Martine Ferland
42:12 Mercury and Scorpionic Mars giving relentless mental focus feels like one of the truest things about me I've heard in astrology so far Just yes That's exactly how I experience it
Comment from : Simon Martine Ferland

Summer Breeze 777
my Mercury is in Libra in my birth chart always of interest Thank you
Comment from : Summer Breeze 777

Jesus Brito
I have a Sun/Mercury conjunction that has an orb of ten minutes And the interesting thing about hearing you speak of the Sun as the inner speech and Mercury as the messenger of that is that i always talk to myself even in my own head I tend to have socratic dialogue with myself about everything,
Comment from : Jesus Brito

Fabian Chavez
She's so damn cute and smart!!
Comment from : Fabian Chavez

Pilar Valencia
Excellent podcast I am started to appreciate my Virgo rising I enjoyed the historical perspective and the mercurial analysis of Mercury Jo is also very clear and the both of you made it great
Comment from : Pilar Valencia

Susan Hopkinson
I loved this talk - very informative! BTW Scrivener means writer or scribe (around the 1:20:45 mark)
Comment from : Susan Hopkinson

Corrina Ulrich
Was listening to this at work slowly realizing Jo and I have almost exactly the same chart I was born a half hour earlier that day Ascendant at 5 Leo Crazy!
Comment from : Corrina Ulrich

What a beautiful looking young woman So wise toobr🌻🌻
Comment from : Rina

Light & Shadow
That 🌞♊️ Mercury in ♉️ is me lol
Comment from : Light & Shadow

Jessica Maia
This was absolutely fascinating to listen to as a Gemini rising with Mercury & Venus in Cancer and Mars in Virgo!! I also have Neptune & Uranus conjunction opposite my Mercury, but the trine to Pluto is strongest Last year I tuned into Jason Holley's webinar thru Astrology University on Mercury which was SO profound as a Mercury ruled person and astrologer Great info in conjunction with this podcast episode
Comment from : Jessica Maia

Michelle Cook-Hill
Thank you 😊
Comment from : Michelle Cook-Hill

Jorge Caré
Great videos on the planets enjoying them very much so far Is there a video on the ascendant on the channel, if not are you planing on doing one?
Comment from : Jorge Caré

Tristen Sky
WOW So I have Mercury Conjunct Mars to the degree, in Taurus in 4th I have noticed that I am patient in arguments, but when I am pushed to the limit I EXPLODE It is so interesting how I go from 0 to 100 so quickly I will be so quiet and receptive, but when they say something annoying I get angry, loud, swear and I fight with my words My anger in debates and arguments happens so quickly that I only realize I blew up after the argument is over With it being in the 4th, almost ALL of my most heated debates and arguments have been with my parents, sister or roommates! I kinda like my mars/mercury conjunction because I am so assertive and I will fight for what's right I have dealt with racist and homophobic family members and I would always argue against them passionately But yes, I've noticed that I have a fiery and sharp tongue and would sometimes need to apologize after :)
Comment from : Tristen Sky

Mercury in Scorpio 4th conjuct Venus Scorpio
Comment from : Daiane

Ana Voando
Thanks! Always good to learn with you :)
Comment from : Ana Voando

Jeanette Belle
Oh dear! How many times in one sentence can Jo say the word, "like"? Like, do we like have like a new like drinking game? Love you, Jo!
Comment from : Jeanette Belle

Ida Mestroni
please put j subtitles thanks
Comment from : Ida Mestroni

The only thing I learned from this video was that Jo Gleason has the cutest freckles I've ever seen
Comment from : yourliver1

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