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Functional, Procedural u0026 Object-oriented Programming - An Overview


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Информация о Functional, Procedural u0026 Object-oriented Programming - An Overview

Название :  Functional, Procedural u0026 Object-oriented Programming - An Overview
Продолжительность :   42.24
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Просмотров :   136 rb

Кадры Functional, Procedural u0026 Object-oriented Programming - An Overview

Описание Functional, Procedural u0026 Object-oriented Programming - An Overview

Коментарии Functional, Procedural u0026 Object-oriented Programming - An Overview

Mike Diaz
Sorry and peace, Incorrect
Comment from : Mike Diaz

Dhruv Aggarwal
spent 2 days learning and reading about different paradigms and this one video cleared all my doubts , resources like these are rare Keep up the good work guys !
Comment from : Dhruv Aggarwal

Hikari Tsumi
I really like functioanl style it's really easy to came back and copy a portion of some known to work, documented and small chunk of function to use in other project I'm actively avoiding the lazyness by hardcoding something in, because sometime you just know this function will never be used again isn't a good way to write it
Comment from : Hikari Tsumi

Well done Max! This is some pure German efficient teaching right here
Comment from : Mickelsie

Exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot👍
Comment from : Pavlo

very helpful, thank you! 👍👍
Comment from : Ali

5:22 Proceduralbr12:01 Object-orientedbr26:19 Functional
Comment from : Awestrike

a million thanks, exactly what i was looking for👌👌👌👌👌
Comment from : SHUBHAM KUMAR

Joe Magarac
The discussion of Procedural programming is incorrect or at best extremely oversimplified Procedural as practiced before OOP consisted of procedures and functions both, to be used as appropriate, and code was very much organized into logical modules Nicholas Wirth’s books on programming style are a good reference point to start with The great change came with the need to manage event loops for GUI’s, and OOP handled this more gracefully Microservices seem to be one area that could greatly benefit from old school procedural style
Comment from : Joe Magarac

Savi McGee
How to good to hear your voice again after countless of your Udemy courses Great explanation as always
Comment from : Savi McGee

Mike Hersee
Congratulations! FINALLY I found comparative examples of the exact same functionality, which seems to be missing from every other comparison between procedural and OOP that I've seen And OOP is finally begining to make sense But only beginning
Comment from : Mike Hersee

Finally a video that shows and compares the different paradigms with real code!
Comment from : Calitts

Abhisekh Kumar
Comment from : Abhisekh Kumar

Anvar Saidov
Thanks Max, you made it real clear I seem to have been writing a mix of procedural and functional style I always believed that functions should get input through parameters explicitly in order to prevent bugs, which means I naturally inclined towards functional programming even though I didn't quite know what it actually was
Comment from : Anvar Saidov

What font family are you using in vscode?
Comment from : Carefree_ladka

Don Surlylyte
finally an intro that makes some sense of functional programminggood job i can see now how it would be useful for larger structures
Comment from : Don Surlylyte

Luke Wright
Nice presentation, hard topic Pardon me :) many aspects you use in the functional case are not functional style at all;brbr- const, vars; (not even OOP) FP solves this by passing data thru functionsbr- try, catch; (not even OOP) FP solves this by passing data thru functionsbr- reference calls; FP solves this by passing data thru functions ;)brbrAs you said; in FP EVERYTHING should be a function or to be more precise: "functions applied on data structures" (as oop should be more precise "objects exchanging messages"); the points above do not fit to this definition and are actually PROCEDURAL aspects - in OOP its the same; purely oop would be only object properties and object parameters and no vars, even to hold a object reference! yes there is a way to do that, think about it ;)brbrJust because you write "functions" and organize everything into functions, it doesn't mean you have a functional programming style or functional code design (as clearly seen in your example of all three paradigm are written in "functions"); as soon you introduce procedural elements or oop-elements its not functional anymore (no not only "not purely anymore"; it is not functional at all) thats why today most codebases are a mixup of all three paradigm, unfortunately, because they don't go well together because they are paradigms and not only "styles"
Comment from : Luke Wright

Great video Thanks!
Comment from : syntaxerorr

To me it seems that a mix of all of them would make the best programs
Comment from : Gnome

Mircea Dumitrescu
Amazing 🤩 best one out there Thank you
Comment from : Mircea Dumitrescu

Salim Barry
something which deserve like for sure
Comment from : Salim Barry

Comment from : N_Fan

Trevor Phillips
Even my teacher copied from this tutorial, so I will do it too
Comment from : Trevor Phillips

Ali TV
Dear sir, I want to learn programming design patterns please let me know if u have any course or videos something like that, I'm impressed by your teaching method
Comment from : Ali TV

So i'm guessing you don't have all the code in one js file? wonder what the file structure would look like for each coding style
Comment from : TheNamesJT

Shobeir Asayesh
Very clear illustration, appreciate it
Comment from : Shobeir Asayesh

24:36 "therefore good to go" so the main entry point only has one line of code in it, a massive class that has alot more than subject bundled into it you're inadvertantly teaching that this is somehow a good idea it's aweful and flies in the face of what OOP represents OOP represents modularity, but when you bound everything in the UserInputForm class, you threw all of the modularity out the windowbrbrThe problem with that line of code, is looking at it from the outside, you have no idea what it's doing beside something to do with user input You can't tell that it's validating or going to throw errorsbrbrThis horrible example is something I would expect from a noob like myself, but having made a real project in C# I learned the errors of my ways This is disgusting and now makes me wonder if i should trust the other examples shown here
Comment from : Layarion

20:37 Now you have this strange hierarchy though The Validator class has no purpose if there is no class that has input Visually from a birdeye view, you wouldn't know that - and that's my problem with it I want to know how it works without having to look too closebrbrI'd put it in another file with other helper classes maybe
Comment from : Layarion

SM Blog
Time stamps please?
Comment from : SM Blog

simple russia
isn't "addEventListener" in functional part a so-called "side-effect" which is what Functional programming restricts from!?
Comment from : simple russia

examples are too complex to understand
Comment from : sazk4000

Amir Tabasi
this is a good and simple description of functional, procedural, and oop programming thank you
Comment from : Amir Tabasi

Isaac Wilson
My mind: In this example problem, the task is very simple The example solutions shown are sticking to the ideas of one paradigm each and are good examples of those ideas Therefore the procedural approach seem like the most obvious, direct and sane solution In contrast, the OOP only and Pure Functional only approach both seem convoluted and insane They are introducing unneeded complexity My takeaway is that an appropriate combination of ideas from all of these paradigms is the best practice I would define a data structure with objects to manage data I'd would define pure functions that take parameters and return data to manage actions and I'd organize the function calls and object construction in a procedural style when it makes sense to do so I would not be dogmatic about always using one idea no matter what Hope that makes sense to anyone reading
Comment from : Isaac Wilson

Rounak Dalmia
Donot watch this video if you don't know javascript
Comment from : Rounak Dalmia

Munib Khan
Really good and informative video Thank you
Comment from : Munib Khan

Rob Whitaker
Legend! Subscribed
Comment from : Rob Whitaker

Keme Kenneth
This is the best video I've watched on this paradigm topic Showing all 3 in the same application just lets it sink Thank you, boss
Comment from : Keme Kenneth

AdriEl Amadi
Incredible Thanks for this
Comment from : AdriEl Amadi

There is also object-based programming Object-based programming is like object-oriented programming but without inheritance I prefer object-based programming since I'm not a fan of inheritance (though interfaces can occasionally be useful)
Comment from : MisterKorihor

Geek Bait
Very helpful video Thank you!
Comment from : Geek Bait

Matias Bacelar
so i am doing functional programming and i didnt realize lol , everything makes more sense now thanks Max !
Comment from : Matias Bacelar

Zenytram Searom
i learned FP first over 15y ago, and i cant for the hate of the universe write in OOP, opp is just a unnecessary mess for me
Comment from : Zenytram Searom

Semen Ivanoff
Explanation is great Really But i still don't understand why in this case we need to use OOP when all can be solved in a classic way brI can understand when we need create multiple of similar instances, but most of the code written is used once and for single purpose
Comment from : Semen Ivanoff

Mohammed Fayyad
Comment from : Mohammed Fayyad

Thank you!
Comment from : Alan

Those functions weren't very pure
Comment from : ukranaut

i'll abide by functional programming for now , this in oop gave me a headache
Comment from : m

Shafi Ullah
for me functional is easy than other two
Comment from : Shafi Ullah

Remco Kersten
Very clear, thank you!
Comment from : Remco Kersten

Shay Hawking
Best explanation on the web
Comment from : Shay Hawking

Man, functional is way better and easier to understand OOP is way too convoluted
Comment from : dietrevich

Honza Melichařík
Very helpful! Thanks a lot for showing the alternatives and pointing out the main differences without favoring one way over the other Really helped me get some things straight :)
Comment from : Honza Melichařík

Paul Burger
Oop: put everything in objects, Functional: put everything in functions Makes sense I guess
Comment from : Paul Burger

Jeremy Blanchard
Wonderful info! This helped me so much I like the approach you took with this lesson (not pushing one style or another with bias) I completely agree that whatever style works for you is the best way I keep seeing a lot of people crapping on OOP, and instead only swear by functional programming or vice versa I guess if it works for them, that's great I do think however, it's important to recognize what style you're working with so, that you can understand what the other programmers code style was/is
Comment from : Jeremy Blanchard

Abstract Approach
html using code, ive been wanting to learn that, hope it works with c
Comment from : Abstract Approach

Mark0 J
Have not got a point why functional style is more readable? You still need to organize functions somehow especially if number of functions are big It was big step from C functions to C# classes and now we move backwards?
Comment from : Mark0 J

Dev die Delta
I have been trying to figure this out for about a year I finally understand the comparison thnx so much
Comment from : Dev die Delta

Jules Colle
it's funny how in the functional example there is not a single pure function Each function is either using a predefined constant or the global document DOM element I'm still looking for a good explanation why functional programming is so much better Doesn't look useable at all in this case, just way more confusing, but that might just be me
Comment from : Jules Colle

Antonio Butcher
this was the best video to explain the differences
Comment from : Antonio Butcher

The Superior Man
Wow I didn't think I'll like functional programming but it seems more natural and elegant
Comment from : The Superior Man

2:17 anyone answer please how to determine whether an singular entity can be a class?( eg product entities, shopping carts)
Comment from : ADI FLORENSE

I guess procedure and functional terms are the same, right?
Comment from : ADI FLORENSE

Victor Ajibade
Comment from : Victor Ajibade

Prima Tondy Arya Kurniawan
Wow, i like the functional style since react hook released
Comment from : Prima Tondy Arya Kurniawan

Muhammed Özalp
Thank you very much for this great tutorial brIt is very useful to watch 3 approaches with the same code
Comment from : Muhammed Özalp

Edward Manda
Really love this place I
Comment from : Edward Manda

Mohit Bhagat
Utility classes with static methods much designed like functional programming Can I call this as functional Programming way ?
Comment from : Mohit Bhagat

You can program anyway you want but at the end of the day the cpu only understands procedural
Comment from : Peppers

19:58 i think it wold have been better to use Validator instead of "this" for static REQUIRED
Comment from : N63B44TÜ

Astir Ink
One of the best videos I've seen on the subject Simple and easy to follow
Comment from : Astir Ink

Cristina Mihaela
Excellent overview
Comment from : Cristina Mihaela

Ganesh Khutwad
Max, can you please create a full course on Functional Programming Paradigm and how to utilizes it into project or over object oriented programming Of course, in JS ♥️
Comment from : Ganesh Khutwad

Ricardo Bossan
Awesome video Thanks!
Comment from : Ricardo Bossan

Jeremy Nasmith
In the procedural example using ifs you naturally were able to give a different and more specific alert for password errors vs username errors This got lost in the abstraction to OOP, and remained forgotten in FP Not hard to implement but sometimes the super direct and linear approach of Procedural makes it easier to focus on what the user will experience rather than how 'clean' the code looks, or how clever its abstractions are Also, in this case I think the Procedural example was the shortest, no? I was surprised expecting FP to be the mose concise
Comment from : Jeremy Nasmith

Sənan Şahmarov
Finally I found really programming example after 5 videos This is superTutorial
Comment from : Sənan Şahmarov

Ross Maguire
Excellent video Thanks for this Subscribed as I have come across you a few times and always helped :)
Comment from : Ross Maguire

I loved the way this class was structured comparing different programming paradigm styles
Comment from : Videosuser2000

Denis Akopov
In the oop example is this correct to hard code id’s into constructor? Shouldn’t it be passed upon instancing an object?
Comment from : Denis Akopov

Alisha Aum
Crystal clear explanation!!! You have a gift my friend Thank you so much for doing this video I could literally feel the clarity land on me as I watched this!
Comment from : Alisha Aum

Darius K
Well done, best way to learn ANYTHING is to see alterntives! There is lots of videos on youtube teaching OOP or FP, but this video shows big picture, show difference Thank you for that
Comment from : Darius K

Muhammad Affandes
I like the way you explain all the things 👍 Inspiring me to create my own in Bahasa Indonesia 🇮🇩 thank you
Comment from : Muhammad Affandes

Deepak Bhandari
Orange T on orange BG I see what you did there 🤣🤜
Comment from : Deepak Bhandari

Cj Delos Reyes
Awesome! Thank you very much!
Comment from : Cj Delos Reyes

Anoop Vasudevan
Great lecture!
Comment from : Anoop Vasudevan

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