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A Cheap Alternative Kratky Hydroponic Method!


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Продолжительность :   17.41
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For those who are upset that I mistook the colloquial term for 'cooler' as 'chilly bin' (I'm looking at you USA)brbrThe people 'across the puddle' I was referring to are the New ZealandersbrWho refer to, what we in 'straya call 'eskies'; brbras 'chilly bins'brbrWhich is a ridiculous term brAnd we should all give them grief forbrbrThat and their inappropriate treatment of sheep
Comment from : Hoocho

Love this Thank you for taking time to share your knowledge We're so blessed to have the opportunity to learn from your timely experimentation
Comment from : Duhhhh

Jakob Larok
dude can you eat those roots (after washing off extra nutrient)? coming from the world of "traditional growing media", roots are either something you discard, or leave in the soil (the latter, if you're smart) But with hydroponics, you can get the whole plant without decimating those fine root hairs brEven if you have to cut them from the container's lid-line to extract the plant, has anyone been eating the root like, in a stir-fry, or something?
Comment from : Jakob Larok

Midwest I have seen them called Coolers and Ice Chests
Comment from : MobileCrusader

Essie Kaye
So you don't just need any container that holds water and blocks light You need such containers to have fitted lids that you van drill 44mm holes in That drill is a hefty investment by itself
Comment from : Essie Kaye

Brett May
"Chilly bin"
Comment from : Brett May

If you harvest the lettuce but keep the roots will it grow back fine or should you just start over?
Comment from : jimmelay71

whats my doctor doing?
Comment from : Crunchy123

David Schluter
How does starting with RO/DI water affect the system?
Comment from : David Schluter

the spent roots look like rock wool I wonder if you could use them for that or as a filler in the container that might break down and add nutrients back into the solution
Comment from : Shawn

Bruce Wayne
That is awesome, especially for someone like me as a beginner It will be good though to have it done without a growth tent and/or growth lights as someone like me does not have this However in saying that I really appreciate how you demonstrated how easy it is for a Kratky method
Comment from : Bruce Wayne

Annie Ong
With this method would it work if we don’t have a grow lights set up? Would it work just growing under the patio for example? Thanks 🙏
Comment from : Annie Ong

sidekick rida
If the light cycle would've worked, wouldn't that have helped with the burning of the tips?
Comment from : sidekick rida

Brian M
doesn't it need to be food-grade plastic ?
Comment from : Brian M

I'd be interested in knowing if you've tried making your own nutrient solution With the supply chain under threat I'd like to be able to use a home made solution and not rely on store bought stuff
Comment from : BC

From now on, on this channel, we will be exploring Kratky in a lot more depthbrbrI see what you did there
Comment from : 00Recoil

Anubis of Q
Do we need to change the water weekly for root health?
Comment from : Anubis of Q

Watched it all but no mention of wether or not you have to top the solution up or does the one lot last the life of the plants ?
Comment from : acestu

Also, I was wondering if you have ever tried growing corn with the Kratky method? I am considering trying to grow corn in large containers outdoors in such a way that I can move them if I need to
Comment from : IAMGiftbearer

That is a really clever idea to keep the peat pellet on and skewer it through the middle to hold plants in the hydroponic container! I am growing a bunch of stuff from seed in peat pellets right now and was wondering how often you have to dump out the old water and nutrient solution from the containers, as I would think the peat would eventually dirty the water Also once the plant gets really heavy are the skewers strong enough to hold the plant or do you have to replace them with something heavy-duty?
Comment from : IAMGiftbearer

Hey! Great video! Using this Method I wonder how you fertilize in the beginning as the PH as well as the nutrient level changes over time I think that this “one time and let it sit” method can’t be applied to all plants, meaning that high nutrition levels damage the plant in the erlag stages and too low nutrition leaves the plant starving in the end Have you found a balance to that yet?
Comment from : MyH0m30n3

Ellie Green
Really interesting
Comment from : Ellie Green

Tedi Fibri
can we eat the root?
Comment from : Tedi Fibri

Justin Francis
if you use jiffy peat as propagation media that would cause pH to buffer less acidic due to the peat yeah??
Comment from : Justin Francis

Ms Mary
I wish I could give this video TWO likes! :) I kept saying "that is so cool!" through the whole thing 🙂 LOVED seeing that big massive root system out of the "cooler" (Yes, I'm from the USA 😂)
Comment from : Ms Mary

Do you forsee plastic entering into our food system with more ease by growing in plastic containers?
Comment from : SusieQ

65 PH and #PPM??
Comment from : G B

Tho badly burnt you don't get pest!
Comment from : lilsan_garden

Movie Chunks
Great video, it would be more helpful if you provide the measurements on screen
Comment from : Movie Chunks

It would be exquisite if you arranged a video chat with Dr Kratky for a future segment
Comment from : SuperPussyFinger

The buckets don't need an air pump ?
Comment from : Jaysofresh15

The time lapse is awesome!,,
Comment from : redbrewsave

😂 1:11 that’s a ‘cooler’ bruv
Comment from : Youtube

Pierre X
well technically salad is largely useless to us, as it probably uses more calories than it brings, so if you want to feed the world, dont promote salad, but americans would be well inspired to eat more of it :)
Comment from : Pierre X

jc gc (jESSE)
hello but the temperature of the water is not too hot? you don't have a water cooler?
Comment from : jc gc (jESSE)

Erica Champ
this music makes me very uncomfortable
Comment from : Erica Champ

Alex Mehler
arwe the roots edible?
Comment from : Alex Mehler

Julian Sheriff
What effect on the grow would putting fish or other biological creatures in the water?
Comment from : Julian Sheriff

Something is wrong with your leafs , they are slightly deformed, they are missing something
Comment from : Maleficent

Studio 96315
How lovely your honest statement I've learned a lot from your channel, blessings to you🇨🇦
Comment from : Studio 96315

I am just starting out in the venture and I learned so much today from you Especially about the amount of water that is needed for the plant's life How is that determined? Is there a chart of some sort that I missed?? All of this made sense to me My nutrients arrive today so I can't wait to put everything together Since I am on a fixed income I buy things when the extra funds are there I did order a Vevo system and that will be here Thursday Being handicapped and living in hot Las Vegas made sense to me to get one of these It will hold 90 plants woot woot! Thank you for your knowledge
Comment from : Alteredart

jyrky TV
What tent are you using mate?
Comment from : jyrky TV

Hi Hoocho, Very cool content Try vertical hydroponic next time I homeschool my kids and we're trying to figure out how to make a hydroponic garden tower Hey and check out "Keep on growing" channel the guy Mike is an expert at this
Comment from : M-J D

Can you do something like this out in the open sun in Florida, and use cycling pond water? Like put the plants on top of a waterfall and have the water cycle from the low side of the pond back into the buckets and use it as a huge filter? Have some goldfish or koi in the pond and have a whole cycle going that way to grow vegetables?
Comment from : FoolyLiving

Patricia Cooper
Now I have a use for the cooler the bear ruined by biting a hole in the lid! Great ideas thanks ❤️
Comment from : Patricia Cooper

Because I’m me
Can you say “Cool Whip” in your new video?
Comment from : Because I’m me

Howard Burton
Comment from : Howard Burton

beautiful roots
Comment from : C L

Cooler* lol
Comment from : C L

emrah kartay
Is the water flow in the system running continuously? Could you let me know if there are working hours?
Comment from : emrah kartay

I am deathly allergic to oils in plastics Are there any containers that would be safe from leaching oils into my plants?
Comment from : TheGamerGirls

Coach Ty
Awesome video Loved it brbrI learned a lot about P-Haitch
Comment from : Coach Ty

Alfalfa Omega
I like your migro light What do you think of it? Cheers for the video, it's given me a kick up the arse to get on with my lettuce/Pak choi germination and get growing
Comment from : Alfalfa Omega

Dorel Teodorescu
Hi,brThanks for all this info Great content!brCan you please check the link for the cheap filament printer
Comment from : Dorel Teodorescu

Anton Kyrychenko
What was the lights used and the overall power consumption for largest buchet here in a day (in Watt hours)?
Comment from : Anton Kyrychenko

Alan Day
I wish I could see a nice grow light video
Comment from : Alan Day

Alan Day
So in the US we call them coolers hehehe
Comment from : Alan Day

Yeah, but the lettuce looks funky I'm assuming it's romaine, but it never formed a proper head and looks a bit leggy That's a lot of resources you used Are you supposed to harvest as you go?
Comment from : Goody2shz

What is EC?
Comment from : Goody2shz

ImaginationToForm LLC
Can I grow weed with this? :)
Comment from : ImaginationToForm LLC

shaun robe
no airstones ?
Comment from : shaun robe

R Ran
If the roots are that white it must be the lighting ???
Comment from : R Ran

Not natural at all and maybe unhealthy
Comment from : joarby

Nathaniel Bravo
I wonder if the roots could actually be edible as well after plant harvest what could be done with it, or is it even edible? That's a lot of root cakes 🙂
Comment from : Nathaniel Bravo

Moi S
Hoocho -- Cool I have decided that once I get my own place I will be doing hydroponics instead of a sunroom
Comment from : Moi S

Personally I wouldn't use anything other than food grade containers for growing food
Comment from : Mystic_Fool

Shadow Star
I like the fact you used a cooler makes it easier to regulate water temperatures
Comment from : Shadow Star

water boi
franken veg rich in cancerous microplastics and artificial chemical fertilisers
Comment from : water boi

Jessica Coneja
Something is not right here, what about plastic toxicity? And does that not take away from growing your own healthy food at home? What about all the nutrients that you get from natual light? brI mean maybe is a good idea to watch if you want to live in a cave, but the earth is so abundant why not start community gardens instead? Just s thought
Comment from : Jessica Coneja

Alastair Drong
My dumb American ass has never heard the term, "eskis" so imagine my surprise when you doubled down on calling a cooler a, "chilibin"
Comment from : Alastair Drong

"eskies or chilly bins for those across the puddle" brbrbro what puddle??
Comment from : D

How We’re Living: The Fishing Channel
Would a white bucket work? I have a ton of white buckets at home Obviously a white bucket won’t keep out nearly as much light
Comment from : How We’re Living: The Fishing Channel

Capt Spaulding
Can you use fish emulsion or compost tea for your nutrients?
Comment from : Capt Spaulding

What do you do with the roots after the plant has finished? Could you blend them into a green juice or do you compost them? That is a lot of plant mass that shouldn't be wasted
Comment from : Zygy

Darrell Walden
Did he say p hache?
Comment from : Darrell Walden

Dr Telesto
All the biomass in that enormous root mat is wasted energy that the plant could have used to get bigger
Comment from : Dr Telesto

but is this COAT effective?
Comment from : TheIrishEngineer

nick carnevalino
why does he keep calling the cooler weird names?
Comment from : nick carnevalino

Rodent control is easy just use white flour and baking sodarodents can't burp
Comment from : tinbender998

Craig S
Mate, absolutely stoked I found your channel Not to many Aussie channels that tackle this Thanks so much! brbrHey with the esky would that work if the esky was on a deck with just natural lighting, no direct sunlight?
Comment from : Craig S

Its a COOLERbrbrTHE FUCK is a chilibin??
Comment from : IronFront

Neighbor left a Rubbermaid Cooler out by the trash Someone spilled fabric softener inside so they threw it out Mine now!
Comment from : Metqa

Aditya Kumar
Can i germinate lettuce straight in the nutrient solution
Comment from : Aditya Kumar

Carrion Crow
Great info and advice I wonder if there is a way to make a more accessible version of the jiffie cups?
Comment from : Carrion Crow

So no pump required?
Comment from : KameelaTheDoula

James Ambrosini
Thanks again for the valuable trial and error 👍 information!
Comment from : James Ambrosini

Chilly bins? Eskies? That is an ice chest bud
Comment from : Julian

Capital District Court Block
Oscillating fan
Comment from : Capital District Court Block

Comment from : MrRussian187

Adam McGeorge
I’ve found my nutrient solution in kratky gets stronger not weaker, seems my plants use more of the water and less of the elements and the solution goes from 750-1000ppm to 1500 or above Mine are outside in the tropics, not inside under grow lights, so that may be part brOf the reason
Comment from : Adam McGeorge

Adam McGeorge
Ah Hoocho, nice shot at the kiwis with the chilly bin, way to speak their language ;)
Comment from : Adam McGeorge

Coffee JN
What camera are you using for the time laps?
Comment from : Coffee JN

Kathryn Jones
Can you put them outside?
Comment from : Kathryn Jones

Diconica Bastion
You want cheap beds use a cement mixing tub you can find at hardware stores You can find them for under $1000
Comment from : Diconica Bastion

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