Название | : | Dota2 vs LoL - Which Game is Better? | Doublelift vs N0tail | OG.Ceb vs G2 Ocelote | Twitch Drama |
Продолжительность | : | 8.06 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 80 rb |
Changed to dota cuz of the current league is unfun ,felt it was waay behind dota in terms of moba if that makes sense, dota having 6 items, talent tree during game Comment from : Q8 Darius |
Are there actually any LoL pros in dota right now? Because there's a lot of HoN pros in dota Comment from : Slepe |
I can play all champ from lol fairly well, but it's different story for dota hero Comment from : vodkane ari |
DotA is more mechanically wise than league I both played these games, Hit Challenger on league last 2017, and last 2020, i hit immo on DotA, so by playing i get to experience both of the games on how hard it is brbrDotA is hard as hell, it's like playing Chess, it requires a lot of skill to play it, because in DotA, once you grasp the whole mechanics of it, you're good to go, like just basic pulling the creeps, cutting the waves and pulling it to your pos 1, stacking 3 camps at the same time, going for smoke and kill, crucial wards placement both sentry and observer, item timings and more It's more mentally challenging because you need to think further of what your enemy is going to do if you do this, if you screw this up, and more I have this friend who mainly plays league, she said she would crush it; first picked CM, she got 0-26, and after the game i asked her on how is her welcome game in league, she said it is scary as hell and it is way more hard than league itself (ps This league player is Diamond up) brbrLeague of legends, the mechanics are easy, you don't need to worry about item timings and more, you can't cut waves and drag it to your carry because these minions have only one path Hitting Challenger on league is a big achievement for me, but it still doesn't convince me that the game itself is mechanically harder than DotA, like Doublelift have said that "League is mechanically harder than DotA" i completely disagree, do you know how hard it is to land a Sunstrike? Even pro players can't land it properly, even Earthbind of Meepo, Mirana's arrow, Lina's stun timing, Earth Spirit's Boulder Smash and Roll, Mars's Venn diagram combo League has much easier skillshots to land, all of it are easy to land, it's not even convincingly hard brSorry but I'm gonna give the win to DotA because I'm way more interested on a game that'll make me think and use 100 of my brain capacity and having a headache after playing it Comment from : Kyle Potter |
NA as a whole is a joke when it come to MOBA When it last time they win TI or World? Comment from : Tang |
The guys talk shit about dota made 333k from League lmao Comment from : Le Furkan |
They are Different Games period Comment from : V42DyK3🌻 |
Que divertido es comprar el item exacto y que el otro hc sea inutil, lanzar un smoke o hacer bb y voltear la partida Yo no se si lol tiene estas mecanicas pero eso me gusta del dota Comment from : Ale c++ |
let the prize pool talk Comment from : Sulaimān Shariff |
this is showing what bunch of newbies and beginners the people of league really are, they literally have no clue what they are talking about Comment from : John Smith |
When a grown man wants to make an example of racing cars as comparison to esports and he started talking about I8 what a lame guy Comment from : sun alex |
ceb was more spot on LOL has sidewheels lmao Comment from : pogi lang mabaitpa |
Come and try to farm a creep in dota Comment from : maxed out being |
It's sad that LoL players are missing out the OG story Comment from : Jackie Woon Khee Chai |
while dota has more complexity it also has much more randomness and bullshit build in Lol is much better for casual play as you are not forced to just watch being fucked for 40 minutes just because no1 banned bb and there is no viper on your team Comment from : Morclaw |
LAKAD MATATAG LL is ezmode, go and watch OG Vs Fanatik game 3 of the stockholm Major, that incredibly hype comeback would be impossible in LOL Comment from : Fixem |
Did he just say LOL is more difficult that Dota 2 mechanically? Comment from : Arkyu Detoo |
I played DotA since 2009 and dota2 and I me and my friends also play Lol when theres big update on dota instead of waiting why not play lol while waiting Comment from : ST FU |
I would really love to see a LoL player playing on a Dota SEA server Comment from : P3TRA |
Why are every Lol players so denial on how dota is much harder than their game LOL Comment from : wt Tendou |
Dl: “Dota is more complex in items, builds, map presence, map control and general game knowledge”brbrDota 2 fans: “kk”brbrDL: “But in terms of raw champ mechanics [learning to attack move, lane trading] league is way better”brbrDota 2 fans: “Kill this man he thinks league is better than dota”brbrChill Comment from : 35Low |
The fact that dota has turn rate is so bad, it just gives an unsmooth experience Is kiting even a thing in the game? Comment from : Squurdix Plays |
i dunno what is better,,,,, but i play both and dota2 is so so so much harder game Comment from : Liquid Eerie Music |
played both Both are difficult but in different ways Lol is more fun for me to be honest But dota man, its not fun at all That's what makes it so difficult, the depth, the complexity, the teamwork you need Its difficult and not enjoyable yes, but I prefer it over league Comment from : Yuri Putnam |
when u said "mobile players" i left Comment from : takana |
He prolly got his ass kicked & quit dota 2 lmfao sad boi couldn't even surrender lmfao lol is just too ez smite needs the most mechanical skills😎👍 Comment from : John Dripper |
Lol is harder than Dota I dont know bro, can u play dota on mobile? Comment from : Lasbriк |
Doublelift is smoking crack for saying LOL has more mechanic complexity over dota lmao Comment from : jim mercado |
Hey lol players please give it a shot Install dota and press LOL in chat🤣 Comment from : LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR |
Why be mad?brWhat is harder mountain climbing or bicycle racing?brThe whole discussion is stupid hence why you see only stupid people take it serious Comment from : flexo |
DOUBLELIFT SUCKS,we all know that Comment from : liveZERO |
In Dota yes, the cast times on spells are long and the animations are slower, but that's kind of the point It is actually why dota has a high mechanical skill ceiling You can blink before a spell lands on you to avoid a gank You can counter spells in mid air with a quick lotus orb You can cancel the animation of your spell midway to force the enemy to waste defensive spells You can use a 1 second "phase" from manta style to completely nullify an enemy spell The idea that league is somehow more mechanically demanding because it's faster and has less point targets is somewhat funny to me brbrAt the end of the day, Dota has variety in terms of mechanical demands from players Meepo for example is more mechanically demanding than anything in league of legends Chen too brbrLeague players don't seem to appreciate the subtleties of Dota mechanics Dota is about knowing your animations Knowing how to fake out enemies by cancelling an attack animation on creeps to avoid being denied, tricking enemies into BKBing by cancelling an animation at the last second, I could go on all day Comment from : DotAnon |
Mechanic is all about speed and league is difficult because every mil second is important Comment from : Lantai lengket |
Im a shitty 2k mmr dota player but when I played in league, I got in high diamond tier in like 4 months, took me a bit long for my liking but mainly because you have to buy the champions Comment from : Life Relick |
Bruh not gonna lie, the first game i played in lol, I got spamm that I'm a smurf Lmao Comment from : Wejoji |
I stop playing during Dota 1 era, tried to play Dota 2 a couple of years later, was shxt at it But I'll try playing both now that I have more time Comment from : scorpioninpink |
I'm here for the comments Comment from : Clawby Mizo |
Imagine mastering invoker in 610brAND actually wins the game Comment from : meme lord |
At least both games have great friendly communities, full of non toxic players Comment from : Sid |
even my heroes in dota 2 laugh when i type LoL, thats more than enough to explain Comment from : Hompimpa |
This is my take:brLore: LeaguebrCharacters gameplay: TiebrMarketing: LeaguebrPrize Pool: Dota 2brGraphic (ingame): Dota 2brGraphics in animated shorts: LeaguebrFun To Play: TiebrCasual Game: LeaguebrDeep Dive Gameplay: Dota 2brbrOverall, both League and Dota 2 have their own strength and weaknesses, both have toxic community, and both have their strong point especially League on their lores and animated shorts, yes Dota 2 has the highest prize pool every year a decade of holding this title, but too bad the profits got shoved down to Gaben and his upper management lackeys, sub par lores, Dota 2 fans are in the dark when it comes to lores while League has the Burj Khalifa premier their god damn animated series Comment from : Hoodwink |
Which player from LOL got million dollars as been the best payd player in the World? Comment from : Imre Ambrus |
:D argue about dota 2 vs lol is joke :D both are different, for me lol is better BCS its smooth and fast but i play dota 2 as well :D so give a fuck about what u say <3 Comment from : Kkkc-Meruem |
I play both LoL more easy to learn that dota , its like playing mario odyssey and dota is like playing soul series Both good but one seperate warrior from villager Comment from : Shinigami |
When you type dota in League, nothing happens When you type lol in Dota, the hero laughs Nuff said Comment from : Indica Bo |
"Dota have chatwheels" That's it Lakad matatag!!! Comment from : Vena Cava |
Of course the player count of league is higher If I was asked if I want a hard more complex game or a easy to learn baby game, of course ill play the easier one But ill still play cause its my whole fcking childhood Comment from : Nagetz |
mechanicaly lol game is more than dotabrThe Fact is lol player has zero idea when they try Dota and Dota player try lol is nothing new there with less mechanicbrAsk them if you don't believe me Comment from : Bang Supa |
Lol have more players but most of them are 8 to 11 years old, haha Comment from : Melecia Arroyo |
Let's just be honest the complexity of dota is higher than lol, none can prove it wrongbrBut fun is a relative, some people prefer less stress learning curve (lol) and some people prefer the dopamine of stress learning curve (dota2) Comment from : impostory |
I smoke weed blunt before queing up in SEA server bracket! Coz its unplayable while sober!! Yep thats what it has come to! Thats dota 2 Comment from : bristleback |
40 million prize money is not a matter of jokebrDota 2 is complex hard to learn thats why those who have brain they play dota 2 brlol is ez to learn thats why so much noob are in lol Comment from : Subhankar Roy |
Lol have deny and block? Many people play lol coz its easy and have easier mechanics Comment from : Jan Tongoy |
It's funny how Doublelift stated that lol is harder compare to Dota, in terms of mechanical skill, I think he never played invoker with full pack active items and never do a 30keys on a seconds to kill 1 hero, I played both games and I can prove that herald rank on Dota can reach minimum of Diamond on LOL, While on the otherhand, Lol player with challenger rank need yrs in order to be at archon rank in Dota Comment from : Try Fever |
Dota 2 harderbrLeague of legends easierbrThats the truth Comment from : Mark A |
Unless lol implement buy back denies, fortification, courier, etc Dota is more intense Comment from : sde niadaha |
The thing is Im an archon player in doto and a diamond tier player in lol brWhenever i play lol I play doto first to practice my lh and timing brI play lol a lot, Cause you know I'm a high Ranking player there and can boast my shit Im still embarrassed to show my doto rank till now And its been dacadesbrAnd whenever Im bored i play wild rift also the the the copy of lol which is ML SO YEAH IN TERMS OF DIFFICULTY nothing beats doto Comment from : sde niadaha |
This is such a mismatched pair to be getting opinions from though They put a guy who's never won worlds (sure he won lcs' but big daddy has 4 majors) and a ceo who we don't know how skillfull he is to an extent, against two most longstanding members of the 2nd most successful esports team of all time, which is the only team to win two TIs and do it back-to-backbrbrIts like telling Mark Webber to speak on behalf of F1, while Roger Federer speaks on behalf of tennis (Webber won races but never got a championship, while Federer is a 20-times Grand Slam winner) Comment from : GoatLiffy |
Dota2 is like driving a manual car, its harder because of too many mechanics and strategies to learn and use like you have to think about creep equilibrium in laning phase, stacking the neutral creeps, items are active and many more While Lol is like driving an automatic car, simple and fast but has its own magic it depends on people on what they want to use and enjoy for me, I prefer dota2 because its more fun especially when you are synergized with your team to do wombo combos that makes everyone hype no hate though but if you ask me, dota2 is better than Lol for me eventhough playing dota2 gets you frustrated all the time because of so much competitiveness Comment from : Aiman Hadji Ibrahim |
Me: "playing dota for relaxing my mind before go to bed"brAfter 1 hours 50 minutes games with techies playerbrMe: shi* fc* let me end this fck*ng game 😭 Comment from : Aldi Putra Widyansyah |
One reason why lol has more players ITS LESS TAXING AND A LOT MORE EASIER TO PLAY THAN DOTA Dota requires too much for the little brains of lol players to comprehend Comment from : Garou |
LoL is just like Mobile Legends you can never compare it to dota2 Comment from : jim suerte |
Lol is dumfak ez, u don even need to be efficiently like dota lmaooooo Try to win a game 🤣 Comment from : Mat |
Dota and LoL is quite different Dota 2 just has little details that go unnoticed when you are in low ranks making improving on the game harder than league Comment from : Ameryl |
Ok LoL got the players and the viewers but what happen to their grand prices in the tournaments? Why does dota get tremendous grand prices compared LoL, just like my great senpai said "cheap goods got alot of patronage than the pricey one" Comment from : Elj |
The item shop in league is just a messbrCouldn't understand which is starting which is core Comment from : Abhay Rajkarnikar |
it's easier to reach Challenger Rank than to master Invoker Comment from : Bret Axl Sebastian Pura |
lol is the way easier version of dota2 more like for 8 to 10 year old children Comment from : DrKittens |
I prefer to take the 2 times TI champions opinions more seriously lol Comment from : PerfectChaoX |
Lmao a league player talking about league is better Of course that's gonna happen What do you expect And he talk about mechanical skills,,, he was probably playing WK Let him play meepo or invoker Comment from : MagBus |
Mobile legends is better than league n dota 2, i think Comment from : E Pradipta K |
Dota 2 is better because at least they know how to make a client that doesnt lag Comment from : ICGaming |
You said it yourself LoL is easy to understand and more New Player friendly that's why it has more gatherings than Dota2 Let that sink in a little hahaha brbrIs Dota more Complex? Enough said TI10 is done 🤣 Comment from : Fat Shrubs |
The guy who hasn’t even won an international championship,thinks Dota requires less skills Their whole tournaments has less battles than a single dota pro game🤣🤣🤣 More battles require more skills, more mechanics, more mental composure Comment from : Nyi Nyi Htuun |
LoL is Fist fightbrDotA is WAR Comment from : Nitsuj Animations |
Hoping Ocelote giving his opinion about mobile legends Comment from : Pr0lly |
Lol pro scene is boring as fuck Comment from : Kenneth Byron |
League no longer requires any skill to play They have too many brain dead, overtuned champs Most these champs just use one or two buttons or they’re just an R only champ I see zero skills required in league Comment from : IamLugal |
Player count is higher on LoL is because its a glorified mobile game with mouse and keyboard controls Its easier and more casual and accessible to new players No wonder we see twitch thots playing LoL cuz they know they arent really "gamers" and they wont last a day in Dota2 Moreover, Tencent, the owner of Riot games, spends a lot of money on the promotion of its game Valve on the other hand is just a side project for Gabe Newell, their main focus is on Steam game client Comment from : Mikael Chuaungo |
i love how every dota 2 player hates lol i wonder why because at the end of the day if ur not getting hate ur doing something wrong Comment from : Frenkli Herri |
Meanwhile Guinsoo and Icefrog laughing in the side Comment from : Oh shiieet |
Both games are fun Comment from : Shimiza Orasuu |
The harder makes you more better,tougher and smarter player Comment from : Carlo Hudson |
We should all play Smite instead Definitely the better game Comment from : Bellum |
From a League player:brWhy Dota esports gets so much money??? Comment from : Justin Fleagle |
of curce league is better in every fucking way than dota Comment from : Dhamma Dissanayake |
Both game has toxic community Comment from : Weepee |
No tail tweet says it all Case close Comment from : christopher ramos |
LOL is so siimple they even have their mobiel version and the differecne isnt even much ahahhaahhahahha Comment from : jung chaeyeon |
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