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Cylinder Head 204 - Porting u0026 Polishing


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Название :  Cylinder Head 204 - Porting u0026 Polishing
Продолжительность :   32.29
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Коментарии Cylinder Head 204 - Porting u0026 Polishing

I know what you mean about getting the polishing bug! I spent 300 hours hand polishing my BBS LM wheel barrels/lips, and I loved it so much I just went wild and half my engine bay is polished now! Ordered a new motor coming soon so I’ll be doing this to my head for sure! Can’t wait!!!
Comment from : LawlessDarkness1

Paul W
I was sure you were gonna walk out to Chucks Bar-B-Q drive up and start taking orders butok, it was a good video
Comment from : Paul W

The LongRanger
What rpm or wattage is your flex shaft dremel ?
Comment from : The LongRanger

Chasing Midnight
Holy fiddlesticks This is maddddd awesome
Comment from : Chasing Midnight

Joel Arriaga
cool t-shirt
Comment from : Joel Arriaga

Joseph Cowen
As an engine builder I still smile when I see a polished intake port ! Polishing a port slows down flow, we worked this out in the 1960s , you have just lost power ! Ports are rough cast for a reason , it is the cheap way to induce turbulence in the flow at the port surface , the ideal port would be smooth with small holes drilled about 3 mm apart, just like a golf ball, it is the same principal , a totally smooth ball only goes half as far as one with little holes all over it, the reason being air flow over the surface of the ball , the holes make little vorticies that make air flow more , same as an intake port , sure the factory can cast super smooth ports , but they know they need disturbance for flow
Comment from : Joseph Cowen

I wonder why manufacturers don’t do this at the factory Smoothing out the air passageways improves efficiency
Comment from : MrSamPhoenix

Wish there was a detailed listing of the exact bits used to do this the earliest part was hard to make out the exact bits being so fast lolll
Comment from : Mango3

7min in and im already getting ready to pull my head out and start this project
Comment from : Goat_horde

Joseph Aragon
I could of hit the like on every comment, but I won’t… Your work is awesome whether it’s necessary or not…!!!…😮
Comment from : Joseph Aragon

Amazing video, great commentary!
Comment from : Evan

Leonardo Druscovich
Polishing will just ruin your performace
Comment from : Leonardo Druscovich

The most time and skill I've ever seen someone put into polishing a turd
Comment from : br4morse7

All The Fixins
Seems like the tedious, ocd type of work I love doing 😅
Comment from : All The Fixins

East Tn Lawn Care
I am sorry the factory aluminum parts
Comment from : East Tn Lawn Care

East Tn Lawn Care
How much does hp do it put out when doing the heads an intake on 46 2v pi 1999 f150
Comment from : East Tn Lawn Care

Quick question: isn’t it more about “volume” of air opposed to “speed” of air essentially being sucked into the intake? And yes, I agree with the previous comment Freaking great video!!!
Comment from : Ampman

Comment from : J D

На сколько удалось увеличить Fcm , после такой работы проделанной?
Comment from : Rebys

Well done ever!!! appreciate it👍😎
Comment from : gazika

Rory Rips
I learned a lot from this video years ago when I did my own port and polish Now years later I just wanted a refresher on polishing metal and I forgot how much I love this guy! around the 16:15 mark is hilarious! and true hahaha Appreciate your work and this video! I've literally watched this video from start to end probably 10 or more times! Great work man!
Comment from : Rory Rips

Jorge May
Comment from : Jorge May

So I did the exact same thing on the head of my 996 Porsche I didn't notice any difference in fuel mileage, I guess you would get better performance than anything especially high RPM
Comment from : neal1275

The valve controls have to be pressed out so the molds can be milled!
Comment from : JH-Custom

An idiot in a racing car
This is great quality, I can't believe you filmed it in 2014!
Comment from : An idiot in a racing car

Abel Forever
U are a beast"br💪😏👍
Comment from : Abel Forever

GreyDog EdmDriver
2009 Hyundai Accent 16L I4 DOHC I replaced the Hydraulic Lifters and after reinstalling the Cams ended up bending the valves P0301 30PSI in #1 Picked up a replacement head from the wrecker and will be rebuilding it I’m one of those people who wouldn’t attempt a Port and Polish for fear of messing it up After this video I think I could do it
Comment from : GreyDog EdmDriver

Joe Shumo
I am 54 now and have at least 4,000 hours of my life spent on polishing rough castingsbrI’ve always recorded the number of hours spent and at this point I am doing my final set of heads I’m done and officially over itbrI’ll retire with 6 months of accrued time on the grinder It’s always given me satisfaction until now that I have more money than time
Comment from : Joe Shumo

Earned a sub from me 8 years later You’re incredibly knowledgeable
Comment from : ShadyOrb09

Temperature deformity in cylinder heads studioyoutubecom/video/V1-Ibd3tr1U/edit
Comment from : torchiams1

Miguel Nuñez Muñoz
Thank for all the great tips Awsome video very informative
Comment from : Miguel Nuñez Muñoz

jithu jithin
Can i get a opportunity to work with you
Comment from : jithu jithin

Amazing job
Comment from : Brandon

Tanky McStagger
Absolutely loved this video Well delivered information in an entertaining way After watching this im definitely getting myself a dremel set up I'm building a 1UZ for my 91 SC400 or Soarer as we call them here in Australia brbrWill definitely be coming back to re-watch this when I start my heads
Comment from : Tanky McStagger

ergorydecueto enriquez
Looking forward to see what you do with the valves seat I want to do the same with my motorbike engine, it has already planty of miles and want to open the head to see what is going there, clean and improve it 👌
Comment from : ergorydecueto enriquez

a slightly turbulent boundary layer actually does promote higher flow velocities by 'cushioning' the main air flow against the port walls this is why high performance intakes are generally left 'as machined' - even in formula 1 ;-)
Comment from : kantanoexil

Seth Hughes
Comment from : Seth Hughes

Matthew OReilly
Money is king, if you outsource a polish job just increase the machinists hourly rate for the headache If it's worth their time it'll some of the best work you've seen 👍
Comment from : Matthew OReilly

Adel Mansi
Nice work, you remind me by Oldsmobile guru joe mendellowbrKeep hard work
Comment from : Adel Mansi

Tom Nekuda
I've ported quite a few heads on 4-strokes and transfer ports, etc on 2-strokes and there is so much satisfaction when you get the mirror-like shine The thing to watch out for is that you do not produce a wavy wall(s) around these ports If you do produce waves such as that you can actually reduce flow due to the mixture of air/fuel detaching itself and causing flow-killing turbulence
Comment from : Tom Nekuda

Doc Holiday
Look at these janks!!
Comment from : Doc Holiday

bob wa
Polishing will distort valve head seats and valve wont sit properly Not a good thing to do
Comment from : bob wa

Comment from : Q

Anthony Whiteaker
I'm DEFINITELY NOT into the same cars as you brother but you are not only very very good at what you do you are even better at teaching your skills thru your editing and not in a completely frustrating, almost unbearable way like most people on YT I wonder how much I can learn from you overhauling my 04 SVT Cobra I polish metals too lol its my thing but mostly firearms
Comment from : Anthony Whiteaker

Excellent Video
Comment from : pollorobot69

NKP Garage
All of those while you're in there fixes They always seem to creep up on you when you least expect it
Comment from : NKP Garage

Just one question, do you use compounds on the buffing wheels? Or are the wheels already abrasive?
Comment from : Martin

Thank you for this I was trying to learn how to do this so I can port the head on my ATV Now I want to polish everything just like you said lol and I can’t wait to see what kind of power gains I’m going to get from this Fortunately for me, my head is much smaller than a head in a car, so I should be able to complete this in 1 day
Comment from : Martin

I know this is an old post but if you see this, can you give a list of the items mentioned and not mentioned
Comment from : ScotchStraight

Nuno Ribeiro
Nice vídeo Like👏
Comment from : Nuno Ribeiro

Krzaczek Węgorz
Great job 👍 I love the part about making pictures of polished parts by yourself 😂😂😂
Comment from : Krzaczek Węgorz

Hayden Black
Subscribed Thats all i got to say
Comment from : Hayden Black

Ryan Ellis
Thanks mate Just what I needed to see About to port a Honda Cb350f because why not
Comment from : Ryan Ellis

The Grey Man
Comment from : The Grey Man

You convinced me to do my head for the Mini Cooper S 👍🏾
Comment from : Anthony

You convinced me to do my head for the Mini Cooper S 👍🏾
Comment from : Anthony

Did you measure difference od dyno before and after port? :) btw nice job!!
Comment from : Enjoytheride_cz

There are a lot of tips in there, thanks for the video
Comment from : Kissumisha

Sa yan
I agree, it is very addictive I remember the time when I was buying cylinder heads from the junkyard so during the weekends I could polish them the same way as you did It's fun and when people see shiny things they like it and they want to have it 😄
Comment from : Sa yan

How much yo do mine?
Comment from : Fleezy503

The Royal Crowned Tiger
Nice work :)brLooking in the shiny ports, it sort of reminds me of toilet trap waysbrbr Glazed vs non glazed trap ways, the glazed trap way flushes better
Comment from : The Royal Crowned Tiger

Orlando Sanchez
Does this process decrease compression ratio?
Comment from : Orlando Sanchez

Hyundai? Why bother!
Comment from : theoriginalmungaman

Keeping me motivated to finish my build I have the cylinder head off and need to replace my valves stems Two are bent
Comment from : smokeybanddit

Thanks for the video Prob my 4th time viewing this video for study One of the better ones on this specific procedure without a flow bench I'm porting and polishing vq37hr ports for my g35 using much of what you have said Thanks for the links as well, I'll be sure to give those a thorough read
Comment from : jameannohere

Mr ₿usiness
Polishing the combustion chamber is a complete waste of time You're not preventing carbon from building up just because you've polished that stuff On the contrary, you're probably making it more likely to build up thanks to the smooth surfacebrbrEdit: "It will improve the burn of your fuel mixture in the combustion chamber" No it won'tbr br"And this leads to improved power output and efficiency as the result of higher timing advance" I've never understood this line of thinking The aim of your tuning should be to run a specific AFR Never, ever should the goal of tuning to be to run a specific amount of timing advance Why? Because timing advance is simply a measure of how long before TDC the spark plug is ignited Running a higher octane fuel requires more timing advance to achieve the same combustion (higher octane fuel burns slower and more predictably) You're not gaining anything by running more advance, you're just changing the timing of the flame frontbrbrBy all means, run as much timing as you can But this should be the very last thing you adjust on your tune, in order to make everything work properly The goal isn't to run max timing, the goal is to run just enough timing as necessary to make the flame propagate ideally in order to make best power The better your tune, the less advanced timing this requires
Comment from : Mr ₿usiness

Mr ₿usiness
Great information in this video, however I have to correct this piece of misinformation every time I hear it:brbrknock and pre-ignition are two totally different things Knock causes tuning issues, pre-ignition kills engines Knock is a practical tuning tool Pre-ignition is an event that you never want to have occur in your engine
Comment from : Mr ₿usiness

Stephen Jones
love when someone knows there shit
Comment from : Stephen Jones

Dillen Sweeten
I’m oddly entertained by how well you speak Good fuckn video dawg 👍🏼💯
Comment from : Dillen Sweeten

What polish did u use?
Comment from : KK

floor jacks & ratchet straps
What if you just buff the bumpy surface down will that help or do i got to make it a mirror that ill never look into when its back together
Comment from : floor jacks & ratchet straps

What about the venturi effect? You destroyed it by widening the throats of the ports
Comment from : GHJ

Wild Malibu
You’ll start polishing the dumbest crap just cause you can!!! RIP my funny gland!!!
Comment from : Wild Malibu

Wild Malibu
I love this guy He inspires hope for my future, and he knows it
Comment from : Wild Malibu

don Panic
u don't want it polished just slightly roughened
Comment from : don Panic

Michael Johnson
Great video, thanks man
Comment from : Michael Johnson

Noel Gueco
28:50 makes me happy, good music, now I see the result of what I been watching lately hahaha
Comment from : Noel Gueco

Kenny Kimbler
I use them same Dremel adhesive pads to polish 4 wheeler cylinder's I port But the brown pads are the best The purple pads are junk They come apart and do not last but few minutes All you need is the brown pads I feel like the exhaust port side is most important
Comment from : Kenny Kimbler

Ezequiel Pacheco
Comment from : Ezequiel Pacheco

Duratec Paul
Love the videos But 14mins in its called laminar air flow and a rough surface does offer more CFM at higher RPM's and across the rev range, We are not talking super rough surfaces just finish of with 120-240grit rollbr Think about it golf balls have divots for a reason Sharks have rough sand paper like skin for a reason as well Engines need rough surfaces in the ports to help air separate and detach faster from the surface which makes the air accelerate faster which increases air volume and speed and ultimately power Airplane wings are smooth and use laminar air flow to produce lift and its the highest point of drag on an aircraftbr It is really bad advice in this video 'Polishing is really bad advice'brbrOnce again I enjoy these videos because its the same stuff I did when I was young And back yard mechanics will all understand whybr But its also why my hot 20L na had all the important stuff done by a professional engine builder, I did most of the work on my motor including fabricating partsbrBut I paid for a professional final assembly and quickly learned I made some bad rookie mistakes that would of made no difference to just a backyard rebuild in the areas like squish and ring clearance, how I seated my ARP head studs into the block Why the 5kg flywheel I chose was too light and wasn't going to help my crankshaft survive very long even tho its what everyone was using These were all thing's that the manufacturer reseller of said parts recommended and they got it wrong
Comment from : Duratec Paul

Populist gen xer channel
I wish u were in South Florida U seem like u have a knack for this kind of machine work! :)
Comment from : Populist gen xer channel

Populist gen xer channel
I'm doing a port and polish head job on my 19L Saturn LLO DOHC build too! With port and polished intake manifold, with port match and bigger throttle body, mild deshrouding of the intake valves, minor blending of the bowls, 20 oversize pistons with thicker ring lands and sleeved bores, heavier, better balanced 3rd generation 1999-2002 crank , 3rd gen lower tie plate, and going to run two intake cams set at 180 degrees and retarded timing by two teeth on the cam gear I'm also gonna add 14-15 PSI of boost It should be a ferocious car since it's weighing in at 2290 LBS Saturn made good engines The lost foam casting of the block is even lighter than, for example a Honda B16, or like a Ecotech engine I'm just checking out the process involved at a port an polished head job, very good video man!! :)
Comment from : Populist gen xer channel

Steve Micheli
Love the commentary!
Comment from : Steve Micheli

Eric Peterson
I keep coming back to this video ever time I need to understand what I'm doing wrong so I thank you so much for taking your time to make this video
Comment from : Eric Peterson

remedium r
Comment from : remedium r

The Rider DTM
Awesome ❗⭐⭐⭐⭐
Comment from : The Rider DTM

elizabeth kasunic
Comment from : elizabeth kasunic

Karol Fin
А на приору можешь такой захерачить?
Comment from : Karol Fin

noob here trying to fix my mini cooper S (N18), bent valves YT suggested this video 😁 omg this is sick I would be happy if I manage to remove the springs!
Comment from : rmx

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