Название | : | Depression In a Narcissist? Here’s What You Need to Know | Dr. Ramani x MedCircle |
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Просмотров | : | 159 rb |
Why the sympathy for demons???? Comment from : @richellepeace4457 |
OMG 😮brI can't believe that I found this videobrHe just lost his job for the 20th time and he is depressed and he has made me feel guilty about leaving him 💔 Comment from : @fallon7616 |
It took me 20 years to understand that am stuck in narcisstic in law family brSo much is talked about narcisstic people brWhat about people dealing with these monster kind of character every single day every living and breathing moment with husband mother in law and sister in law abusing brWhat happens to my spl needs child who is seeing this abuse every single day and turns aggressive himself brWhat do I do ? br It has affected me and my kids badly 😔 Comment from : @SB14567 |
It’s so pathetic when the narcissist puts on the woe is me victim facade, while the rest of us put up a brave front, when we are actually dying on the inside Comment from : @leilagomulka5690 |
Wow Comment from : @leilagomulka5690 |
She explains how to identify but you never give tips for therapists how to help them Comment from : @helcio8852 |
My ex covert narc husband took his life last week I'm in shock cause he loved himself so much I think he had a narcissistic collapse after I left, and I cant help but feel guilty Comment from : @SD-gx5pd |
This woman is a GOD SEND DR RAMANI 💛💛💛💛💛 Comment from : @KoolT |
My husband is a narcissist He’s constantly frustrated, never grateful, blames me for a lot things wrong but never acknowledges anything I do right, he’s very sensitive and defensive I used to call him bi-polar (I think he may be) Comment from : @candicane1 |
4:35 - npd/bipolar Comment from : @brand929 |
It's definitely a problem, i can relate to this Thanks for posting the video, it's made me more aware I knew i had a version of covert depression but narcissism is something I never thought i was going through I think it's difficult to admit, "I'm struggling with narcissism" when depression is easier to admit I now get it I really have to work on this Comment from : @mylesnmore |
My mom doesn't say she's the best but criticizes everyone she thinks does something good, making me feel guilty! example: I'm sorry if I don't drive as well as "such a person", I'm really horrible! she blames my father for all her unhappiness and the separation, never pays attention to the children and has no friends! doesn't like to go out, the grandiosity of others bothers her too much! I also have some traits in common with her!brIs she narcisist? Comment from : @LuhPortoeRenan |
Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once Breathe You're strong You got this Take it day by day Comment from : @michaeljack7359 |
Can some vacillate between their grandiose self and covert self? Comment from : @annstar2793 |
Patterns 3:50 Comment from : @KoolT |
My gosh… can someone be a Covert and Malignant? Because I thought my husband was malignant He checked every box for that but the Covert sounds very much like him too He was diagnosed with depression and some type of anxiety just off of what his regular MD picked up in office visits for other things but when he describes what gives him “anxiety” it usually has something to do with not being able to control other people’s actions He was referred to therapy of course but refuses to go claiming “nothing is wrong with him” So there’s no opportunity for someone to really dig in and see what’s really going on Comment from : @pocahontas4583 |
I have an impression that if you stop assuming they have no soul and empathy, you'll see them simply as someone with cptsd Comment from : @name5876 |
I literally say my narcissistic husband is Eore My husband is the biggest narcissist/victim/crybaby He has no empathy for others and only cares about himself This is literally him to a t I have chills Comment from : @jaxtonsmomma |
Do narcissists actually kill themselves? My mother was a vulnerable narcissist (which I learned from listening to you, Dr Ramani…thank you for your amazing work!!) and she struggled with massive depression and threatened suicide My first husband also struggled with depression and threatened suicide He was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder after I left him and did end up killing himself I am reviewing my life with all the new information Dr Ramani is providing and wondering if my first husband was narcissistic A big clue would be whether or not narcissistic people would or wouldn’t go all the way to actually killing themselves If you could address this I would be so grateful! Comment from : @danieljohnson9913 |
They have a black hole for a personality it’s not really depression it’s in their dna Comment from : @jeffcollom7945 |
Best_tech01 is awesome! I was in a tight spot, and my wife have been cheating on me but she always denied it Luckily I found Best_tech01 and theybrtook care of everything And the truth of it came out now👆🏻👆🏻 Comment from : @user-ex5do7oo7e |
This was very good Comment from : @pickles9440 |
I wonder but can a narc get better?? Comment from : @user-ek2qy8uu5r |
Ich versuche dich kennenzulernen Sag mir die Wahrheit, wer bist du ? Comment from : @erwingunther4366 |
You two are the best! 👏 Comment from : @natalijamartina |
Dr Ramani described my family member Depression, entitlement, anger, failure to launch, grandiosity but unable to goal set Need to dominate, pontificate and control Addictednot substances, but food and escapism via binge watching YouTube and podcasts so they don't have to deal with life and can do their unending monologue/lecture on all topics Comment from : @NotSoAlarmed |
Any help ? Because some people don’t even know they have these issues and they need help ! I agree people have been hurt and people should know what to look for but we need these people to seek help Comment from : @hix9306 |
Thank you so much Dr Aloha Here is a permanent Solution to Eliminate Herpes 1 & 2, lupus, Acne, shingles and HPV and It's 100 money back guarantee youtubecom/channel/UC_YFEEZEr1BxGkNg1d4vqww 🇺🇸💗💚 Comment from : @lucillebennet4233 |
She’s amazing! I learn something new every time I listen to her talk 🤩 Comment from : @samanthawinchester2994 |
Whatever it is, they all need to shift and live on a different planet not planet Earth Comment from : @tendoritah8308 |
Yes the coverts I was with both suffered from depression The third did not but he was an alcoholic and drank enormous amounts 2:24 I had to laugh though bc thats exactly what the drunk covert would do when he didnt get immediate attention "Nonobody cared about that, no" It was like witnessing a child I had to keep from laughing Comment from : @Vixinaful |
My bf has narcissist personality disorder He spends alot of time in front of the computer and runs a small retail business and works long hours Recently after so many years away his teenage son decided to come back and live with him Now l'm seeing my bf sick with depression Im concerned about his mental health, as he wont seek any professional help What can l do to help? Any suggestions? Comment from : @Cool_Change |
Literally jst finding out what I've been doing was tottaly oblivious Comment from : @stephenbyres8763 |
I’m a cocktail of brokenness nothing to be proud of Comment from : @justinschofield9603 |
I was diagnosed with covert narcissism and I am trying to find literally anything that actually helps me understand this disorder a little bit better but all I'm finding is people saying that we are bad people Can anyone point me in the direction of a video or a website or something that accurately explains what covert narcissism is? Comment from : @jacoblandry6714 |
I think NPD is maybe like a protective shield against a total breakdown Comment from : @mhtbfecsq1 |
Helping a covert narcissist is awful They NEVER are grateful, rarely say thank you And when they're unattractive matched with the trauma from childhood, it's even worse Just wondering how to completely cut off all contact when you're in the same field I want to know how to know if the person has BPD and Narcissistic traits, especially with substance abuse Comment from : @mskalico4489 |
They suffer so much so they think Always the victim Paranoid fantasies and vindictiveness in malignant vulnerable narcissist So they can be malignant Entitlement as a defense against dependency What occupations they are drawn to the facade of the so caring physican, priest, Lawyer Comment from : @edgreen8140 |
It’a taken me 17 years to start to understand what you said in 7 min brbrThanks for all these segments They’re helping me find the foundation under my feet Comment from : @dbunnysport |
90 present of Iranian boys They post stories and messages, persisting how miserable they are, but once you get close to help them, they bite Comment from : @farangisehsani592 |
Narcs are simple, they need 2 things: Power and Control over your ass, always, everytime! Comment from : @rudhisundar |
Eighty-year old dad won't let me get him any aged care assistance I have scoliosis and find it difficult to make his heavy bed or vacuum the carpeted areas He truly does seem to enjoy watching me struggle with these tasks His GP called to say dad has twice now refused all benefits of in-home pallative care, even though he is saying the right things on the phone while I'm there He won't empty his own urine bottle and pees all over the shower chair first chance he gets after I've mopped the bathroom After weeks of seeing the urine bottle on his bedside, I emptied the putrid sludge It was agreed he would be cleaning it prior to me buying it but he's just not going to do it from what I'm seeing I'm at my wits endbrbrHe has no problem with his very overweight older sister doing all his banking etc, and dropping off what we call his 'pocket money' She has trouble getting in and out of her car much less handling his steep steps Even neighbours come out and assist her if they see her, but he just sits in his chair staring at the TV oblivious too all the fuss He refuses to wear hearing aids and won't even take a bowl or glass to the sink Comment from : @WollongongSkyWatch |
This is good Comment from : @MJ-om5go |
Vulnerables may be diagnosed as depressed by clinicians who don't do the drive ; whats underneath this So they may have the comorbid dx but we have clinicians who see only surface level things and that doesn't speak highly of our field And the statement "the world doesn't see how great i am or how much i suffer" speaks volumes3 E's Comment from : @edgreen8140 |
Would a valid-major illness for a narcissist have the same symptoms as depression? Comment from : @catherinejustin1329 |
I think both my parents are narcissists Comment from : @exquisitejana |
It doesn't dawn on them that nobody recognizes this alleged greatness and uniqueness because they aren't great or unique! They are just backstabbing abusive monsters who should be separated from society, my opinion! Comment from : @lesliel6260 |
can a Narcissist feel depressed ? uhhhhhYEAH, If he has alienated people and has no friends, he is gonna get depressed Comment from : @jenniferthomas3875 |
Today I wished that I was dead because I read that someone lost someone from Covid 19 This scared me People say that they feel hurt from me I understand I feel understood all of the sudden All I want is respect I don’t understand why people who are represented say that no one cares about them Whenever I look in the mirror, I understand why I am childless I guess that I am truly depressed I wished that I asked the man who yelled at me in front of his kids, “Do yo yell at women in front of your wife?” I believe men can feel highly entitled Since I was a very healthy kid, I was put on drugs at eighteen that gave me akathisia If medication hurts, it makes me feel angry because of what it did to me This woman is nonsense and she has no empathy I am so glad that she’s not my doctor Cause I will find someone helpful Comment from : @laurieberry4814 |
This woman has described me to the tee Comment from : @nastkillaa |
How many depressed people with low self esteem will be permanently shunned by a friend because of this channel sorry but watching YouTube videos doesn’t make you a psychologist Comment from : @crongusclips7836 |
Watching this bc I had a feeling my manipulative ex was a narcissist n he checked off every box well… Comment from : @koalaTtime |
She makes some very good points but she also has alot of things wrong first off all narcissists are victims either they had a parent that was a narcissist or they inherited it or they suffered from child abuse and yes spoiling a child and not letting them grow is child abuse! If you really want to know what is going on in the narcissists mind listen to a man that is a professor of Psychology and a Narcissist Professor Sam Vaknin Comment from : @vinnyspina8437 |
As a therapist, I'm asking if you can provide guidance on how to navigate a therapy session with a narcissist? I like to work on the preventative end to help narcissists heal so they can stop harming themselves and others Naturally, this has been a difficult process Comment from : @jenniferrosselli5991 |
I love her voice tone Soothing Comment from : @t5l239 |
The examples are verbatim I went to that college, but no one cares! I read that book, but why would you care! Socially and relationally, it does not make sense I use to think to myself: that is a weird statement to say I understand now that these weird statements are part of the NPD Comment from : @rpm3305 |
Will the covert narcissist be able to recognize that he is a narcissist? Comment from : @biyuwu8894 |
your not alone youtube/rosOQ6dkwM8 Comment from : @sashiisucks3999 |
How do i know if I’m depressed or if I’m a covert narcissist I don’t think I’m better than anyone But I’m sensitive a lot and i have low self esteem and i noticed i was seeking external validation but i stopped because i became aware Everyone hates me and the therapist hates me so i stopped going I feel empathy and guilt but Not until after i do something Comment from : @introvertednarcissist3494 |
I had a female narcissist that had more male narcissist traits Comment from : @john19732009 |
We, empaths, are magnets to the Covert Narcs :( ! ! I always feel before I assess things more cerebrally when confronted with someone hurt/suffering/struggling/sad etc even if there are red flags, It's sooooo difficult to discern the reality because my heart is taking in their pain Please, Dr Ramani, help us empaths with ways to protect ourselves better (with friends & romantic partners) Comment from : @aa6552 |
That was really good Described the ex to a T Comment from : @sandymi9329 |
Yep my mum was a narcissist and had severe depression, she'd lay in bed for days and now I'm just like her, I hate it although I don't hurt the people around me, I've pushed everyone away Comment from : @hana9271 |
My mother's covert with high narcissistic traits She's been depressed and has a death wish for for the last 40 years because her life didn't turn out As she planned and now she sits in a miserable marriage With the constant arguing going on non stop For the last 45 years, It makes you wonder why they still stay in the marriage My stepfather also has high narcissistic traits Maybe that's why they always argue both wants to be right and never throw in the towel Comment from : @gabiwenzelow7348 |
Oh messy ignorance…waste time… but one thing is sure you are better in problems situations to manage well for people struggle it’s easy sure for you are not be touch by 360 degree…an actor are always easier than a person live their lives in situations problems Do you understand??? ????Help people in situations not talk…and you own experiences and prove that you talk…with responsible as a professionnel people what you are learned forprofessionnel psychologie Comment from : @Normal-0k |
I refuse to believe narcissism is not treatable It took many, many years for narcissism to even be recognized as 'a thing,' rather than just various traits we don't like to see in someone My hunch is it will take equally long, if not longer, to crack the code of what it takes to cure someone of narcissism, probably with something like hypnosis that takes the narcissist back to the childhood trauma that started it all A child is not born a narcissist It's environmentally developed Therefore, it should be environmentally treatable - though you may have to put the narc in a straight jacket to see it through!! Comment from : @lucybraun8969 |
Dated a narcissist with depression “I’m always treated badly no one gets me” Hated being called out but critiques everything Even the way I looked watching tv or having a piece of toast without them 😭🙄 Claimed to be an empath but only when it benefited them I do everything for everyone , I can do no wrong Love bombing and latching onto you like Venom Comment from : @jojobrown2504 |
Can narcissist be like very observant of their surroundings and never ever give away anything to anybody and when someone asked them or point out any issue, they would pretend like they have no idea what you are talking about? I am curious to know Comment from : @arianashimul |
Tried reasoning with her for years using all the knowledge i have tje worst she become Now her daughter is becoming just like her whopper lies Its so sad Comment from : @danovangrinnell4479 |
Depression is there nr 1 problem Comment from : @Dinnerwithdolores |
Who is @EckCentrick?brI wrote this when I started Writing songs, I never felt it was the right timebrbrGrowing up with a Narcissist as a parent,brI've learned it is never the right time to express who you arebrwhat made youYOUbrbrYou have all given me the confidencebrThank YoubrI hope that you can connect with this & it brings you some peacebrbrFull track br youtube/qXS9-bIvcgY Comment from : @EckCentrick33 |
888K Subscribers!🤍 Comment from : @happyme7925 |
My mother is vulnerable narci, really negative, angry and aggressive They hide their feelings and We get confused their Vulnerability as victims Really psychos 👿 Comment from : @25johis |
Are they ever not depressed? Comment from : @jesseleeward2359 |
Is it wrong that I quite often feeel sorrrrry for them??? That’s my problem Every time they’re mean… I later feel sorry for them and forgive them How should i re-act? Comment from : @StephanieViolaris |
Am I the only one who thinks its a bit strange this lady has done like 100 videos about narcissists??? Comment from : @girlsixdiva |
Dr Even knows the facial expressions of a narcissist brGosh she is incredible brbrThats exactly the facial expressions my ex would make Comment from : @user-oo3gs2rz7o |
Wat if that’s just how god made u💀💀 Comment from : @geeswifty5876 |
My goal is to motivate as many people in the world & raise mental health awareness! br youtube/6Haqm9Tj4Zg Comment from : @adriantoogenuine |
😨😨😨that's sooo true Comment from : @salamiarose |
like Comment from : @lindaslotzberg2565 |
like Comment from : @lindaslotzberg2565 |
Feelings? Clueless sad because it’s ntended Comment from : @karenmorgan888 |
100 percent true Dr Ramani! I was very confused about her behavior I thought she is depressed and cared for her like a child Now that monster is accusing me that I didn’t serve her better Comment from : @springflower5039 |
what is is called when someone does something they wanted you to do behind your back just so they can hold it over your head later on? Comment from : @alexanderredhorse1297 |
I feel like this subject has been beaten to death over and over again Are we running out of mental health topics? Comment from : @addysaw |
Should we feel sorry for narcissist person Comment from : @sadafahmad2291 |
Grandiose narcissists have bad depressive episodes as well Comment from : @ellekay852 |
2:45 because they dont care! Comment from : @willieboy8798 |
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