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Docking and Launching Automatically - Getting Started with Drones


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Название :  Docking and Launching Automatically - Getting Started with Drones
Продолжительность :   23.56
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Просмотров :   111 rb

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Коментарии Docking and Launching Automatically - Getting Started with Drones

So why does my drone feel the need to face the opposite direction than I want it to,and whenever it goes to land it does a little circle over head animation first
Comment from : StrawOnWalls

Violent Shadow
i would love to see a tutorial for AI Docking with a rear mounted docking portbri have tried it but it does not want to turn "arrond " and fly backwardsbri fly in turn 90 degree left and fly backwards to dock but it does not turnbrcould you help?
Comment from : Violent Shadow

Carolina Guardian News
wanting to join a group i use pc have all dlc
Comment from : Carolina Guardian News

12:35 I just wanted to point out that timer blocks can not use floating point values, so the value you give to the timer will round to a whole number brbrWhy keen allows you to input a floating point number while the block is incapable of using them, i don't know Seems like it would have been easier to just not allow floating point for inputbrbrThanks for the tutorial!
Comment from : StuntPuppy

You speak no R’s
Comment from : BaliAgha

MȺɆSŦɌØ Portuguese Gamer
Thank you for this tutorial
Comment from : MȺɆSŦɌØ Portuguese Gamer

Jonathan Lenhart
For some reason, the drone I built is moving painfully slow in 0g gravity I know the speed limit is not affecting it, because that's set at 50 It's just moving slow with both basic task and recorder task I still have a remote control on it, could this be affecting it?
Comment from : Jonathan Lenhart

Conta Minated
This is a super complex tocpic I've been playing around with this for hours and I've found out that this type of setup has like hundreds of ways things can go wrong There are also lots of things that don't really make sense Everything is set up perfectly, but it still doesnt' work Also, most buttons haven't been documented properly, which is why it's impossible to fully understand what I'm doing here
Comment from : Conta Minated

Andrew Boyce
Holy crap, thank you! I just came back to SE after almost 4 years away and I spent about an hour feeling like an idiot trying to figure out all the new stuff by myself like an idiot Your tutorials are amazing Splitsie, thank you for making them
Comment from : Andrew Boyce

Catthew on da Hōkūleʻa
yes more please!
Comment from : Catthew on da Hōkūleʻa

Trey Tinner
Swarm drone repairs? 👀
Comment from : Trey Tinner

Titan Invictus
Man, I wish anything I saw here worked for me Can't get the waypoints to appear, ship just starts going up from waypoint spots forever, no idea what the hell is goiing on Based on Google searches, Keen has not done well with these and I should just look back at using PAM Boo
Comment from : Titan Invictus

is there any chance you could do a tutorial on grid AI miners?
Comment from : leon8712able

switch blade145
for me the waypoints are not showing up
Comment from : switch blade145

Felix Sbert
OH MY GOSH!!! I finally made a working elevator!!! 🥰brThanks for explaining So good to be back in the game after a while and have a reliable source of "FU*K this sh*t aint working Someone put this in understandable pleazzzzzzz!" brdid I mention that I love your tutorials?brAnyhow, thanks👍
Comment from : Felix Sbert

Is this possible for a ship?
Comment from : Superiorquad

The Droid
Trying to set up autopilot on a ship to travel between a ground earth base and a space station Kindof like the space elevator in deadspace 2
Comment from : The Droid

francois mcneil
hi there and thanks for this great vid Quick question : My drone is moving back and forth nicely and did a couple of trips, but at some point it stopped loading ore at the mining station (although there is still plenty of ore in the containers) I was wondering how we can make sure that the drone will load ore from that mining station Thanks !
Comment from : francois mcneil

Wolves Tech
For some reason I couldn't get SE to show path when I follow it to the letter
Comment from : Wolves Tech

Thank you for this very good explanation
Comment from : Delusionist

Hope they get rid of all the blocks and just make one that lets you make programs with a function block type language, Scratch or whatever Lego Mindstorms has
Comment from : Stefan992

Unfluffy Dave
Great tutorial as always :) One question: do the AI blocks have to be on the same grid as the vehicle they are controlling For example, can I have a large grid ship controlled by small grid AI blocks that have been mounted on a rotor to save space?
Comment from : Unfluffy Dave

bigolbear the jammy dodger
Heard SE had an interesting new update, goes looking for tutorials, finds my old pal splitsiebrAll is well with the world My regards to you and capac sir!brNot bad keen, not bad - but I don't think your replacing scripters yet, might make our lives a lot easier though
Comment from : bigolbear the jammy dodger

Bernard Gilbert
Is it possible to use the remote control block to fly the probe/ship/whatever and set up the remote points for the in-flight recorder that way or will you always need a cockpit seat in order to do that? 🤔🤨
Comment from : Bernard Gilbert

Jason Bonhomme
Nothing that I did not manage to accomplish with a remote control block and a couple timers before I have yet to see a real useful purpose to these new "ai" blocks Other than the event controler, it's disappointingbrbrEdit: Ok, the follow player and grid is new and useful I responded too fast Or rather, I reacted And it was with two remote controlers, three timers and a sensor that I could do the same very well Except follow player
Comment from : Jason Bonhomme

Fireplace For Winter
I think you used the old intro
Comment from : Fireplace For Winter

faethor ferenc
Always nice to see explanations for tasks like that Even when my "potato" gave up running this game like 3-4 Years ago (Long Story short, pc got old, gamer got old, passion still is there)
Comment from : faethor ferenc

I'll use this to make an auto lander for my cargo ship
Comment from : sqwert

awesome, now everyone can build drones!brwe did this back in 2015/16 with the progammable blocksbrwe did it for Mining drones - just assign a region, a material , a drilling depth, a savety high for return and assign a docking station für unloading the ores and one for charging up the batteriesbrworked pretty well, except for the first few attempts many deaths and broken bases but was worth it
Comment from : Lu

Alex Pena
Yeah i dont know what im doing wrong ive followed what you said in the video but bothing is showing up on my hud also for whatever reason my ship decides to fly upwards
Comment from : Alex Pena

Alex Pena
So I have show path on hud and show on hud enabled but I don't see the lines I also have the show ai functions active
Comment from : Alex Pena

Mr Nobody
Try building a 3d printer just make drones fly back and forth building the ship with welders facing down on them its pretty cool even though not that useful
Comment from : Mr Nobody

tony G
I feel this game is not for all the kids who grew up being medicated cause mom couldnt even and was ok with the doctor saying being hyper was adhd and autism
Comment from : tony G

How would you go about getting a cargo drone to transfer stuff from a base on earth to a base in space??
Comment from : Tyler

Kyle Dejohn
I set up infinite drills and I'm hoping with this update I can trigger the drill to stop when the cargo containers are full and to start again when nearly empty!
Comment from : Kyle Dejohn

Jean-Philippe Croteau
Awesome! Thanks! I hope you will explain how to make it land on a moving grid in a future video!
Comment from : Jean-Philippe Croteau

I saw they added emotion blocks Any chance you rebuild the Splitsietron and replace the smiley face with those? 😂
Comment from : StarmanJude

Comment from : Алексей

Mr Nobody
It sucks rovers won't ever get a ai module Rovers are probably one of the coolest parts of the game but they are so fragile and just kinda suck in general If you want a small rover they work pretty well but large grid rovers are practically useless you got to drive them so carefully and slowly it just kind of defeats the purpose of building one
Comment from : Mr Nobody

The recorder block has an AI behavior on/off function and a Play on/off funtion - do you need to trigger both or does one automatically switch the other?
Comment from : mitdadeeb

O Variante Cataclísmico
Comment from : O Variante Cataclísmico

Yaaaaay! Splitsie is still doing tutorials! I came back to the game after a long time when I saw the new AI blocks (I always sucked with scripts)
Comment from : CrimsonAlpha

Ben Jackson
Im guessing you can't set this up to a mobile grid for example you have a cargo skiff attached to a miner, the skiff is full, heads to base to drop off and returnsbrI think you might be able to do follow player for the return journey, but would need to manually dock
Comment from : Ben Jackson

With these new blocks, I'd love to see a new "Wrong Way Down" series Maybe "Wrong Way Drone"?
Comment from : Weetu

I see SE drone shows coming soon
Comment from : thekingjdd

Great job as always I'll give you one more use for lazy old goats like me When you go mining, and don't feel like docking yourself Let the ship do it for you Yup -- I said I was a LAZY old goat LOL
Comment from : owencomps

No Botty
Instead of hitting stop Try to just turn it off Stopping ( I think) just resets it Turning it off ( Like the Program Block) should just pause it
Comment from : No Botty

Das Bratkeks
A great tutorial like usual Thank you for that But I´m a little bit confused, if this is the main "thing" for AI controling drones ´Cause I build the same thing with a booster rocket, wich is going back to the base by itself after disconnecting from the main ship, just using a few timer blocks, a remote control block and some GPS points It worked very well every single time So, I don´t really understand the diffrence between "to place and set up 2 timer blocks and a remote control block" and "place and set up 3 AI blocks" Maybe someone of you can help me to understand
Comment from : Das Bratkeks

Reman Scimitar
Curious if this method would be useful if I were to make a shuttle between planet side and say either battleship or refinery/production ship (use the shuttle to go down and use the drone side to head back up)
Comment from : Reman Scimitar

nice tutorial and good this is finally in base game (as the 5y old mod that did this in bit different way by blocks as waypoints) stopped working but it did work in moving grids I wonder if keen will add dynamic way of pathing (so you could have drones/fighters) launched and returned from/to mothership
Comment from : ttr

This is great, now you can automate your game that has no real objective beyond building
Comment from : hypertion

Cory Johansen
Hey Splitsie, thank you very much for all of the videos, very much appreciate them I have a quick question for you, how do you see/x-ray the inaccessible blocks I see in game play that you can see NPC blocks that need to be grinded down to take control of a ship, but I don't know how you do that, is it a mod, or just a key binding that I am missing?
Comment from : Cory Johansen

Aaron Sneary
Have you tested adding thrusters to a drone AFTER you place the AI blocks? My experimentation thus far has failed when I added additional thrusters after the AI blocks The block reads "block disabled" even if I power cycle the block or disable/enable the AI behavior
Comment from : Aaron Sneary

Edward Nigma
Sure would be nice if there were a way for a ship to follow a beacon on another ship and keep it's position relative to the beacon on the other ship You know, fly in formation and all that good stuff
Comment from : Edward Nigma

Noneyaone Noneyatwo
Does this mean you don't need Tiffany and capac anymore?
Comment from : Noneyaone Noneyatwo

I'm kinda disappointed in this update for obvious missed opportunity: event controller is not detecting most events from AI blocks No event for combat block target detection and activation, distance to target, etc Blocks that came out in same update for some weird reason barely can interact with each other without scripts Also yes, AI recorder is not respecting orientation Why? What's the point?
Comment from : Voidseeker

Nick V
Can’t wait to see how nasty ASSERT is going to get with these new tools
Comment from : Nick V

My biggest question is: Can subgrids control the main grid? Needing to have a separate block per docking station would be very bulky in large grid It would be nice to be able to put all of the intelligence in small grid blocks connected via rotor or hinge
Comment from : Mailleweaver

Why they thought these blocks were needed amuses me, several content creators successfully programmed remote drones using GPSs years ago
Comment from : Bulldog

How would you make this work for a carrier?
Comment from : Corksucker

I want to see drone landing on moving mothership :) I have to say that gps is and will be pretty annoying the way game use it I already hate myself when I mark 20 veins of iron "just in case" :D
Comment from : _CJ_

Now the question can you make it land on a mobile base
Comment from : cryptolazer

Nick Smith
I need to know how to make a drone that goes from my mining ship to my space station even after they move
Comment from : Nick Smith

What about using gyroscopes to set the roll, yaw etc? Couldn't that be set up using a waypoint action? :)
Comment from : Hulapyk

Christoph Southwell
I had an epiphany, you could make a ship that recovers itself if you die :O (perfect for Capac)
Comment from : Christoph Southwell

The Drifter
Can you do a video showing how to set up a cargo drone? Like I bet I could give what you showed here a go and figure it out but would be good to see the best way to do it from you
Comment from : The Drifter

Will you be doing a video about getting a drone to land on a moving ship? I've got a drone carrier ship that I've been working on, and I'm having trouble setting up the drones properly
Comment from : PhoenixFire596

Versatile Swingin Base
I don't play this game it was in my recommendations and all that stuff Imao
Comment from : Versatile Swingin Base

The Drifter
Just watched all your tutorials and realised i never subscribed, oops have done now
Comment from : The Drifter

I love how now if I ever need say iron, I can click a button and a little cargo drone can go to a mini-base I made for iron and pick some up while I chill and drink coffee
Comment from : PyxisDiv

(e) Atlantic Velocycle
i use the drones sometimes they're kind of unique when you're just creating ships in Space Engineers but i definitely like them
Comment from : (e) Atlantic Velocycle

Tone Andersen
The script sam is just far more superiour to keens waypoint bs I excepted more Not that you have to record waypoints
Comment from : Tone Andersen

Could this mean the rebirth of 'Potato' ? :)
Comment from : DieyoungDiefast

Imagine if they also added base attacks Every 7 days for example Like the classic 7dtd Oh well, maybe one day
Comment from : DerangedPumpkin

Knight Before Dawn
I'd like to see this applied in relation to a mobile base It would be awesome to have a large transport drone that sits on to your rover and once it fills with ore flies the ore to base Maybe the transport rover would have to be almost a hub for your smaller drill ships to fill up, but the drone does the main ore transporting to basebrbrIf it's possible this could make mining runs far more efficient Your transport rover could have less storage, therefore it could be smaller, lighter, and less expensivebrbrThough I guess taking the few seconds to generate a path for the thing when you park the rover at each new location is not too much to ask
Comment from : Knight Before Dawn

Calling this "AI" is about as accurate as calling the first generation of touchscreen phones "Smartphones"brBut its a social cultural thing at this point
Comment from : Raythe

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