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What is the Difference Between Files, Floats, Rasps and More


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Название :  What is the Difference Between Files, Floats, Rasps and More
Продолжительность :   19.14
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Просмотров :   32 rb

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Коментарии What is the Difference Between Files, Floats, Rasps and More

Sorry, I am super late to the party on this one, but taking a shot to see if anyone sees this Does anyone have any thoughts on diamond coated files?
Comment from : Marcus

Dude those riffler rollsinsane Who's the maker on those? Or are they a collection of various makers sets?
Comment from : Benjamin

Hi James, was wondering how would you know if they need to be thrown out I have bought a bunch also but don't know which to keep and which to get rid of Need to start getting rid of some due to space😅 Thank you
Comment from : EggyOrphan

Allen Guffey
Great info! loved the video!
Comment from : Allen Guffey

Wow! your riffler collection is impressive! I'm interested in getting some rifflers for work handrail fittings For general woodworking I would love to get a couple of hand stitched rasps some day and also some floats if I ever get around to making my own planes One suggestions, if you have the capabilities of doing metalwork you can upcycle old files into different handmade tools Thank you for the video!
Comment from : TE

first_name last_name
You can sharpen files When you dip them into the acid (or use galvanizing process to actually remove metal) you remove a thin layer of metal and not just gunk and you do get a sharper edge Of course, you can only do that limited number of times and you do not get as good edge as with a brand new, good quality filebrAlso, do not throw away the files They are a good source of high quality steel that you can use for all kinds of interesting project For example a burnishing tool for card scrapers, wood lathe tools, scraping tools
Comment from : first_name last_name

Facundo Guevara Castro
Comment from : Facundo Guevara Castro

Andrew Brimmer
Worth every second of watching thanks
Comment from : Andrew Brimmer

Manuel Garcia
Nowadays, there are a great many files that simply will not cut, even if they are in a blister pack I have learned that the very best files come from India, believe it or not And, never but never store files together in a box or a drawer Store them in a canvas roll Why? When you rub files together, they dull each other
Comment from : Manuel Garcia

No matter what file you have, the best tool and THANK YOU FOR SAYING IT the file card! 🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : bradhorn14

That's what I need! Rifflers!
Comment from : davedave

EG Bluesuede
Why hasn't someone figured out a way to manufacture rasps with a random pattern similar to hand cut? Doesn't seem like rocket science? Someone like Jeff Reed should get on this
Comment from : EG Bluesuede

Ian Pearse
File chat! You olde smoothy! LOL
Comment from : Ian Pearse

Once my files are dull, I grind them down on my low speed bench grinder and make them into marking and carving knives and awls
Comment from : Nanomachinist

Russ Volk
I’m truly sorry I didn’t catch this video a year ago as it would’ve saved me wasted money Great video and love your channel!brbrBtw, plz don’t throw away files😢🙏🏻 Knife makers could repurpose a great many files and other hobbyists could use them too Bushcrafters for instance use them for fire starting kits
Comment from : Russ Volk

My favorite files made by Pferd and my favourite rasps made by Auriou
Comment from : Ratatoskr

Dull files are not trash give them to your local blacksmith
Comment from : Ratatoskr

Mister S
Thank You for showing your rifflers, I have seen them at estate sales, and figured they were for very intricate work, but had no idea what they were called
Comment from : Mister S

Bill Coale
Thank you so much for "blurring through this" in the way that you didwhat an excellent overview! Your depth and breadth of knowledge is obvious, which makes it even more impressive that you're able to summarize it so succinctly
Comment from : Bill Coale

Tristan Vandever
do you ever catch yourself liking a video you already liked
Comment from : Tristan Vandever

Mohd Haikal Mohd Nashuha
Never knew handstitched rasp exist Dang
Comment from : Mohd Haikal Mohd Nashuha

David Ozab
I love my Shinto rasp!brbrAnd my 4 in 1 is my most used file/rasp
Comment from : David Ozab

Ian Hunt
It's crazy watching some of these videos as a machinist trying to get into hand tool woodworking I can't help but look at some of these super expensive specialty tools and think to myself- "well heck, I could just make one of those on my lunch break"
Comment from : Ian Hunt

Auriou makes hand stitched rasp They warn against using steel brush for cleaningbrThey advise normal brush because it is more friendly for teeth
Comment from : TvdV

Karm Esnom
I learned about rifflers when I tried my hand at flute making learned a lot doing that mostly that I am nerve/tone death
Comment from : Karm Esnom

Thomas Russell
So, was the majority of your riffling on your clogs?
Comment from : Thomas Russell

Andrew King
I found some good deals on files and rasps at pawn shops as well The upside is you can pick through them and buy just the ones you want, the down side is you have to pick through them all to find the good
Comment from : Andrew King

James Smith
Wonder what dirty rotten soulless sob had the raw audacity to give that single thumbs down? I bet it was James wright!
Comment from : James Smith

What are the 20-30 rifflers you use?
Comment from : ShenLun

I don’t own a single file, but understood everything you said Great video 👍
Comment from : thinkFish-catchFish

Jeff Carlsen
Great Summary! Thanks!
Comment from : Jeff Carlsen

gilsnax -
"And they're a little bit more happy for me" Someone's been watching Bob Ross again
Comment from : gilsnax -

Richard Merrill
You can use rifflers for wood sculpture, but they also used them for marble in the old country Love the floats and the curved-tooth file, and as always the jokes
Comment from : Richard Merrill

Brian Prusa
So much info Nicely condensed
Comment from : Brian Prusa

john hiemstra
Was your voice getting a little raspy? Or was that a bunch of file accumulating in your throat Just floating a thought Teehee Thanks for the good info
Comment from : john hiemstra

Alan Smith
I’ll “file” this under tools nothing “boring” about this video 😳
Comment from : Alan Smith

Michael Olsen
James, brbrYou have done a wonderful "Intro" video covering the major categories of hand mills (files, rasps, floats, and riflers) for woodworking Yours is one of the most comprehensive, "correct", and concise covering of the topic I have seen in over 40 years of joinery It is always a pleasure to watch your videos, and to occasionally re-watch you older one to see how much you have grown as a craftsman brbr A good followup might be a slightly more detailed look into each category separately For example, regarding files, you could speak the conventions of: naming (mill vs bastard vs burnisher), sizing (number vs length), cross section (flat, round, square, taper, etc) and the respective general uses, and finally care & maintenance As I rarely use the other categories myself, I am not in a position to make suggestions about their follow-upsbrbrOne suggestion I might make is to try and slow your speaking down just a touch Sometimes when you get going, I feel like I'm being dragged a ski boat that suddenly turned on a turbo charger Quickness is needed, but so is clarity In the Army we had a saying about working with speed: "Slow is smooth, smooth is accurate, accurate if fast" That is, if you slow down slightly so that your presentation, especially your speech, is smoother, you will find you can maintain your excitement while both significantly improving your clarity, and decisively reducing the feeling of being rushed I have also noticed that when I was forced to go through the same process, I was for more relaxed personally, and that showed to my audience as both stronger confidence and humble empathybrbrAll that said, You are a remarkable, vibrant, enthusiastic, and humble member of the craft I am deeply honored to know you and to call you friend
Comment from : Michael Olsen

Alan McWilliams
Files that are Rusted try to clean them or toss them?
Comment from : Alan McWilliams

Great video thanks
Comment from : A J

Shane L
Great video I highly recommend the French made liogier hand-stitched rasps and Italian made corradi rifflers 👍
Comment from : Shane L

Peter Compton
A very interesting topic and well presented
Comment from : Peter Compton

Josh __
Thank you for this video, this is the best description/ comparison online
Comment from : Josh __

Michael S
LOL I just love your stupid jokes! Lol, sorry my voice is a bit Raspy there, I'll just have to file that video under Very interesting, let me Float that File on in that beautiful white oak cabinet Hehe
Comment from : Michael S

James Taulbee
Great video! I have one the Narex hand stitched rasps and it's very nice to use Card file is a must however, I've been looking for one with a short bristle brush on the other side like I used in high school
Comment from : James Taulbee

michael Heemstra
Is there a measure of how coarse a file/rasp is similar to the grit system with sandpaper? Does it vary from brand to brand, or are all files the same "grit"?
Comment from : michael Heemstra

Richard Wright
Thanks for sharing you’re obsessions
Comment from : Richard Wright

Just Plane Bob
This was very useful, James Grandpa's toolbox had lots of files and rasp's I found out from my oldest sister that he sharpened lawn mower blades and saws which explains the saw files in duplicate and triplicate
Comment from : Just Plane Bob

Bob Perry
If you’re looking at a used file and you don’t have any place to test it how can you tell if it’s good or bad?
Comment from : Bob Perry

Kagan Boyle
Sounding a bit raspy at the end Please remind people to hit like button, I forget sometimes because the content is interesting
Comment from : Kagan Boyle

Thank You James!!! Great Info!!!! 😁👍😎
Comment from : Wolfman

Since you mentioned filing soft metals, sometime you might want to talk about 'chalking' and why 'pins' make even the best files work poorly
Comment from : CrowManyClouds

Kenneth Nielsen
Comment from : Kenneth Nielsen

Jan-Reinier Voute
A few "Mexican milling machines" on standby are a pleasure in any workspace Breaking sharp edges or creating them and better for smaller jobs in awkward corners, no looking for the correct blade on yr angle grinder, goggles, earmuffs, leads, batteries etc A lot fewer messed up workpieces as well due to electrically overpowered overruns
Comment from : Jan-Reinier Voute

Tayler Made
when i was younger i rode competitively and used to shoe my own horses, so had the rasps to be honest i still haven't bought a specialty wood rasp as my old rasps remove wood really quickly and with good technique can produce and excellent finish easily (retired furniture maker)
Comment from : Tayler Made

Handlebar Workshops
Every time I use a file I end up thinking, "Is it dull, or do I just not know what a sharp file feels like" I've never bought a file new, so I have no real reference
Comment from : Handlebar Workshops

Josh Walker
no microplanes? thanks for covering the curved tooth files, ive never seen those before
Comment from : Josh Walker

Dan Wittmayer
How do you classify a surform?
Comment from : Dan Wittmayer

Matthew Sherriff - Growing Food
I got my 4 in hand off ebay for $6 Australian and it works fine
Comment from : Matthew Sherriff - Growing Food

Daniel Bohrer
Files are those that you keep in a cabinet, floats are those that you put on the water, and rasps are those that you put in your wild berry jam… no?
Comment from : Daniel Bohrer

Dusty Bottoms
The local swap meet have been amazing for me Just a little cleaning and they are like brand new Picked up $150 worth of files and rasps last week for $10 All are Nicholson brandbrAnother great video
Comment from : Dusty Bottoms

Greg Sarsons
Tks again Another very informative video I’m just glad I’m not very organized or I’d make a list of all the additional tools I need
Comment from : Greg Sarsons

Mike King
Floats and curved tooth files are also used for auto body work and are great on "Bondo" and "lead" (which is actually wiping solder)
Comment from : Mike King

Cris Wilson
Not a big deal, but you left out the micro plane rasp style brI use my 4 in hand all the time, even though I have other files and rasps available
Comment from : Cris Wilson

C Joe
As a blacksmith and a woodworker when my file gets dull I forge it so if you have any blacksmithing friends give them your old files they’re good steel generally
Comment from : C Joe

Justin Lang
That was a great break down of the subject Thank you
Comment from : Justin Lang

Paul McDermott
Thank you very much for this video! It doesn’t get more basic and important, than explaining what the words mean I needed this Thank you!
Comment from : Paul McDermott

mgoo hgoo
Melanie maks hand sticht raps from 30-60€
Comment from : mgoo hgoo

Russ Gough
Wow, James, this video could not have been more timely for me! Big time thank you! brFyi, I recently picked up a load of good quality files and rasps (Nicholson, etc) for just a buck or two a piece at a local swapmeet Thanks to your video, now I know exactly what I scored! Thanks again
Comment from : Russ Gough

MCs Creations
Fantastic video, James! Thanks a lot! 😃brI still need to get files and rasps But I get there, eventually 😊brAnyway, stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊
Comment from : MCs Creations

Elliot Nesterman
Aw, you missed an end pun "Well, I've run out of things to say and now I'm just riffing"
Comment from : Elliot Nesterman

Walter Rider
thank you James use chalk on the files it helps to keep em from loading up so quickly ( 10 yrs as a machinist ) lol good use of the terms
Comment from : Walter Rider

Miguel Pereira
Very nice video!👍brMaybe next time you can add these Stanley’s sureform They are useful as well
Comment from : Miguel Pereira

Brads Workbench
I was shocked by how much I use the kutzall carbide rasps They actually work very well
Comment from : Brads Workbench

Rusty Shackleford
Thank you for pointing out that you cannot “resharpen” a file I cringe when I see that😂
Comment from : Rusty Shackleford

Love all your videos
Comment from : drew

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