Название | : | 10 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid in Disney World |
Продолжительность | : | 19.25 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 391 rb |
PACK A PORTABLE CHARGER Comment from : @CarterE75 |
what's the thing at 17:03? It's gorgeous Comment from : @punyagupta3071 |
AJ, you are totally Best Mom! ❤ (chicken strips and fries x 2 for the win!) Comment from : @deerlanemoose |
Useless video 😢 Comment from : @GAMINGWITHBATM |
Take an afternoon break: it seems obvious, but it always surprises me and my husband when we go and at noon, the heat of the day, the park is the busiest We leave at lunch, take a swim and nap, and come back Usually on our way back in we pass a bunch of miserable and overheated families on their way out Comment from : @blm4791 |
Video: Train your body for the Disney World experience brMe:Leaving for Disney in 2 days and realizing I should have done that Comment from : @tornadolover8730 |
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Comment from : @melissawoody809 |
Every time me and my family go to Epcot we use the back entrance without fail always the back never the front 😂 Comment from : @user-zp8qt7wn3i |
Im no good at online bookings and reservation or planning or soread sheets, basically i suck online at anything except toutube but my mission is to plan a Disneyland trip!!! how? not too sure but this is a start! 😃 Comment from : @marykay8587 |
Dude I went to Universal studios during the spring and just to educate you Florida👏is👏hot, walking isn’t great for a 12 hour day I capped out at 35,000 and 42,000 steps in those 2 days Comment from : @dungeonmaster509 |
Just seeing these crowds is making me not want to go anyways Disgusting Comment from : @DirectlyHere |
Easy to avoid these mistakes Just don't go to Disney World and don't give them your money Comment from : @mark4163 |
Now, EVERYONE knows the secrets and they're not secrets any more :( Comment from : @lo411 |
If you get water shoes, make sure they have some type of support and aren't the barefoot type That much walking on pavement can put a lot of stress on the ligaments if you don't have support It's not like you are hiking around on soft ground all day Comment from : @veronicameeks9056 |
The workout part is no joke My wife and i couldn’t wait to finish the vacation and go back to work to take a break Comment from : @cesarsosa4617 |
Clips for the stroller raincover came in handy from windy rain while it was parked Comment from : @Elorac1971 |
Omg I think I make all te mistakes Comment from : @candypopTOYS |
OK, we are heading there in May with our two girls 8 and 6 for the first time My wife and I haven't been since 2010 Would you recommend double stroller rental just to side-step the crankiness and tired legs? And if we do rent one each day, are we stuck with it the entire day, or can we drop it off at a kiosk and pick one up later again if needed? Thirdly, what are necessities to have on-person assuming we may be able to clip to a stroller? I'm thinking string bag with sunscreen, snacks, water, but also don't want to overpack My fear is not being prepared for when miserable attitudes arise due to heat and tiredness, but at the same time not wanting to carry a heavy load of unnecessary items Comment from : @King4taday |
One of the things that I think is unfortunate about Disney World is that there are only two, maybe three (but never more) decent rides in each park Comment from : @mayorrodgers7446 |
How about afterhour tickets? If you just focus on the rides Comment from : @chris147258 |
Yep, if you're not willing to split up, you'll likely not have a good time unless you all want to do exactly the same things Comment from : @jasonnabors1231 |
Just curious do I have to get a lighting lane for each individual memebers of my family? Me and my wife are going with our 5 yr old and 2 yr old in July I don’t understand just one lighting for each group? Comment from : @CarolCityCane305 |
Keep your eye ON YOUR CHILDREN Comment from : @Moon_427 |
Oh my goodness!!! Bad advice My sister in laws husband found out we were going and he was adamant about telling us we had to go to hoop dee doo review Because they go every time and it’s so amazing and bla bla bla I had no interest in going nor did I even entertain the idea My kids would’ve been horrible in that I know them They’re bad in certain situations My wife said well they said we had to do it Ummmm I don’t think so and we didn’t Here’s a disclaimer I’m not bad mouthing the hoop dee doo review I’ve never been I might love it but I’m interested in spending my time on other things before that Comment from : @chrismarshall4486 |
Man f*** aunt Suzan idk why we even invited her Comment from : @luciuscroy6656 |
How are you guys so rich Comment from : @ehhhhh1377 |
Wait- you have to BUY Genie Plus??? Comment from : @alison2649 |
Rookie Mistake #1: don’t go to Disney World during a hurricane like I did 😢 Comment from : @inspiradorupees3029 |
At 26 I’m going for the first time next week! This was super helpful Anybody have any other good tips? Comment from : @queencara9484 |
Honestly park hopping is dumb unless you live in floridabrbr1 park a day is much more fun and financially logicalbrTrying to split up parks between 1 day just leads to incomplete, stressful experiences Comment from : @RhythmGrizz |
I’m a big girl and I went to three parks open to close each day BECAUSE I tools breaks AND I spent the extra money and bought hokas! Best shoes!!!! Hands down! They make flip flops and shoes! Shoes make it or break it! Comment from : @victoriaapril1596 |
Tips on book ng new years eve? Comment from : @eddybrownII |
Makes perfect sense that resort guests get first dibs I love that they do that and they should keep it Comment from : @jordanwilliamsss |
Why is Disney so confusing? It’s just an amusement park Comment from : @tbone9603 |
#1- mistake-spend money on going Comment from : @Kev-O33 |
One pro tip is to bring a travel size container of Advil if you’re having a long park day! Comment from : @vanessastegall |
There are two things Disney could do to make the park pass mess better They could either sell the passes with the tickets when you order the tickets, or they could stop selling tickets if the passes sell out There should be no reason for people to get to the gate and be told there are no passes left, if they have a ticket in their hand Comment from : @kimmccarthy7747 |
I'd say, get to the park when it opens, but don't try and stand in front of the crowd You'll get to your rides just as quickly, and you won't run the risk of being trampled to death, because people be crazy at these parks Comment from : @Eternaldarkness3166 |
Disney just isn't worth it anymore Price gouging, crowds, and interminable planning - - I'd rather cruise (And not on Disney) Comment from : @lauradavis4610 |
Love your videos ! Thank you Comment from : @Artheniah1234 |
Rookie mistake: Watching this video at normal speed Set it to 15x to get all the information in less time!brbrBonus tip: Set the speed on this video to 05x for a laugh! Comment from : @tomhall4142 |
Would you trust Craigslist Orlando Park tickets are crazy expensiven Comment from : @jaysvlog9803 |
AJ would you do a video on Disney's accessibility for guests/children with autism? So much has changed and I want to know if i can bring a family member and they still have a good time (or can anyone in the comments link me to a vid) Comment from : @sidgilbert4006 |
Can you do best transportation for holidays Comment from : @kendallskonfessions4606 |
No rookie here Been over 20 times, but heading back in Nov for the first time since the COVID changes and I'm super overwhelmed Not sure how to plan rides this go around Eeek! Comment from : @dananmuller |
When it was in fact my coworker in accounting who recommended Chef Mickey’s to me for my upcoming trip 😂😂😂 Comment from : @BearyMuchChloeBear |
Eww you have a baby and a toddler? Why Comment from : @cirnosnumberfan6449 |
We managed to avoid many mistakes on our holidays (June - July 2022) thanks to Disney Food Blog I really glad that I found so many important information herebrThank You DFB Comment from : @RiciRicado |
My rookie mistake was not doing some long test walks in my shoes before I went I thought hikers would be ideal but I was in agonizing pain every single day and they didn't have shoes in my size at the parks 🥲 Maybe should have gone to target or used amazon but it's hard to think straight after a week of painful feet So GOOD SHOES ARE IMPERATIVE Comment from : @XxMusicxKelseyxX |
Are you the Danielle from American pickers? you sound like her Comment from : @MikeyKiKiTV |
I have a medical condition that makes me need the bethroom often so I got really good at memorizing bathroom locations especially since most bathrooms are pretty well blended in haha Comment from : @xcxzozo3899 |
15 mile walks in a theme park is very long Comment from : @SamSitar |
Always book dining reservations ASAP! The first time my sister and I went to Disney world as adults, we didn't book any dining reservations and hardly ever got a table I am now always on top of making sure I have a dining reservation Comment from : @egute135 |
Are you ready for Heaven? Have you ever lied, stolen used God's name as a curse word (O-M-G)? According to God's law, you're guilty But wait, God loves you, he made a way out God so loved the world that he gave his son (death on the cross) that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life John 3:16 Please think about it Repent/believe before the rapture, before the one world government Jesus died for you,live for him Love U Comment from : @cynthiajones4332 |
Rookie Question: Can you get Genie Plus for the Halloween Party? I've heard it gets pretty busy and we plan to get there early Toddler can't stand in long lines We tried We all tired It was crazy hard Comment from : @MagicalSoulMindStorm |
DFB, we need some new stock footage post mask requirements Half or more of the footage is from when the masks were 100 required Comment from : @photoc |
AJ… What is your beef with Auntie Suzan? Wow, did she abuse you in your youth? 😂 Comment from : @richarddawkins7738 |
The International Entrance at Epcot was the most helpful tip for me because I’ll be staying at Swan and wanted to take my Daughter to Remy’s ride! 🐭 Comment from : @TheAlexisLovesme |
I like your videos Comment from : @jc2333 |
We were disappointed Sunshine Seasons closed at 4pm the day we were there Comment from : @Bur6212 |
That Aunt Susan Comment from : @irishgirl4977 |
My best advice for water rideswear as few clothes as possible Skin dries faster than clothing so tank tops and shorts with flip flops are ideal That way you're not slopping around in soggy clothes Comment from : @cijmo |
I would add, don't buy a lot of plastic junk that will have no sentimental value over time Limit kids to 1 item a day, make it special Plush animals will have more value in your childhood, than a drink cup Oh and no balloons You can't take them on the plane and it only going to hurt if it get loose and it goes up state to play with the other balloons Comment from : @kelvington4182 |
Even with just my wife and kidswe would always split into two groups and meet up later Comment from : @lerchfreyley1 |
How would someone know how bust the park is going to be Comment from : @annlavine3576 |
Trip training!!!! People laugh but it's huge I carry a 5lb dumbell wrapped in a hoodie in my drawstring backpack when I walk the dog 4 miles I also wear wrist and ankle weights I train in the shoes I plan to wear My mom walked 9 miles a day getting ready to go for her 70th Birthday last November, best thing is being prepared Comment from : @barbaramadison4397 |
Thanks for the update I am going to be at WDW for Halloween !!! Comment from : @williamdavis3609 |
OH MY GOSH I’M SO GLAD YOU MADE A SHAMELESS PLUG FOR THE T SHIRTS! I’m in charge of planning with my extended family of 12 (I know, I’m going crazy already!) for our trip in Oct I would LOVE to see an entire DFB episode on tips and tricks for traveling with a group! For instance, I didn’t know that most Disney restaurants won’t make a reservation for 12 people, so I had to make reservations in groups of 6 But some restaurants have very few tables for parties of 6, so for one restaurant I had to make 3 reservations for 4 people 🤪 I know you got the insider tips…spill, AJ, spill! Comment from : @carladijla |
Biggest rookie mistake? Taking the ponchos out of the park bag and leaving them in the hotel because “well, it didn’t rain yesterday” That was me Very wet For no reason Comment from : @adamt2017 |
Question: So when you are booking park reservations, does each person have to do it separately or can one person make the reservations for the group? Comment from : @jeffaltier5582 |
You're gonna make mistakes, but for heaven's sake make EXPERT mistakes! Comment from : @richardmercer2337 |
You should updste your best bathrooms video Tomorrowland has raised its potty game They’ve definitely been renovated The one between Adventureland and Froniterland has been updated too Unfortunately, the one at EPCOT by the bus lopp still looks like a bus station bathroom Comment from : @mdf3530 |
“Diet Pepsi” ??? Diet Pepsi was caught putting flavor enhancers which were aborted fetus cells in their soda The company that made it was SENOMYX You can look at the law suits and their own admission Comment from : @theomegaman218 |
I tried to bring a giant jar of peanut butter in my carry on for our 2019 trip Fun fact: PB counts as a liquid brbrAaannnndd that’s why we use prime now Comment from : @forsythfamilyfootage |
I totally see AJ in a new light Diet Pepsi?! Blah! Diet Coke all the way! Hahahaha Comment from : @thenoffsingerfamily |
AJ I LOVE YOU, BUT you are telling everyone the tricks that I have been using for years! 😆 🤣 Comment from : @rebeccarinehart8998 |
Got a trip booked for 7 weeks time and couldn't wait till I started watching all videos and realized what a ball ache Disney have made with the app I just want to enjoy the weeks and not be fannying about with my phone every few minutes I'm sure a 7k holiday will be worth it 🤦 Comment from : @benjaminbarnfield3069 |
Great video!! I would definitely add to not limit your self on hotels! The good neighbor hotels right next to DS have amazing prices, beautiful rooms and basically get you everything you would if you stayed at disney owned hotel $400 or $80 Comment from : @kimkusek6506 |
You actually cannot take a rideshare or taxi to a Disney resort you're not staying at, unless you have a dining reservation there There are security guards at the car entrance/ gate, and they check magic bands/ mobile apps, to confirm Comment from : @mela1580 |
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