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Why Open Source and Give Software Away?


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Название :  Why Open Source and Give Software Away?
Продолжительность :   16.10
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Просмотров :   25 rb

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Коментарии Why Open Source and Give Software Away?

Bad Username
Now I want a video of Chris roasting the worst closed-source software
Comment from : Bad Username

Comment from : PWall

There are so many programmers in the world now that with the exception of some specialized areas, coding is a commodity This is evident in how game developers are being treated by the AAA companies
Comment from : Stage6Fan

Open source is very good for a project funded by institutions or a hobby or without profit project It's not a feasible business model unless there is other income
Comment from : Gemiro

Roberto Sánchez
Weak, normie view on this topic, sorry
Comment from : Roberto Sánchez

this is a good video to share with those toxic pricks who think open source is bad or think windows/mac is the only way to go lmao
Comment from : JR J

Hellscream Games
Good video
Comment from : Hellscream Games

Frédérick Lebeault
It's not always about the money
Comment from : Frédérick Lebeault

Thank you!
Comment from : Chell

Joe Bruno
I think a lot of people throw the baby out with the bath water Taking the good part of one idea and mixing it with the good part of another can make something great It does not just work for software with open source and closed source We can look at hybrid cars, political systems, healthcare People should have an open mind and try to critically think what is good, what is bad, why do people like this
Comment from : Joe Bruno

Vladislav Karas
Thanks for the video!brbrNow it is more clare for me!
Comment from : Vladislav Karas

ARI-ATH Badminton
Cancerous subscrib models companies are pushing these days are the reason open-source is rising (Both in quality and popularity)
Comment from : ARI-ATH Badminton

Spawn Cap
Todays programmers should be happy for open source today In the 80's all software compilers were close sourced You had to purchase all compilers in order to write code if you wanted to go beyond basic unless you knew machine language Today you have all resources you need to learn coding and start making software without spending a dime
Comment from : Spawn Cap

Spawn Cap
Old nerdy coders like me always shared our source code in the 70's and 80's Government, nasa, and giant companies do it Only way you get the unknown genius minds out there looking at it Even close source software have open source components to them
Comment from : Spawn Cap

Radu I
Amazing video! What do you think about Apple way, apple software and OS?
Comment from : Radu I

Johannes Davidsen
Do you want some bmight be/b boost for the system tutorial? Just for funbrI didn't touch system as editing or remove them, just put them to other placebrIt might be used on Linux but i sisnt test it 😆brI mean didn't, phone keyboard 😆brI could just explain how it done but i rather do a little video If yes i can try to record from phone and use program to screenrecord it
Comment from : Johannes Davidsen

Mike Bledig
First of all, I don't agree to having pay a "subscription" every year to use someone's program I never ever support those programs If I can't buy the program as a once off, I don't use itbrbrOpen source isn't for the greedy If you use someone's source, give them credit for developing it and sharing out therebrbrMicrosoft has used lots of people's sources to enriched themselves That's why they baught github I see lots of problems coming in the future with open source, cloud crap and the like
Comment from : Mike Bledig

I prefer open source but will gladly use closed source if it meets my needs betterbrbrHOWEVER, one issue I've encountered which annoys me is some closed sourced games with online capabilities will not open source the server hosting related code when they decide to no longer support it That means I basically have a game I purchased but cannot enjoy
Comment from : XiqZo

aaa bbb
In the 90s, I was developing critical software in a well-funded large project, so there was very thorough software testing before release Everything was closed source, guarded secret I am very proud to be a part of it We developers found most of the bugs ourselves We received praise for producing high quality productsbrbrLater, I switched to a small company that did less critical software and much small budget, that relied heavily on Linux opensource So they were lots of bugs when we released it Let the users find the bugs for us LoL
Comment from : aaa bbb

Jason FLT
Chris need a good alternative to Razer audio software I got openRGB and love it
Comment from : Jason FLT

Franky Bats
great vid, programming feels like a foreign world to me - enjoyed your analysis
Comment from : Franky Bats

Computer systems are toys forever Don’t rely on it for security
Comment from : iceboy

This is an amazing video! I was wondering about so many of these things, and it's great to hear some fundamental questions about open source development answered!
Comment from : bennypr0fane

Christian Rocquebrune
A good example of that is RedHat and Fedora RedHat is commercial but must profit immensely from the Fedora community
Comment from : Christian Rocquebrune

My Reviews
Oh man, you are going to ruffle lot of feathers Lol
Comment from : My Reviews

The way doom and quake do it is brilliant, sad they didn't open source the new doom games engines
Comment from : Vuldora

Another great video Chris; I agree with your assessment, conclusions and opinions on this topic
Comment from : Jesse

Hey Chris did you explored ubuntu multipass on Apple silicon mac ?
Comment from : jas51478

Ashish Patel
I agree Hate all the open sourced people hating closed sourced companiesbrThey littlerly fund all major open source projects
Comment from : Ashish Patel

The debt based monetary system is the problem with our society today Because centralized power keeps inflating away our purchasing power we have less time/money/energy to contribute to something like Open Source In other words we are never able to fully reap the fruit of our labor When the world goes back to sound money and humans aren't squeezed so hard, there will be high possibility that society at large will start to value FOSS en masse, and finally have the ability to even provide support in the first place
Comment from : TheDirtyGerman

bThings that need/should to be FOSS:/bbr-Any sort of library/Framework in software developmentbr-Packaging, Compiling and Codec Softwarebr-Anything even remotely concerning with security, encryption, cryptographybr-Anything using Blockchain TechnologybrbrbThings that can't realistically be FOSS:/bbr-Anti-Piracy/Anti-Tampering Protectionsbr-Anti-Cheating Software/ Netcode of Online Gamesbr-Software running on weapons (ICBM, Targeting Systems, Radar Systems, Fighter Jet Autopilots )br-Incredibly Expensive to develop Software (big Neural Networks, AAA Games, Civilian Rocket Software, Manufacturing Maschine Software)
Comment from : Nekrosis

what i like about open source is transparency , and being sure that my data / privacy is safe bri like some closed source softwarebrbut sometimes i see them as scam with violating some privacy or charging overexagerated amount of money for support and licence , i can list ORACLE and SAP for the "support"brand windows for privacybrbrbut for example Redhat and Suse are doing good imo,br and a lot of web services that charge some money for the hosting are fine toobreven some small programs with one purchase and not a lifetime subscription are good
Comment from : Mehdi YAHIA CHERIF

Bryan Brewer
My ex had "open sore's"🤣😅😂
Comment from : Bryan Brewer

Donald Mickunas
Hey Chris,brbrI like your position on this issue Great video You still ROCK!
Comment from : Donald Mickunas

Peter Bush
Carey Holzman he uses closed for his customers He said he can trust closed to work He has customers pay for something work and not be changed
Comment from : Peter Bush

Mopey bloke
I listened to this video while playing Quake on a source portv😎
Comment from : Mopey bloke

Tom Spencer
I like your old videos because everything looks so clunky
Comment from : Tom Spencer

Bobby Bologna
A great argument for why Open-Source look at companies are doing to our own friggin farmers! It's unacceptable! If only we could afford the tractors they use and work out some sort of way to open source their equipment, they should not be going through what they go through just to get vegetables to grow out of the ground
Comment from : Bobby Bologna

Obviously both open and closed source have their advantages and disadvantages and I'll gladly pay for a closed source program if it meets my needs I also don't mind closed source forks of open source projects (Chrome is a good example) And while I'm the last person to ever say "there oughtta be a law" I do believe that all social media software and algorithms should be required to be open source just for the sake of protecting the public from whatever nefarious crap Big Tech (and the CCP) are up to
Comment from : Zundfolge

amr zakaria
Thanks , mixing between open and closed source can help a lot
Comment from : amr zakaria

Alexei Savrasov888
Hi Chris (or anyone), a small question that's been bugging me Your video about Obsidian led me to start using it; great program, thanksbrI'm just curious because it's the first program I've come across that doesn't seem to need a "save" buttondoes it save automatically? does it somehow not need to save because 'markup'? what's going on?brI still can't help pressing Ctrl-S, but wondering why it's different
Comment from : Alexei Savrasov888

The worst closed source by a long way is Windows I hate them
Comment from : Martin

Gaurav Srivastava
For learning open-source is best
Comment from : Gaurav Srivastava

My My
I always assumed that the biggest reason was to get experience in serious coding and showcase your skills to the world, thus getting a better wage in the long run
Comment from : My My

Nelly Nelson
I litterally thought Open Sourse meant that it was open to review fro other people and any malware etc would be found so it clean
Comment from : Nelly Nelson

itzame Dave
Love your work much appreciated and love the updated studio looks great 👍👍
Comment from : itzame Dave

Same I'm in that boat (the grey area)
Comment from : Moss

Not Fabian Tapia
Nice video compresion!
Comment from : Not Fabian Tapia

You are looking Chubbier! 😅
Comment from : トゥンジ

MD Yusuf Ahmed #Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Hey Chris, what OS do you use in your Desktop PC ? (Fedora/Ubuntu/Debian)
Comment from : MD Yusuf Ahmed #Bangladesh 🇧🇩

CM Supreme
1st comment
Comment from : CM Supreme

You do good work keep it up
Comment from : ko1078

Adham Allam
Great Video !
Comment from : Adham Allam

Eddie 2P
because he wants his program to be the best it can be
Comment from : Eddie 2P

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