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Cara Delevingne Reveals How Hailey Bieber Is Suffering With Justin Bieber


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Название :  Cara Delevingne Reveals How Hailey Bieber Is Suffering With Justin Bieber
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Кадры Cara Delevingne Reveals How Hailey Bieber Is Suffering With Justin Bieber

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Коментарии Cara Delevingne Reveals How Hailey Bieber Is Suffering With Justin Bieber

Shortcake Canadian Girl
She gets what she deserves karma! No one marries a man with that kind of wealth weeks later at a town hall unless they have an ulterior motive I have no compassion for her
Comment from : Shortcake Canadian Girl

Essie Devlin
Other way round she has him Like a Lap dog for her so dont blame him
Comment from : Essie Devlin

What are you talking about b*tch it's Justin that's suffering
Comment from : Mousie

Alicia Brankovic
Poor Haley Now She Has Everything What Justin Used To Have!
Comment from : Alicia Brankovic

Alicia Brankovic
Justin Beiber WasTargetted By Haley Father& Haley!brAlso Was Targeting By Hollywood Pedophiles Whos Abused Him as Child!Kris Kardashian 's Boyfriend Abused Justin As Wellbr Justin Beiber Was Introduced To Drugs& Alcohol br They Destroyed His Childhood and Innocence!brThat Was The Reason Why? Justin Was Out of Control!
Comment from : Alicia Brankovic

Alicia Brankovic
Haleys Father Set Up Justin To Married Haley His Daughter's For Money!brHaley Is a Cristian Like Her Father!brWe Watch a Video Were Haley Was Traveling To Meet Wealthy Men For Money Together With Other Now Famous Models By The Supervision of Kris Kardashian!brTo Do Watever For MoneybrHaley's Father's Is Well Know By His Havy Dtugs Addictions& Bankruptcy!brThis Is All Over The Internet!brSo Really Can We Call Them Cristians?
Comment from : Alicia Brankovic

Alicia Brankovic
Live Justin Beiber Alone!brHe Is Been Through a Lot During His Life!
Comment from : Alicia Brankovic

McHappy World
You shouldn’t perceive marriage as something to fix your problems If this is the foundation things will not work out Marriage should be done out of love and building a life forever
Comment from : McHappy World

Perhaps… just maybe… justin knew his wife instigated the drama with Selena and choice to stay out of it
Comment from : Papoose

Marialuisa Villafuerte
I dont believe those hate comments JB is a good person Its just that he needs space, his own personal space particularly when he's tired already
Comment from : Marialuisa Villafuerte

I'm not saying she deserved it but God's timing is always right
Comment from : jeannie

and jelena fans wants to be with selena if jelena happens again, our queen selena we'll be not today if she didn't left him also, hailey doesn't deserve that kind of relationship the way justim b and his mum relationship, well, its a red flag i approved you said justin b is the problem
Comment from : tonkatsu

We dont know the full story so we cant judge Even if Bieber was a douche you dont know what kind of person him and his wife are with each other and the circumstances of their relationship And sometimes the word of a friend like Cara is the furthest thing from the truth, if you dont know that you're still naive
Comment from : K T

Well we know Justin going to pick Kendall first! No Brainer Justin!!! I like Cara and she is head on! I am on her side ! Haikey not going to listen! Hailey wants that money for her and her father! Also Hailey stop saying your a Christian cause stocking is illegal in all 50 states Hailey honey!!! 😅Marsha out
Comment from : Keith

Kizzy martins borges
He didn't make either of them happy he has a whole drama in his life and involves people in this vicious circle
Comment from : Kizzy martins borges

Jacob Massey
Oh boo hoo These super rich people will bounce back
Comment from : Jacob Massey

Of course you put ken first since he was screwing her
Comment from : DREA7101

Debbie P
🙄 trying to change the narrative when Hailey been copying everything Selena does and her and her friends bullying Selena
Comment from : Debbie P

Justin is a moron😊
Comment from : sugarblunt

Xamry F
Cara may have been (might still be?) trippin’ for a while but I feel like she’s that one zero-filter friend we all have and need I feel she can be trusted
Comment from : Xamry F

Clara Delevigne is out of her fuckin mind herself
Comment from : MrMotherfuck123

Drew Orelem
Comment from : Drew Orelem

its so cringey how you pronounced Cara! Get it right!
Comment from : nnmrtin

I have 0 faith is JB and HB's marriage I believe Hailey loves him very much, and that is the very reason he married her; because she's that one girl who only sees the good in him despite the horrible things he's done Ultimately though, this marriage will come crumbling down when she can't take his draining and rude personality no more brJB defended Scooter and Frank Ocean but can't defend his wife, that speaks volumes
Comment from : MsBombastix

Oatmeal cookie
I thought Hailey was a yacht girl? I think that’s were the guilt stems from
Comment from : Oatmeal cookie

elisa maria gonzalez
Justin is a Narcissist
Comment from : elisa maria gonzalez

That bloke should never marry any woman, his treatment of his wife is terrible
Comment from : RinatyaNessim

she wanted himbrBad for decades #haileybieber
Comment from : StarBright

I like how this video is made up
Comment from : ☆xSmilezx☆

Fresita224 Perez
Sufrirá todo lo que quiera pero sigue a su lado para tener dinero y seguir en el candelero… Quizá porque ella no es nadie será la novia de o la hija/ sobrina de pero no es relevante por si misma, igual que no triunfó en el ballet porque no es como la moda, no te puedes beneficiar del nepotismo
Comment from : Fresita224 Perez

Khady Manneh
Hailey Baldwin will do anything to keep tbrMarriage going because her father arrange the marriage
Comment from : Khady Manneh

Ofcourse Kendall is his favorite🙄
Comment from : Ponderlust

Hailey is the biggest clout chaser… no one would know about her or care about her if she didnt marry jb
Comment from : RAIZOtheNINJA

Whimsical Pickle
Comment from : Whimsical Pickle

Canadian Psycho
The thumbnail looks like a massive case of constipation
Comment from : Canadian Psycho

I can’t stand when people say they lived in a Christian home with strict parents bitch you show your skin to everyone… ypur not even a prude… you act like a loose girl
Comment from : Mel

Hailey is a lair she never grew up in a Christian home She said in the daddy’s video she does doggie style before marriage…
Comment from : Mel

They all need to leave jb Let him end up with Kendall Him and Kendall like to whore around so let them be together They both have toxic personalities They probably have feelings for each other too brHailey should ditch him and get over him He seems like a big manipulator
Comment from : noname

Right We should definitely believe the extreme drug addict walking around like a crackhead on steroids spazzing out in public on this matter
Comment from : Adventureland

I think that Cara is a person who stands up for herself so when Justin was saying something inappropriate, rude to her or to Hailey she was defending herself and Hailey and it seems that Justin is the type of person who is like "my way or a highway" with a little to no respect to other person who says no to him, so he obviously disliked that Hailey is all over him and she is making excuses for his behavior My friend used to be like that and I was Cara in this situation her partner was treating her like sh and she couldn't defend herself, he was dominating her, thank god that they broke up
Comment from : txtwerk

If justin was mushy and super nice to her shed leave him in 2 seconds
Comment from : Robr139

I don't understand why would she reach out to Selena like it's defo not her true fans if they are spreading negativity and threats she should reported it or smth
Comment from : Jaya

mimogirl 1996
Selena’s defended hailey more than her own husband has Lol
Comment from : mimogirl 1996

weirdo psycho "fans" in the comments acting like they know these people on a personal level speaking on their marriage or on the selena/justin relationship yall hate women so much get a life
Comment from : Beck

justin has always been a little prick I remember when he was acting like he found revelation in "god" but nah he's still a little punk ass bitch
Comment from : Beck

Peggy Nash
Why does Hailey Bieber's dad, a Baldwin, step in and put an end to Justin's treatment of Hailey?
Comment from : Peggy Nash

Shay Fisher
Hailey is cheating
Comment from : Shay Fisher

Shay Fisher
Whatever bullshit Hailey grow up
Comment from : Shay Fisher



She can leave Problem solved They ALL parasite on eachother, while fighting it out above the normal people's heads selena Hailey Cara Justin They dont know themselfs What do we care??
Comment from : BoazB

Alodie Couture
😂😂😂😂 these celebrities are all stupid AF, ALLL
Comment from : Alodie Couture

Youtube Comments
Hailey beiber loves clout more than anything
Comment from : Youtube Comments

ceema picardo
I think Cara should try taking care of herself first before commenting on other people's lives Cara herself isn't too strong mentally or emotionally and would have been a full blown junkie on the streets if it were not for her privileged upbringing Dealing with her own demons would benefit her a lot more than trying to give "opinions" on other people The Beibers can handle their own marital woes
Comment from : ceema picardo

wanter jane
Hailey deserves whatever Justin may alledgedly be doing/saying to her to fuel her insecurity brbrShe stalked, copy, attack Selena all these years, even after stealing her love/manbrbrShe is yet to apologise publicly to Selena! Yet Selena keeps advocating for her forgeting that as much as we love her, she can't force us to like narcissistic HaileybrbrWas Hailey actually expect to cruise in love & happiness in marriage to Justin after marrying him barely 3months of a break with the love of his life? Disregarding the real deep love they shared, which may never go completely?brbrHailey will always be a compromise, a second woman in Justin's heart She should make peace with that and compensate with his wealth & fame she receives
Comment from : wanter jane

Lala Lady VK
Justin is emotionally stunted You can see he just didn't develop right because of how he grew up Dumb as fuck and rude as fuck
Comment from : Lala Lady VK

Cris Cross
Seems like Hailey s team trying hard
Comment from : Cris Cross

Mike LaF
Cara is also crazy eratic and out of her mind
Comment from : Mike LaF

I am not her fan but saying it truth Sorry bro Hailey is fit n fine She is more beautiful and good girl She is not obsessed with anyone She is the way herself and beautiful inside and outside ❤All the media propaganda always making bad thing about her😂😢😅she is human being and not a thingto play with her and defame her alwAys Leave her alone all media
Comment from : TODAY WORLD

Prayers for hailey Bieber no one should be treated the way she is treated
Comment from : Tj

high ground
Hailey and justin equally bad
Comment from : high ground

Louise Edmeades
Cara D is too intelligent to associate with sour pusses!
Comment from : Louise Edmeades

Jordan Bronner
Kendall is the favorite he has even been inside her body not sure why she is even around 😂 I’m sure he still smashes
Comment from : Jordan Bronner

She can divorce him Besides she ain’t innocent
Comment from : KLI OLSA

Ion Buga
why no
Comment from : Ion Buga

l Jaafar
Serve her right
Comment from : l Jaafar

Comment from : SEZZBO

Yasmin A
cara is a crack addict 💀 not the best source
Comment from : Yasmin A

So Snow
Cara has a history of being naive (I do not hold that against her I think it is a beautiful quality And I actually love cara and her big mouth ready to call anyone with their bs) But she used to be friends with Amber H I would honestly mostly believe that hailey is highly manipulative and gaslighted cara I am not saying Justin is a perfect housband (I wouldn’t know, I just know he wasn’t so good bf to Selena) But even if Justin isn’t the best housband, I don’t believe hailey is the victim I believe hailey is dangerously manipulative!
Comment from : So Snow

Chantel Hils
Omg She is his handler! She keeps him drugged tf up to keep him in line No wonder he hates her He sold his soul, and he is suffering while she gets paid for this shit
Comment from : Chantel Hils

Hailey Saya she wish she came in with a clean slate yet Justin has slept with multiple of her friends
Comment from : Veegirl

Congrats to Cara on burning herself trying to put HB as a poor innocent victim and JB as the only problematic person in their relation I guess drugs really did a number on CD afterall
Comment from : Loba

Another Salenator reading Cara's mind😂😂😂 Enough of your fake videos Reveal the real story behind all of this Why Taylor lost the court case and the real reason why Cara was angry with Justin Funny how you people twist the plot
Comment from : hari

I think to just put all the blame on one person is unfair brThis couple seems like they're both toxic and selfish It may be in different ways But like the Kardashians There are certain personality types that cannot keep friends
Comment from : Robyne🍀

Roxana latif
Christian Hailey, it doesn't matter This is not how a Christian behaves Christians do not discriminate, they are not racist, they do not lie and they do not break up couples
Comment from : Roxana latif

Cara should mind her own drug abuse rehab & improve herself, her image & her career The Biebers can survive without her
Comment from : bolwaisei

Mona was here / Mona je bila ovdje
they deserve each other😂
Comment from : Mona was here / Mona je bila ovdje

emily destefano
Ok but… doesn’t it seem like hailey is trying to sound like selena whenever she talks?
Comment from : emily destefano

Justin was toxic to his last lover Justin is also going to be toxic to his current lover
Comment from : Euthalia

#ShutUpHailyWeDontCarebr"NOT TODAY SATAN"
Comment from : lucinda5563

Hailey's leather is a throw back to an SNL skit "the leatherman" LOL
Comment from : kjewil

stfu mf
I remember the era of Kim Kardashian, was the talentless celebs, now Hailey started a new trend, talentless plus lack of personality
Comment from : stfu mf

stfu mf
I don't understand why celebs nowdays have their scandals and personal life more well known than their talents Like they barely work, they just there being involved in dramas as much as possible to keep their exsistence in the industry
Comment from : stfu mf

Sharon Macias
Yup Cara is so right Cara is not afraid she speaks up and out love her spunk
Comment from : Sharon Macias

Muna Yusif
Blabla,her point of you is so important to understand you convince the world that you are right it's all that matters like Justin narcissist husband both have the same problem what does say the therapist?? I'm curious to know
Comment from : Muna Yusif

Muna Yusif
Does she mean Justin past relationship with Selena was a mistake it was bad not reased Christian why does she always need to manipulate the world!!are we stupid not to see behind the seen she still acts like a terminator
Comment from : Muna Yusif

Carmen Ramos
Comment from : Carmen Ramos

Muna Yusif
He does treat all like shit but she seems to be happy till she won't anymore
Comment from : Muna Yusif

Your mom
The person that she voted for works with people, that want massive population control She wouldn't dare to change her mind re her vote publicly, but maybe she should because massive people have died and massive more could die in their depopulation agenda I know, I know that would be asking too much to lose your career, but you shouldn't have publicly said you voted for him
Comment from : Your mom

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