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What’s the difference: Hydroculture, Hydroponic, Semi hydroponic


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Название :  What’s the difference: Hydroculture, Hydroponic, Semi hydroponic
Продолжительность :   16.56
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Просмотров :   22 rb

Кадры What’s the difference: Hydroculture, Hydroponic, Semi hydroponic

Описание What’s the difference: Hydroculture, Hydroponic, Semi hydroponic

Коментарии What’s the difference: Hydroculture, Hydroponic, Semi hydroponic

Colocasia Corm
Comment from : Colocasia Corm

Colocasia Corm
How do you do water exchanges in semi pon without spilling all the leca
Comment from : Colocasia Corm

Colocasia Corm
What about aeroponics I like you to make a video about that too and compare it 😊
Comment from : Colocasia Corm

J Ska
Thanks! Really great info and interesting video
Comment from : J Ska

Dibo Akale
What nutrient brand can you recommend for us newbies here in Sweden ❤❤
Comment from : Dibo Akale

Thank you
Comment from : REASON Yadah

Charles Deuter
Another big difference between active systems (especially non-recirculating hydroponics systems) and passive hydroponics is the importance of the cation-anion uptake effect That's why having a fertilizer with a good nitrate to ammonium ratio is so important Too many hydroponics nutrient brands are not formulated for passive hydroponics and have little to no ammonium, which makes the nutrient solutions more prone to going alkaline and locking out nutrients
Comment from : Charles Deuter

Lavender Purp
I feel like an expert now after watching your videos 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Comment from : Lavender Purp

Planners etc
May I ask if I could grow orchids in semi hydroponics please? I loveeeeeeee pumice thanks to your recommendation And now I trust it more than soil And it works great i with my self watering pots too :)
Comment from : Planners etc

Lia Gabriela
I have a lot of plants in hydroculture and I use normal liquid fertilizer diluted to 1/5
Comment from : Lia Gabriela

Do I need to add fertilizer to my plants growing in water that has not started to root yet? I have several propagated plants that hasn't started to root yet, so should I fertilize anyway or wait until there is root formation
Comment from : Preciousjewel

Lynn Bustamante
Please add caption close ?
Comment from : Lynn Bustamante

Very informative and comprehensive channel for new plants parent like me Could you make more videos about Semi-brhydroponic? It would be nice if you can make a video about fiddle leaf fig tree in Leca How and when to transfer? Can a tree size fiddle leaf fig be transfer into Leca and still survive?
Comment from : GUI ZHENG

Bhavna Bhavna
Comment from : Bhavna Bhavna

Won’t the nutrition be eliminated if we change the water every week in hydroculture?
Comment from : Sofia

lolita macalintal
Hello, thank you soo much for the tips!! I’m already starting leca in water but I don’t have yet try the fertilizers🤔 only top water!!
Comment from : lolita macalintal

Asha Smay
I've been following many plant people but you are the best teacher, am your new subbie
Comment from : Asha Smay

Roberta Plant
HELP! i moved all my houseplants with soil roots to water, it's been a week all my pothos, scindapsus and monstera adansonii are fine, but i'm having issues with my brasil philodendron, prayer plant and philodendron micans, both the micans and prayer plant and my cheese plant are getting several yellow leaves - the logic to move them to water first was to make the transition easier by growing water roots, i dont know what to do now i'm panicking any help will be greatly appreciated-brbr should i cut off all soil roots and let it fully grow in water? Should i just put it in leca now and leave the soil roots? Its been a week? I dont want my other plants to also turn yellow Should i add nutrients?
Comment from : Roberta Plant

Emmas Adventures
With regards the second type of semi hydroponic potting with the water meter, when potted in a traditional pot rather than glass, how do you know when to stop watering as you cannot see the roots?
Comment from : Emmas Adventures

Adaha Ashiho
Can you please do a video on African violet so that I can learn more how to take care
Comment from : Adaha Ashiho

Shuijiao Chen
Comment from : Shuijiao Chen

Yolanda A Murphy
Can you pleassssee do a video for Money Tree care tips? I have bought a huge Money Tree which put in my bedroom I am seeing stress on the leaves I see yellow or yellow and brown leaves It is on the older and newer leaves I am not sure what I am doing wrong Can you please provide us advice? I really appreciate your help
Comment from : Yolanda A Murphy

I watched everything in this list and feel much more knowledgable, ty
Comment from : GachaGamePlayer

Lora Frost
Yes! Pumice is Life! 😂
Comment from : Lora Frost

justin omar
Perlite is just as good as LECA you just have to know how to you use it
Comment from : justin omar

dodinim dioso
How do you take care of asparagus fern ( setaceus fern )?
Comment from : dodinim dioso

dodinim dioso
Good day! How do you take care of asparagus fern?
Comment from : dodinim dioso

I got a bit confused At the very beginning, you mentioned to change the water every day to once a week to make sure there’s enough oxygen in the water for the plant However, at the end of the video you said to add nutrients water whenever the water level is low How do I combine both tips? I don’t see the coordination/coercion here I appreciate you taking time to answering my questions Thank you and have a good day!
Comment from : dvdgalutube

Another great video guys thankyou May I ask why it isn’t a good idea to use see through containers?
Comment from : jirlam1

Catherine Kittelberger
In July I started planting my monstera on pumice as directedbrIt's amazingly healthy with 3 New leaves growing, even bigger than the original ones Thank you plant guys!
Comment from : Catherine Kittelberger

If you seem to do every aspect of plants show a bit about cannabis 🤷🏽‍♂️
Comment from : PlantPapi

Azog Defiler
Hi You could make a video if you have experiences with planting different kinds of plants in the same pot I like that idea Kind of mimicking what nature does because plants dont grow separated in nature and they may benefit from such "friendship" growth So I heard Plants might even communicate with each other with their roots etc
Comment from : Azog Defiler

Amparo Colon
Hi, l like all your videos, and l would like that you make one about spathyphyllum peace lily Thanks
Comment from : Amparo Colon

Kavita Sinha
Very nice
Comment from : Kavita Sinha

Really great video on a very interesting topic!!! :) You're the best! But why shouldn't you use only pumice like with leca? could you maybe in the future make a part 2 pumice video? And also maybe a a secondary video on the hydrotopics! Ha det bäst!!!
Comment from : Love

Is it true that we MUST boil LECA pebbles before using them for hydroponics, ot this is not necessary?
Comment from : irene

Lucky Barrel
Amazing video! Very clarifying!
Comment from : Lucky Barrel

I have most of my plants in pure pumice, only difference is I've removed most of the soil on my plants roots before repotting in pure pumice You mentioned you don't have to remove soil though when repotting in pumice? how does that work? won't it create root rot?
Comment from : renegvde

Larry Shannon
Thank you very good video Do you have a video that shows the plants that will grow well in water?
Comment from : Larry Shannon

Uma Deavi
Love your videos Very informative Thank you Keep sharing with friends Hope they subscribe
Comment from : Uma Deavi

I have actually removed all the soil and shoved my plants into a pumice/clay mix I even water once a week and my plants are happy, their roots look good
Comment from : OOO4xd

Pervaiz Iqbal
Great content Thanks for sharing!
Comment from : Pervaiz Iqbal

I like the bidea/b of the "SPG" (Swedish Plant Guys) AKA "terraponic" or as I call it "semi-semi-hydro" method Especially for btransitioning/b a plant to "full" semi-hydro However, it maintains some of the disadvantages of soil, since there still is soil around the roots Excess moisture can be retained and root rot can occur: I have two plants planted the SPG way-- but in LECA instead of pumice-- and the root ball still reads as 50 moist on a moisture meter, TWO WEEKS after planting this way and not adding any water and not keeping any in the reservoir Further, there is still the soil pest issue (lessened but still present)
Comment from : J G

Thank you again for the upload and great content
Comment from : Nikko_¥_

Tyler Busch
Wonderful video as usual Just starting my trials with leca Thank you!
Comment from : Tyler Busch

Heather Watts
I grow plants in soil, leca and water When I grow plants in a vase with water, I add some of the leca nutrient water into the vase They love that combo I personally don't have any problems with the roots in a clear vase Growing plants in leca is a royal pain in the you know what, if you don't have a single root ball plant
Comment from : Heather Watts

Herbologist Laura
Hahaha! I come from a long line of Botanists, I grow plants for a living… In our good ole wild Mother Earth 😂 I have wanted to know this, broken down like this, my entire life Literally I can BARELY root cuttings in water- and yes I’ve watched your video on that (Unsterile cuttings or my water is bacteria heavy? It rots every time I change water, I add light… Ahhhh!!! You wean that back!!) brRain water or crappy city tap? brI LOVE your videos and learn more here than I ever have in ANY class!🤟💙🌿brbrEdit!!! brOmg this is my new fav video!!
Comment from : Herbologist Laura

I found your channel not long ago and is amazing how helpful you are I would love to suggest a video on all about Fittonias aka nerve plants I have been struggling with this one and I would like to hear something from you Much love
Comment from : AnaK

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