Название | : | "Is League of Legends better than Dota?" | N0tail talks ? |
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I don’t get why people say Dota 2 is harder, in what way? It’s basically feels like the same game I’ve been playing league for a long time and recently got really bored of it and wanted to try Dota and I’m really enjoying it but I feel like it’s not more complicated like everyone says it’s just slightly different Comment from : XSAVATARX99 |
the difference betwen LoL and DOTA is publicity Comment from : Kuitlahuak Rafael |
I take youre word on how DOTA is like since i never played, But I always found it funny how people who comment about league have no idea what they are talking about Comment from : Attack Dog |
The last time I played league(about 2 years ago), it felt like dota from 10 years prior in terms of mechanics So the less mechanics needed to be learned to contribute to your team made it much easier Also, league felt like (at least in the bracket I was in, I forget what it was ) one hero always won the game No matter how bad the other 4 are and how good the other team is, if one guy gets too far ahead, that team will win almost all the time In dota, it is very rare to have one player get and win alone (some patches this was a thing with some heroes for a bit) unless the other team was very bad (had a very bad game or are ranked higher than they should be) Although to be honest, that can be a good and bad thing as dota gets very frustrating at times when game after game you are flooded with teammates who are clueless for the rank they are in and there is nothing you can do but pray the o5er team has he same issue with at least the same amount of players Comment from : Adam Hero |
Message notification sounds are so annoying Comment from : LuckyGnom |
no they just wait the little mistake Comment from : m7md hunter |
First of all, I don't think Dota is better than League and viceversa, they're actually pretty different games outside of being mobas in the end I also don't think League is easier for new people, Dota has a twenty thousand times better tutorial experience, what I do feel is that Dota in micro does feel clunkier (one of the things that didn't make me wanna play Dota is that characters turn and have like an innate lag) and also, the readability of the game I think is a bit better so in that regard, yeah its easier to understand The thing that makes Dota hard is items and macro, everything is super situational imo which is a good thing, League items are boring and piss easy, macro is a bit of a cop out answer because macro in mobas tends to be hard by default because of all the systems that they tend to have I also think that at an individual level, League is flashier, while the skill ceiling for heroes in Dota is way further than League's, League's average skill expression is better, I don't know if I'm explaining this correctly but for Dota it feels like the magic lies in the team aspect of things and that for league you find out AFTER you fall in love with some charactersbrbrTake this with a grain of salt obviously, I'm like a 10 year league player and have played Dota really littlebrThe key points to me are:br- Items and macrobr- Micro feeling br- Individual skill expression (this might just be a difference between the games, and that's fine) Comment from : Nik |
Dota is a king of moba Just admit the fact that without dota there would be no lol or other moba Comment from : MrBeeMAD |
Dota is one of the best games Comment from : Arbiter117 |
7:07, well that did not age well Comment from : Marsh |
The first two years of Dota 2 was Valve bruteforcing Dota to the top Its a great move given theres already a global following around Dota They gave it the nudge it needed to tale it to the next level Comment from : The Merchandise |
La razon por la que lol sea mas jugado que dota es que para tener tu ranked en dota necesitas jugar 150 putas partidas Comment from : Ale c++ |
i always see league of legends like best mobile game ,or best nintendo game for kids , while dota is pc high graphic hard game for big boys Comment from : Doubleface 105 |
People always say that Riot is better at marketing, etc But I really don't think Dota 2 is marketable The general population is not looking for a game that will demand thousands of hours of learning They aren't looking for a game that has 6000 little quirks to adjust to They feel like turn rates are "built in lag" They feel like uphill miss chance is bullshit RNG They think invis heroes are bullshit They think BKB is cheap and anti-skill They want a simple game that still lets them experience the general phenomenon of a competitive moba, but they don't want to be overwhelmed and they want more immediate dopamine brbrDota 2 is a marvel of game design It's ruined other games for me It is the closest thing to a perfect game I've ever played But I have come to terms with the fact that it will never be popular To make it popular would involve destroying what it is Because League of Legends is popular because it appeals to the middle of the bell curve Dota is the Mona Lisa League is pop-art Now, it's more likely to find pop-art hanging on somebody's wall than the Mona Lisa, y'know? But is a print of a picture of Campbell's Soup really in the same category as the Mona Lisa?brbrI think people expect too much if they expect Dota 2 to ever have mainstream appeal It won't And that's okay It's still a phenomenal game Comment from : DotAnon |
lol is for low iqs Comment from : labradog |
2:54 got my dumb ahhhhh 🤣 Comment from : delineate |
i saw a dota 2 guide video and i fucking fell in love w the game, if i have pc im definitely gonna download dota 2 Comment from : truffleberries |
Dota has lots of mechanics LOL has basic End of story Comment from : Ralph Jachin Ancheta |
how is it when people do videos they never turn of their instant messengers lol Comment from : Maji777111 |
I played both games for a lot time What i can say is this: League " maybe" has like better champion/hero/character making, but items in DOTA,man they are just so well made I felt like lol items are dull with no good actives If LoL had dota like items it would be the greatest moba in the world Comment from : Ljubomir Miljkovic |
As someone that played both a lot, i can say for me dota 2 its much better game Comment from : nikolygtx |
im going crazy hearing the damn discord msg sounds! Comment from : Bob Marley |
League barely has any new players so how can marketing be a factor? Everyone who plays league has been playing for ages I play both, but I think league is more fun sooner It takes more game time to find dota truely rewarding to play compared to league Comment from : The Rizza |
Dota players not admiting game is trash in 2022 for any new player rofl Even valve realized it, game is overbloated, complex as fk, and needs thousands of hrs of time sink to get a grasp, and of those thousand hours u hate ur life for 500 hrs, why the f would anyone play that Valve is not stupid it keeps the game for their dota 1 fans they know ads are pointless since no one knew can enjoyt his shitshow Comment from : Teodor Caraba |
If u think lol is popular only because ads and esports ur delusional lol Comment from : Teodor Caraba |
League team???? lol, Lcs or Lec Comment from : MrPipper |
Played Dota 1 sucked at itbrplayed league i can pretty much get to gold in our server at least (pretty average)brplayed dota 2 sucked at itbrbrbut you know what's fun? I played both games with friends so for me it does not really matter which game is "better" Comment from : Paoie123 |
i think dark green OG looks good Comment from : Luna Eclipse |
league is good game But dota 2 is just better Competitive scene tho dota 2 competitive scene is just hilarious The fact that dota 2 is harder than league in term of gameplay makes the players enjoy league more than dota2 when first time play Comment from : Nyx |
Riot lol can never claim to be as balance as dota ever was Comment from : Aljon Great |
Faker the GOAT Comment from : Gold 999 |
I think the difference in playerbase counts also has a lot to do with the fact League of Legends was released at the right time and right place, and was able to establish a significant playerbase before DOTA2 was even released At the point when both games are out and new players are deciding which game to play, it's easier for new players to gravitate to the game with more active players psychology Comment from : bystander85 |
Can i just say something? A random something?brbrWhat about make the meaning of OG to Original Gangster 😎 Comment from : HMMMM |
Riot's games are similar to KFC and McDonald while Valve's games are restaurant's quality If one of them dies first, I would say Valve since people nowadays like fast and cheap Comment from : Chien Vu |
I think S2's and Frostburn's Heroes of Newerth is much better than LoL I hope that Icefrog convinces Valve to purchase HoN and save some of it's original heroes like Myrmidon, Puppet Master, Pearl Comment from : Scratch Manuttz |
league of legends reporting system is way better than dota 2 you get banned for 14 days and if you keep trolling you get perma banned Comment from : Marcus Meins |
I always think that Lol is for moba gamers who doesn't like complexity and have zero patience because of the surrender button while dota2 would make you stay the whole game and try hard to win the game or hurt your account by abandoning I love dota for its complexity, the turn rate and stuffs makes it more interesting game Lol is basically learning and mastering the mechanics of the champions while dota is the game itself Comment from : Amyel |
that discord sound is driving me nuts xD Comment from : Alter Hase |
League is deadbrain game but have good lore Comment from : rya |
what 'I' think the reason reason why LoL is much more popular than dota is that LoL is much more friendly to new players while in Dota you literally start at hard mode at the very beginning Comment from : Marc Daniel Manalili |
Lol has consistent monthly updates hell yeah 😁 Comment from : paul josan |
lol is for childs snd noobs hahahahaha and dota 2 is for pro gamer Comment from : sdcscscss |
League is all about how good you play your champion by stalking points by killing other champions like "skill kill", dota2 is just so much things to think about, your positioning, economy, creep waving, bugs, even the game mechanics Comment from : RokosBasilisk |
Only ignorants and prententious people would argue that LoL is better than Dota2 in gameplay and mechanicsbrBut in terms of game support and development i gotta say Riot does a better job than Valve Comment from : MESSI THE GOAT |
LOL, easy to learn and hard to masterbrDOTA2, hard to learn and harder to master Comment from : iTzMe _J |
overwatch when I started playing it, was one of the most fun ive had playing a game It dies out kinda fast in around 1 and a half month I came back to it every year or so and uninstall it back in a week Comment from : chewji |
This one so far is the only dota player that explain 'why he thinks dota is better over league', without toxicity And i as a league bias can kinda understand There really shouldn't be any competition between those two, both completely different game, same genre but different mechanics I've also tried to play dota before without any knowledge from dota1, and i can agree to him that dota2 has very poor beginner tutorial You can follow the instruction at first but when real action starts you just forget all about how you should be doing I've watched dota2 tutorial in youtube and noticed that its not really that complicated, there's alot of things to consider but are really simple of you're used to it If valve can improve even just their beginner tutorial i can def bet dota 2 can increase playerbase again Comment from : P A U L |
I just like the macro in micro gaming in league more brbrdota just feels like a farming simulator for me Comment from : Seaweed Banana |
I'm a simple trashy gamer People say it's cause league is easier or marketing or riot keeping up with their game better but for me it's because league has a better anime-like art style and there's no moba that has any better Dota 2 gives me ugly gritty less flashy vibes I'm more than willing to play a less advertised difficult game with little support if it has good stylebrbrLeague > dota, street fighter > mortal komat, final fantasy 14 > WoW, overwatch > tf2, fortnite > pubg, etc I know I'm prob not the majority and not THE reason but I feel my taste takes a pretty sizable population nobody says anything cause this part is subjective and personal but it's an important detail Comment from : Fan |
Blizzard was a fallen legend contaminated by a rapist in activision Blizzard used to consist of true gamers and was the best at handling the community it is why starcraft 1 warcraft gets to live as long as they were but its all in the past now Now they r just clowns wearing the blizzard carcus Comment from : Liquid James |
I legit don't understand why people need to say what game is better Bro I play league and I hate it Comment from : KonDee |
League of Legends is really boring for me I played it for like 3 months but it doesnt suits my taste I will prefer playing StarCraft II over LoL For me DoTA is the most beautiful game all of things to do lot of chances to make a move and take advantage Comment from : INCELTATSU99 |
fking discord sound Comment from : Jordie Santoso |
RIOT GAMES does a great job marketing their game unlike Valve, Riot's balancing team is garbage, it's still fun to play it casually tho (opinion) Comment from : 🏞️ |
Its funny how people seriously compare this two games, guys open your eyes League of legends is running on mobile its a fucking chinese Ass mobile game who has a great Marketing and that is what keeps this game Alive Comment from : GZdigga danke |
Been playing Dota, HoN -> league and Dota2 at the same time Both are great games with their pros and cons Just enjoy whichever you feel like playing and worth investing your time into Comment from : - -NextlevelPenguin |
Pendragon creator of League advertise it as dumb down dotA, is it better game? Yes it is, a lot of dumb people play it Dint mean to be offensive but we all know from the start about it, let's not try to deny it, case closed Comment from : prodjmixape official |
league is a baby dota this si coming from league fan Comment from : Endy Lu |
I'm 7k dota silver in league 😢 The easier more dog shit game is harder to win because the window of counter doesn't exist unlike dota it might be really small but it exist unlike league pick Shaco or Twitch invi heroes in league are extremely broken Comment from : 命平和 |
It's the marketing that makes League more popular Comment from : Juno Juno |
I love both games LOL and Dota but when it comes to Overwatch and Valorant, Valorant is just sooo much better Comment from : Fatalitygirl |
imho I like Dota over league just because of its learning curve and lore Comment from : Zet |
Basically it comes down to this, Valve's Creative And Development Team Rocks but Marketing and Management Team Sucks, Riot is just vice versabrbrAlso Valve Games are literally cared and carried by their community, all valve does it creates and develops the games Meanwhile Riot's Games are literally cared and carried by both Riot and The Community so yes its going to be bigger ofc Comment from : PluckyLeon |
hear me out: "imagine some pro dota players that don't play on esport anymore go to league and win worlds in just a year" Comment from : Giuliano Venturo Gonzales |
Is LOL already around in DotA1 times? Comment from : Benn Darayta |
LoL more successful than DotA? Comment from : Benn Darayta |
I kept thinking I got a message while watching this video lmao Comment from : Kohen |
Valve doesn't care about the players anymore tho unlike Riot Comment from : Arisuu |
It is hard for new players to ge into Dota They'll get overwhelmed by the infos that they have to learn and on top of that pretty much every game you'll go against experienced players and that wouldn't be fun for them To me League is much easier to get into in terms of playing mechanics Comment from : 1だ- |
What if they focus making minor tournaments in Korea with decent price pool Comment from : NoWomanNoPants |
Mobile legends better than LoL Comment from : Jan |
Why do people still compare? Videos like this are more of a clickbait and a way just to feed insecure Dota fanboys with superiority complex egos Comment from : Le Blanc |
Yes lol is best pls dont come dota;) Comment from : kamikaze trips |
I play dota before lol but I'm hooked more on lol because my friend play it Lol is simple and straight but dota is much more complex imobrBtw, i play lol s2 but stop playing at s9 but keep watching tournaments Comment from : Ciao Su |
I play both games and I love those games and Im still gonna play it no matter what people say on which is best or this and that Comment from : Inspector Pizza Dribbler |
Do not speak such blasphemy Comment from : Mitch |
Valve, make Notail a tourney caster/analyst now along with Ceb Comment from : MVB |
MARVEL-LOLbrDC-DOTA Comment from : Takhe Charang |
Valve is lazy Will bite em in the ass soon Comment from : Johnni Jensen |
good video for improve own listening Comment from : M1rokko |
Although im a lol player but dota now is better than lol at gameplay charecter design and meta changing,lol has a lot of champ were forgotten by riot meanwhile some champ very popular and appear in proplay regularly,lol is also bad at balance Comment from : Kethanbath |
Just so you all know - it's their discord making that noise I spent a good 5 minutes checking what the hell was going on Comment from : Harry Fieldson |
Dota is just too much for people who wants to start playing 5v5 brImo I've played both dota and lol and I would 100 Choose dota over league any time of the year Comment from : AL |
notice me senpai Comment from : RAUL GAMING |
I'm a Dota 2 player, i don't play League of Legendsi don't care which game is easier or harderbut, i like the management made by Riot Games starting from events, Worlds opening ceremonies, music event, animation/cinematics 👍 Comment from : Widyatama Putra |
is dota balance right now? thats why they not updating for anymore? Comment from : Jeff Sarra |
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