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How To Plot Your Hard Drives For Burstcoin Using The CPU Or GPU Plotter


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Название :  How To Plot Your Hard Drives For Burstcoin Using The CPU Or GPU Plotter
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Коментарии How To Plot Your Hard Drives For Burstcoin Using The CPU Or GPU Plotter

oh my lordy i read the help for the GPU plotter, i still dont clearly understand it what a painbrI dont understand the batch files , i have run the help command line and listed devices and checked the readme, i am not getting it brbrThere is not enough context and examples brSo using basic baby steps , u have a 2 tb hard drive and u will start from nounce 0 and u will use 2 cpu threads and u will write a full size 2tb plot filebrI dont understand why i dont see it easy as thisbrcpu and gpu plot examples,
Comment from : RedX

16:00 gpu plotting
Comment from : Sawedoffsob

Boll & Holly new
plz tell me about plot types PCo1 or PCo2
Comment from : Boll & Holly new

Boll & Holly new
if we use two hard disk nonces will start 0 to end brfor the second disk will it also start from 0 or will it start end number of 1st hard disk
Comment from : Boll & Holly new

Please help install under Linux mint 18 cannot past openCL errorbruser@PC1 /media/user/F/Work/Mining/burst/gpuPlotGenerator-bin-centos-x64-413 $ /gpuPlotGenerator generate buffer /media/user/Burst-1/Piot/123456_0_3711168_3711168br-------------------------brGPU plot generator v412br-------------------------brAuthor: Cryobr----brLoading platformsbrLoading devicesbrbr[ERROR][-1][CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND] Unable to retrieve the OpenCL devices numberbrbrscreenshotbr  sun1-4userapicom/c840634/v840634402/8270c/KQCCjxWTI70jpgbrbrbr /gpuPlotGenerator listDevices 0br-------------------------brbrbrDevices number: 1br----brId: 0brType: GPUbrName: GeForce GTX 1080brVendor: NVIDIA CorporationbrVersion: OpenCL 12 CUDAbrDriver version: 39626brMax clock frequency: 1797MHzbrMax compute units: 20brGlobal memory size: 7GB 950MB 256KBbrMax memory allocation size: 1GB 1005MB 576KBbrMax work group size: 1024brLocal memory size: 48KBbrMax work-item sizes: (1024, 1024, 64)
Comment from : linux4dom

I initially plotted a 1 Tb hard drive and now i want to plot more drives and expand the total drive capacity to 10 TB can i copy the plots from the 1 Tb hard drive onto the machine which has 10 TB drives ? if so how do i plot the remainder of the 9 TB space, i mean what settings should i use ?
Comment from : ROHIT SIMHA REDDY

Robert Joyce
Is there any chance you could give step by step instructions on how to use the GPU plotter and if there are any alternatives? I spent 3 days plotting my 5Tb drive, only to have it crap out at the end saying that it couldn't write some file to the drivebrUsing XPlotter is out of the question on that drive size
Comment from : Robert Joyce

ced ha
hi lee hey did you end up fixing the gpu memory for the plotter, mine is saying the same 256mb and its taking over 6 hrs to plot 1tb please help something is cleary wrong here
Comment from : ced ha

Ayman , Seaf
i am new here what is the next step after plotting ?
Comment from : Ayman , Seaf

Serky‘s Channel
Hey how can i plot multiple hdds? Or do i need to plot them one at a time?
Comment from : Serky‘s Channel

Unity Twins
So if I had a 1tb harddrive does that mean in the makeplotsbat file for the gpu plotter I would have to put in 1099511627776 instead of 40000 to completely plot my whole harddrive?
Comment from : Unity Twins

Mark Cedrick Jocson
Question:brWhat if I have 2pcs of 5TB of hard drive (total of 10TB hardDrive) and plotted the 1st 5TB HardDrive w(0_20,480,000 nonces)brwhat will be the number for the 2nd 5TB HardDrive,bris it (0_20,480,000 nonces) or (20,480,000_40,960,000 nonces) ? which one of those are correct? ty
Comment from : Mark Cedrick Jocson

Saki Loki
Numeric ID is not showing and cannot be copied, Anyone know why?
Comment from : Saki Loki

Jonathan Dooling
Please help need to start mining send one burst ThanksbrBURST-GMKW-6XX9-U6E6-HUR4G
Comment from : Jonathan Dooling

The Farmer
Hello can anyone send me 2 burstcoins so I can start mining? all faucets are dry and I can't get any just 2 will make be startbrBURST-ZRZM-79YH-LATA-3LX98brThanks
Comment from : The Farmer

Shane Campbell
Hi Lee, fellow Brit here and loving the vids I have seen so far Can you confirm these links to CPU and GPU plotters are still current and not hijacked Concerned about Janror's and BATs files Thanks, in advance
Comment from : Shane Campbell

Crypto Ask
is this still relevant?
Comment from : Crypto Ask

Can you use the GPU for plotting while also mining Ethereum with the same GPU?
Comment from : epicdeuce

Kill-Them-All Gaming
using gpu plotter and i get this "error unable to open plots file" any ideas?
Comment from : Kill-Them-All Gaming

jacob medeso
Writing the command for the plot confuse me? (I have a elements WD 1tb external hdd)
Comment from : jacob medeso

Peter Olson
So, I already have some plotted drives How do I know what nonces to start at for the NEXT drive I plot? Must be a way to look that up on the drives???? I am wanting to plot some 8TB drives How many nonces per drive?
Comment from : Peter Olson

Hey guys, can someone send me couple of burst please , I want to start mining, thanks brBURST-RQXP-4H4K-CMVV-GP63N
Comment from : Jack

Hi Lee, thanks for the tutorial, I am GPU plotting 6 x 8TB LaCies out at the moment, my plots are 1TB in size as follows: 0_4096000_8192 next plot file on same disk is 4096001_4096000_8192 next is 8192002_4096000_8192 and so on Getting about 30,000 nonce/min write speed on a Sapphire 7970 in buffer mode and will optimize them when I have finished 1 drive Since I have not overlapped the first and last nonces in my files, is that ok?
Comment from : KM MINING

I have 32GB of ram and a 2TB HDD, I am using the following bat: brbrbrwplotgenerator 15923297853448434668 0 640000 320000 7brbrHowever if i make it so its: brbrwplotgenerator 15923297853448434668 0 1280000 640000 7brbrIt crashes am i doing something wrong?
Comment from : MrBenFTW

Gotta love GPU parallel processing! Mining on 5 drives while plotting 4 more on the same system and GPU, at the same time, is a real efficiency booster Now if the price will just recover, there would be the possibility of ROI within the hardware's (and my) lifetime ;-)
Comment from : DefiantMiner

Hey Lee I'm really getting into Burst mining thanks to you and your tutorials, thank you! Question: In order to plot two plots at the same time do I have to make any adjustments to the devicestxt file for amount of memory allocated or can I keep everything the same Also, I do have two GTX970's so should I configurethe other GPU device in the devices-setupbat file and make a separate makeplots-directmode x drivebat file for second GPU? I have 16Gb of DDR3 RAM Thanks
Comment from : SilverTorch66

The plot files don't need to be sequentially written on sequential drives, do they? ie I can make plot ranges on any of many drives as long as they don't overlap the ranges them selves and I keep track of what ranges are on which drives in case of future failure
Comment from : DefiantMiner

Question about plot/stagger - technically 6963200 nonces to fill a particular drive How best to break that up so that you get an even stagger? Something like: 0_6000000_20000 and 6000000_6800000_20000 with some empty space or come up with some odd span and divisible stagger to make one plot?
Comment from : DefiantMiner

I'm setting up a dedicated miner (24 drives, 50TB) and was wondering about the read/write activity during mining Will it create a performance issue by partitioning the mechanical boot drive into C: & D: and plotting D: (about 14TB) and mining it? Or should I just separate the boot drive from plotting/mining activity?
Comment from : DefiantMiner

Luiz Antonio
I want to start mining, someone can pls send me some burst? BURST-C3CF-BDWZ-33NU-49VPZ
Comment from : Luiz Antonio

Steve Greenwood
Lee is there an upper limit to the nonce starting number? I have of my 2 drives with nonces of 750000001 and 760000001 they don't find any deadlines Any ideas or is it just random change?brCheersbrSteveG
Comment from : Steve Greenwood

New to mining Great video BURST-WPXS-DSXF-TMK9-8HHBJ (send anything you can to help me get upgrades)brConsidering some upgrades so I can help the burstcoin networks more brbrCurrently rocking 2tbs and plan to setup a few dedicated gpu miners w/ 6 10tb drives attached to each brbrI look forward in growing with this community
Comment from : Live-Tech

Im kinda having problems getting the gpuplotter setup I keep getting this error [ERROR][-36][CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE] Error in step2 kernel finish brbrAnybody know something about this?
Comment from : Norways

It keeps reading the CPU and won't read the GPU
Comment from : SilverTorch66

Heimer Donger
Whats the difference between "buffermodebat" and "directmodebat" ?
Comment from : Heimer Donger

Tulum Live
Hello! If i want to use GPU miner do i need to make plots by GPU plotter? And which video adapter is better in your opinion if i want to make hdd farm? Thanks
Comment from : Tulum Live

Michael Chadrick
I have 2 5tb externals I plotted the 1st drive using the plotter built into the wallet If i want to plot my second drive do I have to manually set the nonces so they do not overlap? Or will the wallet plotter automatically set the nonces so they dont overlap?
Comment from : Michael Chadrick

How do you do the math to determine the number of nonces to write for your drive?  I have an 8tb Seagate expansion drive, 16mb ram  How long should this take with a nvidea 1080 and an i7 with 16 threads?
Comment from : Betorxan

Jakes Corner
Super useful video! Just wanted to ask (can't remember if you said) but how do you generate 27k nonces a minute? I'm using a 750Ti 2GB, 8GB of RAM for GPU plotting and the max I can get even on an internal SSD is 8000 a minute, have tried reconfiguring the devicestxt and stagger sizes in the batch file but perhaps my config is wrong, I'll post them if you could look at them quick for me:brbrdevicestxt - 0 0 512 128 1024 (Nvidia 750Ti 2GB)brStagger size for 400GB - 6400brbrI remember you saying the bigger the stagger size the better but I'm still confused at how far I can go with only 8GB of system RAM and 2GB of VRAM Any help would be majorly appreciated :)brbrEdit: Saw you're using a GTX 970 and I suppose that's the main reason for the generation speeds, not sure if I can optimize what I've got still though
Comment from : Jakes Corner

I try to create plots ( a few times now) just with a test size of 6gb on my 5tb HDbut it seems like it is plotting the entire drive each time I want to test it first but this issue seems like it will take hours just to complete the testany suggestions?
Comment from : Heart2Cruise

Herrie Stengel
Gpu plotter is faster, so why would you ever use the cpu plotter?
Comment from : Herrie Stengel

Anitech - Isaac Patturajan
Do we need to run the makeplots on the disk I am going to use for Burst or can it run just from the downloads folder Also how do I link the 8tb disk to the plot
Comment from : Anitech - Isaac Patturajan

Im really confused on what to do What would I put for an 8 TB Drive?
Comment from : Parallax

You never explained what a nonce was Pls help me First time in burst mining!
Comment from : Parallax

Menphistore Oneromelif
Hi What difference about plott with Burstcoin Walletr program ? im try plott my new 3 Tb Seagate Backup External , but is so slooowwwww , 2 days and 38 you mode is better and much fast about the Standard with Burstcoin Wallet program ?
Comment from : Menphistore Oneromelif

What do each of the numbers do in that batch file? Im still a bit confused
Comment from : Parallax

seems the db download is not working can sombody please host a download a torrent or something, thanksbr :)
Comment from : RobbO

George W
hi, Just reading this please if I do GPU to plot, can I use the same plot with CPU to mine
Comment from : George W

This manual plotting is actually better than this one in wallet?
Comment from : Tioss89

fabiamo campos
Parabéns !!!! Meu amigo Sucesso para ti
Comment from : fabiamo campos

Gillroy Marshall
how much nonces for 4tb? im a newbie
Comment from : Gillroy Marshall

Gillroy Marshall
Hi wplotgenerator 14216533320375699792 0 40000 10000 7 how much will the setting be for a 4TB drive O and will be working on this pc also will i only plot the 4tb once and get burst every payout time?
Comment from : Gillroy Marshall

John Neu
Your videos are uber helpful!
Comment from : John Neu

When I use Xplotter with all 8 cores, there will be a yellow line saying (14200 nonces per minute - writing scoops) my CPU usage will be at 100brbrHowever, it doesn't run at full speed the whole time The line rather than staying yellow using 100 of my CPU, turns white and just saying "writing scoops" and my cpu usage drops to like 1 brbrWhy isn't my CPU usage 100 the whole time? I know people that are able to plot extremely quickly because their usage stays at 100 throughout the whole plotbrbrDo I have a slow drive?
Comment from : Deluxe

Cauã Csik
i want to plot 10tb, how much i put in the values
Comment from : Cauã Csik

thanks when i copied your devicestxt my 1080 is plotting now at 46K nonces per minutebryoure a hero!
Comment from : QuidPanic

Absolutely great video!! You are the man I was pulling out whatever hair I had left until I saw your presentationbrbrKudos!!!!
Comment from : Gringo56

I'm using the wallet for mining - but i think it uses xplotter by default Soon I'll be done plotting my first drivebut which file do I edit (and how) to make sure the next drive plots different nonces? Many thanks
Comment from : Af0

Matei Neagu
Great explanation! I still have problems with receiving the Burst from faucet to get startedbrbrMy address is - BURST-KWWS-J5XQ-NYT5-BLPAGbrIs the format wrong or something?brbrThank you!
Comment from : Matei Neagu

Smith Alex
hi, i just started plotting my hdd but after half a day it still stucked at 9984 how long should i wait ? can i restart the process ? or wait for some days for it to finish ? :D
Comment from : Smith Alex

necmettin coskun
hi, thank you for your video i downloaded cpu plotter but it doesn't work when i click on it, a windows comes and goes immediately nothing happens what is wrong thank you
Comment from : necmettin coskun

farbod mahini
what is the best os for this ? br- Windows Server br- Linuxbr- Windows 10br- Windows 7brbr64 Bit or 32bit ?brbrif I want to plot with this config :bri7-3770 8×34Ghz 32GB DDR3 RAM 4x6TB SATAbrhow many days will be ended ?
Comment from : farbod mahini

Murukuru Kuru
why do you use wplotgenerator for cpu plotting,and can I put stagger 40k for 40k nonces?
Comment from : Murukuru Kuru

Hello again! Thank for the previous answer I went for the I7 7700K with 16 GB for plotting and mining Now my next question would be if I can connect 26 external LaCie 8TB each HDD (200TB) Will the computer take it? Or it's not recommended? Will it affect the etereum mining? I mention that it has 7 GPU's RX480 Thank you in advance for your answer and keep it up! I love you channel Good luck!
Comment from : hiltoncriss

thank you very much well explained you know your stuff
Comment from : opinions

First of all I want to thank you for all you vids! Just amazing! I want to build a mining rig with 6 X RX580 for mining ethereum I would like to buy 12 X LaCie 8Tb hdd (like you have) to mine burst What processor would you recommend so I don't affect the H rate of the Ethereum by mining Burst A cheap Celeron is ok or I need to go for an I7? I would really appreciate if you can help me with this
Comment from : hiltoncriss

Mark Ryan Li
I downloaded the Makeplotsbat however I didn't see any thing in it nothing numbers Did I make a mistake?
Comment from : Mark Ryan Li

Hey, i've got a 5tb external hard drive but i'm being told 100 plot is gonna be something like 47tb is this normal?
Comment from : VinnyVader

Is there an advantage of plotting the drives this way, instead of using the plotter in the wallet?  Great videos btw
Comment from : Franco

if i am not wrong the burst coin wallet also will help u to plot your drive right?
Comment from : OY JC

Tony Whittle
I would skip burst until they come out with an easier way to set it up
Comment from : Tony Whittle

John G
Hello I am trying to plot 5TB HDD How many Plots do you recomend I do? What is the best size of every plot? Thank you
Comment from : John G

Great post! I've gone from knowing 00000 of anything about burst to gpu plotting 180GBs in two days with 10 of 32GBs RAM and a GTX 750ti SC processor One point, would be to separate out the GPU as it's own section It's a little tricky to decipher all in one go brbrMany thanks for the info! I'll gladly toss some coin your way when I'm in the dough :D
Comment from : Gambytron

Could someone explain me what is the difference between Direct and Buffer plotting with GPU Plotter?brbrWhich is better with around 40TB of HDDs?brbrIf so far I plotted everything with built in CPU plotter and my reading times are 28s longest Should I plot them again with either Direct or Buffer?brbrSome of my plots are made of 500GB some with 3TB, does it really affect overall efficiency?brbrThanks in advance for help
Comment from : cryptocropping

Edward Quach
How many watts does the GPU use?
Comment from : Edward Quach

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