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What’s WRONG with school lunch in the U.S.?


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Продолжительность :   14.59
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Коментарии What’s WRONG with school lunch in the U.S.?

President Reagan wasn't president in any of the 1970's
Comment from : @user-fm5jk8gc9n

American school food is pure rubbish 😂 compared to other country like korea they are so much better
Comment from : @tada7639

My school serves sushi and Fresh stuff…
Comment from : @anthonyx4228

When school lunches are lacking, someone in the school system is stealing money on a local level
Comment from : @biguglycreek916

I’m an American who went to a public school and most of the school lunch that they would serve me at my old schools were okay
Comment from : @alexjvee6836

Amd still, children in countries with very good school lunches complain about their lunch
Comment from : @elifan06

What do you expect from the federal government????
Comment from : @middleagedjabroni

When I went to school lunches were made from scratch we had real 🍽, glasses and silverware! Everyone ate at the same time and leftovers were given out no waste just wholesome fresh food !
Comment from : @auntbee8581

Some public schools in my country restrict what food overweight students can order off their canteens' menus, probably to promote healthier eating The food is usually cooked fresh by multiple stalls in each school's canteen by small businesses, instead of at a central kitchen, and sold at a reduced price compared to market rates
Comment from : @lzh4950

Honestly, I think government and schools are too lazy to source out to proper businesses and companies for decent quality supplies and cater to what’s most convenient I understand cooking in a cafeteria vs community volunteering is different since one is donated another is bought but honestly it’s not that much more expensive to provide decent food You can do…brbr- porridgebr- oatmealbr- frozen fruitsbr- boiled frozen veggies (easier to eat for kids), - spaghetti (it’s not that hard to make pasta and pour in a bunch of tomato sauce and bits of meat) though already donebr- PROPER rice with possibly tofu for vegetariansbr- PROPER rice with diced meat or grounded (since whole can be expensive) br- mac and cheese NORMAL (so easy to make and not expensive come on now…)br- water or little bit of milk like McDonalds servingbr- FRESH mashed potatoes (do I need to explain myself)brbrEtcbrbrThese days students are so acceptable to diverse foods from different cultures This is such an advantage as well! If you want cheap and long lasting do frozen meats, veggies, etc they still are healthy brbrIt’s the effort at this point and not even the budget you guys need to worry about…
Comment from : @tammyle6260

It’s Michelle Obama fault for this terrible decision
Comment from : @WesternSouthDakotaRailfan2006

thank you Obama
Comment from : @williamchen5627

Kids dont want all that vegan crap its going into the dumpster
Comment from : @gdiaz8827

Do the people who make these standards ever cook a meal in their whole lives?
Comment from : @Pranavdhokpande

If you don't like the conditions, quit whining and do better
Comment from : @TechLiberator

Bruh idc that cardboard cheese pizza be lit with ranch on it
Comment from : @xash06

Sorry this lady lied I went to school in the from the 80's to mid 90's Food was made fresh on school kitchen 6 students were randomly pick each week to help out the school cooks in the kitchen Food was good compared to what they have now Obama gave us what they have today
Comment from : @havu2236

With the sources and technology today why are school lunches in the pass was way better than what they get today
Comment from : @havu2236

In college, I watched a news special on school lunches in France France has one of the lowest child obesity rates IN THE WORLD The French give multiple courses and no processed food While the program that Michelle Obama started was well-intentioned, it was VERY poorly executed Let's be realistic: No student is going to eat something that's 50-90 vegetables, and portioned for a five-year-old, let alone bordering on prison food, if not already prison food A lot of kids ended up going hungry because they didn't want to eat prison food A long time ago, the US should've adopted what the French do for school lunches
Comment from : @devinreis5811

Yup Thats why i always skipped school Spend my 4$ at wendys not on they shit Graduated online Im not gonna starve at a school for nobody I would just leave, we had mcds subway wendys dunkin donuts all down the street byee lol
Comment from : @pressurefrmtheraw1072

we dont get nothing not gonna complain
Comment from : @Dowrongso

Great video!
Comment from : @SaltyDooDoo

In Prison they eat dog food🏣🏢🏭🥫🥫🥫📦📦🚛🚚🚛🚚🚚🚚
Comment from : @Punisher1830

My school lunch wasn’t really that bad Some days students were excited about what was being served that day The 2 most popular lunches was the walking taco and mozzarella sticks And they would actually give us good portions
Comment from : @Lauren_BB

اللي اسمها يارا تحط لايك
Comment from : @yarahajyahia9795

Wow, he really look so sad
Comment from : @YouQube05117

A 30 year old man eating stolen hotdogs outside a high school might not be the look, bro Just throwing that out there
Comment from : @austinphillip2164

Now they need to get away from all of the disposable packaging and plates
Comment from : @johnp139

Schools ain't obligated to feed children Its the parents responsibility This school lunch program was to help with equality between wealthy and poor
Comment from : @conmanumber1

It's really, REALLY not that difficult or expensive to batch cook decent food There's zero excuse for this nonsense
Comment from : @peppermint23

Really want to say that the school lunch in US is terribly bad It is much worse than those school lunches in Aisa
Comment from : @Travis-ih7sk

At school I almost vomited because I saw a black speck with pink from the school lunch and I spit it out immediately I stopped liking their burgers to this day and I told friends about the school lunch and what happened plus the salads are chemically and taste like chemicalsThe tomatoes won't help and they don't put ranch in itThey give the young kids straws but not us because they "spill" the milkI spill my milk too and I'm not a baby!What about my straw?!?!The teachers don't eat the school lunch so I am alarmed
Comment from : @HHAKitty

Lunchables are better
Comment from : @tsgamers1246

My Canadian high school had one thing that was only good the damn poutine lmaoo you can mess up the fries but slap some gravy and cheese curds ands its 8/10
Comment from : @Dicks-out-for-Harambe

At my school we had frozen apple juice cartons We had pink "glazed" chicken wings and you could stick your fork in the chicken sandwich and you would need some force to get it out The school before that they had chicken nuggets with raw batter Let's just say school lunch be putting my stomach and me through emotional trauma
Comment from : @user-uc3fx9tq1l

As a former Minneapolis lunch person, don't believe this narrative The "Nutrition " center ships pre- cooked food to schools The recipe states, cook food with plastic which causes cancer
Comment from : @tjryan8408

I live in Canada and went to 2 different High Schools In both the cafeterias offered food made by students taking a cook training class taught by a red seal chef The food was always very good and you had several options I always remember getting a fettuccine alfredo with chickenbrbrI'm not sure if it's the same in every school in Canada but my experience compared to the US school lunches I have seen on YouTube and other platforms seem a world apart
Comment from : @kevinhrankowski734

I never ate my school lunches Thats why I never did well in school and thats why I acted up a lot
Comment from : @PcfulSol

"Regardless of class race" wowowo stop there, theres no such thing as that, we are not divided by something as dumb as skin color, or the money we earn
Comment from : @serily4524

U always chil
Comment from : @serily4524

my school is lucky we get subway on mondays, wata lot a pizza on thursdays, and pick up stix on friday (yes its a public school)
Comment from : @n1cknamee

It's so bizarre that the US has to put in so much effort into something that is standard in schools here in Brazil (at least in most of them) I would imagine that a wealthy country would be serving, I don't know, salmon to their kids, but no, the US serves canned and plastic-wrapped food to kids Fortunately, some people are at least trying to make improvements
Comment from : @Mentesestoicas_

The school lunch is horrible, I starve and just wait till I get home but a bigger problem with school lunch is TIME I mean do you expect me to eat a piece of cardboard and only have 8 minutes, yes we only have 8 minutes and I thought we were supposed to have 30 minutes
Comment from : @Thobiasctio

US taxpayers paid government to feed sh!t to their children 😂
Comment from : @entertainmentjoke2871

Could you imagine? I have to skip breakfast nearly every day because my school gives us dessert for breakfast/ Like today they served chocolate muffins, yesterday was funnel cakes, sometimes some extra-sugary poptarts, either those or some dry breaded "chicken" or sausage patty between a dry popeyes buiscut kinda thing, and some tangy coffee
Comment from : @tiffanychae1696

power to those HS kids
Comment from : @briantep458

We had good food at my school I guess we were lucky
Comment from : @beneaththecrust4661

I used to sell food out of my backpack Mostly soda and popcorn Our school lunches were pretty good but I live in northern Illinois
Comment from : @jontobin5942

Here in a 4th world country like RSA, the concept of a school lunch is completely foreign We had/have to make our own lunch at home It is probably a good thing, as if America is giving that sh*t to children, imagine what we will get here, a dry slice of Sasko Sam bread and a slice of Enterprise polony
Comment from : @seanmurray8556

MY sibling were all immensely fortunate and cousins they all attended private school i was a later in life baby by the time i was born my family lost there business so i ended up in public school system the food was terrible and i still ended up had to pay for it because even though we were poor we were not on welfare we were working class check to check people so ya i got the worst of this crappy food
Comment from : @roxannemua9350

Is packed lunch not an option in the US?brSchool lunches in 80s-90s UK schools was really goodWhat my daughter gets to eat at school theses days is pretty lame
Comment from : @yorkshirecoastadventures1657

It’s okay if you’re low income there’s always the cheese sandwich
Comment from : @cuddlebug8106

You know what is sadder in Latin America they don't give you anything to eat
Comment from : @karigoonne7093

Too many restrictions!
Comment from : @christinaeaton8733

I am not American but our school cafeteria had cooks and prepared the meals, it was a public funded school
Comment from : @christinaeaton8733

isn't it a crime to feed kids such quality of food?brlike neglect and child endangerment (food poisoning)
Comment from : @betaprime3988

I remember my school lunch as a kid It was cheeseburger and fries, or hamburger and fries We also had the option of pizza mass delivered from Dominos It was gross For 7 school years all I ate for lunch was Cheeseburger and fries and a chocolate milk There was no nutritional value to it at all
Comment from : @VgAce135

Reagan and Republicans really ruin everything
Comment from : @NaviWolf9

القناه دي كان فيه الدحيح
Comment from : @midoxd7269

Notice they give you NO ketchup, i got two ketchups, one for the sandwich and one for french fries I would throw out the french fries and use both on the sandwich And my school had the michelle obama lunches and the pizzas were basically cardboard, theres no point in having "healthy" food if no one will eat it
Comment from : @Imbatmn57

After filming, back to frozen foods
Comment from : @daveariz

School lunches looked better during the Great Depression
Comment from : @nette9836

My son's high school lunch ladies would make him special breakfast sandwiches without meat (and they had coffee) One town over, the kids used to rely on food trucks for edible food- and the food trucks stopped coming due to the pandemic
Comment from : @Twinkie989

It's actually law makers in with lobbyists
Comment from : @mindysuarez1699

Thanks Michelle
Comment from : @papapsychedelic

Thanks obama
Comment from : @dobythejank

heard from the grape vine that they're introducing Lunchables of all things into the lunch program at schools we are so doomedbrbrmy kids are definitely going to be packers, they are not touching school ""food""
Comment from : @claptraptheapewithapen958

As long as it isn't spoiled and has some nutritious value, eat it It's not supposed to be a gourmet meal It's supposed to be enough to get you through your day at school Eat a hardy meal for dinner Problem solved
Comment from : @colonelklink6095

It’s flavorless and I really doubt it’s real meat
Comment from : @Abbybybyby

I hope they would allow the cooking ladies to cook the food from scratch which is much healthier without preservatives
Comment from : @denisethorbjornsen7493

We had the normal lunch but if you didn't want to get the normal lunch there was an a la carte line
Comment from : @denisethorbjornsen7493

Man hotdog Is a snack theres supossed to be a full Plate of food bruh
Comment from : @radyv4967

Thank god im in Europe And my school had 400 ppl And the food was bussing And nutritious
Comment from : @radyv4967

Adults don't give a shit about the kids
Comment from : @NoName-ms8jb

America evolved to a 2nd world country
Comment from : @Predestinated1

Sorry for kids today Attended school 61-74, our school lunches were great Cooked right onsite at every single school, no reheating no trucking food in Sorry what school lunches have turned into Now, they have approved Lunchables as a school lunch, what are we doing to today's kids For many, many kids this is their main meal of the day
Comment from : @willaimhiggins5428

Cook stuff the way it would be at home in bulk than divide it up into portions
Comment from : @user-kj5yc4xc3y

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