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The Other Side of Suez (BBC Documentary)


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Название :  The Other Side of Suez (BBC Documentary)
Продолжительность :   58.59
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   1 jt

Кадры The Other Side of Suez (BBC Documentary)

Описание The Other Side of Suez (BBC Documentary)

Коментарии The Other Side of Suez (BBC Documentary)

It's good to know that the BBC can be unbiased, being that this Documentary Series covers the Suez Crisis from both the British Point of View ("Suez: A Very British Crisis") as well as the Egyptian Point of View ("The Other Side of Suez") This is probably the best Documentary I've seen on the subject
Comment from : @Mattipedersen

Comment from : @jasonburke7082

I seen this quite a while ago on TV This is the first documentary I seen about Suez and by far the best It was as captivating as a movie as I didn't know much about it
Comment from : @BlueLeopard200

Ahhh, all the things we never knew, and now we dobr🤮😡🤮😡🤮
Comment from : @dsantamaria713

was mreden ever consigered an international terrorist by the Onu
Comment from : @sergioadorni3753

What a sobering lesson to imperial foreign policy Historian Tim Snyder has argued that an empire cannot become a nation state until it has given up all of its former claims on the rights of the indigenous peoples that it has oppressed, colonised, exploited by force, invaded, &c
Comment from : @RalphBrooker-gn9iv

No hay subtitulos!
Comment from : @acg1970

You are always a product of the world 20-30 years after you were born Anthony Eden was born in 1897 and if WWII had never happened, might have become PM in 1942 or so The world of the late 50s came as a complete surprise to him
Comment from : @anonUK

Our leaders are mindless insane and cruelbrAlways the wrong men seek power
Comment from : @greenvelvet

But nasser he won good battle u idiot
Comment from : @ahmedsalim6724

Eden was a moron
Comment from : @aarondavis8943

In realities middle eastern runs by thirsty animalistic power sick mullahs and Pattinson and Chinese dictatorial that don't care about own people None of these governments have people majority Look British and other westen power runs by multinationals companies who don't care about anyone other money What world need is people rolling people and removal of dictatorial regime by own people and wo Chinese or Puttin or westen influences , bbc should only report the news not helping these cartels inhumane animal to spreading Mullahs or Puttin or Chinese or zcartels Agenda, middle eastern have wealth and Brian to be rightful partners of democratic countries Stop supporting dictatorial regime like Chinese Puttin Mullahs in Iran and other idiots that will in the end brings atomic destruction of world
Comment from : @etebmw2020

Comment from : @ZerroCool

The chief military strategist and genius behind Viet Nam's victory over the French Foreign Legion ( Dien Binh Phu) and USA is Giap - a high school teacher The commander of the French Foreign Legion committed suicide inside his bunkers - many of them named after his mistresses Hey nobody committed suicide in Johnson's and Nixon's cabinet in 1975
Comment from : @elizabethtan8343

I've watched another "similar" corroborating documentary: thanks BBC How long did it take Britain to find out PM Eden lied to Parliament? However, Blair got away with lying and bowing to AMerican pressure on Iraq's weapon's of mass destruction And look how quickly Boris J voted out of power Did Israel, upon the instigation of Britain, and France pay war reparations to Egypt??
Comment from : @elizabethtan8343

really good
Comment from : @jenniferfar

Eden called people who end colonialism and exploitation fascist 🤣🤣, the British are the biggest fascist of them all
Comment from : @husbaannurudeenalli9273

BBC always been and now more than ever biased left pro-communist piece of garbage British version of CNN
Comment from : @alexdyskin8782

The year might be 2022 but the world is still run by Eden's, Eisenhower's and Ben-Gurion's fair play to Nasser, stick to your guns mate
Comment from : @nigelbenn4642

When George W decided to go back into Iraq because his Pop hadn't taken Saddam out ,he told the Iraqi people to rise up and they did and Bush 41 stood by and watched Saddam crush the uprising and condemned many to death and torture , GWB knew damn well Saddam was a spent force he lost most of his army and Iraq was was no longer a Mid-east superpower , W lied and lied ,it was proven Saddam hadn't any WMD ,And when he addressed Congress and had UK PM Tony Blair he said "British Intelligence had the evidence " And the camera panned in on Blair and you could see by Blair's look and body language that he knew it was a lie The US and the coalition had more than enough firepower to go right into Bagdad and either arrest or kill Saddam And I remember Gen Al Haig calling Bush 41 a wimp and he was right and that's the only reason W lied through his teeth to go back in and oust Saddam because that's what cost Bush 41 to lose the 1992 election
Comment from : @imarr6688

Ah yes, Eden, a man of peace, striving for peace: a piece of Egypt
Comment from : @michealbohmer2871

Excellent documentary !!
Comment from : @divac1999

If Eden was an idiot, how much of a bigger idiot was Nasser in 1967? So drunk on his own wartime “victory”, which was not even a military one, and required a US intervention, that he thought he could win versus Israel on the strength of it?
Comment from : @szahmad2416

Incredibly informative and amazing documentary !!
Comment from : @pratibhasingh7684

As usual, the BBC had to include some fake history Britain is not America's oldest ally France is France helped the Americans defeat Britain in the Revolutionary War
Comment from : @borissavinkov440

Few individuals realise when fundamentals changes occur in history, since, the Owl of Minerva, spreads its wings and flies only with the falling of dusk
Comment from : @albertmcmullen2669

Wow! No biased reporting here🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @kungfuchimp5788

Eden was a dangerous idiot He worked closely with Churchill all through the second World war, & would have known how General Alan Brooke had to persuade Churchill not to carry out crazy plansbrDid Eden learn nothing from those years?
Comment from : @brentsummers7377

The world, particularly the US and Britain, didn't learn anything from the Suez Crisis
Comment from : @SiVlog1989

While I agree that this aggression was wrong, this documentary seems overly biased against the Eden br40:56 Eden's speaking of peace was interlaced with images of the battle That type of film editing is consistent with propaganda films that seek to demonize an enemy br43:47 "Eden's invasion has obstructed the very waterway he was trying to save" Nasser ordered the obstruction of the waterway as a consequence of the invasion brAnd the UK population was quite enraged when the canal was nationalized A few months later they accepted it as fait accompli, but this program implied that the Brits were cool with it the moment it happened
Comment from : @j3dwin

Who designed and built the Canal? brWho discovered the oil? brWho built the drills, and the rigs, and the refineries, and the pipelines that allow that oil to be extracted and sold?brJust curious
Comment from : @MBBurchette

britain is a disgusting nation!
Comment from : @Calvbread

Egyptians ruling over Egyptian land? We can't have that now can we
Comment from : @AaronB99999

The 1956 edition of Desert Storm
Comment from : @Afrocanuk

Any one because recent Suez Canal blockage?
Comment from : @fahadruman2707

I came here because of EVERGREEN
Comment from : @bernardarquiza3332

The soundtrack of this documentary is amazing It also sounds familiar I wonder if it was composed specially for this documentary or it was repurposed from a different feature film?
Comment from : @huqiao

Eden was a dog turd How dare he think it is acceptable to wage war on a sovereign nation on false pretences Makes me angry learning of some of the things brits have done around the world Everyone should learn some history - we can learn much from the past
Comment from : @redshift3639

I wish all Egypt’s people a peaceful society Any debt the country owed the French and British was long ago paid Egyptian’s should recognize the political organization injected for the betterment of the Egyptian government What the Egyptians need to remember is that they were brought along to educate Egyptian on best practices
Comment from : @cpcattin

Makes one wonder to what extent are today's middle-eastern affairs influenced by people like Eden After Iraq, Libya, Syria etc I suppose it's safe to say that nothing has changed
Comment from : @skromnytomasz3489

Abdelnaser was one of the best modern Arab leaders Middle East is the mirror that reflects the west's evil face
Comment from : @carlosgomez1706

I wrote in 2 years ago, about Eden being on pills I was called up for National Service in November, 1956, and found out the truth about the frustration of the senior officers,brI'm wondering about the Z reservists, who'd been put on the reserve after serving in WW2, who had thrown heir uniforms into a heap, and were recalled into the full force of N Service brbullshit The rumour was that they turned the army upside down, and some finished up in Shepton Mallet I'd like to know what happened Any offers?
Comment from : @cloughajack2102

Eden tried to steal my camel too I got the right hump
Comment from : @hairbartletdaisydogworth8102

We were so wrong Hugh Gaitskell the Labour leader got it right by opposing it
Comment from : @zoostation121

In 1919, a new state appeared on the scene (Poland), exploited a new political situation (Versailles), and invaded and took away large portions of a neighboring state The railways were nationalized, and suddenly the taxpayers who had built those railways (Germans), had to pay transit fees for tracks they had built themselves brWhat was the French and British attitude to that?br"C'est la vie", and "That's how it goes"brWhat was the advice given to the Germans?br"Man up ! Stop whining ! Get over it and move on"brbrOnly 30 years later, the exact same thing happened to the Brits and the FrenchbrA new state appeared on the scene (Egypt), exploited a new political situation (Cold War), and nationalized their precious canalbrNow, British and French ships would have to pay transit fees for a canal they had built themselvesbrMe: "Ah, wellc'est la vieman up and stop whining! Get over it and move on!"brbrWait a minutebrThat's not what happenedbrHypocrisy will one day be the end of mankind
Comment from : @ralphbernhard1757

A dishonourable moment in British foreign affairs The humiliation ruined Eden's health and reputation
Comment from : @malcolmjawohowelll2892

tbh it was a military victory but britian forgot it was usa and ussr who were now superpower
Comment from : @axel665

The British really think the world is for there taken
Comment from : @moemonte88

I watch for the history but can't stand the political bias and terrible framing of this doc
Comment from : @henrytoledo4103

eden very good diplomatic, and so foolish as politician
Comment from : @carfonju1018

I’m British and not ashamed to be, but Eden is nothing short of a twat for starting that war A peaceful man !! My arse All those civilians dying because of him Shameful Mind you , Nasser got it wrong with Israel in 67
Comment from : @neilhobson3624

Why Churchill didn't made a Speech a save te day?
Comment from : @ottoheinrichwehmann2252

Hello again, history 105
Comment from : @chasekrank

I recognize Noon from Leon, does anyone know what the rest of the music is called?
Comment from : @AarenJable

Did you know the Suez canal is not sewer plural?
Comment from : @kingtitan8844

Congrats to All the Egipcias who defend their Land
Comment from : @silveriocano5770

Great Egipto
Comment from : @silveriocano5770

Everyone must type in "Christopher bollyn" and learn more about israel
Comment from : @humanforfreedom9583

israel the globalist tyrannical state that enslaves the entire world Fuck them The worldwide resistance against globalism is coming
Comment from : @humanforfreedom9583

"The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make the rest of us wonder at the possibility that we might be missing something" br brGamal Abdel Nasser
Comment from : @robertbennett9949

The soundtrack is from a movie Which one? God damn it I'm torturing myself trying to remember
Comment from : @Elgar337

Egypt will pass all the crisisbr whatever there's money weapons army or no brthat is a historical theory
Comment from : @omarusama86

Comment from : @yungfaas6688

Why can't they say Africa ? Egypt isn't Arab it's African As for Eden his a racist
Comment from : @adriancox9667

Fuck england & france
Comment from : @Parabellum-oe3sw

THE SPICE MUST FLOW !! oops i mean the oil must flow 🤭🤭
Comment from : @joerig96

The eternal Anglo strikes again
Comment from : @seamusm9529

31:39 potatoes
Comment from : @randomtux1234

This is Egyptttt🧜‍♂️
Comment from : @wolfpro919

The other side of sueZ is Zeus?
Comment from : @Psychiatrick

The Suez Crisisbr1 Who is Gamal Nasser and what was the Pan Arab Nationalism movement he championed?br2 Why was nationalizing the canal by Egypt a threat to Great Britain and France? What methods did Britain use to keep Egypt from controlling the canal in its country?br3 How and why did Israel get involved in the Suez Crisis?br4 What superpower supported Egypt in its bid to control the Suez Canal and how did this heighten the possibility of WW III?br5 Why was Eisenhower angry with Britain and France for trying to get the canal back from Egypt?br6 Why was the possibility of a nuclear war such a concern and how did Eisenhower keep things from getting out of control?
Comment from : @gabriellopez5746

Heroes with other nation's money :-)))
Comment from : @boazraspoutine9316

Brits have a history of telling lies to go to war
Comment from : @kevkeary4700

Its the same Misscalculation that America has done in its latest wars They are no longer looked up to
Comment from : @fl0yd99

Mr muse forgot F they thing are easy
Comment from : @nordtaka6456i

Funny how Eden actually looks dumb, like how he’d look in a movie about a dumb prime minister
Comment from : @scottkwatch4883

The action at the Suez Canal were a war crime
Comment from : @bikkiikun

Shame on you Nazi Israel defeated ARABS? brThe correct news should be terrorist NAZI ZIONIST UK, FRANCE, US battled Arabs
Comment from : @BaibonnDilangalenSangid-fv9qk

how about no one gets to live in Israel, just nuclear power plants that supply the world with power, and fuck the land, if it becomes irradiated, so what
Comment from : @robjones1328

our oldest ally? no that's France, she was out first enemy thoughawww our first
Comment from : @robjones1328

whats the narrators full name?
Comment from : @clairedelune_

All Eden was doing was leading by example! The leaders of the western powers have followed in his footsteps ever since! They want oil and will make sure nothing threatens it by any means! Mainly lying to the public to send in the troops and conduct massacres across poverty stricken countries
Comment from : @chittzz3397

God save the bitch
Comment from : @zgged

The Empire lies face down in the dust Only England wanted it to live on Perfidious Albion to the end, if they can no longer lie to you, they just lie to each other Good riddance
Comment from : @wherschelljamisonii9127

'but this isnt iraq 2003'- ahahaha, oops we did it again
Comment from : @albirdie1630

Britain should look after itself, stop trying to be a global power
Comment from : @johncee1481

Nasser was the kind of leader India needed in 1947 , instead we got Nehru and Gandhi
Comment from : @rinkiakepapa5625

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