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Michael Saylor u0026 Max Keiser DESTROY Bitcoin Energy Consumption Criticism


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Название :  Michael Saylor u0026 Max Keiser DESTROY Bitcoin Energy Consumption Criticism
Продолжительность :   6.03
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Просмотров :   70 rb

Кадры Michael Saylor u0026 Max Keiser DESTROY Bitcoin Energy Consumption Criticism

Описание Michael Saylor u0026 Max Keiser DESTROY Bitcoin Energy Consumption Criticism

Коментарии Michael Saylor u0026 Max Keiser DESTROY Bitcoin Energy Consumption Criticism

Swan Bitcoin
What do you think about the Bitcoin energy consumption criticisms? Are they valid or just hit pieces?
Comment from : Swan Bitcoin

The Saudi Nation agreeing to sell oil in USD is what gives the USD its powernot the Pentagon You can have all the guns in the world, but if no other nation wants/uses your currency, what good is it?
Comment from : OurHeroXero

Ruben Godinez
Bitcoin is not green you are using resources to keep this stupid idea afloat
Comment from : Ruben Godinez

Sounds a lot like copium…
Comment from : XxDeZZoRxX

Vinicius Audi
i need sources, im making a tesis in this topic and i cant quote a youtube video, any one have any sources?
Comment from : Vinicius Audi

Sid Kaskey
This presentation is a Master Class on how to produce word salad nonsense in order to deflect from valid criticism
Comment from : Sid Kaskey

Thyme Flies
Completely disagree He is selling is a one-sided view, completely lacking nuance
Comment from : Thyme Flies

Lmao "wall of encrypted energy" - this dude is a clown Talking like Jordan Peterson and talking in word circles isn't an answer
Comment from : 7urbine

Wazeem Khan
Two of the biggest scammers on youtube… fake facts all day
Comment from : Wazeem Khan

Kevin Adams
What you are ignoring - conveniently - is not the simple use of energy, but that this energy has to be PRODUCED, usually through the burning of fossil fuels That is the real issue I think climate change is a natural thing - and whether we have exacerbated as humans or not - we don't need to do things to make it worse without any consideration to the effects Cryptocurrency is a huge ponzi scheme When some can tweet a sale or purchase and the price plummets or soars, there is a problem there
Comment from : Kevin Adams

The comparison with the pentagon is very helpful - military supremacy is an incredibly inefficient way of protecting the value of a currency On this basis alone we can predict the fall of USD relative to any currency which protects its value more efficiently
Comment from : ThreeWheelDog

All About DIY
he's invested in bitcoin, ofcourse he's going to talk for it, bitcoin creates a wall of energy LOL
Comment from : All About DIY

Justin Case
Is there anything that could ever change Saylor's mind, the answer is no that should scare everyone
Comment from : Justin Case

Ed Mac
An argument based on a huge amount of ignorance No proof offered to support any of these observations Call me back when you have the knowledge, money and inclinations to back up your absurd positions Got a problem with that?brTry going to China to do itbr
Comment from : Ed Mac

What a load of rubbish MUSK It takes 4 times as much energy to produce the same value in GOLDbrDon't hear MUSK talking about Gold being a bad investment because of energy usagebrHAS MUSK BEING TALKING TO THE CHINESE?????????????????????????????????????????????????
Comment from : 48tilt

Fabian Rodriguez
"Bitcoin miners go to the end of the earth, to the end of the grid and are using energy that would otherwise be wasted Recycling marginal energy"brbrThis is a great synapis of bitcoin miners
Comment from : Fabian Rodriguez

Kevin Estopinal
Comment from : Kevin Estopinal

Jeremy Lelea
We're not selling, we're not selling, Elon!!!!!
Comment from : Jeremy Lelea

Vicky Dada
Michael Saylor is a fool! Bitcoin uses a significant more energy than visa- no need to start a new financial system that uses all this energy that can be used for something essential! His argument here is moronic! All that energy can be used for something that we really need! Even if bitcoin is green, it still uses energy ! unless we go 100 green with all theenergy in the world, there is no place for bitcoin! What a conman!
Comment from : Vicky Dada

t 44
Wow Van Dam shows up at 2:33
Comment from : t 44

Why these videos never offer any data to backup their arguments?brbrCan you guys offer any data or evidence to backup your argument that renewable / excess / recycle energy is mainly used for bitcoin mining?brbrWithout data or evidence, you are guessing or speculating
Comment from : ru40342

Milo Fonbil
How much paper does printing TRILLIONS of dollars consume? LOL
Comment from : Milo Fonbil

Ry Rilo
Take a legitimate issue or concern and use it as a weapon against the masses
Comment from : Ry Rilo

Maybe someday TESLA's will charge their batteries without the SAME power grids that mine Bitcoin
Comment from : Tech50

Concerned Troll
Comment from : Concerned Troll

The world uses about 26 petawatts or 26000 terawatts per year, Bitcoin uses about 120 terrawatts per year Thats around 04 of the entire supply If you eliminated Bitcoin energy usage entirely it would do nothing for/to the climate It's an equivalent argument to the removal of NASA, which also uses around 04 of the budget, fixing the US debt
Comment from : bitcoinsig

Covert B
Saylor is incredibly dumb
Comment from : Covert B

Der Engel
💚 IOTA 💚 Don't ask what the world can do for you, ask yourself what you brcan do to leave the lowest possible CO2 footprint for the world and our descendants brNo miners, no greedy auditors, no broadcasting costs, no avoidable fees, etcbrThe world needs everyone to rethink, for the benefit of the entire world with its inhabitants, the future world, nature, clima, people and our descendants need 💚 IOTA 💚 a clean alternative
Comment from : Der Engel

I'm in Mike As much as I can be
Comment from : JR Gb

John Tapley
How much energy is needed to maintain cash? Energy needed to mine ore, to make banks vaults, to transport vaults, to transport cash in ALL security vans, to printing new bills, to burn old bills, to maintain ATM machines, to make ATM machines, transport ATM machines, to power cash transactions?
Comment from : John Tapley

Channing Alton
Recently i made huge profits on my investment since i started trading with mrs sandra brooks, her trading strategies are top notch notch coupled with the little commission she charges on her trade
Comment from : Channing Alton

Up to a point
Saylor is an excellent spokesman for Bitcoin; Keiser is the carnival barker I love the independence Bitcoin gives from fiat money but some realism is needed Saylor's energy argument is confined to marginal supplies As Bitcoin becomes more energy-intensive to mine and transact, governments will increase power prices Therein lies its ultimate control In the US Northwest people wanted affordable air conditioning more than jobs in aluminum production and energy was diverted They will make similar choices that affect the new (and welcome) Bitcoin monetary system
Comment from : Up to a point

The Nexus blockchain creates energy and income
Comment from : frutbum-p

Babu Ma
So there is Argo Blockchain entering into green energy Bitcoin mining, this is the next level of Bitcoin mining
Comment from : Babu Ma

Understanding Bitcoin
These are my people
Comment from : Understanding Bitcoin

nick simon
Mining gold or coal is worst
Comment from : nick simon

Beauregard Kensington
Has he ever written an article about this? I have a friend who won’t use youtuve
Comment from : Beauregard Kensington

Mehdi Chihib
Banks consume energy, building banks consume energy , operating and maintaining them consume energy!
Comment from : Mehdi Chihib

Andrew Cannon
Currently 1 btc now equal to 314 oz of gold I wonder how much energy needed to mine and refine 314 oz of gold
Comment from : Andrew Cannon

African Bitcoin Channel
They( Regulators, governments and even banks) are going to allow this so they can tax the crap out of it because of the impact on the "environment" This energy consumption thing is going to get bitcoin regulated out of existence It will be a painful lesson for the greedy and those who love money Thats just ignoring the fact that Satoshi could come back to life after some time to dump his bags fait accompli the greatest backstabbing in history have fun for now kids the sun will set soon
Comment from : African Bitcoin Channel

African Bitcoin Channel
Head of Bank of International Settlements said the bitcoin blockchain may endup breaking down altogether due to mining flaws and they think it's an environmental catastrophe Who's going to keep pouring more money on to this black hole if money(value) is held by the banks and they keep on pushing back against BTC And they keep advocating more greener tech such as XRP (no mining) and works with regulators and follows the rules Lets be adults about this 30 of money going into bitcoin is effectively "burned" by high electricity bill how is this store of value exactly If no new money enters even for a week the system and mining is still eating all the available "Value" how will this "store value" return value back to users of the system When 15TPS slow Confirmation times starts to bottleneck those trying to settle their transactions in real life with this system when miners keep demanding hectic fees to settle transactions while no new money enters the system This is stupid really Even just 12 billion ppl on this 15TPS system and 10 min transaction times for those who can afford these hefty fees will break down your all mighty bitcoin Grown men will weep very very soon
Comment from : African Bitcoin Channel

Yes you are absolutely right
What about hedera hashgraph?
Comment from : Yes you are absolutely right

a GPU uses less power than an incandescent lightbulb @ 100 watts, i use instead of baseboard heater much less than 1500 watts
Comment from : MoVieZafterMidNiGhT

DJ Lavish
Good One!
Comment from : DJ Lavish

Darren Poole
HAHA ive never heard such rubbish ! roll on November and the new global climate emergency laws from COP26 banning POW mining globally
Comment from : Darren Poole

To expand on Saylor’s point that btc mining happens at the margins, the critic’s argument of “Bitcoin uses as much energy as country XYZ”, should really be “if Bitcoin mining was switched off, you’d save as much energy as (a much much smaller) country xyz”
Comment from : JP

Julian Boyce
Love the "I told you so" shirt, but the rose-colored glasses says it all!
Comment from : Julian Boyce

Doug B
What's amusing is how people who criticize Bitcoin's energy consumption aren't aware it takes far more energy on a relative basis to mine gold
Comment from : Doug B

Yo mismo soy el regalo
If you don’t use the dollar we’re going to bomb you Seriously?
Comment from : Yo mismo soy el regalo

BTC about to get regulated, I hope Max still wears that shirt
Comment from : papxrp

BTC will be the greatest beta ever It did a great job opening minds to decentralization of value but it is not the long term solution for transactions
Comment from : EF

point is it requires a certain amount of energy and as it gets harder it can require more, that is not a bad thing but it is a fact nonetheless can the same thing be done with less energy requirements? or can it use energy more efficiently? i believe these are valid questions i only wish i had the brains to answer
Comment from : George

Is it true that when the energy source is green, the amount of consumption becomes irrelevant? Are we comparing energy source or energy consumption?
Comment from : AT99

A Dohmnail
Uh the energy market or natural gas market is not faltering It is onna huge upswing
Comment from : A Dohmnail

Bitcoin will encourage people to find the cheapest and most efficient ways to produce and store electricity Who ever can mine it the cheapest will win!!! Electricity, bitcoin (and perhaps other alt-coins) will hopefully one day replace oil and the oil dollar Electricity will become the "new oil"!!!!!!!
Comment from : M B

SAM govani
Comment from : SAM govani

Dr D
The same people worried about BTC energy consumption are probably the same losers that shaming you for "killing grandma" for not wanting to have lockdowns In other words, they have zero capacity to see beyond the most superficial emotional reasoning and can't comprehend 2nd and 3rd order effects and so on
Comment from : Dr D

Joe Foster
Everyone is crying about btc consumption as we prepare to move to electric cars they our grid cannot support, funny
Comment from : Joe Foster

I d like to know the energy consumption by all banks in the world in terms of electricity used by all branches and servers operation, employees commuting by car, all these added up could be more than the consumption of btc
Comment from : 365Thai

Brian Andrade
Proof of work means those who work rule the world, proof of stake means only those with money rule the world It is literally the difference between feedom and tyranny, good and evil
Comment from : Brian Andrade

Simply facts
Lol bitcoin sucks
Comment from : Simply facts

How much CO2 does mining gold create?
Comment from : KARSTEN HOLLAND

Let ́s Fix It
Bitcoin is energy storage
Comment from : Let ́s Fix It

Most of the mines are in china, so they re powered by coal, so once again saylors off his rocker
Comment from : mightyachilles1

Wayne Carson
Right wrong or indifferent those who run the world will carbon tax and regulate POW coins despite what Saylor "feels" Max's Pentagon cc strawman argument is just that, the Pentagon remains no matter what we use or don't use brWatch the show
Comment from : Wayne Carson

32 people who are upset that they didn't buy Bitcoin and keep using the energy argument to justify missing the boat disliked this video LOL
Comment from : William

SL Kanai
So to be clear, bitcoin still uses a crapton of energyit's just more efficient in its usage Not exactly green, per se
Comment from : SL Kanai

dlb dlb
Wrong Max, XOM is up 41 YTD , FSLR is down -19
Comment from : dlb dlb

Jon Cooper
bitcoin to 200k brVGX to 50$ brvoyager app the best
Comment from : Jon Cooper

Adam Brickley
The really energy argument is that bitcoin growth in value is driven by fiat loss in value, which inturn is driven by the idea of perpetual growth in production coupled to infinite debt and money creation
Comment from : Adam Brickley

The energy consumption just proves it is a real store of value
Comment from : Someoneinthecomments

Mark S
Max went Full 🤡 w the ‘use USD or get bombed’ blast Quit watching there brbrThe biggest pt: gold doesn’t leap out of the Earth Have any of the Lefty crybabies does the analysis of its energy needs? And hood isn’t finite like BTC
Comment from : Mark S

$250 million per day is just fuel burned to defend the petrodollar
Comment from : JS

Kwame Baah Tardier (KBT)
Reasons why Bill Gates hates bitcoin?? brbrBecause he's bitter about the fact that he wanted to change the world and spent all his life doing nothing impressive Steve jobs comes along and boom changes what a cell phone is Elon Musk comes around and boom, he's changing space travel
Comment from : Kwame Baah Tardier (KBT)

EW Zero
Comment from : ayy

Lazlo Panaflex
Selling the liebrSelling the pyramid that will end the worldbrSetting a new standard to measure infamy and shame
Comment from : Lazlo Panaflex

Jan-Martin Ulvåg
wind is cheap?
Comment from : Jan-Martin Ulvåg

Ya think the only one who has more Bitcoin than Max is Satoshi?
Comment from : S

Crypto mining runs on a computer that uses electricity , that electricity can come from renewables or fossil fuels it doesnt really have anything to do with the crypto itself
Comment from : Nick

Fintech Millionaire
The first is never the last
Comment from : Fintech Millionaire

Fintech Millionaire
LOL you can keep your flip phone
Comment from : Fintech Millionaire

James Tesolin
Dmgi blockchain solutions is a company using wasted flair gas to mine bitcoinbrThey trade off the TSX brbrThe cheapest energy out if any miner brCool unique idea
Comment from : James Tesolin

Comment from : Shroom

jose Alacid
Comment from : jose Alacid

sean kenny
People who have a only one interest in life usually have a guilty secret in their past from the age of 12 to 16
Comment from : sean kenny

sean kenny
Max Keiser private info not on internet
Comment from : sean kenny

Sbl17 Jackson
If renewables power the mining process, than Bitcoin comes clean and can't be accused of causing an increase in our use of dirty fossil fuels
Comment from : Sbl17 Jackson

Mickey Drago
I've read 39 of Bitcoin comes from renewable energy sources, And you should see the gold mining comparisons!brI could try to post them again but I have been censored
Comment from : Mickey Drago

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