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The End of Stablecoins (Goodbye, Tether)


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Название :  The End of Stablecoins (Goodbye, Tether)
Продолжительность :   15.43
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Просмотров :   26 rb

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Описание The End of Stablecoins (Goodbye, Tether)

Коментарии The End of Stablecoins (Goodbye, Tether)

Bitcoin University
WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image andbrchannel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and otherbrplatforms to scam them Just so you know, I will never refer you tobr"my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell youbrsomething I am trying to ban these scammers as quickly as they pop up You canbralways recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing howbrmany videos he has All of these guys have zero videos, while I havebrhundreds I also now have a checkmark next to my name, so that you can distinguish the real Bitcoin University from the imposters Follow me on Twitter @mattkratter
Comment from : Bitcoin University

S Gill
All the stable coin entities hold treasuries Why would the fed not want the entire world soaking up treasuries and dollarizing their economies It will allow them to print more and more USDC fell because of SVB collapse
Comment from : S Gill

Saminda Thenuwara
Valuable content
Comment from : Saminda Thenuwara

Pal Irvin
You may be right about stablecoins but in the case of CIRCLE USDC I don't put it in the same suit as USDT USDT was by I guess it's accurate to call them scammers CIRCLE USDT is a very legit with a reputable history that predates stablecoins Lastly, CIRCLE's strong associated with COINBASE is positive because of all the exchanges only COINBASE has the nod of insiders in the government IMHO the US government may slap COIN around but they are not going to put them out of business I am concerned about collateral of stablecoins and I'd like to see even more stringent terms for that subject but CIRCLE has a much much more stable situation than other stablecoins and they have worked from BEFORE entering crypto to work with authorities, SEC, etc But I could be wrong if things go sideways Just politely sharing my opinion about CIRCLE/COIN
Comment from : Pal Irvin

Alberto Pajuelo Montes
What about trully decentralized stablecoins baked by Bitcoin, Like the Sovryn Dollar DLLR
Comment from : Alberto Pajuelo Montes

foam FORM
what makes you think that Tether does actually have the backing they say they do? brbrI'm not saying you're wrong BTW, I'm just wondering what you might know that I don't
Comment from : foam FORM

Tether still here and so is ADA, sry Keep up the good work????🤔🤔🤔🤡🤡🤡
Comment from : Grog

Wow Thanks for your great explanation I never understood the so called stable coins and it’s use Now I do And I’m glad I sold that bit I have and I now solely focused on BTC and it’s miners Thanks again I will try to find you also on X/Twitter
Comment from : CorduroyGuy

Guus Ellenkamp
Please focus on Bitcoin
Comment from : Guus Ellenkamp

Miguel Mejia
With all do respect fuck the dollar tether is here to stay make I Satoshi nakamoto the one in charge of f the digital government of the united states
Comment from : Miguel Mejia

Lulu Web3
Honestly, we shouldn't pay attention to useless FUD like this It's best to ignore it
Comment from : Lulu Web3

Roger Nelson
Considering what went down with SVB and other banks recently, I have to say that USDT is the only stablecoin I feel confident in Their approach of diversifying their reserves gives me peace of mind
Comment from : Roger Nelson

Martin Richardson
folks need to do their own research on Tether instead of falling for unnecessary FUD Tether has actually shown impressive performance lately compared to other stablecoins that have experienced significant depegging, Tether has remained relatively stable some people are too fixated on the minute fluctuations, mistaking a slight dip for a full-blown depeg🤦‍♂ 😂
Comment from : Martin Richardson

Troy Ortiz
i see the media talking about the collapse of tether but while they are talking about it, other options are collapsing around at the same time, tether remains reliable
Comment from : Troy Ortiz

Jay Guzman
People love to bash USDT while promoting other lousy, unreliable coins USDT has actually performed quite well during this bear market The real issue in the crypto space is the presence of shills who mislead people and cause them to lose money
Comment from : Jay Guzman

Lorena Kato
From what I've experienced, USDT is the only stablecoin that hasn't "halted" its redemptions which is good tbh
Comment from : Lorena Kato

Christopher Taylor
tether has successfully processed billions and billions of withdrawals during the most challenging periods and has managed to remain stable what could possibly break usdt now? honestly, there are other things to worry about before stressing over this
Comment from : Christopher Taylor

Ernest Conner
Honestly, Tether still seems stable and safe to me, to be honest
Comment from : Ernest Conner

Andrew Ross
Lately, there's been a bunch of FUD surrounding Tether But I'm confident they know how to handle it and choose the right strategy No need to panic!!
Comment from : Andrew Ross

Samuel Clark
It's amusing how people expect USDT to crash to zero, yet it's the only stablecoin that has remained stable during these recent periods of FUD and bear dumps
Comment from : Samuel Clark

Steven S
People are completely caught up in this FUD train Tether is still one of the top stablecoins in the market right now It seems like everyone has been eagerly anticipating its failure 🙄
Comment from : Steven S

Brett Ferguson
I don't quite understand why people are still focusing on Tether when it is already known to be safe
Comment from : Brett Ferguson

What are your thoughts on DigiByte my good sir? PoW, 5 mining algos, no ico, DigiShield used by other blockchains, 4 sec transactions
Comment from : cityguyable

This channel is a joke
Comment from : SatansFlipFlop

Yeah but what if you're wrong?
Comment from : Uberphat

I've heard Tether is allowed to exist because behind the scenes it's used for CIA Blackops If you look at their shady origins it seems plausible
Comment from : S41GON

Who are the four satoshis?
Comment from : BuckeyeG

I'm pretty sure we have an unenumerated constitutional right to issue our own money
Comment from : zerphase

Unicross Secret Dwelling
So Matthew there will be no exchange that will accept usdts? So which exchange do you go to liquify your usdts to usds?
Comment from : Unicross Secret Dwelling

Alan Oveseika
what about gusd??
Comment from : Alan Oveseika

Mark Emma
Comment from : Mark Emma

Skynet is the virusbrbrTether is CIA, govt backed
Comment from : GeoSco

Your tripping on BTC it's cactus soon
Comment from : Nujelay

Xrp when moon?
Comment from : ricktb

crypto is dead! you are still very very early into Bitcoin! it's important to understand this early!
Comment from : knnmran

XRP isn't going away XRP's efficiency and usefulness isnt matched I would stay far away from Etherum and those dependent on it Vechain I would have a hard time believing dies Cardano I can see that happening to them
Comment from : Bucarays

I'll put my tin foil hat on Tether keeps losing its peg and bouncing right back Binance is now having major issues in Europe Rumors are JP Morgan has deep ties with Etherum which indicates major corruption with Etherum and is most likely why Etherum [has] always been given a pass What if this crypto collapse hits JP Morgan? I'm guessing this happens shortly before the US financial collapse
Comment from : Bucarays

Good video Alpha and ideas I had not thought of
Comment from : cloudstrife543

Gicho Georgiou
The USD is going to zero anyway
Comment from : Gicho Georgiou

Mike Utter
What about stables backed 1:1 USD? Such as Gemini Dollar (GUSD) and TrueUSD (TUSD) Our government could issue its own USD backed stable and suffer no harm and make a profit!brIt would be like issuing reverse bonds?
Comment from : Mike Utter

Wally Dome
No offence, but a Wells submission/notice is public knowlege So, Circle has not recieved a wells notice Also, congress first crypto task on crypto within the next two months are stable coins
Comment from : Wally Dome

BitcoinPoems Pro
Thx Matthew
Comment from : BitcoinPoems Pro

David Harman
Thanks, man, you've got to laugh when everything you've been saying is playing out There can be only one ;) Bitcoin is hope
Comment from : David Harman

Like for support
Comment from : Schnooklebear71

The Young Gentleman
Matthew, great content, Question: Why do you interview Caitlin Long? for one of your episode Should shape up to be a great discussion
Comment from : The Young Gentleman

xi mp
I’m starting to get more aggressive into alts just because of this video!
Comment from : xi mp

if stable coins are going to implodes, what are the ways to purchase bitcoin in an exchange?
Comment from : Atharel

pEaCe BC1
no stablecoins is no good to BTC BTC does't stay alive without alt coins like it or not
Comment from : pEaCe BC1

10:36 I've been listening to this part on repeat 😂"It's done, dead, gone, over, finito, gone, HEX already gone, except for bitcoin" Thank you for all these oneliners while keeping your voice calm and steady :)
Comment from : MpDay

Very convincing Do you have any prediction regarding the health of USD? De-dollarization? The rise of another/the next global currency?
Comment from : big566bunny

Spoken like a bitcoin maxi
Comment from : CatchingWhales

whats stopping DeFi from just using other countrys currency as stablecoins? particularly countries outside the US control sphere like chinese yuan or russia rouble? or just a new stablecoin backed by bitcoin reserves?
Comment from : H

darryn millward
Your opinion opposes max Keizer’s if I’m not mistaken Will be interesting to see it play out
Comment from : darryn millward

USDT isn't based in the US
Comment from : qandrewq

everyman 53
We have had two years of great advice, education and support To a better world Thanks for your service Matthew
Comment from : everyman 53

Egor Anashkin
Love your content and very detailed advice on bitcoin I wanted to ask if the bitbox2 hardware wallet bitcoin only version is any good? What is your opinion?
Comment from : Egor Anashkin

Andrew Vader
I'm keeping my alt coins bc, they are already low value it won't matter 🤣
Comment from : Andrew Vader

Hehe Buns
If stablecoins dont exist, how do i buy MORE BTC ? Most people use P2P on CEXes to buy stablecoins (USDT, USDC, etc) to buy BTC Please enlighten my feeble mind
Comment from : Hehe Buns

Matt, what’s your view on the fact that most bitcoin people buy is kyc bitcoin, as only option, and can be taxed at any rate by the governments if they want to
Comment from : Jazz_NL

I needed to listen to this 3 times finally let go of my ship coins
Comment from : waldo197720

I wonder if a btc ETF is a positive thing or will it control the price like gold?
Comment from : Skyman

Tom RedEye
Brilliant as ever, BTC's MVP (Most Valuable Poet)
Comment from : Tom RedEye

The only problem with your theory is that europe and china already passed regs for stables you are going down not the rest of the world
Comment from : JP

Comment from : AATSam

João Simões
Ever since they announced CBDC, this was expected sooner than later Giving the power to privates to mint stables would never be allowed in the long runbrbrThe thing is, I'm also worried about BTC Who's stopping the government, using fear politics, to say holders of BTC are a bunch of scammer and drug lord, and it's now illegal to buy or sell BTC?brbrThey will come after us
Comment from : João Simões

Leroy Essel
The potential death of centralized Tether and other StableCoins are faltering because they are not over-collateralized 4X to 6X and not decentralized as well The State of Texas has proposed a gold backed digital currency and the DJED StableCoin is a viable alternative considering any type of commodity, digital asset or fiat currency can become the source of highly insulative financial project
Comment from : Leroy Essel

Very interesting times indeed The party is over and the day of reckoning is upon crypto Do we still think the lows are in for BTC or will this pull it down below 15k?
Comment from : DannyRosestream

Samuel Shaw
Finally the billion dollar tether mints will come to an end
Comment from : Samuel Shaw

You'd be better off selling your usdt for Monero not Bitcoin IMO
Comment from : einhutch26

Enter Valhalla
Matt is out here saving lives Mine includedbrbrYou're good at articulating this stuff 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Comment from : Enter Valhalla

big boi waffle
Everything you predicted of the shipcoins have come true, and more will Thanks so much Matt for your early warnings!
Comment from : big boi waffle

Walking Streets With Matt
You should call out this crypto crow guy that’s still trying to pump cardano
Comment from : Walking Streets With Matt

Expensive Pizza
It should be noted that the original cypherpunks prior to Bitcoin knew that stablecoins wouldn't work brThey figured out early there's no way to peg the value to an existing currency without centralization or regulatory heat
Comment from : Expensive Pizza

peter stanton
Here's the thing for me, i appreciate Matthew's passion however this channel, like most, is an echo chamberbrBefore you all sell your alts at a 90 plus loss, remember, the serious FUD exists at the bottom of every Bear MarketbrMatthew's opinion on alts is just that, an opinion, seemingly ideologically drivenbrThat's cool, remember all crypto including BTC is neutral and codebrMatt , i think you would do your subscribers a service by bringing someone on to debate the merits of solid projects and Web 3 protocolsbrbrSurely would be easy to arrange before anyone sells at a massive lossbrbrCheers!
Comment from : peter stanton

Jay Hamilton
I thought they were buying US debt engineering interest off that US debt Because other countries are no longer buying or debt, isn't this a benefit?
Comment from : Jay Hamilton

Tether and Binance has been dead since 2017 and they're still here You'll be right eventually since even a broken clock is right twice a daybrbrJust me theory crafting, I think the reason why Tether is still here is because Tether has so much money that they can probably buy all the corrupt Politicians to stay operational
Comment from : Vanguardas

Great video again
Comment from : Sytoshi

The US Money intersts regulatly destroy competing countries competing crypto currency is easy to snuff out
Comment from : Tinker

Like your narrative Matthew but also have an open mind You're very US-centric and refer to HEX more than necessary (we know it's a scam)
Comment from : tanmedia

Ron Atola
I had invested in DeFi since inception, and never realized that Stablecoins are the lynchpin of DeFi Seems intuitive now that I am aware That's a huge risk to point out Thx Matthew I'm 100 BTC as of last week :)
Comment from : Ron Atola

Hi Mathew Maybe tether gets a pass like how the eurodollar system gets a pass?
Comment from : SAL

Nathan V
oooof good info
Comment from : Nathan V

Of course! The termination of Liberty Reserve and e-Gold by the US government proved this That is the whole point of Bitcoin Decentralization and volatility are a feature not a bug
Comment from : IM SATOSHI

Karen Raphael
Thanks Matt 😊
Comment from : Karen Raphael

Matthew, while I’m 100 onboard with Bitcoin, the Eurodollar system is not under control of the US Banks all over the world create dollars from balance sheets This includes RUSSIA AND CHINA Going after stable coins puts at risk the entire Eurodollar system in banks all over the world The Fragile Fed, US Treasury and DOJ have no grounds to attack You are entirely missing how Eurodollar system protects stable coins THE WOULD UNDERMINE THE EURODOLLAR SYSTEM People fail to understand the entire system that IS NOT US Dollar, but trillions of offshore Eurodollars
Comment from : Frostie-Flake

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