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Silver and Gold Investing is a BAD Idea?! Dave Ramsey Says THIS About Gold and Silver!


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Название :  Silver and Gold Investing is a BAD Idea?! Dave Ramsey Says THIS About Gold and Silver!
Продолжительность :   8.35
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Кадры Silver and Gold Investing is a BAD Idea?! Dave Ramsey Says THIS About Gold and Silver!

Описание Silver and Gold Investing is a BAD Idea?! Dave Ramsey Says THIS About Gold and Silver!

Коментарии Silver and Gold Investing is a BAD Idea?! Dave Ramsey Says THIS About Gold and Silver!

David Keith
Dave is an old man who couldn't explain why it would be a good idea to save boxes of worthless paper money He doesn't understand using gold and silver as a hedge BTW, I've had about $5000 stolen out of my bank checking account from online thieves over the past four years He's a crank
Comment from : David Keith

4:30 brBuy silver at $22 brif the price goes up, either hold your more valuable silver or sell and hold the cash brif the price goes down to $19, you havent lost a DIME yetUNLESS youre STUPID and cash out lmaoDONT DO THAT! brInstead, buy MORE silver at the lower price, which now brings your AVERAGE cost per ounce DOWN so youre total investment PER ounce is now lower than it was before brnow brif the price goes up, either hold your more valuable silver or sell and hold the cash brif the price goes down, you havent lost a DIME yetUNLESS youre STUPID and cash out lmaoDONT DO THAT! brInstead, buy MORE silver at the lower price, which now brings your AVERAGE cost per ounce DOWN so youre total investment PER ounce is now lower than it was before brnow brif the price goes up, either hold your more valuable silver or sell and hold the cash brif the price goes down, you havent lost a DIME yetUNLESS youre STUPID and cash out lmaoDONT DO THAT! brInstead, buy MORE silver at the lower price, which now brings your AVERAGE cost per ounce DOWN so youre total investment PER ounce is now lower than it was before br brlather, rinse repeat brLITERALLY NO way to lose your money IF you do it right brAnd unlike stocks YOU OWN your PHYSICAL metals No one is taking it from you ITs not going to just magically disappear like some stock that goes bankrupt br brAnd it only gets better from here brThis is if you only do silver brBring in other metals that are just as volatile (gold isnt), something like rhodium, and add that to the mix and you can seriously abuse the hell out of the system as a whole brieI bought rhodium for under $1k / oz brIt went up to just under $30k / oz brI didnt cash out, I had the dealer send me that much in silver value lol br br38 years this year of playing this game NOT ONE DIME lost to date At least TRIPLE my $$$ on what I own every time I do cash something out brits an EASY game if you are patient with it and play it instead of letting it play you emotionally
Comment from : THESHIT SHOW

Johnny Onion
ramsey is full of fecesbrTHREE times now someone has stolen money out of my moms bank accountsbrshe hasnt had it recovered brSo yes, Daveypeople can and do have money stolen from their bank accounts pretty much every fkn day of the year lol
Comment from : Johnny Onion

Johnny Onion
38 years this year Ive been into PMs Havent lost a dime yet lmfaobrI at least triple my $$$ every time I do cash out
Comment from : Johnny Onion

Johnny Onion
Im sorry, but Ramsey might be good for those with tons of money to invest and what stock to buy, but other than that , the man is a fkn gump lolbrHe just makes blanket generalizations so much I want to pull out my hair and break down in hysterical laughter just listening to himbrHE THINKS cuz hes daddy warbux rich that that makes him the expert on every fkn detail lmaohes not
Comment from : Johnny Onion

My research showed from 2017 to 2022 gold value increased by 430 From 2010 to 2023 the increase was 37 Overall, the return in both instances outperformed bank returns on savings Gains, not losses as Dave Ramsey would have you believe You are correct on being diversified in your metal holdings Collectibles can increase in value while the spot prices drop Good vid
Comment from : DALE

Greyhawk Jones
u always lose with gold and silver Take a 1oz of gold or silver to any coins shop and they treat u like its a pawn shop/ Well golds is 1900 but i can give u 500 I gotta make money too parmuph parumph parumphlmao
Comment from : Greyhawk Jones

Karl Taylor
10k sitting in the bank you're gonna lose 1k per year Fast forward 20yrs you will not lose with gold or silver I'm trying to get 1,200oz -1,600oz silver asap
Comment from : Karl Taylor

Dan Christian
Dave is right Gold and silver don’t pay interest CD’s do and they are paying up to 5 now Don’t be foolish Why are dealers so anxious to take your fiat money?
Comment from : Dan Christian

Imagine the economy completely collapsed and you have all this gold and silver thinking you will be fine and you go to sell some like everyone with gold and silver will do at the same time
Comment from : W S

In general, I respect Dave Ramsey and i believe he's on point with his recommendations and see his view points I think it is wise to have a little gold and silver myself I wouldnt have only that for retirement but it would be a slice of mine
Comment from : What_is_Truth

Dave Ramsey who !
Comment from : Undertaker

david fisch
Kids do more drugs and sell yourselves on the market it's skin so it always snaps bak
Comment from : david fisch

Sufi Kingdom
I disagree on this and also on not using credit card all together Robert’s fan!
Comment from : Sufi Kingdom

michael James
I disagree with YOU as far as buying Gift shop Gold and silver Coins You will not get $3000 for that or any Boutique Coins You can ask $50,000 if You want,,, You will not get it When Push come to shove,,, You will only get Spot for those Bullion Boutique Gift Shop Coins that You Over paid for
Comment from : michael James

dan weidner
Screw Dave Ramsey He is towing the line because he is exposed in their system, and has to keep the lie going
Comment from : dan weidner

It's a long term investment Not a get rich scheme I buy and will continue to buy
Comment from : oneof001

Robert Chapman
Like in war, the govenment can confiscate gold or sliver if need bebrFor national security reasons brCopoer at $600 a ounce is a good bet, cause its neededbrIn bad time and goid timesbrWith most the worlds mines in Chile if something happens there and copper productions stoo? Well expect the $600 ounce to rise in pricebrMore so in a world wide monetary collapse and a change over to digital system also the reset which would need to accumulate with it of the startbrRemember everyone has sliverbrSo, if the world went trading it in without the production useage of course, the price will fall if industrial and jewellery use for it is not therebrFood for thoughtbrGold will always hold a value as other prestigious metals palladium and such,brCopper is worth, stacking, its cheap And even kids can aford itbr Just imagine the world trying to cadh in all its sliver inva recession if after a short time if the demand is not there its natural to think hold of buying it, once a reset, the price naturally has to be set liwer on a resource not let needed in production as most companys are shut still which use it and the supply is taken cared of for the short term? brJust my view brAnd if you had many kullis of gold and a govenment in national debt , or war expect gokd to be, classed as theres under national security laws in times we never wish to seebrbrIts the peooles resouses culminated in massive amounts which would be needed in such timesbrIts fair to say and posie, as a possiblity 🎯 just my view
Comment from : Robert Chapman

Sheldon Berg
Dave Ramsey is not all knowing Gold and Silver have stood the test of time Buying gold and silver is not going to make you a millionaire but there are good reasons to have some gold and silver if you are looking to protect your self as much as humanly possible
Comment from : Sheldon Berg

Dave talking about identity theft and getting robbed from your bank account as some absurd impossibility is enough to temper any confidence you thought you had in him Between increasing technological dangers to bank defaults, the bank account is anything but safe
Comment from : kaosumaru

Frank Abler
This video is incompetent You have provided no data whatsoever to support your position You agree or disagree based on what?
Comment from : Frank Abler

Nick Sofialakis
I'm sure that Mr Ramsey is waiting for another big drop in price or he may miss the boat again brGold and silver is the oldest monetary standard for all Banks, from the Western Jew Banks to the BRICS and so onbrThe Australian Banks are buying PM's like mad brOtherwise follow the sharks and you'll be fine since your money can't be swindled by Zionism
Comment from : Nick Sofialakis

Francisco Sánchez
In an economic collapse the collectibles will become worthless
Comment from : Francisco Sánchez

Francisco Sánchez
Dave Ramsey always like to back everything with FIAT currency However, gold and silver are good options
Comment from : Francisco Sánchez

I lost a third of my butt when the government gave all the money away
Comment from : Uvoted4this

Nicholus Evans
How is metal a bad investment I understand the paper money has basically no value but metal is metal silver gold copper u can melt down coins
Comment from : Nicholus Evans

Eric Matt
The chances of somebody stealing your money out of a bank r made legal and clearly articulated in the Dodd-Frank
Comment from : Eric Matt

Motivation Challenge
😂 this guy is getting sued for such advice now 😂!
Comment from : Motivation Challenge

There is a time to own PMs and now is the time !
Comment from : luap

Dave Ramsey is 100 correct It's not his views it's factsi stacked gold and silver for years it's a better hustle for the dealers not the buyers it's a borderline scam I can explain if needed
Comment from : LL JJ

I don't understand his hatred for silver and gold, they are both biblical metaphorical symbols of wealth and he is a Christian He uses the better buy guns and water comment if you believe the economy is going to crash, but he never discusses what happens during a soft crash, or hyperinflation I can't believe he is still pedaling that routine with all of the stuff going on right now regarding the government trying to take us to a cashless society for control
Comment from : AF8LBITE

True Patriot
Yeah, Ramsey is a moron I just had an associated bank employee lock my fiance and I out of our bank account maliciously
Comment from : True Patriot

Dave is ALWAYS inaccurate😂
Comment from : W

What does Dave Ramsey say about Heavy Metal?
Comment from : ccfmfg

Enigmatic51 Me
Bad Idea? BSso many people on the disinformation campaignAll these major banks are into silverand your not invitedand its insurance, not an investment
Comment from : Enigmatic51 Me

jeff H
Dave Who??? Oh really hahaha
Comment from : jeff H

Robert Mcintosh
The FED and Treasury are printing dollars and we are going in debt 4 billion per day so inflation is increasing
Comment from : Robert Mcintosh

Range Rider
I took Dave's budgeting course along with Larry Burket's course I stopped following when he made some very bad calls and Larry Burket passed away I did benefit from the concept of every dollar budgeting and got completely out of debt when in my early 50's including paying off my house and started buying gold when it was $300 and Silver was $800 My plan was to will it to my 5 grandkids and explain the difference between credit cards, paper money, and real money ie gold and silver Of course, the best-laid plan of mice and men all went to pieces when my now ex-wife got into drugs and when I refused to give her money she divorced me and took half of everything Thank you divorce court
Comment from : Range Rider

john yarnall
because they want it for themselves… 🧐
Comment from : john yarnall

Nick Lazar
Dave Ramsey sounds like a leftwing globalist supporter that wants to discourage patriots to fall into a sinking Communist society
Comment from : Nick Lazar

Anonymous Prepper
Dave Ramsey isn’t that bright anyway
Comment from : Anonymous Prepper

No silver is a Bad Idee in Europe tax plus dealer 35 Prozent on the price good idee buy 30 sell 22 wow silver is a trahs only gold is fantastic
Comment from : Asdf

Christiana Emilio
Investing in gold, silver, digital currencies and stocks is a good idea, a good investing system would put you through many years of success
Comment from : Christiana Emilio

When Dave uses euphemisms like "Gold is a rock", it's disingenuous Fiat currency is paper We are forced to use it, and it is backed by war
Comment from : 07blackdog

From what I'm hearing banks are having a hard time because people are buying so much silver and gold thus taking the money out of the bank to make these purchases and banks are losing because of it so banks are closing downbrbanks need your money to make money if you take it out, they have no money who owns most of the banks out there you think they are going to let you collapse their account hell no thus all the new rules and regulation coming out of the GOVERMENT
Comment from : Cookinitmax

Terry Marshall
It's worth less because of the paper gold Gold is realI hold and it's a dud for now
Comment from : Terry Marshall

Phill Huddleston
Dave Ramsey's an idiot!
Comment from : Phill Huddleston

Offer Ramsey 30 pieces of silver
Comment from : Canada&Free

Anthony Cobb
They lost their butt quite by insidious bankers
Comment from : Anthony Cobb

Anthony Cobb
Ol Dave probably never read Creature from Jekyl Island eitherBanks bail-ins are very real tooask the UK couple retired to Cypress(Greece) a few years back 😳
Comment from : Anthony Cobb

Thiago Palma
I used to listen to Dave Ramsey He is great to the focus that have zero financial discipline That said he gives awful advice to who is disciplined
Comment from : Thiago Palma

Tim Lee
Dave Ramsey is an IDIOT!
Comment from : Tim Lee

Swamp Hawg
Dave is full of **** I want him to explain why it is a bad idea for us to own precious metals But not for governments EXPLAIN THAT ONE DAVE Any investment advisor would want you to have a percentage of precious metals in your portfolio
Comment from : Swamp Hawg

Oliver Williams
Physical gold and silver is one of the few investments that will never go to zero brbrIn times of economic uncertainty history has proven that smart money always runs to PMsbrLook at what all the big banks hoard Dave Ramsey is an idiot and should not be handing out advice
Comment from : Oliver Williams

I had some friends who followed Dave Ramsey and they just got further and further into debt Stacking is the best bet
Comment from : SuzyQLasVegas

#Gold & #Silver to the 🌕 baby 💪🏽
Comment from : Miguelon

JB McMunn
Two words: noncorrelated assetsbrbrAs for bank safety, talk to the citizens of Cyprus
Comment from : JB McMunn

taku sungjung
yeah dave ramseys is a stupid idiot in general
Comment from : taku sungjung

Gold, silver, and XRP for me!
Comment from : 2BitUser

If you look longterm and don’t over accumulate too quickly the spot price isn’t an issue There is a difference between generic gold/silver bullion vs sovereign coins with numismatic value
Comment from : 2BitUser

Ramsey is good for getting out of debt but his investment strategy is mutual funds that’s it He’s arrogant to say the least
Comment from : 2BitUser

John Kimber
Yeah, usually I don't really care what most people say I will agree that precious metals isn't the greatest 'investment', unless adding a mining stock to your portfolio Precious metals is more a 'wealth preservation' vehicle, to prevent having a mountain of worthless fiat currency If it takes $50 for a meal, it was likely half that a few years ago, and likely may double over the next few years Now, that's about 2oz of silver, and that was the case a few years back, and likely will be a few years in the future
Comment from : John Kimber

Screw Dave Ramsey!
Comment from : Amraam5

Graham Thomson
All you can do with these coins is hope to sell them for more than it cost you They don't generate income and they need protected brThey have no intrensic value
Comment from : Graham Thomson

Peace and Justice
Dave Ramsey saying that makes him an idiot, because the US has invaded many lands around the world and stolen gold and have safe kept in maximum that for over a century when the government and politicians know the dollar won't survive forever and every empire collapses eventually Gold has skyrocketed in the last 10 years, gold was always be a commodity, a natural resource that is coveted Gold is mentioned for those who enter paradise (heaven) that people would have gold palaces given by God, wars have been fought over gold, Dave Ramsey is just an ignorant American and that's fine with me if billions of people around the world think like him I've never seen people wearing a chain of American dollar bills around their neck I've never seen women wearing a bracelet of American dollar bills around their wrist attending a wedding
Comment from : Peace and Justice

Christopher Welker
Dave Ramsey hasn't figured out how to make money by recommending people buy precious metals When he finds a way to profit from it, he will be pushing it
Comment from : Christopher Welker

Darrell Mitchell
The biggest losses are usually the buying and selling premiums
Comment from : Darrell Mitchell

Yendor T Tiker
I agree with Dave on a lot of things That said I don’t agree with him on everything This is one
Comment from : Yendor T Tiker

A Alzate
Diversify your investment seems to be the lesson learned and is the one word repeated in all types of investing: Crypto, Bullion, Stocks, etc
Comment from : A Alzate

Samuel Floriano
That fuck up has no fucking clue about anything Don't listen to the fuc
Comment from : Samuel Floriano

Eric S
PM's are not investments They're money Fiat is speculation
Comment from : Eric S

jimmy hoffa
Sounds like a load of disinformation to me Probably created by the exact people who have everything to gain by keeping the population poor and dumb as shit
Comment from : jimmy hoffa

Thomas 85
No one cares what David says He is evil He packages his “baby steps” as some giant secret to get rich ( nothing but common sense) And that’s the only reason people buy his garbage and listen and call his sorry ass show David is evil
Comment from : Thomas 85

Richard E Schindler
I would say that Dave Ramsey doesn't know what he's talking aboutbrI bought Silver Eagles at $1989 each back in March of 2020; I just checked the selling price and they are now selling at $4152 at SD BullionbrI'm pretty sure that Good Ol' Dave didn't make that kind of return on his $1989 invetments🤑brHe's about as dumb as Kramer!
Comment from : Richard E Schindler

bob hoss
Dave Ramsey figures the less people buying Gold/Silver leaves more for him😂brStay safe and God bless
Comment from : bob hoss

The year is 2022, I buy two ounces of Silver for $55 and I put it in my safe Next payday I invest $55 in the stock market Next payday I put $55 in my bank savings Fast forward one year, my two ounces of Silver is still in my safe The stock market hit bottom and I lost $55, the bank crisis and fees depleted my $55 in my savings I can take my two ounces of Silver and cash them in but my stock is GONE, my SAVINGS is gone Proves money is not worth a 💲hit , so why would I want to cash in my Precious Metal for paper that keeps on failing? You are wrong Ramsey just like all the other Ramseys in the past
Comment from : AlienLifeForm

Dave Ramsey, is the other name, for a donkey !!!
Comment from : n7hevn

I love how he says it's a bad idea to invest in gold and silver with a table stacked with it in front of him in the video
Comment from : Shmirie

How can you lose your money when you’re buying real money utilizing failing, inflating money? I might agree with Dave on a host of things, however not on buying metals When it all comes crashing down what will he use as money or a store of wealth?
Comment from : Privatepilot

Neo The Tv
So i have some questions, im a new investor so just for the sake of clarity just treat me like i know absolutely nothing brbrSo if i buy precious metals what do i do next?brbrAre metals just a "ticket" that says, "i have this money in this diversified investment"?brbrIf the dollar collapsed and gained traction again would i just sell back that gold (depending on the offer) to get back all my money back or continue keeping it?
Comment from : Neo The Tv

David Davey
Dave is right you’ll lose your butt on premiums and Cap Gains and sales tax!
Comment from : David Davey

Yeah, guys, just leave all the gold and silver to the banks 😂😂😂
Comment from : PiKeFiSh

Dave is going to lose his money, $150,000,000 of it
Comment from : JayV

For me personally I don’t like physical metals they are a scam you can’t say you have gained value untill you sell so even if you bought at 1$ if u still have them technically you ain’t make anything All the stackers I know are holding forever from what I’ve seen so they will never make anything they just have metals for some odd reason I just stick to silver stocks plus I’ve made way more just trading the stock I really don’t understand the need for stacking gold and silver like the old man said 👴-i wouldn’t trade a can of beans for 20oz of gold if the world goes to shit I think people need to understand the use of gold and the people using it I do have a small amount of gold and silver physical but they just sit in display not doing anything while I trade Gld stock and make money -I’m not a stacker but I get 2 oz of gold for the price of 1 that’s only reason I buy physical and sell them both instantly for 50$ under spot no questions asked
Comment from : FAMILY FRIENDLY

In my opinion when you spend $ on pm’s you still have your money Investors need more information & knowledge of what they are investing in or they will lose their $ With that being said money does have to move to make money so you’re precious metals is more of a hedge Than a way to make money
Comment from : Nikki

Dave Ramsey need to go head up with Robert Kiyosaki He will get his a@@ waisted
Comment from : MiKyahl

Call Me Jazz
Dave Ramsey is not your go-too guy for investing if you want to build wealth and enjoy life He'd have you sitting in the dark eating rice and beans until age 65
Comment from : Call Me Jazz

Only invest what you can afford to lose
Comment from : MrJohnnyseven

Cajun stacker
It goes way up in value every decade
Comment from : Cajun stacker

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