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Cara Delevingne ATTACKS Justin Bieber When Named Hailey’s LEAST Favorite Friend! | Daily Rewind


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Название :  Cara Delevingne ATTACKS Justin Bieber When Named Hailey’s LEAST Favorite Friend! | Daily Rewind
Продолжительность :   10.39
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Просмотров :   29 rb

Кадры Cara Delevingne ATTACKS Justin Bieber When Named Hailey’s LEAST Favorite Friend! | Daily Rewind

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Коментарии Cara Delevingne ATTACKS Justin Bieber When Named Hailey’s LEAST Favorite Friend! | Daily Rewind

Kayla McIntyre
Justin was being super respectful He blocked her because he was being called out But he didn’t say anything about her because he knows he regrets a lot in his passed and he changed
Comment from : Kayla McIntyre

The friends should have ganged up, including Hailey, & throw spoiled eggs on him!
Comment from : bolwaisei

souka b
Well she's right he does disrespect women he did it to selena and taylor he is alwayws attacking women
Comment from : souka b

Sandra Gonzalez
Hail using him to
Comment from : Sandra Gonzalez

Sandra Gonzalez
Dont get between friends jb date ken stpop jb no shades u dated them in the past they know u in bed
Comment from : Sandra Gonzalez

Are the hosts midgits?
Comment from : Mudslynger

Peter Cervantes
Justin focused to ur wife and career forget about past stay to hailey baby
Comment from : Peter Cervantes

Juanita Ray
Dude she dont want Justin clearly Justin and Hailey need to focus on their marriage they are so focused on her they cant be happy and in love tfoh Selena got it going on she would never get back with Justin after all this drama with him and that rat faced Hairy chick
Comment from : Juanita Ray

Juanita Ray
Hailey and her friends 💩🚽
Comment from : Juanita Ray

Nick Gold
I’m a virgin
Comment from : Nick Gold

Shauni Rickey
You'd think these ADULTS would know better than to talk about 2 exes, one of who is now MARRIED 🙄 just proves how childish and drama thirsty the whole world is Annoying Let's record shit from your lives and talk about that, shall we??
Comment from : Shauni Rickey

Princess Sindy
Men change for who they want to change Selena didn't bring that out in Justin and shes mad
Comment from : Princess Sindy

Princess Sindy
I dont hate Selena and I dont LOVE justin but come on let's be REAL selena SUUUUCKS at singing She does not have real talent so it makes sense that shes using justin to promote and sell her album
Comment from : Princess Sindy

Cara does not give sh*t about being the third one It's the fact that he blocked her without a reason guys Her defending taylor swift was only right and no reason for justin to block her!
Comment from : SteffiAJG

if someone would be in a position to eat foods like these, he or she would definitely go to answer a question even if you don't know the answer Cara should understand that situation of Justin's and if she says she is a friend of Justin and have known himshe shouldnt've been posted that picture and not by taking it positivelyits not his fault duhbrhe clearly mentioned no hate!!!brhe might be not that close to Cara
Comment from : Jaisha

Okay but if we’re being honest Selena’s songs that are about Justin clearly get much more attention and do better than her other songs, I’m sure she’s not blind to that since her first two singles happened to be about him which is probably why she dropped “feel me” like let’s not pretend it’s all coincidence just sayin lol
Comment from : vanessagonzxx

Dianne Moraes
Is anyone gonna talk about the followers she lost after this??
Comment from : Dianne Moraes

Sharon Palmer
Why does your ass show have to make some thing out of nothing Justin did not say she was last cuz least favorite ,simply spent least time with her Why is this even a topic
Comment from : Sharon Palmer

All American
✋STOP ✋STOP✋STOPbr✋STOP TRYING ✋brPosting videos bout that immature, full of herself gal👎Who never treated her man right👎Made him feel less than her👎 she wasn't in love with him👎rather with her own SAD WITCH self 👎🚫GO AWAY🚫 selena👎 you're so incomparable to who he's blessed with👐 you're not even the past☝merely a fling, a crush Last advice to miss gomez is to :- br🚫LEAVE Mrs Biebers ALONE🚫br✋STOP TRYING✋
Comment from : All American

Leave Justin alone
Comment from : zamy23

yeizel R
Justine is ugly without million on his account i don't think hailey will dare even to look at him without popularity and money duh
Comment from : yeizel R

blah blah
Not a bieber fan I'm on his side cara is stupid It's obvious justin doesnt like you hence why he privately blocked you He didnt want to eat a bull penis so he did the ranking which either way would've caused drama so he tried to say something to save the situation which it would've if she wouldn't have been a dumbass about it and went off online instead of talking go him in person
Comment from : blah blah

Jon B
Why selena Never talk about the artist WEEKEND ? Why ? Info please !
Comment from : Jon B

Emily Kramny
She was joking LOL u guys make it a bigger deal
Comment from : Emily Kramny

Looks like Cara can't take a joke smh
Comment from : Courtney

EniLinkFit Eni
The only friend that i always can see is how Maeva something 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Comment from : EniLinkFit Eni

Jay1 Walaka
Just wake up and cause chaos😅🤣🤣
Comment from : Jay1 Walaka

Agust D
I was just thinking about cara this morning 🤯🤯
Comment from : Agust D

Cara was being hypersensitive and irrational
Comment from : Lenin

A We don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes and I’m pretty sure shady stuff has been exchangedbrbrB We all read Justins “apology” to Taylor and knew he missed the point and was gaslightingcara called him out brbrC You don’t block your friends
Comment from : Annelvine

Nirmita Tulsa
Interesting that he said he spend a lot of time with Gigi Hadid when Hailey said publicly that Gigi helped with Justin’s “Lyme Disease” How can you not spend a lot of time with someone who helps you with a disease that effects you for months? brbrHe ain’t gonna “change” Selena did dodge a bullet
Comment from : Nirmita Tulsa

Maria Katsalirou
Am i the only one who is physically disgusted by Justin Bieber? He looks so dirty i can't even
Comment from : Maria Katsalirou

Joel Dan
1: JB gave a clear explanation that his rankings were based on his personal relationship and not bcoz he had something again thembrbr2: Even if he had something against Cara, at least he had the decency to not shout it out in National Television and cause drama However, as the dialogue goes in the movie 1917, "SOME MEN JUST WANT THE FIGHT" (woman in this case lol)
Comment from : Joel Dan

Natali Bessey
Damn cara is salty as hell 😂 he was obviously not trying to cause drama but i guess shes all about that
Comment from : Natali Bessey

Bina Marshiangbai
Cara you r the bad ass girl like she slap him in the face this is so uncomfortable right now Hailey what r you gonna do if Justin ate his Pennis ball this is not a joke like fire in the face she make me laugh really good laugh can't believed she said that
Comment from : Bina Marshiangbai

pinkk heangg
i honestly dont think that Cara attack because she was named the least favorite Justin said he has nothing against her, but yet he blocks her, like if i was Cara i would do that too It's just crazy that people pretend like they have nothing against you when they actually do
Comment from : pinkk heangg

James asked jb about his wife’s friends not his friends What a stupid answer was that: bc i spend more time with kendall It was not about him But his answer was really personal can you not see that🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ besides he actually meant that he slept more time with kendall and maybe he doesn’t like cara bc she’s really critical about him and his manager God you people are so brainwashed You believe others so easily
Comment from : AS

Ruth Lulu
Sorry but cara was being silly
Comment from : Ruth Lulu

Natalie Grace
Which songs is the weeknd singing about Bella? Or lemme say it depends with how you interprete the song
Comment from : Natalie Grace

Juliana Carwile
Gigi and cara is not hailey's friend
Comment from : Juliana Carwile

I adore you too
Comment from : JenJenAnimal&MusicLver

No shade
Comment from : JenJenAnimal&MusicLver

Yanna Ko
Ok In this case, Justin wasn't even being shady -i_____/i- And I'm not even a Beiber fan
Comment from : Yanna Ko

Layla Lee
Yall forgot cara use to be friendly with selena ?
Comment from : Layla Lee

alana mago
Yesss!!! PREACH GUYS!!!! 🙌♥️🤘
Comment from : alana mago

I would look this channel more when y'all stop talking about justin I don't look since that
Comment from : EK

Giselle HYFR
Calling Selena a flop isn’t even far from the truth Her highest charting song from her newest album was lose you to love me (about jb) and the rest of the album charted for like 1 week tops and now no one is listening to it anymore except her stans Also she can’t sing and hasn’t improved since the start of her career
Comment from : Giselle HYFR

Jessica Jeans
Courtney!! I love your shirt! Crash Bandicoot all the way!
Comment from : Jessica Jeans

Cortnie Goodrich
The Weeknd has never put out any good music, so I highly doubt his new album will be anything but trash God he’s such a disgusting man
Comment from : Cortnie Goodrich

Cara said what she said but Justin just blocked her may have been due to a lil bad blood just cause she defended Taylor and basically in short a lil disagreement and justin didnt wanna eat bull penis 🙃
Comment from : Pepper

People need to stop being so negative btw Selena wrote two WHOLE songs about how she does not like Justin he is the past and her focusing on her music along with herself is the future ❤️❤️❤️❤️ @hollywoodscoop
Comment from : Kayyymcdonald

Zailey 143
Maybe Justin should have refused to answer that ? 🧐 like they can’t make him eat the Penis
Comment from : Zailey 143

Viva Nicaragua
I think she knows why she’s saying that , we don’t know their friendship they had before I bet she’s the kind of friend who always says the things nobody’s want to tell you
Comment from : Viva Nicaragua

Jenny Mclean
If he didn’t mean it why did he block her number ? Not buying it
Comment from : Jenny Mclean

I want Sel to release Love Will Remember I just love the song and have no desire to see her with JB She did dodge a bullet with that one lol
Comment from : S M

JB should have declined that question and eaten up Shouldn't mess with the wife's friends
Comment from : S M

Just listen to feel me and that is definitely Shade! Lmao especially if you listen to changes from Justin Lmao 😂! Yeah Sel Still bitter, Maybe can’t blame her
Comment from : justa187

Jjjustin is an ugly man, skinny, sallow, runty, with A parse dirty mustash
Comment from : wendyknoxleet

Nadine Bürgermeister
before 2016 nobody knew who hailey was justin really got her a career she said it was hard for her as a model, yeah right because you are way to small and you have a shitty walk on the catwalk she will never split from justin just because she knows that she got famous and all the covers and campaigns just become of him without him, she would have no job lol
Comment from : Nadine Bürgermeister

Kyky Smith
Lol I love CaraShe told him off lol
Comment from : Kyky Smith

Brooklyn Ohio
Hailey who ooo right 9 years fleek
Comment from : Brooklyn Ohio

I fuckin love Cara When she shaded Justin and defended Selena in that long paragraph under one of hailey's posts That shit was funny as hell It was something like "your man is anything but a gentleman" however she should've just ignored the dumb game Justin was pressured into playing in that interview Cara you're better than the Biebers in so many ways Pay them no mind sweetheart ❤
Comment from : blvcksheep

With all these celebrity interactions you have to think that there is so much more that goes on behind the scenes than what we know Cara could have a bigger reason to be upset and this was the icing on the cake for her🤔
Comment from : AhhhOk

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