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How Did they Build the Suez Canal? 1859 to Today: Extreme Constructions | Documentary


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Название :  How Did they Build the Suez Canal? 1859 to Today: Extreme Constructions | Documentary
Продолжительность :   51.41
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Просмотров :   815 rb

Кадры How Did they Build the Suez Canal? 1859 to Today: Extreme Constructions | Documentary

Описание How Did they Build the Suez Canal? 1859 to Today: Extreme Constructions | Documentary

Коментарии How Did they Build the Suez Canal? 1859 to Today: Extreme Constructions | Documentary

Mediterranean ocean?
Comment from : @TinLeadHammer

Woops sorry can't go that way anymore!!!
Comment from : @danieltorrens4954

Thank god the era of these global catastrophes is nearly over
Comment from : @jbyrd655

Colonizers They tried to split mother Afrika up and call it the “Middle East” when they’re is no Middle West That’s North East Afrika😢😢😢😢
Comment from : @benjaminmills9169

A very interesting vid!
Comment from : @felixthecleaner8843

Why do folks force people to listen AND read to obtain the full understanding of a video? How stupid!
Comment from : @lourias

Egypt: we need 8 billion euros to reconstruct the canalbrThe people: 💸 💰
Comment from : @atsipan

Ugh ai voiceover Gone
Comment from : @christophertownley6734

How does the water not seep thru the sand?
Comment from : @jamesmason8944

Hi there and thanks for the video Btw it's the "Mediterranean Sea" not the "Mediterranean Ocean"
Comment from : @berosi

My ship was part of the first United States Navy nuclear task force to transit the Suez There were three ships Two cruisers and an aircraft carrier
Comment from : @williamcarter6433

I only know of 3 ship canals in rhe world this one Panama and Manchester ship canal wonder if there is any more
Comment from : @BarryFurey-ez3kc

Comment from : @mikeadler434

It's Ibn Batutanot IBN Batuta!!
Comment from : @marcusothman3435

So the Egyptian government sold shares to the general population to finance the extensions?
Comment from : @mikecimerian6913

😲Sungai BESAR saja di keruk agar Tembus Ke SeeaL, Land' 🤦🏻‍♀️👍🏻👍🏻🏌️‍♂️🤝🏻
Comment from : @EkoPrasetyo-kn5cf-KNIFE

Ads every 4-6 minutes? You're at an all-time low, YouTube
Comment from : @screaminj3371

Future 666
Comment from : @ingridduncan6686

Waarom kunnen die fransen niet gewoon in het Engels spreken
Comment from : @robteselle8952

Western people is the brain of the new civillization of technology dont hate them
Comment from : @woodyjencanete8857

So I imagine during the construction and dredging they discovered oil on the banks of these countries and now they’re trying to hide it and take it over
Comment from : @sabotagesabotage7927

This documentary says that thousands of manual workers died during the construction of the Suez Canal, but its focus is not the humanitarian tragedy All the attention of those who watch the documentary is drawn to the success of the technologies created to accelerate the construction of the original channel and used to expand it recently In the "business as usual" world, machines have life and are revered as if they were living beings But the poor workers who died have no right to be humanized No one needs to know their names, how old they were and what the details of the deadly accidents were? Did their families suffer? Are there any descendants of theirs who could give testimony? These questions were considered irrelevant, because as if it were a Pyramid, the Suez Canal devoured the lives of thousands of manual workers and their stories as well
Comment from : @fabiodeoliveiraribeiro1602

Suez canal being constructed through a long western European endeavors transferring power to Egyptian reign, that brwould be brotherhoodness quite a global mischief ! However, the port Tewfiq to Heliopolis event during Egyptian-Palestinian conflict would might have some implications for the kushite generations !
Comment from : @gauravkumarsinghemail

How to get rid of migraines have a draft
Comment from : @michaelfranklinwhibley2935

I've been through the Suez but the best canal was the Panama canal, it was far more interesting
Comment from : @paulstewart6293

The 19th century minimalist start to the small proto Suez canal in Egypt and proto Trans Siberian Railway "right of way" in Russia were both the work of conscripted serfs serving their ruling despots What they accomplished with little more than their bare hands gave later foreign investors the confidence to fund the expensive machinery and other logistics required to successfully complete both projects going forward
Comment from : @t5ruxlee210

The Suez Canal is 110 miles long and dead level flat from one end to the other brNo locks or steps brWhat does that tell you about the shape of earth?
Comment from : @raymond3803

The current one is the second or possibly third canal I understand the last ancient canal was built by Pharoah Ptolemy 2 It remained in use for about 900 years Its last documented use was in 767 AD
Comment from : @jimgraham6722

But how quickly things can change, show the rocket attack from the Houthi -rebels- brA Maersk spokesman said his company will not send anymore, at least for the time being, their big containerships through the canal For fear of an attack brBut since all the profitable Christmas and New Years junk and the containers full of even cheaper Chinese fireworks have been delivered long ago,don't think they will cry much
Comment from : @benediktmorak4409

Excuse me? From the first line you said THE MEDITERRANEAN OCEAN😂😂😂 HAHAHA
Comment from : @facts3442

Irritating background music😢
Comment from : @bharamurayar3025

1) I've known a little bit about the geopolitical situation and the subsequent constitution in the 1860 Seems I only knew a very littlebr2) It appears that this video was made prior to the Evergiven grounding, ironic to see Evergreen shipping in the videobr3) It seems there is a constant tension between how big a vessel can be made and how much time and money can be devoted to the mantance and expansion of the canal
Comment from : @nilo9456

and Egypt charges sometimes over a million dollars each to transit the canal
Comment from : @billl5830

Israel wants to dig another canal
Comment from : @thomasdonovan3580

A French company build to Canal The Suez canal company Was given a 99 year lease to build and operator the canal
Comment from : @Sergecalifornia

I don't need to hear the actual construction people in their native tongue because I don't like to have to read subtitles Too hard on my poor eyes
Comment from : @We_Seek_Truth

Why is it that the Africans are always dosile and accepting of everything against is! This is a cause that was planned to remove the "middle east" from us We know this is our lands no matter what
Comment from : @kwazondi2670

Sailed through the Suez Canal a couple of times both ways on type 23 frigates of the Royal Navy, very impressive
Comment from : @Johnny-w15

Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !" brBasil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam " brMrs Richards: "It's not good enough!" brBasil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window ? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?" brMrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!" brBasil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky" brMrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied But I shall stay But I expect a reduction" brBasil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?"
Comment from : @fredflintstoner596

Tell them to stop making bigger and bigger ships! Or expect to around Africa
Comment from : @sstarklite2181

fascinating! actually
Comment from : @i_smoke_ghosts

Ahhh…the French…only to be stopped by the Panama Canal…
Comment from : @petersweeney5777

Suez was Mr Lesseps high point and Panamá his low point There's no comparison between the two
Comment from : @MegaReception1

Egypt was not a desert in the age of Pharaohs it was a lush grass land
Comment from : @zcam1969

Why can't French people speak English like every other European?
Comment from : @BlazingShackles

Clear as mudmust have been made in the sixties
Comment from : @mikenethery9418

It's all about m3 Who cares about the people anyway???
Comment from : @Johannes_Brahms65

Only the Europeans could have done this
Comment from : @robertruggiero9999

It was probably there from pharaohs time
Comment from : @GoldSpot-pf1yb

37:20 the Mediterranean Ocean 🤣😂🤣😂
Comment from : @RoyvanArem

The spoken French is way to loud
Comment from : @millymccoy8246

Mediterranean “Ocean”???
Comment from : @discgolfillustrated2640

I’ve also spotted 3 dredging company’s before 9 minutes in… Do better
Comment from : @Bossman1990

You just called a cutter suction and a trailer suction the same thing Do better, just do better
Comment from : @Bossman1990

What's with the french
Comment from : @rigrat49

This is so sad Messing up what God has made 😢
Comment from : @Chinagurl

Can the Suez Canal handle a US Aircraft Carier the size of the Gerald Ford?
Comment from : @tomlepski8306

I wanted to see the canal constructedNot a bunch of french people talking about it brI got enough of that from the panama
Comment from : @kennyirish5021

It still amazes me how french people refuse to speak EnglishbrReally sad
Comment from : @petter5721

If you don't know that the Mediterranean is Sea and not an Ocean, ( 0:26) how can you expect anyone to believe your 'facts'?
Comment from : @joshrogan9854

bNot the "best method" to /bbishow & tell/i/bb a story/bbrI still dislike it when documentaries "show me pictures while expecting me to read a text" iat the same time/ibrEven more so when all I had was cable/antenna, and had only one chance to do one or the other, and could not go back to "do both" (watch & read)brSometimes it's a hassle, but at least now I have the option to watch it as many times as I like
Comment from : @terryyakcm3705

So, why did the 'Evergreen' get stuck??😢
Comment from : @suecollins8199

29:15 yeah, easy for you to say
Comment from : @Howoldareweanywayyipes

Thank you for this video
Comment from : @mannyespinola9228

Luonto kyllä korjaa ajan myötä tämänkin homman
Comment from : @einolehto-eg1gc

Ihminen yhdisti kaksi viemäriä yhteen,vain hakeekseen taloudellista voittoa
Comment from : @einolehto-eg1gc

The Mediterranean Ocean ?)
Comment from : @John2801Walsh

A man, a plan, a canal, Suez
Comment from : @sarcasmo57

Mediterranean ocean?? Hmmm
Comment from : @zacharyhinschberger2414

Mumble mouth trash
Comment from : @dennisdeckmann9336

Very disjointed and unfocused This jumps back and forth between modern times and the past with no real objective Doesn’t flow very well
Comment from : @erroneous6947

Child's play ,next to the Panama Canal
Comment from : @markpalmer7832

Love YouTube!!!! 14 commercial ads in a 51 minute videoDo they not realize no one actually watches theseOne every 364 minutes!!!!
Comment from : @alschroeder1724

In Egypt, of course, volume is measured in Cheops' Pyramids
Comment from : @lowerquadrant4647

Too much jumping for no reason Would have been more effective and digestible if you would have kept it more chronological
Comment from : @ryanpauloneeyed9669

Why are they speaking spanish ? Speak english
Comment from : @drac0100

Ooh, I like the pharonic caps
Comment from : @sifridbassoon

Vraiment une belle video Elle nous montre comment le canal de suez etait construit et opere depuis sa conception par Ferdinand DeLessep jusqu'a aujourd'hui durant la paix et apres le deux guerres recentes Le canal est le temoin du genie civil francais et la cooperation avec le gouvernement d'Egypte
Comment from : @jackket6708

Thanks a lot
Comment from : @user-ul5pt1yb8z

Ffs crap
Comment from : @billpugh58

The Canal is flat, and the Earth also!!
Comment from : @ursspring4989

Thanks, WHITE PEOPLE! For making this!
Comment from : @rustyshackleford3316

Have sailed through the Suez Canal (as a deck cadet) on a general cargo ship, in 1975, it was first reopened From Port Taufiq to Port Said Amazing Nice Videos
Comment from : @emiralamsyah9668

stupid, constantly jumping from past to present not watchable 😞
Comment from : @SamuelLanghorn

Its a pitty that it seems not possible to evolve and develop such a film strighter and with more Conduction! So it is a chaotic noise Event with awfull repetitions etc
Comment from : @singendertanz5075

Oh my sheeshness I'm going back to Gomer Pyle or something
Comment from : @coloradostrong

My only question is how they dealt in that time whit the curvature of the Earth, nowing in the middle of this Chanel the depth must reach less few hundreds meters Thanks for eny engineer who take time to answer to me of this!
Comment from : @scoaladelajurilovca3

The Mediterranean Ocean? Thank you and bye-bye
Comment from : @CalidrisJZ

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