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Shockingly Brutal Police Tactics Deployed Nationwide As Protests Unite Americans Of All Backgroun…


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Christy Sweet
When is the Writer's Strike going to resolve Miss LSSC deeply this June 17 2023
Comment from : Christy Sweet

Sue Edwards
This was disgusting - the media promoted masks, stating at home, social distancing, but gave a feee pass to the blm protestors Supreme hypocrisy
Comment from : Sue Edwards

Mark Holtz
Why doesn’t Colbert have anything to say about five black police officers beating a black man to death? I guess a BLM only when white people kill black people
Comment from : Mark Holtz

Sarthak Chandra
Watching in 23 No systemic changes yet, isn't it?
Comment from : Sarthak Chandra

The Michael Cantrell Band
5:18-cv-01436-KK Ya'll missed the civil rights case of the century: Jeff Cook v San Bernardino sheriffzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Comment from : The Michael Cantrell Band

This is how it is for a black person in America brbrDylann Roof Gets a Burger brRekia Boyd Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a Buger brJacob Blake Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a BurgerbrCameron Lamb Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a Burger brEric Harris Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a Burger brAhmaud Arbery Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a BurgerbrLaquan McDonald Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a Burger brAmir Locke Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a Burger brBreonna Taylor Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a Burger brDaunte Wright Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a Burger brTrayvon Martin Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a BurgerbrPhilando Castile Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a Burger brTamir Rice Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a Burger brAtatiana Jefferson Gets a Bullet brDylann Roof Gets a Burger brbrGeorge Floyd is Crushed to death brbrAdd the names I've missed and pass it onbr((( I can't do anymore it's starting to make my heart break )))br😡😔😖😢😰☹🤬😖😡😢😰🤬😡😔😖☹🤬😖☹😔😡🤬🤬☹😰😢🤬☹🤬😖😔😰😢🤬☹😡😰😢🤬😢😰😡br youtube/_ztQI9oXhvw brbr youtube/Pq32oPOspEs
Comment from : BS1

Di Ce
Today, in Germany , in Frankfurt am Main , special police forces are DISMISSED because of right extremists movement in it That's how you react against system racism You don't deny it You realise mistake and correct it
Comment from : Di Ce

Richard Dixon
Enjoy your gated community an private security stove I mean steve
Comment from : Richard Dixon

Richard Dixon
Great rioters can get some party stuff before they set it on fire
Comment from : Richard Dixon

Aside from none of this being anything close to funny or entertaining is there anything that this person doesn't lie about? Just asking
Comment from : AlexKx

They did not fire rubber bullets at peaceful protestors, that is a complete fucking lie A majority of the people that they used force on were violent retards
Comment from : sir

Blue lives murder Way to suck, merica
Comment from : captainautobots

Kyle Foster
Hypocrite Hope you got a good price to selling your soul to the devil
Comment from : Kyle Foster

Peachfuzz McKinkleBerry
Back when riots were a good thing
Comment from : Peachfuzz McKinkleBerry

Kyle Norman
Had to rewatch this after his response to the capitol riots WOW The DOUBLE STANDARDS
Comment from : Kyle Norman

Rye Guy
Sounds like you're trying to justify these riots here, that's sedition You need to be brought up on sedition charges there Colbert
Comment from : Rye Guy

Brian Wagner
This episode is hard to watch having seen what happened in DC on Jan 6th, 2021 What a contrast between the way police responded to these two events!
Comment from : Brian Wagner

Pranav Dubey
Comment from : Pranav Dubey

Kwasi Shade
So sad that these images hearken to a time we thought gone
Comment from : Kwasi Shade

moron period
Comment from : roadeyez

PJ Fox
Who is behind the police brutality? Let me guess It starts with a T and ends with a P and contains an alcoholic drink in the middle Very concerned from 🇦🇺
Comment from : PJ Fox

Kassie and Rick - Explore Many Paths
Poetry support from the perspective of a white ally youtube/oupkiJbbiK8
Comment from : Kassie and Rick - Explore Many Paths

This is shameful Remember when Colbert played the character “Colbert” who was honest? Now he thinks it’s prudent to blame the cops and trump for dem governors encouraging Balam to burn cities to the ground 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Comment from : LordThree

Cheers for pronouncing 'Oconomowoc' right!
Comment from : stecky87

William Preller
Police start clubbing cyclists because there are no baby seals around
Comment from : William Preller

Ron Allen
Damn I miss Letterman
Comment from : Ron Allen

Cosmic Latte 9
Comment from : Cosmic Latte 9

Juci Shockwave
"A house divided against itself cannot stand" - Abraham Lincoln
Comment from : Juci Shockwave

Juci Shockwave
Are you sure this is the United States and not some Socialist Communist Fascist States? :(
Comment from : Juci Shockwave

Chickenator X
Using active duty military for law enforcement isn't "a bad idea" it's illegalbrbr enwikipediaorg/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_Act
Comment from : Chickenator X

Barb Kearns
Protesters uniting all Americans???? Far from it!
Comment from : Barb Kearns

John Kurtz
Police used to have to serve and protect on their cars Now it should be to maim and shoot
Comment from : John Kurtz

Molly Spurgeon
Why does Trump tell lies that are so easily proven like the Mad Dog nickname thing? Think about the people you went to school with or work with who do stuff like that that you hate There's two explanations Maybe in his case there's three He's dumber than rocks He's kind of a douche if he'll lie about something even though he knows that you know he's lying and does it anyway like the guy that likes to be the center of the party Or possibly in his kids cuz of age he's not there anymore Literally someone who supports him, tell me what other possible reason there would be to lie about something so clearly and easily proven wrong Or what isn't worrisome about it to you?
Comment from : Molly Spurgeon

Colbert is 100 correct These are "Mostly Peaceful" riots, The record crime wave is mostly peacefulbras most Peaceful people are shuttered indoors to escape the lawlessness
Comment from : Bellathebear

Citizen’s Guard
Oh, there are black characters in Lord of the rings but they are very problematic by today's standards and the movies largely ignored them in the interest of good taste
Comment from : Citizen’s Guard

Danny LNE
How many deaths were counted in these protests?
Comment from : Danny LNE

Don't use Johnny Cash, he would never approve your message or stupid jokes
Comment from : Alex

Puente Corto
You are obviously insane and stupid(Steven Colbert and CBS)brwatching the stores are looted and destroyed ,and yet ,you are side of the looters, Police stood nearby and nothing to dobrMan, How low the US citizens moral went down too farbrThis guy almost supporting those malicious act as a justice being servedbrCan you see something wrong with it?
Comment from : Puente Corto

Vicky Lynn
I am with 1000 with the protesters but as a type 1 diabeticyou take insulin when blood sugar is high - not when it's dropping
Comment from : Vicky Lynn

Rubber bullets and gas canisters are meant to be fired at a downward angle preferably hitting the ground before ricocheting into the target The way we see these tools actually being used is much different
Comment from : PossumLodge

Brian Barney
Pathetic these sheep need to wake up!!! Protest??? The corrupt police scum do not hold the power!! Fight take them down younger nothing from tyrants and scum by asking History is full of sweeping changes for the better just bc the people asked Yah That's happened allot As in never The only change will come when you fight for it
Comment from : Brian Barney

Message from my doctor, do NOT USE MILK to clear your eyes out from tear gas Use water Yes, it takes longer for relief, but you're less likely to go blind with what the milk will do to your eyes!
Comment from : mrdrewcarey

"My blood sugar's dropping" You don't need insulin, you need a candy bar or orange juice Insulin is for when your blood sugar is too high
Comment from : IdentifyWithResearch

Just finally south Carolina has good PR Stephen is from south Carolina
Comment from : Angie

AmericabrOne of the few countries that would actually benefit from a military coup
Comment from : falconeaterf15

Christian McCabe
Idk if hes wearing a rainbow in support of pride but i hope so!!
Comment from : Christian McCabe

Claves Septem
Who needs enemies when you have countries like this?
Comment from : Claves Septem

Mr Tim Johnston
Comment from : Mr Tim Johnston

moronic swill try harder morons until i cant see your try
Comment from : E MNDV

Eric Nickols
You're pressing the envelope for comedy versus reporting news At this point, you impact millions of opinions in serious matters Please don't let us down Keep pushing the envelopebrProtected you in Iraq during your visit to Camp Victory, and ever desiring to protect Americans, especially those of differing opinions
Comment from : Eric Nickols

karenza t Wall
What a despicable country you live in
Comment from : karenza t Wall

You KNOW it's majorly cool when Colbert compliments with a LoTR reference! That proves it's serious
Comment from : CaptEoNinja83

Jennifer Hizzy
Well whose speaking with the illness now!!!!!
Comment from : Jennifer Hizzy

Jennifer Hizzy
Those cops are having too much fun
Comment from : Jennifer Hizzy

Gabriella Uwumarongie
I LOVED Caravan and Stephen's little dance It was a moment of levity in endless chaos HOWEVER, the Grove is in the Heart dance is NOT funny It comes across as mocking or removing the seriousness of what he is saying I find it rather offensive and often very poorly timed Maybe it is simply that this hits too close to Home
Comment from : Gabriella Uwumarongie

Wasn't the Nazi slogan 'Gott mit uns'? (God is with us) A bit too close to home perhaps?
Comment from : Ytxmak

Wait a minute? I'm type 1 for 28yrs If your sugar is low, you don't take insulin, you drink a juice or eat glucose tabs So all though I'm for the peaceful protest, i have to call BS on that women saying she needs her insulin because her sugar is low That makes no sense I think they just said that to get noticed or some other reason Insulin lowers you blood sugar not raises it Im sorry to say it but i believe that women was lying
Comment from : MicJagUR

Andie Thom
Comment from : Andie Thom

Bree Harrison
i"Not all heroes were capes, some wear tasteful scarves"/i
Comment from : Bree Harrison

Nathan Brooks
I like Colbert but that dancing thing is not funny anymore Man the horse is dead, stop kicking it
Comment from : Nathan Brooks

I feel Colbert has actually been better in this format A smaller/intimate comedy club type vibe or something
Comment from : ntnnot

Evan Lovelace
this is a beautifully cringy video but its so informative
Comment from : Evan Lovelace

Oconomowoc Wisconsin, wooooooo hooooooo !!!
Comment from : haledragon1

Dolores Pallares
It looks like a terrorist attack on US civilians is initiated and directed by ‘the White House’brIn order to provoke, by cruel attacks, citizens who are peacefully exercing there civil rightsbrDeliberately provoke again and again and harm them to the point of violent counter attacksbrCreating a state of violence that “justifies” introducing and continuing militairy dictatorship
Comment from : Dolores Pallares

AlwaysTalking hosted by Cece Ceestyle blogger
Damn I felt punished like a little kid with our 9pm curfew here in Chicago but 6pm in Los Angeles is Strict AF luckily it's lifted now here but I sure hope Justice is served or this whole country is gonna burn (not a threat just a prediction)
Comment from : AlwaysTalking hosted by Cece Ceestyle blogger

Maria da Luz Moutinho
Trump e os pecados da Bíblia é um pecador todos os 7 dias!! Ele não é pe(s)calor ele mete muita água e é um grande incendiárioum acto de cobardia ele usar o militarismo como arma de arremesso!! RIP Mr George Floyd e outros
Comment from : Maria da Luz Moutinho

Cathy Kitson
"Come for the beer Stay because we had to take away your car keysbecause you really enjoyed the beer" I nearly fell off my chair
Comment from : Cathy Kitson

Hercules McGillicuddy Jiggins
Mike Tyson
Comment from : Hercules McGillicuddy Jiggins

Randy Adams
By the waybr Thanks for you being you
Comment from : Randy Adams

Randy Adams
Finely caught up to you brWould it be fair to saybrThe difference between Democrats and Republicans brDemocrats are willing to work with others Republicans on the other hand, are like the seagulls in the Nemo movie With the one track mind of "Mine, mine mine, me , me, me
Comment from : Randy Adams

Dre Day
That Johnny Cash clip 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : Dre Day

Ash Korando
St Louis Missouri! Party time 🥳
Comment from : Ash Korando

Matter of taste, but: that "highlighting a joke by playing music" is getting really, really tiring I guess it's supposed to be a running gag, but celebrating how funny you are that very rarely looks good
Comment from : Julia

PhorOh Phor
Of course Steven is here to make jokes from the safety of his home as the world burns
Comment from : PhorOh Phor

Blacks in Lord of the Rings, lol
Comment from : Anasia

Ezio Del Degan
I don't find this whole thing funny anymore Mr Colbert, I can't watch your show anymore You humor diminishes the seriousness of the situation in the USA
Comment from : Ezio Del Degan

His jokes are so cringe without a laugh track
Comment from : Lissi

oen kennedy
LMAO: "Who needs tear gas?" 😂😂😂
Comment from : oen kennedy

I miss you looking over at Mr John after a joke and he hits the keys for you This won't end well Mr Colbert If anyone doesn't remember what 2019 and the years before were like, too bad because there will not be a replay Who knows how ugly this thing will get before it even tries to get better
Comment from : Adeina

Elazar Pimentel
Writing of this program is getting worse and worse
Comment from : Elazar Pimentel

Most popular backdrop for at-home video blogs: well-stocked bookshelf usually painted white No racist connotations implied, just seeing this repeatedly on celeb home videos White book shelf crammed with intellectual titles
Comment from : nongthip

It's time we bring guns to a gun fight If they want to behave this way, I'm going to defend myself From the police It's sad I even have to say that
Comment from : Gregory

James Moseley
If it weren’t so awful and tragic, that “I understand what diabetics is” quote would be the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while Safe to say that that officer understands less than he thinks he does
Comment from : James Moseley

Is this an opinion piece, comedy or privat news? I can't tell it's framed so badlybrYou know why neo nazis aren't as big as an problem? Because they are truly racist they rarely turn on them self, you know who is a POC or jewish and could protect thembrbrGeneral speaking, you can accelerate tolerancy and immigration but you need a wealthy society who could and want to carry this positive discrimination But the US isn't even ready to talk about an general safety net nor healthcarebrbrDon't tell me there is a way to report oppression if I can't afford the drive to the office/management to fill out a form so they can't deny I wasn't there!brDon't write rules with money of people who could make it, write them with blood of those who couldn't
Comment from : Regeneration

American Fascism
Comment from : mizzamystar

When seeing the guys on horses I had the heroic ending theme of Django Unchained in my head
Comment from : MforMovesets

Should have highlighted the story of the reporter who actually was blinded by the pigs
Comment from : FlameAdder

Godless Melanisia
Macon, MO had protests
Comment from : Godless Melanisia

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