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6 Signs You’re Burnt Out, Not Lazy


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Продолжительность :   5.07
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Кадры 6 Signs You’re Burnt Out, Not Lazy

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Коментарии 6 Signs You’re Burnt Out, Not Lazy

What would you do differently if you can start today fresh from scratch without any burden or responsibilities?
Comment from : Psych2Go

My parents always say that I’m lazy but I’m actually burnt out The picture I saw was a person in their bed and the phone rings/alarm goes off I never turn off the alarm My ears always ring My parents say to me that I’m lazy because I’m in my bed so much Evan my friends tell me that im emo and depressed I recently watch the “5 signs of your parents making your depression worse” I counted to see if my parents make my depression worse and my perents make it worse by 4 of the signs, especially the first one They always compare me to do better grades evan tho no one is perfect They want me to become a doctor or a vet or any other job that makes a lot of money I tell them that I want to become a YouTuber My dad says that’s fine with him but my mom says that YouTube is just a hobby My favorite YouTubers make money off of YouTube I tell my mom it’s a career but she still does not understand Some people say that I should become a artist My mom always tells me I should go to college but I do not want to For example there was this art thing that we could do to go to collage After that everyone like I mean EVERYONE told me I should do it I don’t want to go to collage Respect my opinions! I get to chose what I want to be! I Evan listen to music! I’m not a puppet Thank you for telling me these thing to make me feel a lot more comfortable I will sub❤❤❤❤❤
Comment from : ☆StoopyStarStickers☆

Dilnara Gainen
ok im lazy
Comment from : Dilnara Gainen

Moksh Bairagi
I miss myself I don't want anyone anymore I just want my old self back I've lost interest in everything ijdk what's happening I wanna achieve my goals but I am just tired of everything 😪
Comment from : Moksh Bairagi

Lolita Hare
I'm so burned out and restricted, that it would literally be borderline impossible for me to reach out and get help from a therapist
Comment from : Lolita Hare

Who cares 😢🥺😭
Comment from : SiaMn

Moumita Biswas
I'm a office worker, I'm workaholic, i work 24 hours
Comment from : Moumita Biswas

Sk Mahfuz
How youtube could read my mind I was in my bed and suddenly open youtube to search why i dont want to get motivation but before searching i get this
Comment from : Sk Mahfuz

Im burnt out when it comes to gaming or other entertainment sources (movies, etc) like I never really get the same enjoyment nowadays, but I still care abt myself tho
Comment from : Andreei

Jonathan Jollimore
Comment from : Jonathan Jollimore

PapaWhatOfIt 690
Some parents, including mine, (mostly my dad) just call their kids lazy, which makes them feel like they don't do enough, making them stressed and burnt out So by telling them, it makes it worse
Comment from : PapaWhatOfIt 690

Jean Dee Li
Narrator's voice is an additional relief Aside from the content itself✨
Comment from : Jean Dee Li

I don't want to feed myself with excuses, though i can really relate to all those 6 points i don't really know if I should call it a day and maybe take time off or if i should continue my studies regardless
Comment from : Kheitoo

Mayzl 🐸☘
Juat yesterday my mom was wondering why i was doing my hw at 11pm-12am (when i finally got the motivation) and i didnt do it before And why i keep forgeting and losing track of time She doent understand my ADD and anxiety/social anxiety
Comment from : Mayzl 🐸☘

Sobhi ZHir
I want to be the first at class and do my best but these days i feel like feelings are out of control, i suddenly start crying ,feeling afraid of something i do know, always getting mad I wish that is anyone able to help and save me from this black hole
Comment from : Sobhi ZHir

Colin Dickson
Always be near a cat because they are great therapy
Comment from : Colin Dickson

Asia Massey
I suffer from burn out and I didn't know it was a real mental health problem I kept telling my now ex boyfriend that I didn't know what was wrong with me but I felt burnt out I have so many hobbies I used to do things I enjoyed I stopped grooming myself and everything God I need to get some help though this
Comment from : Asia Massey

Frank A
Wished I died to start over But no rests button in aight Keep pushing
Comment from : Frank A

♪ •-NotKat-• ♪
Number 4 basically described me
Comment from : ♪ •-NotKat-• ♪

Comment from : thatonekid

The feeling of one day running into the next, not being motivated, no drive, spring in your step gone, snappy and irritated by pretty much everything is a horrid mode to be in
Comment from : JRASH

Bowler Hat Erwin
2:25 ouch indeed
Comment from : Bowler Hat Erwin

Hannah Reddick
what if I'm just on my period
Comment from : Hannah Reddick

love is free
Great video The artwork, animations did a great job of conveying the hopelessness of burn out
Comment from : love is free

how to cure it
Comment from : Kavya

i just found out that i’m just lazy, thanks to this video
Comment from : zuha

DBoot 888
How long does it persist?
Comment from : DBoot 888

Corvusbennetti gameing
This is very helpful I think I might have burn out and I will take steps to help myself because of this video:-) :-)
Comment from : Corvusbennetti gameing

its anne
wow i diddnt know i had it since gre 2 TWT
Comment from : its anne

Kaoutar Lam
I’m not depressed I’m burned out i need some help ! That’s it
Comment from : Kaoutar Lam

MattJam Bugs
I am a child who has adhd and I have meds which cause burn out I feel irritated and not caring most of the time
Comment from : MattJam Bugs

mim fatema
Comment from : mim fatema

ald hahahhahaha
I swear my burnout is too much, i just cant, sometimes i have to practice piano for 3 hours straight, i have tests here and there, and my friends are so frustrating, also i just almost never have my own choices, and feel left out and useless it doesnt feel the same anymore
Comment from : ald hahahhahaha

I've honestly suffered this for the longest time and I'm still trying to cope with it but things are getting better I told someone I was going through this and they understand even if they are far away but do keep going and don't let your hopes or talents go to waste I myself really hated the person who I was but when I see tell I feel a lot more better and more motivated
Comment from : Sylvie

Yeah no, I’m just really lazy, I’ve done nothing substantial enough to warrant a burnout diagnoses Yet I still feel like I’m carrying the world on my shoulders
Comment from : Asian_InASuit

Kailey Taylor
oh no anyway
Comment from : Kailey Taylor

Arina Hiphop
I feel this way lately But as you say, i thought i was being lazy and unmotivated But suddenly this video pop out on my youtube suggested video and thats how i figured it out that maybe im being burnout but not laziness 😔
Comment from : Arina Hiphop

I used to be extroverted and focused on study but now I'm the opposite
Comment from : Aiiko

Drunken Hamster
6 for 6 and getting worse every day Well into stage 5 at this point Sad to see it
Comment from : Drunken Hamster

King Jae
Ehh ain't burnoutjust indifferencedon't really care bout shyt at this point but my kidsall that other shyt asinineif u not helping me at this point in any wayU serve no purposenot gone keep apologizing for old shyt that wasn't even that bad to begin withonly thing that would excite me is a big paycheckgoals and dreams always come with anticlimax because u go thru hell to get it and when u do it's an "o ok" feeling not genuine excitementmaybe when u younger but not when get older and had to deal with ppl insecurities and egos that have absolutely nothing to do with you
Comment from : King Jae

Mahmoud Ramadan
Why do I feel like I got the combination of these two?? Is that normal?
Comment from : Mahmoud Ramadan

Seems lazy guys are actually the best 😅
Comment from : batistutankamon

Sev Sev
I honestly believe that laziness is almost to vague and unconstructive as a term and concept overall It seems to me that it's an outdated perception and comprehension of our every day struggles Oftentimes I find that it mischaracterizes many behaviours and feelings that people exhibit, misplacing the awareness from the actual problems that people experience onto a socially constructed and heavily stigmatized conception, ie, the idea of laziness brbrIt serves to undermine understanding and empathy between people, as well as it also contributes to power and domination by imbuing blame and shame onto the target of accusation And while many people struggle with various kinds of mental health issues, ranging from anxiety, to burnout and depression, "laziness" serves to undermine our core interest of improving the well-being of people's lives and mental health It becomes very problematic indeed considering that people struggling with mental health issues oftentimes either aren't aware of their poor health and might mislabel their experience and therefore struggle finding solutions to theirproblems, or they might struggle to fight against the vague and unconstructive blame simply because it's in the nature of their mental health struggle that they can't bring themselves to resist and clarify their struggle and truth to the accusers brbrIn any case, these are just some considerations on the problematic nature of the conception of laziness, but I'm sure there can be said much more on this matter This should simply serve as food for thought
Comment from : Sev Sev

Hulan Bilegdembrel
i love ur voice
Comment from : Hulan Bilegdembrel

Victoria Ani
You are so amazing for doing this!! So helpful and hopeful 🥹brTHANK YOU 🫶
Comment from : Victoria Ani

Im emotionally burned out for sure Have lost motivation and interests in things People dont help either They make things worse
Comment from : Bamboos2011

Κωνσταντίνος Λίλος
I cried
Comment from : Κωνσταντίνος Λίλος

My bestfriend made a little burnt out and I don’t play or even do the thing I love or like
Comment from : Chicken_nugget_lover

Rucha Suhobuth
Yeah,I have exams in like 3 weeks and I can't do shit
Comment from : Rucha Suhobuth

Holy Ramadha
I wanna share this to my mom or family, hope they can understand my feeling and suffering, but they dont understand english😢
Comment from : Holy Ramadha

The Matrix has attacked me
Comment from : Losix

The music is annoying! I can’t focus and understand what you’re saying!!
Comment from : Ny

lol, i just got a 6/6 in this
Comment from : Klosepa

Vinamra Chandra
Thank you so much for uploading this video I have been suffering from burnout lately and didn't know what was it I literally used to blame myself that I am useless and I am trash, stupid or I'm not capable of doing anything I had totally loose interest in almost every thing Feeling that it was the end I'm really thankful this video cane out in my recommendation and now i finally know that yeah it's not my fault❤
Comment from : Vinamra Chandra

Can u be burned out for like 8 years ?
Comment from : Shushu

stephen flynn
Laziness is not an immutable character trait
Comment from : stephen flynn

Dominic Byrne
Superb Thank you for producing
Comment from : Dominic Byrne

I found the disease I'm suffering from
Comment from : S

Surbhi Chawla
When you're in tears by the end of the video because suddenly your entire life was put into words 😢😞
Comment from : Surbhi Chawla

Is burnout one of the reason cause of not having money? Ok this sound not make sense but it does to me I am an adult currently working as f&b career and it is so exhausting If I have money, I can solve this Like I can try find another job without problem because right now I can't even quit my job cause I don't have money to travel far which my job place nearest my house Plus, even when feel tired, I wish to make my house clean, my room look tidy, beautiful like others you know aesthetic But nahh my room such a mess I'm so tired to clean only just to make sure it not look like a store room I only have wardrobe and a bed I want my room to be like other people like really nice to look I don't have that spirit anymore My money goes to buy groceries and give to my parents Sometimes to make myself positive is my kpop life I said to myself to save money and go to concert one day cause that's the only happiness and strength to keep living I did burnout and I survive 💜 brbrWell this is my story maybe not same as you guys I just a poor person try to make living in this world
Comment from : biskutkookie

Anushree Vyas
I am still suffering from burnout depression and anxiety I will be appearing for upsc in upcoming 2 years I was so good in studies i used to work for 7 to 8 hours now it feels so hard to sit for 1 hour I am so anxious about my career i am soooo afraid and loop of burnout is going on and on continously for over 2 to 3 years man! I am feeling as if i am loosing mysel🥺🥺🥺 i don't knw how to come over it
Comment from : Anushree Vyas

Black vs White
i guess I'm burnt out 🙂
Comment from : Black vs White

Well I’m a lazy pice of Shrimp when I get out of my shower I wanna kill myself
Comment from : PNTTONKA🪑

I think I am beyond stage 5, but there's no way in hell that I'll go to a Czech mental health professional again
Comment from : Trifilaki

m salvó la vida, q gran video
Comment from : leikx

I used to love my work, now it feels like I just do it to survive, I used to love doing bass covers now even if I have a song that I want to cover I dont feel motivated, now my bass is stuck on the side of my room
Comment from : M J

Ricky -_-H
I’m burnout from college and work
Comment from : Ricky -_-H

Jahnavi Riya
Solution to overcome this?
Comment from : Jahnavi Riya

burned out from what? lazy people
Comment from : mysterymeat

I guess I'm on stage 5
Comment from : Maisaan

Fox Davani
I’ve been burnt out since I was five years old I am now 40 Can you imagine being burnt out for 35 years? I can’t even describe it
Comment from : Fox Davani

I think maybe it's because I've been pushing myself so hard that now I've became tired physically and mentally
Comment from : mizook

Silent Star
Before I became 20 years old, I'm already done … I knew in advance, but there is no point in solving it …
Comment from : Silent Star

This video literally just described me perfectly
Comment from : Jadon14

Utkarsh Choudhary
Thank you for confirming something I already had in my mind for several years Now I know for sure that I am not burned out but I am Lazy😂
Comment from : Utkarsh Choudhary

Burnout hu4ts
Comment from : axolotls4ever

Omg this helped me so much thanks
Comment from : Alyssa

Булка с Корицей
how get up from the bed and eat something… (It was even hard to write it to me)
Comment from : Булка с Корицей

Yall lazy mfs
Comment from : Navelpoint

I want to avoid this fact but i should accept this truth now but still want to stop to live i can not find my motivation again
Comment from : 13yntcd

Rashida K
This video is my life story
Comment from : Rashida K

Me watching this looks at the time: ITS 5 AM ALREADY!?
Comment from : Justiceosborne

Echotale Frisk
Ah, I see, I really am burnt out, aren't I?brDo I proceed and push through or?
Comment from : Echotale Frisk

G June36
I worked non-stop since I turned 18 Recently I worked 8 days straight But before this I worked 6 months almost straight with 1 day off a month And before that I owned my own restaurant and worked 364 days a year, only Christmas off brbrMy friends only see the good side That I'm financially secured Own my own house They don't see my pain
Comment from : G June36

I've had problems with emotions and have noticed I have been showing many of these symptoms over the past two years But everyone around me always blame my emotional breaking on anger issue's, and tell me to get anger managementbrI used to be so passionate about stuff like dancing singing and even just series and movies But now the only thing I can still cling on to is singing (something I do every day) brI lost all of my closest friends ow the only ones I have all live to far away to meet regularly, I don't ever talk to my mom or siblings about this or any of my emotions brbrBut if anyone wants to talk I'm here
Comment from : Aj_Ghibi

Rakshata Devadiga
Kindly help with solutions
Comment from : Rakshata Devadiga

Asal Asal
How can i get out of this ?
Comment from : Asal Asal

Richard Maher
This is me
Comment from : Richard Maher

Eli P
well that hit close to home
Comment from : Eli P

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