Название | : | What School Lunch Looks Like Around The World | Around The World | Food Insider |
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As a Guatemalan (didn’t study there, but has family who did) I can confirm that it is right to a certain degree Some schools provide “snacks” as a meal, for example avena with a cookie or students sent home to eat But they don’t serve whatever that was on the video It depends on what the family made for lunch But I can confirm for the American lunch as I studied here, that it’s wrong and people are right about the lunch being cold, hard and disgusting Comment from : @UshijimasMagicalGarden |
급식은 한국이 최고다 고등학교까지 무료급식 무상교육 br급식 진짜 잘나옴 Comment from : @user-ui3bk7ll3q |
Australian one is bang on! Comment from : @user-fz2di4xx8r |
😂The US cafeteria you described is ridiculous Private school maybe Public school is all premade garbage pizza, chicken sandwich, breakfast burrito main things I remember All at their lowest quality Comment from : @theonlyalecazam2947 |
Israel is not a country and the hummus, pitta bread are not Israeli foods and the eggs also look stolen 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Comment from : @rizzykhan6968 |
not true im korean im mad it is just your fantasy right? Comment from : @weourus0712 |
Wait Imma say I’m from vajiravudh college from Thailand We are waaaayyy more fancier! Comment from : @superlinkglicthy4412 |
what a load of shit you deserve way more dislikes Comment from : @purpinkn |
RIP Ukraine cuz there in a war with russia Comment from : @ems2814-zi9ot |
As an American former school kid, I can tell you that sometimes I brought a grilled cheese from home, but they never served them as "hot lunch" When I got hot lunch, it was usually pizza, chicken nuggets, or a burger, with a fruits and vegetables counter and my choice of juice or milk On rare occasions, they had a special, like nachos (or what apparently passed for nachos) Comment from : @mattslater2001 |
I come from Norway and we don't eat liver wurst I had to google it It's something German I have never seen or hear of beforebrbrI think you confuse it with leverpostei (liver pâté) or servelat (baloney) Between the whole grain bread and the topping it's butter, margarine or nothing Never mustard I have only heard of some people using mustard on grilled cheese sandwich, but never on a school lunch sandwich Many kids like pickled cucumber or pickled beets on top of the liver pâté I have never heard of anyone combining liver pâté with cheese, but there are probably some weird kids out there that like it Just like some kids like cheese with jam 😅 Comment from : @benedictenerdrumbgwald5681 |
Israel is not a country Comment from : @thomasbarrera6870 |
2:34 i wish i had a brownie…honestly this looks pretty accurate in my school (was accurate) Comment from : @Vexilix2671 |
3:46 is so wrong like googling would solve this wrong brmany kids in india get rice lentils and eggs as mid day meal which is for government school and mid day meal programs brthe rest whose schools are in morning from 6 am to 12-13pm would get something like fruits or bread sandwich , or normal roti , no one brings raita to school because it can leak and be messy , most older students bring roti which is non fat flat bread , and sabzi or rice and sabzi if you are rich you might get chicken Comment from : @desiredditor |
Plant based protin use _ ❤😊❤😊❤😊 i___/i Comment from : @user-su6qb6gx9h |
You should add Bangladesh🇧🇩🥲 Comment from : @MadRid_19 |
INDIA has 28 states and they have their own identity Next time try to mention which directional part the lunch is from Comment from : @nikhiljerin6177 |
In the United stage, we douse sawdust and cardboard with oil and call it a vegetable Comment from : @ridureyu |
I as turkish german could eat nigerian everyday! Best food ever, East African food ist bah and stinks while cookingbiiig difference to west african cuisine 🤤 Comment from : @Lala22789 |
0:48 I’d destroy that plate of food Comment from : @haannguyen4402 |
What about Vietnam? Comment from : @GB-xz2yg |
World Travel & Cuisine Comment from : @ImHoai |
Arabic Comment from : @rashasahar1885 |
Nah them French students Comment from : @Mrinternet6 |
3:14 Well, you don't know anything about the subject in relation to a specific country and you keep making up nonsense since you don't know what is actually served!!!!🤬 Comment from : @ezequiasluiz4349 |
Mexico is the pooerest Comment from : @gotyesomeonyouusetoknow |
These are lies they do not get organic horizon milk in america They get sugared chocolate or strawberry flavored milk if lucky they will have white milk Sometimes they have orange juice or apple juice Comment from : @gotyesomeonyouusetoknow |
Please dont show americas kid school lunches They are horrible Nothing but hot dogs and beans with burgers or pizza Comment from : @gotyesomeonyouusetoknow |
USA is by far the worst Comment from : @NateFreestyle |
wrong Comment from : @soymilky2942 |
as an Hawaii student maybe we used to get house made food but now it's all premade Comment from : @zacharytam2764 |
김치가 너무 많아요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋbr비현실적인 김치양 Comment from : @jihojio2118 |
I would enjoy the Torta from Mexico Comment from : @user-bt5mp1gw7c |
1:00 Is totally cap, we (at least I) don't get that here in Finland Comment from : @MiskuliA |
You forgot Germany Comment from : @KnyS1mp |
All of these look good except USA"S Comment from : @RitzRoblox |
this made me feel poor Comment from : @smarteveryday1606 |
i know brazil is huge but as a brazilian who's always studied in public schools and worked at a private school i've never saw that setting of food being served in any schools here lol Comment from : @leticiakoppe7864 |
In the 1970s in Australia, it was lunch from home typically being a Vegemite sandwich (with butter on white bread), an apple & an orange juice Boring but lunchtime in the sunshine was all about BOYS! Comment from : @sarahunter7974 |
Wtf is this grilled cheese and tomato soup yall better show those disgusting fake chicken sandys we all had w the choco milk bags to stab this was not accurate at all Disappointed Comment from : @user-or4gv8jd9o |
bruh Hong Kong is not even a country! Comment from : @gamingcandy1750 |
The hawaiian dish is way better than what i remember eating 😐 Comment from : @spacehedron |
Hawaii isn’t a country Comment from : @mengfilms4940 |
Even though kids get to go home for lunch in Spain you missed a school lunch from Spain Why dose Spain skipped? Comment from : @hgwilt1 |
Here's what I don't understand and probably never will, why do kids in European countries such as Spain and Italy get to go home for lunch? It's unfair because kids in the US have to stay at school for lunch however the adults get to go out for lunch in the US which is unfair to the kids plus we only have an hour for lunch in the US Why do kids get 2 hours in Europe why is that? Comment from : @hgwilt1 |
You for got Ireland Comment from : @orangex2243 |
In Israel we don't eat hummus in the mornings Comment from : @user-hp6zq2tj5x |
I don't know about the rest of the world and other parts of the US, but when I went to high school, lunch was a cardboard pizza, soggy fries, watery green beans, and a carton of milk and it costs $3 And this was 2014 And after that one time, I always brought my lunch Comment from : @knight4883 |
Just saying, the US lunch is nothing alike It usually consists of 5 mozzarella sticks, a sauce, and terribly cooked broccoli Comment from : @DatCatOnCoffee |
2:16 tsunami pill misky, yum yum Comment from : @itszzzdraxxxx7941 |
What’s shown for India is absolutely absurd Please don’t make any assumptions based on this video which was made without proper research Comment from : @soundaryaaravindran2636 |
Brownie? Comment from : @reagan3868 |
American lunches are the best I can get all the extra apples my heart desires (from the trash can) Comment from : @jaym9846 |
Brazil and Trinidad Comment from : @mirandachen4846 |
I'm south korea student!brbrmainbrFried rice/rice/curry/noodle/pastabr반찬?brchicken,steak,fish,kimchi,tteokbokki,bulgogi,vagetable,stewbrdessertbrcake,bread,yogurt,milk,juicebrsometimes eatbrtoast,chocholate almond,milk Comment from : @user-uy7sg7hr4w |
As someone who lives in the US, I feel that's a gourmet meal, lol I assure you we were not that fancy in the early 80s and 90s lol Comment from : @thesteelbutterfly |
You've shown us how school lunch in Israel looks like mind showing us what school lunch looks like in Palestine? that's right they have none since they're fighting for their right to even exist Comment from : @soulonajourney1343 |
In India unlike which is shown in the video,every kids brings different kinds of foods which are made in their individual home by the parents Comment from : @nava9754 |
US School lunches, chicken nuggets and french fries mostly Maybe a piece of square pizza and a box of square milk, they sold prepackaged brownies and candy at the check out, some type of boiled vegetable like carrots that had turned grey and soggy You could buy tickets for a year or pay up front something like $350 Comment from : @sofaraway1842 |
Yay, all the foods especially great snacks lol 💚 Comment from : @melissasalasblair5273 |
You missed russia Comment from : @vijayabharathi8866 |
In America it’s basically chicken pizza and cheese burgers with milk oranges and broccoli Comment from : @user-lv7ts4rr1x |
At Oakland Technical High School's Cafeteria!-In Oakland, California!-It Was-Always!-Good Foods!-Served With DEVOTIONS&LOVE!&I LOVE IT!-Raymond "Mike" Hong!&(Good Luck!-Everyone!-Mike!)😎👍!!!!!!!!! Comment from : @mikehong2691 |
Hahaha the American lunch! That is so not right! That food looked way too high quality Comment from : @audreywagnon5397 |
As someone who goes to a private jewish school, food is either very good, or not For example, we have different meals that change every day, so some days there can be poke bowls (milk), and other day nuggets and fries (meat) But there are 5 or more options to choose to eat as the main food, there also are salads, vegetables, soup, fruits, and some small dessert But keep in mind the menu changes every day, so you just gotta run hoping there are nuggets and fries or tacos as the main food, instead of other thingsbrbrThe only thing that is very good is that since the food has to be kosher most of the things are fresh and not some random mystery meat or canned/processed food Comment from : @ilanalvarado6645 |
very nice, but you forgot Canada - Grade 5/6 class Comment from : @jabarbains3713 |
Wait You guys have school lunches?? Comment from : @ManavBijumon |
Israeli students are eating pita with chocolate every 🙀 🙀 (I'm Israeli) Comment from : @user-bl5lj8ll4y |
Norwegians kids don't have cafeterias? We very much do Comment from : @mariellemongestenberg8135 |
since the schools are pretty decentralized, food quality varies, i remember at mine they served wings and fries and chicken parm while others get dry crust pizza Comment from : @twonuclearbombs7495 |
Name : Nindya Soraya Maharani brNpm : 2316041050brClass : Reg BbrTitle : What school lunch looks like around the worldbrbrThis video is very helpful I now know about lunch habits in various countries In my country, Indonesia, people usually bring different types of packed meals for their daily routines This habit may seem peculiar to outsiders, but it has become a tradition Bringing food prepared by each mother from home, and during break time in class, they eat together Comment from : @nindyasorayamaharani8457 |
The food from some of the countries in the video is delicious and nutritious Nutritious food is very good for the growth and development of children at school, it also affects the growth of understanding and thinking of school childrenbrIn choosing a good lunch for children's growth and development at school, there are several things to consider, namely:br- Complete and balanced nutritional content Lunch should contain a variety of nutrients, such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, protein for cell growth and repair, fat for vitamin absorption, vitamins and minerals for various body functions br- Enough portions Lunch portions should be sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of children during school breaks Too much or too little portions can interfere with children's growth and development br- Easy to digest Lunch should be easy to digest so as not to interfere with children's learning activities Food that is too heavy or greasy may cause stomach discomfort brbrParents and teachers need to consult a doctor or nutritionist to get more information about choosing a good lunch for children's growth and development Comment from : @andrefebriansyah5619 |
3:05 3:14 Comment from : @tomrhodes8741 |
As a Guatemalan person, wtf is that?brbrYes, we do go home for lunch - it is not common for schools to serve meals, but we don't eat like that ever (obviously, there must be exceptions, but I've personally never had a meal like that) Beetroot is usually used in salads or fiambre (not the white one), sometimes we eat it just boiled, but I've never even considered eating it with a tortilla, its usually with a tostada And the pasta looks wrong to me, it looks like a can of tomato paste was just open and poured on top of it - they're usually prepared together so the "tomato paste" is more liquid-y and the whole pasta is coated with itbrbrThey're probably just small details but I wanted to let anyone reading this know how our meals actually are, this looks like something an American person without much knowledge of our cuisine would do with the ingredients they could find - they tried their best but got many details wrong so at the end this is something unfamiliar to our people Comment from : @rcollins04 |
USA here: I never had that Lunch growing up, neither has my sons Comment from : @deidreb5051 |
If ur basing the US school food of of private schools that explains why it look decent Comment from : @anthonycammack7804 |
As a Guatemalan, that lunch is not what we eat! Comment from : @theboyy21 |
that us lunch is misleading Comment from : @user-wr9rp1gx5u |
I like how accurate the Korean one is And actually, the menu shown in the video is on the worse side lol I would grimace upon seeing that on the weekly menu The kids all prefer fried foods, though it is true that there's always rice, soup, kimchi, and some sort of veggie It's the "main side dish" that's the important bit Comment from : @kimeojin6447 |
70c for a warm, filling meal that looks so good but my school sells 80c for one goujon, what the hecc 😭😭 Comment from : @biggestkaren |
What my mother ate as a child in guatemala was nothing like that lol it was usually frijoles negros with torillas with some crumbled cheese Comment from : @aquariussolaris2492 |
I know the us is privileged in many ways, but school lunch here is absolutely garbage and these lunches outside the us are GOLDEN Comment from : @sophietackis |
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