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April 2018 Qu0026A [Part 2] Should You Buy a Used Mining GPU?


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Название :  April 2018 Qu0026A [Part 2] Should You Buy a Used Mining GPU?
Продолжительность :   17.30
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Просмотров :   21 rb

Кадры April 2018 Qu0026A [Part 2] Should You Buy a Used Mining GPU?

Описание April 2018 Qu0026A [Part 2] Should You Buy a Used Mining GPU?

Коментарии April 2018 Qu0026A [Part 2] Should You Buy a Used Mining GPU?

Most GPU miners run the cards at only 75 power as its the most efficient way in high electricity cost countries like Australia, so they run colder and far less "flogged" than long gaming sessions Most mining cards are in much better ventilation than gaming rigs and don't have the stresses of constant stop starting I would have zero issues buying a mining card at a fair price
Comment from : Battleneter

Arcade Party
How do you sanatize a used touchscreen computer?brbrTop answers seem to be 70 alcohol solution, vinegar, lysol wipes?brbrBiggest issues seem to be, destroying the ar coating and causing scratches by not using a microfiber clothbrbrWhat should I do, anyone?
Comment from : Arcade Party

charlie brownau
GdaybrbrI bought an R9 380 4gb Nitro off a minerbrit was an warranty replaced card and brhe already bought a new card to do miningbrwhile he waited for the RA cardbrbrI managed to buy the R9 380 4gb Nitro for AUD$200brthat was AUD$400 NEW at the timebrand USD$200 NEW at the timebrbrMaybe if anyone buys a card off a miner , brbuy it LOCALLY and test it brand grab the recipt and see if you can RA it brunder warranty if required brbrOr replace the cooler with an DIY water coolerbrif you can get it working and half the AU/USA RRP
Comment from : charlie brownau

@hardware unboxed There is nothing wrong with dying your hair! ask Bryan!
Comment from : Venger

Martin Sanschagrin
bStave stares/b BENCHMARKING <- that was hilarious XD
Comment from : Martin Sanschagrin

Buy games on GOGcom for offline or online :p
Comment from : Stargazer82

Bruce M
Thumbs up to have tim do a video on the FPS and Hz of a monitor
Comment from : Bruce M

Online is better ffs question asker guy lol IRacing 4 lyf I agree that origin is a crap head though
Comment from : funbucket09

Maxx Koggen
Love the new set Maybe add desk chairs next? Sounded really bad when Steve had to get the R7
Comment from : Maxx Koggen

Shiz Zig
GOG is a great deal, they don't have any drm, once you buy the game it's yours and you can play it offline whenever you want
Comment from : Shiz Zig

Wow worst thumbnails ever
Comment from : MrNosugarcoating

Frog - Tech - Tips
I will not worry buy gpu from miners if it's good price
Comment from : Frog - Tech - Tips

I do not see NVidia releasing a rehash of current architecture, Pascal I believe will end with this generation We already have the Titan V using the Volta architecture that puts an overclocked 1080 Ti to shame and it isn't a gaming GPU and isn't their highest priced GPU for the PCIE slot by a long shot They can do Volta with Tensor cores disabled(not even on the chip really) and do far better than a Pascal 20 The question is Why would NVidia rehash Pascal when they already introduced the superior Volta? Another question is why introduce Volta nearly a year before their next consumer grade series? Maybe because the next consumer grade cards will exceed even Volta's capabilities?
Comment from : JETWTF

Lost Cause
Comment from : Lost Cause

Pato Hernandez
Regarding the one about refresh rates and frames per second, I think you should check out Greg's video on that
Comment from : Pato Hernandez

Answer no Here is why It has been used constantly under heavy load that shortened its lifespan Also let those a-hole miners eat them for jacking the pricd of gpus so high pc builders had to resort to consoles
Comment from : Igorath

texasdee slinglead
Men dying their hair is straight up vane insecurity Just my perspective
Comment from : texasdee slinglead

texasdee slinglead
I'm hoping new silicon is volta with tensa cores and some rumored ray tracing capabilities A guy can dream I'd pay a grand for something like that
Comment from : texasdee slinglead

I'm willing to go Red for that Prism cooler alone
Comment from : Artemis

Spencer Reynolds
Steam allows you to share games between different accounts, but only one account can play it at a time It's the family sharing functions if I remember right
Comment from : Spencer Reynolds

I hate to say it, but the best way to play games offline these days is buying the disc and playing on a console Physical copies of games on consoles don't typically require any type of internet connection
Comment from : Decoy

James Chambers
I will be interested to see the improvements over the old Spire Cooler
Comment from : James Chambers

Two Dollar Garage
I'm pretty sure almost everyone in this comment section is going to say don't buy a mining card But honestly I bought a couple of mining cards and they have all been fine The 280X in my friends system I picked up for $50 because it was used for mining back in 2013 it still serves him well for this day and it's been running fine for 3 years all the other cards worked perfectly fine yes they didn't overclock as well but they work fine as graphics cards
Comment from : Two Dollar Garage

The correct answer to that no spying/offline gaming thing is to use GOG and Linux It is definitely a tradeoff, but there's basically no other way to do it these days
Comment from : Disobeyedtoast

I like clear fans with lights it;s shiny
Comment from : CattyRayheart

Bob Leonard
You know who will buy used mining GPUs?brMiners like me building more low end mining rigs I will gladly buy GTX 1070s or Rx 580s for $200 I don;t care how many hours of operation they have Fans can be replaced cheap
Comment from : Bob Leonard

Gpus are very overpriced even in second hand,now, hell no
Comment from : Eärwen

Peter Jansen
Is there any chance that Tim will do some comparative (Intel vs AMD and Nvidia vs AMD, any combination of 4) input lag testing?
Comment from : Peter Jansen

Peter Jansen
2nd gen Pascal or 3rd gen Maxwell? ;)
Comment from : Peter Jansen

When I still played CSGO, and I was reasonably good, everything under 250-300fps was basically unplayable, so I can confirm this That was a time when a 780ti was about the best graphics card you can buy and High-Refresh rate monitors were not really a thing yet, so I am talking about 2013-2014 times Sure the monitors existed by I did not have one, neither did most pros
Comment from : Narwaro

Some miners today, if not most, abuse their gpus less than gamers do They lower their power limit and these cards work non stop under load This means that they suffer less expansion contraction cycles with lower max temperatures Gamers on the other hand overclock their gpus which makes them reach higher temperatures and their cards are at a constant heat cool cycle The only thing that makes miners' gpus worse is that their fans can be quite beaten from non stop overuse But you can never know when you buy used It's always a risk
Comment from : Mandragoras

Thanks for the respond! Intel needs to step their game up on cooling its 2018 damn it!
Comment from : ItzMorfinTime

Moore's law is gone
Comment from : Ellypsis

John Totten
I prefer the clear fan blades, Yes I am "That guy"
Comment from : John Totten

Hey, now that cheaper coffee lake motherboards are out, can you do a video on wheter we should get a z ot b/h on non "k" processors based on the performance difference between 2666mhz and 3200mhz? Would be very helpful
Comment from : tdof

Ben Deng
I think the main reason for not having a mid range vega is memory Vega is designed with HBM2 in mind and this will not really be financially feasible with the mid range cards And reconfiguring it with GDDR5 will require redesign of the memory controller I think Steve at GamersNexus also talked about how Vega is memory bandwidth limited and so HBM2 is a necessity not a choice
Comment from : Ben Deng

gertjan van der meij
1:06 Why are a lot of people asking for a new GPU ??? I don't get it , because the GTX 1080 is already a very high end card and over 75 of the gamers don't even need that much power ! Let alone the GTX 1080ti it is not only so high end , that over 95 of the gamers don't need it , but almost no one can't even afford it ! So there really is no NEED for a new architecture !
Comment from : gertjan van der meij

The ultimate answer was 42!!!
Comment from : sambou812

Corrado Cafiero
so, i didnt understand the refreshrate/input lag question all that well What i got is that disabling vsync and any fps cap should reduce "perceived" input lag, at the cost of some tearing appearing on screen Is that it?
Comment from : Corrado Cafiero

When 20c is a acceptable temperature XD i'd be sweating lol
Comment from : WarmTea

Mister Shots
The answer to all questions is: I'm going to let Tim answer this one
Comment from : Mister Shots

Murrays Tech Time
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, both videos excellent
Comment from : Murrays Tech Time

Buy games on Gog No DRM and you can just download the installer
Comment from : username

Sam Byrd
I paid $200 for msi gaming x 1060 6gb came looking brand new No problems so far
Comment from : Sam Byrd

Swift - Silver
So I should do fps_max 288 on a 144hz monitor
Comment from : Swift - Silver

Jure Pičulin
What technology are you talking about at 6:38? FPS target or ?
Comment from : Jure Pičulin

If you limit the fps as same as the refresh of the monitor (like, with rivatuner), you will get the same imput lag, so the experience will be more fluent
Comment from : Maeryaenus

Why so many bad CSGO players care about FPS? They should play better first
Comment from : Roberto

please compare it to the be quiet! pure rock slim
Comment from : MrMagnificent

Tamás Kovács
I think you should buy a card whitch was used 4 mining You know it ran at high fan speeds and cool and it was propably downclocked so it really should be fine I think the YES man told this not too long ago ;)
Comment from : Tamás Kovács

GTX 1090 350W 12nm
Comment from : 6ooflames

No U
12:14, yep, thats why i still use windows 7 also Btw, u can also play all your games offline on steam, don't know if it's the same but still
Comment from : No U

Question for Q&A: Considering stock coolers direct air towards the board while 3rd party coolers usually blow above the VRMsIs there a huge difference in VRM temps? Would that impact performance?
Comment from : JcsP

How will a Hyper D92 go cooling a I7 7700K ? I have one and it keeps my I5 6600K below 60C @ 47GHz @ 135V brPlease answer !
Comment from : 2ndLastJedi

Carlos Umana
A question for next Q&A Will the next gen Nvidia Cards blow the 1080 ti our of the water? or how long will the 1080 ti be a top tier card
Comment from : Carlos Umana

Hey Steve, Tim: A question on the fly, hope you can give me your opinion before next month! :XbrMy 2 year license of Kaspersky is running out in less than 2 months And I've been using it for like 5 yearsbrSince started using it, I've never faced any issue with malware or any kind of viruses, or even internet malwarebrAnd I've also seen never hesitate to plug in an infected USB Stick in my PC, because I know Kasper is gonna take good care of itbrBUT I cannot deny how hard on the CPU it is especially when I need every bit of CPU Or RAM, or sometimes internet for crying out loud It's always scanning for something or doing somethingbrSo, what do you think about Anti-Viruses in 2018? and especially Windows Defender!brGreat informative Q&A btw! loved it! :)
Comment from : iBoolGuy

To me personally It looks like you are trying to find content Need something fresh
Comment from : 2020Bandit

I cant wait till the 19th, zen 2 benchmarks and EFT wipe
Comment from : Dave

Buying a used GPU is like buying a whore for wife, also why reward the same bastards who caused the price hikes to begin with
Comment from : zack991

Michael Livote
I see every single one of the tech channels questions and answer episodes, this is the only one that I actually learn something from every time Tim definitely knows more than most in his age class, a refreshing change from the wannabe PewDiePie's out there Keep up the great work guys!
Comment from : Michael Livote

Douglas m
So over “Im holding out for 4K ultra wide 160hz minimum” more than half the people saying this stuff aren’t even running the latest and greatest gpu’s If you’re constantly waiting for the next best thing you’ll never upgrade
Comment from : Douglas m

17:28 -> "And now for the weather Tiffany?"
Comment from : Codename11

11:30 Ah fer that un M8, You now MUST do a 42 game, 42 GPU benchmark shootout, and don't forget 42 different CPU just for posterity!
Comment from : DysphoricSmile

You don't have to dye your hair because it's 'dying' on its own
Comment from : NahXirok

Only Steve would talk about flogging GPUs LOL
Comment from : Perdomot

Matt Farrar
I sold all my GPUs from my mining rigs, everyone who purchased knew exactly what I used them for and sold them priced according and they all sold in 24hrs, 1080tis for 800aud, 1070s 500aud and 1060s 300audbrDepending what type of mining I had mine well under clocked as most miners do to keep them cool and use less power, I can't see them being any more used than gaming card overclocked balls out and gamed on every day
Comment from : Matt Farrar

Surely with 144hz 4K G sync monitors coming out soon the next gen Nvidia cards will be a big jump over pascal? Not just a pascal refresh It would have to be possible with the next 70 series card not just a xx80ti to be viable to the masses
Comment from : yeshkamesh

came to see the cooler, pretty impressive for a stock cooler
Comment from : mezza205

George Morley
Oosh-da-bish-da-OOSH(oosh), Oosh-da-bish-da-OOSH(oosh) The music means it must be hardware unboxed time! I love to hear it
Comment from : George Morley

negerito Pizza
Why aren't CPUs also cooled from the backside of MBO
Comment from : negerito Pizza

Jelle Baris
Buying a gpu that is used for mining would also depend on what coin was mined For some coins the cards are not overclocked for better performance but underclocked, to minimize energy consumption Those cards don't get as hot and should be relativly save It will also depend on the price If it is cheap enough that would also help
Comment from : Jelle Baris

H-P Saario
I got no need for GPU upgrade right now but if I run into a dirt cheap GTX1070 I might grab it for SLI I know SLI is very inefficient but if it's cheap, might as well
Comment from : H-P Saario

There is nothing wrong with buying a used Nvidia mining card from someone who knew what they were doing (underclocked and kept cool) GPUs are pushed 24/7 in supercomputers without issue so there is no logical reason a mining card can not be the same
Comment from : Thedaus

Crack living legend word in gaming world 😝
Comment from : Mazumder

Péter Farkas
folks, please never download cracked versions of games br1 illegalbr2 full of malware usuallybr3 you just work against those talented developers who are actually developing us our beloved gamesbrand we may also consider it unethicalbrbrHowever, awesome video Steve&Tim, keep these coming, we love it!brbrGood job gents!brbrCheers
Comment from : Péter Farkas

The juGGaKNot Empire Games
So i should set counter strike at 1440fps instead of 144fps ?
Comment from : The juGGaKNot Empire Games

Noctem Realm
love it boys, godspeed
Comment from : Noctem Realm

Dilli Ka Launda
hey who the fuck are you? why you in this show leave him alone
Comment from : Dilli Ka Launda

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! miners fuk up GPU's ! even if you undervolt that few of them pretend, will not suffix that to "conserv" the gpu board because all the stress will still be there undervolting or oc is the same thing for the board
Comment from : Bloodwishing

6:42 FastSync <3 for the poor people who are stuck with 60hz monitor (like me) this is the best thing ever
Comment from : Jetben555

The benchmarks are going out today in, 4 hours exactly from nowright?brI heard that it would be out today so
Comment from : tomi832

Marques and Paul have their dogs, steve from GN and bitwit have their cats, any plans to get a bird for your own unique guest appearances?
Comment from : Alexandra

Noob Adventures
Is wraith prism cooler better than deepcool gammaxx cooler?
Comment from : Noob Adventures

Comment from : NewRoo

Problem with intel releasing an RGB box cooler is the LEDs will fail within 38 sec due to exceeding the max operating temps of the LEDs First blue LEDs will die and 7 sec later the green flowed by the good old robust* red LEDsbrbr* Red LED warranty void if used on K based intel processors
Comment from : 3800Tech

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