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Tomb Raider Definitive Edition: PS4 vs Xbox One Enhanced Gameplay Frame-Rate Tests


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Коментарии Tomb Raider Definitive Edition: PS4 vs Xbox One Enhanced Gameplay Frame-Rate Tests

Nick Reymond
Quero ver essa comparação hoje em dia com o Xbox sendo o console mais poderoso do mundo kkk
Comment from : Nick Reymond

сергей фастовец
Comment from : сергей фастовец

Dont know why xbox one has only 30 fps for a new console but for xbox one x it could be better of course but no matter what fact i will always be a ps4 gamer
Comment from : AkiCrystal

Comment from : krzans

RNG legen
Ps4 fps god
Comment from : RNG legen

Rod Ic
If this game got the Xbox One X Enhancement it would be amazing
Comment from : Rod Ic

Hahahah xbox is such a trash console can’t even get past 30 hahahah
Comment from : brandonltxxp

TY, Lloyd B-15
i came here for lara's moaning XD
Comment from : TY, Lloyd B-15

Mike Serrano
Im from the future, ps4 pro and the boost mode improves this game a lot! you welcome!
Comment from : Mike Serrano

Sebastian Torres
Comment from : Sebastian Torres

É né se o dono inteligente do canal renderiza-se o video a 60 FPS!! IA DA PRA VER A DIFERENÇA
Comment from : Fropeyz

Andre Costa
Definitivamente o ps4 NÃO RODA esse jogo a 60 fps
Comment from : Andre Costa

Hoyeon Paul Park
why the hell is XO running at 30fps when PS4 is running on 60?
Comment from : Hoyeon Paul Park

Tudor Pisnic
OMGps4 have 60 fps and xbox one 30 fps xbox one suck
Comment from : Tudor Pisnic

никогда не куплю консоль, что бы у меня через год в играх FPS 40 был пфффф
Comment from : Vladimir

Random Gamer
4:27 Xbox One LOL
Comment from : Random Gamer

Got this for my ps4, loved every bit of it, it's a great game for whatever system you get it for I'm one of them ppl that does notice the difference btwn 30 and 60fps I dont know if 30fps impacts the gameplay on the xb1 Obviously we all want the best version, but my take on it is a good game is a good game
Comment from : JaySamurai79

Jman Rising
Wow they really screwed the Xbox One port The Xbox One is like the Ps3 of this generation
Comment from : Jman Rising

Katherine Strova
i just hate how PS4 gamers feel so special cause of how better their FPS isbrdo you see any differences between 50fps and 30fps? i don't see one cause both games run very smooth on both systems
Comment from : Katherine Strova

My eyes are very sensitive I always could tell when something ran at 60 and I always loved it Gimme the Xbox One version pls Why? My eyes are sensitive and the frame rate jumping around like that on the PS4 version almost gives me a headache
Comment from : ZO

Jamie Robert
Even PC version has dips so stfu PC fan boys
Comment from : Jamie Robert

rather play at 1080p 50fps rather than 900p and 20fps
Comment from : Pete

Shame the Kinect and lack of more core optimization gimped the XO version Seriously 720p 30fps is not acceptable The game is clearly able to run 1080/60 on both platforms
Comment from : thepkingmaster

ps4 60 fps are not stable
Comment from : JANM98

To the guy in the comment section saying XB1 version is 900p 30fps Do research before you comment
Comment from : kahnsealable

so glad i have a ps4!
Comment from : fatboymachinegun

Wafel Liefhebber
xbox fanboys are hating in de comments just because the xbox one runs This game at 30fps Cant We all just play our consoles without bragging over which one is better? Most of the people who say This havent even played the other console! Ps4 and xbox one are almost exactly the same!
Comment from : Wafel Liefhebber

IDGAF I'm still Bi-consual
Comment from : キヨ

Why make it 60fps if it can't even stay 60fps? Still Xbox One can definitely maintain better performance than this
Comment from : MuscledRMH

Paúl Sacoto
ps4 master race xDD
Comment from : Paúl Sacoto

ps4 incredible , i love you its win
Comment from : aDnDream

developers are just now taking advantage of the xboxone's new 10 performance boost read microsoft's statement pls and stop making dum compairson's when most xbox games were made they were limited by the connect 
Comment from : Mrjonjoe

Captain Steveo
PS4 runs so much smoother than the X1 in slow motion Frame-rate does matter if you want smooth gameplay 
Comment from : Captain Steveo

PS4 is clearly superior but both are shit compared to PC
Comment from : RobotDevil666xx

If you actually read the article, you would see that the average PS4 frame rate is 5336 Besides, patches in the game have probably increased the average frame rate
Comment from : EpicJonah

Naked Snake
C'mon, even mgsv run better than this game
Comment from : Naked Snake

coming from a ps4 owner; i have a feeling that if the frame rate is unlocked on the xb1 it would be 30-40fps because it doesn't dip from 30fps that often I don't know why they locked it to 30
Comment from : malamri424

YouTube Viewer
PS4 rapes
Comment from : YouTube Viewer

PlayStation 4ever the best
Comment from : WONG KHO SEAN

If I cared about FPS and High Resolution I would play games on PC  PS4 and Xbox One won't ever have the Graphical Power of a >$1000 PC
Comment from : MasakiGameCenter

I like having a high framerate, and as long as is doesn't drop below 30fps, it remains smooth throughout! I never noticed the drops! Personally, i like the ps4 better than the xbox one because of the controller, the nice addition of touchcontrols, good motionsensors, tidy and easy to navigate menus and a nice social system Also, the ps plus is cheaper than xbox live, at least here in norway!
Comment from : HimenHeadFish

steve brown
Xbox is being slaughtered lol
Comment from : steve brown

Pug in a Blanket
Man I remember when these tests were made for the PS3 and 360 So much, "see the 360 is so better," comments or, "The PS3 still looks good" I just love how it's pretty much a reversal of the seventh generation, and the comments have also switched
Comment from : Pug in a Blanket

movies usually run around 24fps so anything over that is awesome On the PS4 even with the drops,  you would NEVER notice anything slowing down I am currently playing it and it feels smooth as anything with the quality never changing!! I would say great Job to sony!!! and to Xbox fair enough 30 fps isnt the best but its still smooth!
Comment from : robertpilat09

big diff in a lot of action on the ps4 vs xbox one there were times when the xbox one dropped to 27fps while the ps4 was around 45fps I'm sorry Microsoft but that's unacceptable esp for 720p
Comment from : SteelRhinoXpress

Glitch x2
No difference
Comment from : Glitch x2

I don't think you can say PS4 is 60fps when it consistently drops to as low as 38fps 
Comment from : xMxH

Weeell my mid range PC runs it smoother than the PS4 But good job sony
Comment from : clouds5

wow serious frame drops it runs at 40-50 constantly dropping on ps4 i wouldn't say its the definitive version at all if anyones played the killzone mp you would know that unlocked 60fps is terrible, it dips between 40-50 and the game feels slower this 50 more power crap is not even true i see about 15-20fps better frame rates on ps4 but whats the point if you cant lock 50-60? keep it 30fps like xbone
Comment from : fadedfayz

Lol square ported the game badly? Lmao Tomb raider Definitive Ed for Xbox one and PS4 are built on x84 architecture, basically PC There really is no porting beside codes to make sure it will run specifically for that console Who educated this guy who said game was ported bad haha brbrPC> PS4> XBOXOne
Comment from : HallxTheory

Jesse Lord
At least you guys have that kinectLOL
Comment from : Jesse Lord

since its running on unlocked frame rates doesnt that tell us that the game is not optimized for the system?
Comment from : ParanoiaGentlman

y-axis on frame rate should start at 0  As it is, it makes the PS4 performance seem x3 that of XO brNot defending the XO here but just pointing out that the way Digital Foundry did it is misleading
Comment from : Vamavid

Blockbuster movies/television run at 26 frames per second, I don't hear anyone complaining about that why? because you don't see the difference unless your the Terminator or F*^king Robocop
Comment from : Caspersight

PS4 drops 34 FPS in cutscenes,but in gameplay PS4 over 50 FPSbrPS4>>>>>XBot720p lol
Comment from : DigaoModernWarfare

Goby Boi
The Xbox One launch games were created using 720 so the pixel density is true to output It being upscaleed to 1080 degrades the visuals however so that's why some games stick to 720 output That is why some multiplatform games look more crisp on Xbox One compared to their ps4 counterpart
Comment from : Goby Boi

Well still only have one game for xbox and the rest on ps4
Comment from : SumkindaHuman

Madara Uchiha
Comment from : Madara Uchiha

Matthew Dean
My reason is simple I went through 7 Xbox 360's over the years Said "fuck Microsoft", and bought a PS3 still have my original PS3, and My new PS4 Fuck Microsoft is all I have to say :) Pretty fucking good reason if you ask me All in all though This shit is just my opinion Thanks Bros!
Comment from : Matthew Dean

Apollo Back
remake Fable pls
Comment from : Apollo Back

Good job i switched to ps4 :D
Comment from : KY73

Michael Mitreski
im still waiting for xbox one to outperform ps4 in a game, oh wait that will never happen
Comment from : Michael Mitreski

PS4 - 50 superior to XBOX One hardware, I guess Anandtech weren't kidding
Comment from : Tribes11

FX 6300 or i3-4130?
Comment from : Pazo

Raul Pontes
You know since my eyes aren't all that fucking fast, I really don't see the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps its looks very fucking equal to me I own  an xbox one here on Brasil, it cost me R$1,800 while the PS4 was R$4000,00 And you know what? I love it And it  really doesnt matter to me if you wold love your PS4 to have a dick soo you wold be able to suck it all da I really enjoy my consolebr PS: Sorry about my englishbr PS2: For the ones thinking on complain about my bad english, do it in portuguese, pls
Comment from : Raul Pontes

The separate frame-time box is excellent! Very useful 
Comment from : combcomclrlsr

Is consistency something Xbox One owners can take solace from? Having always been a console gamer most of my gaming has been with locked frame rates so I'm not that experienced with such changes Obviously a higher frame rate is usually better, but are there times when large fluctuations are off putting or harmful to the experience?
Comment from : GhostSamurai

This is not even 1080p everytime on Xbone "while some cut-scenes are rendered at a locked 900p, explaining the additional blur in some of our Xbox One screenshots"
Comment from : girlwithturn

they should have just capped the ps4 if it cant achieve 60 most of the time, there was a point were ps4 dropped to 36 fps and xbox was still at 30 fps aswell  I have a feeling if this xbox was uncapped it would be getting similar fps to the ps4
Comment from : Ruins

Chad Hay
Ok first off i have a ps4 i know its not super powerful but i also know its the only place i can play ps exclusives like infamous or uncharted whenever it comes out or all the other games pc's wont get I have a 3770k overclocked to 48 and 2 780 classifieds and 2 ssd's in raid so if it comes out on pc im buying it there, but you got to remember how launch titles always run and look the worst, im sure most game in the future will be 1080p 60fps and some wont But consoles are so much more optimized than pc's they can squeeze every once of power out of them Yea i wish they would've uses a beefier cpu and a gpu in the 7950-7970 range but the console would've been 600-700 and you know how that worked out last time for sony
Comment from : Chad Hay

dennis van dijk
Ive played it on ps4, i dont notice any drops It might slows down a little but still plays very smooth
Comment from : dennis van dijk

ราชศักดิ์ สีสาม
the Ps4 is win
Comment from : ราชศักดิ์ สีสาม

i find it strange that people still defend the xbox one after getting shafted with weak hardware by microsoft
Comment from : HermosaBeachJoe

Okay but the Dreamcast out performs both of them brMy Sega Dreamcast gets 1440p 60fpsbrYou filthy Sony,PC,Microsoft Peasants aren't true gamers!!! brHAHAHA! br(This was a troll comment)br(If you take this seriously , there's something wrong with you)
Comment from : RadioactiveBitFlip

Danny Peel
All the evidence in the world and people will still try to claim the XO is somehow better Crazy
Comment from : Danny Peel

Abdallah Adejoh
nah prefer 60 and its drops around 50 to 40 you barley should not notice it
Comment from : Abdallah Adejoh

i still think that 30fps without frames drop is better than 60fps with frames drop (to 40-60)brwhen its stables fps you dont see a difference between 30 or 60fps but when the fps drops (for example from 60 to 45) you have the impression that the game lagsbri think the ps4 should have been locked on 30fps with better graphics instead of 60 fps with frames dropbrbri speak french so im sorry if i have some grammar mistakes :)
Comment from : eytann

It's like Bayonetta but backwards
Comment from : Mudkipz6255

yup! gddr5 vs ddr3
Comment from : wolfgods

You should make comparison between Xbox 360 and Xbox onebrPS4 is in different level
Comment from : Dinho

Xbox-one its just a piece of shit, feel sorry for those who spend their cash on that thing
Comment from : Emir

Кот Космонавт
Оптимизация игр XO не спасёт от медленой но очень мучительной смерти!!!! XO может спасти тока мега офигенные эксклюзивы, армия эксклюзивных игр(которхый у microsoft нет)!!!
Comment from : Кот Космонавт

How can anyone honestly argue that the Xbox One is more powerful? I'm totally fine if you say the exclusives are better That makes sense But don't keep lying to yourself and preaching how "weak" the ps4 is and how the xbone crushes it Ridiculous
Comment from : Kogs

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