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How to Build Your Perfect Capsule Wardrobe | Minimalist Fashion


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Название :  How to Build Your Perfect Capsule Wardrobe | Minimalist Fashion
Продолжительность :   11.16
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Просмотров :   661 rb

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Коментарии How to Build Your Perfect Capsule Wardrobe | Minimalist Fashion

Wow I’m glad I found this link! Yes, I’ve been working on my capsule wardrobe It was tough at first, so I’ve been doing it in layers I did it once… and it felt so good to clean out and see how much easier it was to get dressed So now, every 3 mos I’ve been working on my capsule wardrobe! Each time donating more and more and seeing that I don’t need a lot to look sharp I’m finding that the things that I have chosen to keep are my best pieces that look really nice on me Instead of just making things work on my body, what I have now just works! No fussing around I also did 3 piles (keep, donate, maybe) Anything needing a repair, button, dry clean I donated The “maybe” pile I picked from was if I needed to complete an outfit from my “keep” pile Even if it wasn’t quite 100 I used it until I decided it was time to purchase the piece I needed I’ve learned to shop with intention and also to be choosy on what pieces to invest in, and the quality, and how long it will last and if it will go out of style Life is so much more fulfilling when I’m not bogged down with “stuff”!
Comment from : Susan

One of the best things I've ever discovered! I am LOVING minimalism and intentional living; it's helping my stress and anxiety levels so much!
Comment from : h3arty

It's taken me a long time to curate a good wardrobe for a few reasons One is that it just costs money to get things that are high quality and worth investing in, and two it's taken me a while to learn that I might like how something looks on a hanger, but I like how it looks on my body It's just a lot of experimenting to discover my basics
Comment from : Bekah

Rosmari Sánchez Álvarez
Comment from : Rosmari Sánchez Álvarez

If you feel like you have too many “ going out” clothes but you love them and don’t want to get rid of them, try wearing them with casual shoes and accessories Sometimes you can easily dress clothes down and make them more everyday friendly
Comment from : linda

Hen in the Foxhouse
Speaking of seasons, would you recommend two capsule wardrobes for people who live in very seasonal areas, like Chicago or New york? Thank you, I love your videos!
Comment from : Hen in the Foxhouse

Id love a minimalist wardrobe, but i still need a section for work clothes since they are completely different aesthetics
Comment from : MJ

Your voice calm and soothing 🥰
Comment from : URI

Viviana Matta
I love your shirt looks like linen Please let me know the brand Thanks!!
Comment from : Viviana Matta

Shai of the Highlands
I'll do my best to live a minimalist life this year Though I have been following you when you still had 1k subs, only now did I finally binge watch your videos again about minimalism Thank you for sharing your wisdom 💛
Comment from : Shai of the Highlands

tsering yankey
Can i please have the brand name of the khaki/olive shirt you have put on in this video? It looks so eleganThank you!
Comment from : tsering yankey


Comment from : AudrEYheart21

Esther Fekech
Thank you so much for this video! It is just what I needed! I am moving overseas and I have so many clothes! Most of them I don't even wear but somehow I just never found the courage to let them go! But now I at least have an idea on how to get started! Oh and by the way that tan little doggie of yours looks just like mine🥰
Comment from : Esther Fekech

What exactly is a capsule wardrobe? Is this your entire wardrobe? If so, why is it called a capsule?
Comment from : ABSV

Vanessa Kowal
Can you list the green shirt that you are wearing (during the video )
Comment from : Vanessa Kowal

Lay Justin
3 jumpsuit
Comment from : Lay Justin

Diya Ghosh
I have watched all your minimalism videos ❤️❤️❤️ all i wanna say they are absolutely great to watch ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Comment from : Diya Ghosh

Keri Cue
Thank you I recently moved to a small apartment and I don't have much room I need to get rid of so many things not just clothes But the last time I sorted my closet I had such a mess it was hard to get it under control again So, I like your hanger idea Also, You gave me a great idea I'm going to go to the paint store and get some paint samples that go with each other in the tones that go well with my skin, and I'm going to use it as a guide for my clothes
Comment from : Keri Cue

Thought full video love u
Comment from : KABIR GULZAR

Dayna Renee
I also want to throw this out there for folks: women's shelters and places that help women enter/re-enter the workforce would also love gently used clothing donations if you're not concerned with making money off of your "get rid of" pile
Comment from : Dayna Renee

Kiara Satchell
You are Gorgeoussssss
Comment from : Kiara Satchell

Megan Arnold
Amazing video thankyou! I had been looking all over youtube for something like this but most fashion vloggers are very loud and hard to watch, I love your chilled tone & sophisticated energybrThanks for sharing!
Comment from : Megan Arnold

Sangita Waghmare
You look like princess moana ❤️
Comment from : Sangita Waghmare

Wonderful video You have a lovely voice and such artistic shots It was incredibly helpful that you gave actual numbers and shared what you had in your wardrobe Thank you for such a helpful video!
Comment from : The21stKam

I like your calm voice
Comment from : yesslive

Isabelle Voor
So I guess I already have a "capsule" wardrobe Mostly because I really don't like shopping
Comment from : Isabelle Voor

Paintby Number
I really love your style & colors I need to wear cool colors to look my best though & I feel self conscious in sleeveless I still gain inspiration from seeing your pieces
Comment from : Paintby Number

Lay Justin
she is beautiful with REFORMATION DRESS :
Comment from : Lay Justin

Wendy Gue
I love your video and the ideas thanks so much 🙏 💕
Comment from : Wendy Gue

David Vink
Hi! Just watched your YouTube couple days ago My best friend recommended it to me and my husband to watch We just got married and moved to the US I am Asian, in the process of a green card, me and my husband run a company together I am very inspired by your life journey You have a beautiful mind and heart Excited to learn more from you, hopefully I can live a minimalistic lifestyle just like you 🤍
Comment from : David Vink

I love that green shorts at the beginning of the video❤️
Comment from : Kristy

Beca Shaffer
My problem is I can't find comfy bras that are cute and can be worn under tanks I've got the saggy mom boob thing going on and it makes it difficult to feel styled (if that makes sense)
Comment from : Beca Shaffer

I decided to try doing a capsule wardrobe, though not as small as yours, and i found what i tend to reach for the most Some i knew were already my favorites, some i didn't realize that i didn't reach for as much as i thought i did I did take into account the change in weather as i don't wear shorts in winter, Cali girlbrI think Marie kondo had a good idea, but i found testing my wardrobe out first before i got rid of things led to less regret
Comment from : jennaoreo

Vibe With CC
Great breakdown thank you!
Comment from : Vibe With CC

X y n t h e r i a
New viewers🦋 owemjii this channel is one of my favorite it helps me more to understand the importance of being minimalist in life hhhuhu,
Comment from : X y n t h e r i a

I love your neutral pieces you have in your wardrobe You inspired me to shop for more basic pieces and let go of items that no longer suit my personality Thank you
Comment from : Ghostinaseashell1789

Karen Cooley
I love that beautiful ribbed tank you're wearing around1:55 Was that thrifted or a particular brand? It looks like my style and I'd love to add it to my wardrobe, or one like it!
Comment from : Karen Cooley

the tea with tara
I love your style, but I also really love your video editing/filming style
Comment from : the tea with tara

It would be nice to see how to build a wardrobe when you don,t have a lot of money and not the right clothes Do you buy just the pieces for your dream wardrobe over time? How does that work when your lifestyle changes or with weight gain and weight loss?
Comment from : MoonCraft

Jack G
You probably already have , but what is your favorite style of rainbow flip flop ?🤪😀
Comment from : Jack G

Peter Simcox
Great Video Sophie !!!
Comment from : Peter Simcox

Shekhar Jog
Hi Sophie, u r simply great
Comment from : Shekhar Jog

Anita Luevano
Have you done a video on no shopping for a year
Comment from : Anita Luevano

Alicia en  el   paraíso
A very like this vídeo
Comment from : Alicia en el paraíso

Love your style! 🌹
Comment from : 77Tadams

Cai Vlog
Great content and minimalist tips More power! Greetings from Denmark🇩🇰🇩🇰
Comment from : Cai Vlog

Mi Universo by Concepción P Tejera
Hello, can you put subtitles in Spanish? Thanks Very interesting your videos 👏
Comment from : Mi Universo by Concepción P Tejera

Mi Universo by Concepción P Tejera
Comment from : Mi Universo by Concepción P Tejera

Gayathri Samikannu
I am actually using all your videos as meditative purpose love from India dear
Comment from : Gayathri Samikannu

Less talking more samples please
Comment from : Svetlana

Crafted and Kind
Love how your video is so calming! I’ve subscribed 🙏🏼
Comment from : Crafted and Kind

Stephanie Santos
Cheguei ao seu canal recentemente,sou brasileira,e um de seus vídeos ,que inclusive foi o qual me fez acompanhar seu canal ,tinha legenda em português ( Brasil) peço que alcance mais pessoas com seus vídeos,eles curam a alma
Comment from : Stephanie Santos

neethu mol
While decluttering would you send me some clothes which u have in your go to list
Comment from : neethu mol

FINALLY a minimalist who doesn't say "just wear black" thanks 🙏🙏💃💃
Comment from : Céline

Vijay Kiran
Wow, her voice is so soothing and she is cute, beautifulbrI wish I would dare to ask her out for a coffee sometime ☕️ brDont know how youtube recommended me her videos
Comment from : Vijay Kiran

Malaika Panayi
This was an excellent video for me, so helpful Thank you You nailed it
Comment from : Malaika Panayi

Another thing to consider Look at the side label Many times it has a "date" when the piece was manufactured I found some tops that had 2006 and 2013 and I let them go Too old
Comment from : Chicago0048

Lasantha Vidyarathna
Thanks Angellove your videos🥰❤️
Comment from : Lasantha Vidyarathna

Was it counted in your wardrobe what you’re wearing on this video? That looks good🤙
Comment from : Favlife

M o o d
This is really difficult when you have extremely cold winters and extremely hot summers
Comment from : M o o d

You are so Beautiful!
Comment from : MIO

Maureen Parker
What are some of your favourite brands for classic clothing?
Comment from : Maureen Parker

Joanne Klaassen
So helpful! Thanks
Comment from : Joanne Klaassen

I have that nailed down: one pair of jump boots, six black BDU trousers, six crimson short sleeved tops, six pairs of boxers, six pairs of socks and six black BDU coats; all in their individual rolls Even my dirty cloths get rolled back up, so I save space and never lose anything
Comment from : Angelus_Solus

Lavender Purp
I have lots of black blazers for office like more than 10 and i just reach out for them in alternate, u think inshould let go some of it? Coz i have black blazer for travel, few for office, for casual wear, and all in black
Comment from : Lavender Purp

Beautiful video Thank you for sharing; I feel like my 3 year old daughter shops my closet LOLOLOL
Comment from : MBTI

Trudy’s fur babies 🐱🐶
I did the hanger thing and I ended up getting rid of at least half of my closet yay and I turned them all around again :)
Comment from : Trudy’s fur babies 🐱🐶

Very good video It put attention on having clothes in your closet but having “nothing to wear” So, I took out clothes I don’t act wear day to day! Any clothes I don’t plan to wear soon, I’ll fold and put away If I need it, I’ll just take it out and steam out the wrinkles for wearing it next day
Comment from : VR G

Belina B
Newly subsidized I love your peaceful channel ☮️ it’s the vibe for me
Comment from : Belina B

Minira Samedova
Came for the wardrobe, stayed for the voice
Comment from : Minira Samedova

How to declutter your wardrobe when you are not at your ideal weight yet? Haha 😂
Comment from : GrowInTheDark

Temmie Taft
I really enjoyed this video Thanks for sharing!!!!
Comment from : Temmie Taft

Karen Purtell
Thank you, I live in Ireland & find this so difficult as we get all 4 seasons here! I feel I can’t minimise to much do you have any tips on this?
Comment from : Karen Purtell

Xyz Zyx
Comment from : Xyz Zyx

Pilgrim Kat
This video has been on my "watch later" list for a while - I've always been a little skeptical about capsule wardrobes to be honest (especially the ones with very very few items) as I've felt like it's unrealistic for the very wet, cold and changeable climate that I live in I like how you addressed that though and especially the point about having clothes that suit individual lifestyles I definitely feel like I have too many of some items and not enough of others! Currently decluttering in preparation for moving so this was helpful to start me thinking about being more intentional about my wardrobe 🙂
Comment from : Pilgrim Kat

Jacqueline Arnold
#grannyscloset How big is your wardrobe? Join the movement for sustainable consumption
Comment from : Jacqueline Arnold

Sato Fam creating memories
I wish I can declutter also my stuff I have so many stuff lol ,but I don’t know which one I will start , coz I love colorful things and pretty prints I make cakes even in my stuff I want to be colorful
Comment from : Sato Fam creating memories

㊗️Fine China♥️
You should of stuck to one thing, this is getting rid of items
Comment from : ㊗️Fine China♥️

I'm subscribing
Comment from : nemiæ-mout

Careny Galarraga Pacheco
Happy to find you ❤️
Comment from : Careny Galarraga Pacheco

Isha Black
my closet mostly consists denim pants,tshirts, and shorts(denim/cotton), w/c i use for everyday routine,(may it be going to work,hanging out or dates) w/c i also style w/ the only 3 pairs of shoes that i own im planning on a total makeover(to a more feminine style), but still being a little minimalist and i know the tips you give will help me a lotbrThank you💜
Comment from : Isha Black

Tracy Martin
I could watch over and over the calming effect you have is awesome I literally felt like I was getting a massage-while learning about wardrobe essentials awesome video
Comment from : Tracy Martin

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