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Oppo 203 205 The UHD Blu Ray KING is Dead - Time to Upgrade Home Cinema Ultra HD HDR 4k


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Название :  Oppo 203 205 The UHD Blu Ray KING is Dead - Time to Upgrade Home Cinema Ultra HD HDR 4k
Продолжительность :   12.30
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Просмотров :   59 rb

Кадры Oppo 203 205 The UHD Blu Ray KING is Dead - Time to Upgrade Home Cinema Ultra HD HDR 4k

Описание Oppo 203 205 The UHD Blu Ray KING is Dead - Time to Upgrade Home Cinema Ultra HD HDR 4k

Коментарии Oppo 203 205 The UHD Blu Ray KING is Dead - Time to Upgrade Home Cinema Ultra HD HDR 4k

Pascal W Paradis
Just bought a 203 to play CDs,,,, I hope I did ok ? Got a ps mod coming
Comment from : Pascal W Paradis

Mike Lee Photography
Had my OPPO BDP 103 since 2013 LUV IT! Have you heard of REAVON a French company building & supplyiing "Oppo' like build HD Players? Their first 2 players are in the 203 &205 design vein
Comment from : Mike Lee Photography

Wet Cat
I upgraded the 103 to the 205 I Have the HA- 1 and the HA-2 headphone amps and PM-1 headphones I love their stuff Will miss them very much
Comment from : Wet Cat

Wayne G
A true loss to the audio / video enthusiasts My OPPO’s will be with me until the end!
Comment from : Wayne G

8bit Flea
I still have an opportunity BDP-93 I’m making it my dedicated CD player wen I get a 4K player
Comment from : 8bit Flea

i own a 103, rather than a mod i just use an outboard DAC easier to upgrade
Comment from : xstensl

And now, look at how much Oppo 205's go for online 2 years after discontinuing, and you can still sell it for over original cost
Comment from : pg

Jacob Steele
Maybe Panasonic will bring out something badass I dont knowsomething like their panasonic ub9000
Comment from : Jacob Steele

If you cant get the 203, and have a good video processor and a good receiver, which 4k/3d capable bluray player?
Comment from : abvmoose87

The Truth
Bought my Oppo 205 the day they were released and is one of my favorites components on my system but by far the best disc player I've ever had In my opinion the sold them for too cheap They are worth at least twice what they charged
Comment from : The Truth

Gino Capinu
Pioneer Elite Plasma and now Oppo Surprised there are actually this many disc players left on the market in 2020 Sad indeed
Comment from : Gino Capinu

Damon Hayes
Have both UDP-203 and a BDP-103 I can not believe this is how it is becoming! Sad
Comment from : Damon Hayes

John Smith
There's 2020 rumors that Oppo players are back
Comment from : John Smith

bob annon
I bought a 203, had a 103D and a significant step up brKnew Oppo was leaving the market, so my 203 was my final disc playerbrbrAs the kind of guy who likes to make the best of my gear, I set about making the best Blu-ray player even betterbrSee my Modding thread here if that’s of interest: theartofsoundnet/forum/showthreadphp?56087-Hey-guess-what-I92m-about-to-do-Major-Oppo-modsbrbrI went the full Oppomod routebrbrLinear power supply, upgraded clock, all improved silver internal wiring, i2s audio output board, (awesome to a Directstream Dac), Transport and case dampening and other stuffbrBig upgrade in video and audio, as a disc spinner and Network streamer/ Roon endpoint it’s fantasticbrYup, video toobrbrThe Oppo’s HDMI input, let’s me plug in my Nvidia Shield and take advantage of the Oppo’s processing prowess for Netflix/ Amazon Prime, Youtube and even to “Gamestream” PC games to the big telly and sound system in the living roombrbrAll possible because of the OppobrIt’s a helluva bit of kit, so glad I got mine
Comment from : bob annon

You really need some grilles on those speakers!
Comment from : Lensman

I am sad and embarrassed to say that I just became aware of OPPO about one year ago, in fact it was a few months before they pulled out of the market I have been in the beginning phase of establishing a HIFI, stereo system, and have been looking at a decent Network player as my source along with a phono I have been looking at the new SONY HAP S1, etc and Cambridge network players, BUT I see OPPO BDP 105 for sale on various audio sites What do you think? I mean, if OPPO is out, how can I get filmware upgrades?? I guess OPPO 105 and most certain 205 probably run circles around the aforementioned suppliers? Thanks
Comment from : MARK D

Rennie Ash
Streaming is only a problem because they don’t put up the disc quality 50GB version commonly They do on certain websites
Comment from : Rennie Ash

Rennie Ash
Yeah it’s really unfortunate about the shirt, hold onto it, its price will triple!
Comment from : Rennie Ash

Ian Aintsaying
I had an Oppo BDP-93 and it was underwhelming at best At high playback levels the noise floor was so high that listening was out of the question As far as I'm concerned I say good riddance to Oppo
Comment from : Ian Aintsaying

Demian I
Does the oppo give you better picture quality than the sony or samsungs
Comment from : Demian I

I'm crying over not buying the 4K model Oppo when it was still available for $549 My 1080P Oppo is the best Blu-ray player ever made  I had to settle for the $499 Panasonic 4K Player and I hate it for more reasons that is just not worth talking about without getting me pissed
Comment from : mrnightwalker2

Frans De Groot
Now update for 203 205 oppo HDR 10 i have him instald from USB stick it is working
Comment from : Frans De Groot

mandeep singh
Sir, Does Cambridge audio CXUHD supports Sony TV Dolby Vision Profile?
Comment from : mandeep singh

Nick Orsini
Just crushed I just found out and 4k uhd's are just now taking off like crazy Love my 203 and has brought so much joy to me and my girlfriend
Comment from : Nick Orsini

The candle burned out long before the legend ever did thanks oppo :'-(
Comment from : ch33psk8

What set of speaker you are using there with the metallic bronze driver?
Comment from : MrMamad

I just looked at Oppomod You were right, even I could install this!
Comment from : Nespressoman

Sad day :-(
Comment from : Nespressoman

Sony bdp-s790 is better anyway
Comment from : timgraysontv

If i am not mistaken, they will continue to make firmupdates for these players
Comment from : TheLassenman

Marshall Timmons
Yea, sad day indeed I was gonna finally gonna get one, now I’m checking out the Cambridge version now Virtually identical
Comment from : Marshall Timmons

Just bought one it’s fantastic at least they will keep updating firmware I guess it’s still going to be a great player for a long time to come?
Comment from : m

There's Cambridge Audio
Comment from : SLee

andrew Last
Yes its sad about OPPO I'm still kicking around with my 103 model Its true playing off a optical disc UHD movie or a BLURAY directly from your player is indeed way better performance than watching from a streaming service I don't mind streaming services but I know its not the ultimate quality Your dealing with a little compression Back in the hay day  of VHS with HI FI machines the sound was much more direct from the REMASTERED  movie  than the way it sounded from cable TV
Comment from : andrew Last

Gilbert Jones
It`s good to see someone with the same passion for bluray disc players that I share!
Comment from : Gilbert Jones

Julia Set
I have never seen any streamed or downloaded video that came close to a good Blu-ray in picture quality Sound for video is never going to be all that great no matter what format, they are all very lossy BTW, I have 93, 103, 203, all still work perfect
Comment from : Julia Set

Just ordered an Oppo 203 Don't wanna miss out if I wait until I get my OLED by the end of the yearbrDo you know if I'll get a nice upgrade in picture on my current 2014 4K TV model in the meantime?
Comment from : Logan_Scott_

ingod idoubt
I think the decision to abandon this is from a kind of placebo effect "Well Best Buy doesn't sell CD's anymore, and people are buying vinyl now, we'll just drop this because it's all about money and we can make millions selling cellpones, so why should we bother" Look vinyl came back and CD's will do the same I also think it was the share holders and investors who dictated this decision Very short sighted and myopic Looking too closely at the profit margin
Comment from : ingod idoubt

Robert Keefer
I am happy with my 203 A beautiful player Too bad they will be no more!
Comment from : Robert Keefer

Julia Set
Streaming to me just doesn’t provide the sound or picture quality of a disc, or over the air broadcast I guess some are happy with “good enough”
Comment from : Julia Set

Lee Southall
I have the UB900 is the difference in sound between the 2 players (UB900 & 203) a significant one ? (i have a home cinema with a 724 setup)
Comment from : Lee Southall

Sad news Another perfectionist brand throws the towell We'll miss them brbrDoes anybody knows which music is that on the video? I don't find it
Comment from : Audiobiker

The Truman Show
At 3:28 While I do sympathize with the loss of Oppo (one of the best electronics companies ever), stating "nothing is good that is cheap" is simply one of the biggest lies ever told I own some expensive equipment and by contrast, I own some very inexpensive equipment And my inexpensive equipment fairs quite well! like the Sony X800 (paid $169), the Onkyo TX-8270 (paid $350), the audioengine P4N (paid $325), and my Infinity AC AIRCOM T9 (paid $99) All of these inexpensive, all of these fantastic performers Do they compare to a $1500 Oppo? No, but to say they are bad because they are cheap is just stupid
Comment from : The Truman Show

Oh-Poh, not Ah-Poh Don’t like it? Contact Oooooppo
Comment from : DaveTheStalker

Vitor Roma
PS4 Pro or Xbox One S blow any bluray play out of the water just by sheer processing power
Comment from : Vitor Roma

Michael Marshall
Oppo is the best pity they are made in China ! Panasonic will love this ! I will be getting myself a 205 real soon
Comment from : Michael Marshall

Izztana Dark
Dolby vision will not take offHDR10 is the shape of the future Goodbye Oppo Welcome Samsung Sony LG Panasonic
Comment from : Izztana Dark

Stupid title
Comment from : Chrisabled

Love the 😞 intro 😂 A man that feels the same way I do about having a physical disc for watching contents Like I keep saying I know that everyone thinks streaming is the future, but I’m gonna continue to buy disc until streaming is up to Par with a 4K Blu-Ray disc quality I’m still hoping someone come to their senses and say this was all a big joke If not, RIP Oppo You will be greatly missed
Comment from : P F

mohsin ashfaq
Pioneer made probably the best blu rays players Talk pioneer might enter 4k uhd market soon
Comment from : mohsin ashfaq

William Schmidt
There's nothing new under the sun
Comment from : William Schmidt

The future is scary 😰
Comment from : AUSSIE

Robert Osborne
Get over it only a bluray player
Comment from : Robert Osborne

Sometimes, but not all the time, when one door closes, another door opens Sure we lost the Pioneer Kuro but we got OLED's to take their place As for buying an OPPO now, I'm gonna pass Technology is constantly changing, I rather wait for what's new Next year almost all the new products should have HDMI 21 That's just one example Plus I hear there's other companies that make similar quality players (Cambridge Audio) and will have great streaming apps as well The king is dead, long live the new king Nice looking speakers, whose makes those?
Comment from : carlcat

kool Cycledad
The company committed suicide with no apps, high prices,and no way for the average consumer to even physically see it,think about it no marketing at all,I didn't even know about Oppo untill about a year ago ,your average consumer probably never heard of them
Comment from : kool Cycledad

AR Media
Sad day in the av world man Love my 203 and am happy they will still provide service and firmware updates
Comment from : AR Media

Techno Dad
LOL! Funny! I've heard the Cambridge Audio CXUHD has identical video processor to the 203 and 205 I'm going to try and get one in for a side by side comparisononce I have the cash Anyway, I just found your channel and subscribed, it's very cool!!
Comment from : Techno Dad

Arthur Watts
Having owned the BDP-105D, I think the only people who will really be saddened by this news are those who use their players to their full potential (as both disc spinner and standalone DAC), even if the SABRE implementation was never to my taste Even with the budget to buy Blu--Ray movies regularly, I tend to watch them once and put them away : hardly great VFM compared to treasured albums I've listened to regularly for over 40 years, Their players represented fantastic value for reviewers - one box that would play almost anything digital, and a box that many 'real world' music lovers could relate to when the inevitable comparisons were made with the gear under review Vale Oppo
Comment from : Arthur Watts

stephen sheldon
Dam,just bought a 203 ,
Comment from : stephen sheldon

Gary Smith
Heard about this Tuesday 3rd from Steve G I have the 203 and was a PRE-order ! You can through just about ANY format at it and it will play it ! One of the very FEW players that will spin and play a DVD-R directly !!!! Keepin' mine ((O:
Comment from : Gary Smith

Antonio Brown
Damn the King has left the building ain't that a b*b*/b
Comment from : Antonio Brown

D Van
it just a product not a person it's not that serious too me just saying
Comment from : D Van

Anthony S
Relax Bud Cambridge Audio makes a very similar player in the CXUHD
Comment from : Anthony S

David Burris
Sad because crap rules these daysmediocre music formats, etc
Comment from : David Burris

Christof G
Cinemike in Germany also does tuning of the Oppo: wwwcinemikede/de-de/tuning/tuningC3BCbersicht/oppo/oppoudp203205aspx
Comment from : Christof G

Walter White
What an ugly unorganized setup
Comment from : Walter White

Agent Orange
Dang was hoping to buy a 205 later this year Hope they have a liquidation sale
Comment from : Agent Orange

jaspal kallar
I was reading someone's OppoMod to the 205 on headfiorg the other day:brbr wwwhead-fiorg/threads/review-comparison-of-5-high-end-digital-music-servers-aurender-n10-cad-cat-server-totaldac-d1-server-auralic-aries-audiophile-vortex-box787020/page-78#post-14117821brbrHe says in this thread that the audio was very good in opinion after there OppoMod upgrade He says the upgrade compares very upgrade favourably to his Chord Dave whilst using the optical out from the 205 to the Chrod Dave He like yourself has a very good Music Server brbrI'm guessing you will be very impressed with the OppoMod (especially into the Chrod Qutest)
Comment from : jaspal kallar

Michael B
I knew something was wrong when this guy decided to put on a pair of socks
Comment from : Michael B

Crazy prayingmantis
Time to stock up on oppo players, they'll be worth triple in a few yearsbrIt's heading towards full streaming you know it, music is too brI don't care, I'll buy all the unwanted records and CDs
Comment from : Crazy prayingmantis

sid vicious
Great video and it is truly sad and you are right, it will be a race to the bottom because streaming is slowly pushing the disc out Best Buy will stop selling music cd and Target only wants to sell music cds on consignment How long will it be before they try this with movies as well That looks like a Luxman integrated behind you If it is the one that I think it is, I heard it at Music Direct and I was very impressed with what I heard I remembered Pioneer leaving that market and do you also remember Panasonic leaving the Plasma market as well I still have two Panasonic Plasmas tvs and have had them for years and they have better picture quality than anything since, except OLED Panasonic and Pioneer were so diversified so they were not hurt by this, but OPPO doesn't have the diversification and unfortunately the blue ray and headphone markets are over saturated, but OPPO quality will be missed
Comment from : sid vicious

for me this is like when Pioneer quit at the Kuro, Tag Mclaren audio folded (audiolab /iag acquisition never continued the aspirational development path) Oppo have been a true product for those in the know It's a shame
Comment from : Marcus

Kwok Fai Leung
Kills by Netflix
Comment from : Kwok Fai Leung

They made there millions and turned there backs on everyone says a lot for there customer service anyway goodlucky if you need anything rerpaired it probably wont get done
Comment from : Dave30867

moukie bengal
your ticket to go tobrbrPanasonic DMP-UB900 Ultra HD Blu-ray Player
Comment from : moukie bengal

Kwok Fai Leung
In Hong Kong we do have upgrade services for 03&05, I had done for my 203 and it was very good👍🏻
Comment from : Kwok Fai Leung

Phiilp Gregory
Not good 😶😶😶
Comment from : Phiilp Gregory

Kutz Audio Live
After OPPO there is NONE:(
Comment from : Kutz Audio Live

Kutz Audio Live
Upgrade to WHAT????????
Comment from : Kutz Audio Live

You crack me up ! Lol but it is very sad news
Comment from : Blacksabbath25

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