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Jim Cramer breaks down shares of Netflix, Snap, Nvidia and more


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Информация о Jim Cramer breaks down shares of Netflix, Snap, Nvidia and more

Название :  Jim Cramer breaks down shares of Netflix, Snap, Nvidia and more
Продолжительность :   5.24
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   61 rb

Кадры Jim Cramer breaks down shares of Netflix, Snap, Nvidia and more

Описание Jim Cramer breaks down shares of Netflix, Snap, Nvidia and more

Коментарии Jim Cramer breaks down shares of Netflix, Snap, Nvidia and more

OC Vegas Property
Cramer sold NVDA? Guys been pumping it for months and now he says that he sold? Wtf? Charlatan!
Comment from : OC Vegas Property

Roy Vethanayagam
Genius is the word!!!
Comment from : Roy Vethanayagam

impeach Joe Biden lets go Brandon
I'll be honest with you it's not worth wasting your hard-earned money on Netflix you might get lucky and find one or two good movies after that you are bombarded with a bunch of junk while Joe Biden and this administration is screwing over the American people why should we continue wasting our money and being screwed over by Netflix don't buy any stock in it don't waste your family's time on a bunch of nonsense Netflix sucks needs a new CEO as far as business they are ripping you off
Comment from : impeach Joe Biden lets go Brandon

Kevin Arzola
Jim isn’t an investor I am convinced he’s a fraud The dude has the worst picks of all time and somehow “sells” right before they drop lmaobrbrDude is a straight up fraud Every pick this dude does falls tremendously If he ever picked a stock I currently hold, I’m logging into my account market open and selling it
Comment from : Kevin Arzola

"I prefer reading conference calls to watching Netflix", a great quote from Cramer 😂
Comment from : Travis

TinaHeather Cantrell
Oh I got a lot of organ transplants coming up in about thirty years What my uncle told me brToncils , adenoids , breasts , nerves , arteries, kidney , liver , lungs , you pedophiles owe me and my kids organs And you gonna be squeaky clean , when I get them That is why you are going to be put in an induced coma , wire your brain to some vr , make you play video games for food and pain meds
Comment from : TinaHeather Cantrell

Alfred Adler
Cramer didn’t sell all his Nvidia Shares He did the same with Apple
Comment from : Alfred Adler

What's the purpose of several FED member media interventions every week if not to manipulate markets? Shouldn't they transmit monetary policy decisions at pre-scheduled fed meetings providing a fair access to information to every market player at the same time? Their decisions are inside information that should be transmitted to everyone at the scheduled time not in the media whenever they wish and leave some people lagging the data No one with balls to begin a lawsuit against these guys in the FED? They're leaking stuff intra-day, and members express opinions before the meetings Wtf The us market has become a circus?
Comment from : pmapires

All stocks Jim Cramer loves has been significantly falling 😢
Comment from : bullsnam

Thea Leffel
Just watching rich people problems lol
Comment from : Thea Leffel

bobby gunz
When the markets like this, it’s your patience that gets tested more than your trading skills Most of us get in to crypto for the fast & volatile markets but the ones who can sit on their hands & stick to the plan for months on end are the ones who will make life changing money
Comment from : bobby gunz

Peggy Thibodeaux
Blah, Blah, Blah
Comment from : Peggy Thibodeaux

should i buy TQQQ right now?
Comment from : Ryu

Antony Antonius
Cramer wants to read conference calls so he can pump Alibaba, PayPal, Netflix, Facebook… oh wait that was last year when everything was at all time highs His stock method is buy at all time high sell at 52-week lowd
Comment from : Antony Antonius

Tonelli Family
Increases of prices today mean decreases of sales and breaks down of shares value Very simple Nvidia and Netflix are out of the market and they don't sell Now it is time to decrease all listings
Comment from : Tonelli Family

Donel Patterson
UP 300 by JULY 2022?? * IQST IQSTEL Nasdaq Up List plan mid 2022 $ 2 Minimum Operates in 15 countries New 2021 Audited Financials New Smartbiz Telecom Acquisition Thurs 2 More planned in April Revenue UP 44 5 Divisions Fintech / Telecom IoT / Blockchain / Ev Battery / Emerging tech / New EV Motorcycle launching in latin America
Comment from : Donel Patterson

Donel Patterson
* SOLO Electra Meccanica Growing reservations 2 Seater EV Roadster and Increasing deliveries 3 Wheel EV Revenue UP 270 year New US Assembly Plant summer 2022
Comment from : Donel Patterson

You know when they start showing Jim Cramer it’s because things are going south…
Comment from : Whip

CensorshipAgainstThe MiddlePath
I'm wit u Jim I prefer conference calls too
Comment from : CensorshipAgainstThe MiddlePath

Funny, cramer loved faang not too long ago as he was conning his viewers into creating this bubble
Comment from : Hello

Sheen S
Is he drunk?
Comment from : Sheen S

Vargas Kenneth
An ex-colleague convinced me into stock trading and investments as profitable alternative sources of income Unfortunately, I have been down ever since Next time, I will spend my money on myself first before considering whether I will invest or not
Comment from : Vargas Kenneth

O’Brien Ortega
It’s a very biased market…
Comment from : O’Brien Ortega

Comment from : newjdm

Trantus Maximus
About a month ago when NVDA price was higher, and times before that, Cramer was saying to buy any dip in NVDA Now, the price is much lower and he is saying that he doesn't want to buy it here
Comment from : Trantus Maximus

<2022 not looking so good for the housing market Already considering moving funds to dividends stocks which have shown enormous rise despite previous predictions to the contrary>
Comment from : Adams

WAM Trader
Jim Cramer is most stupid in all cnbc
Comment from : WAM Trader

The market will go done 20 (7200 points) before we find a bottom Hold on to your butt with both hands
Comment from : Dave

Third Place
Jim Cramer is on crack
Comment from : Third Place

It’s time to sell lulu since Jim likes it
Comment from : Wendy

Again after the fact prediction 😜
Comment from : JS

Comment from : rich5310

Nate Flora
At least it’s not all Bots here thank god other people exposing themselves to the market and it’s action see this guy is literally an the definition of evil manifested byway of tv talking head corporate puppet, I watch his mad money clips on YouTube and talk about a BOT FARM
Comment from : Nate Flora

Vincent Illiano
someone remind me how long ago it was that Cramer was pushing Nvidia "buy buy buy"
Comment from : Vincent Illiano

Lucid, 😂
Comment from : TeslaCarolina

Bora Kizilirmak
bunch of talking heads that they can not beat underlying index performance for any given 5 years period
Comment from : Bora Kizilirmak

mushaf munas
When he say sell , buy Nvidia
Comment from : mushaf munas

Prateek Bhat
Just do the opposite what he says 🤣😂 atleast you will make money he said Netflix buy couple of months ago at 350
Comment from : Prateek Bhat

Harvey Gotos
I just see 3 clowns in suits talking about nonsense
Comment from : Harvey Gotos

Kramer's crazy the whole world's a buyer of Netflix at $8 at $4995 or f*b***/b subscription model no one will touch that or Twitter
Comment from : RebornKingofThule

You got to act today while the short sellers are emboldened to get the most bang for yourbrBuckbr$PLX it's like shorting Tesla but low income can participate an the money triangle 📐 is flowing in the right directionbrTarget 🎯 10
Comment from : RebornKingofThule

Jitin Samtani
Crammer is a joker, couple of months back he was loading the truck on NVDA at $263
Comment from : Jitin Samtani

Gary Truesdale
I love when the CNBC crew talks tech Its like a circus over there
Comment from : Gary Truesdale

J Niz
On the 3rd of January cramer tweeted Netflix! Buy! The man is a rube
Comment from : J Niz

The Humble Chartist
NFLX $170brSNAP $19brNVDA $175
Comment from : The Humble Chartist

Inverse Cramer paid off my mortgage
Comment from : duzer283

Derek G
Comment from : Derek G

Johnny Cage
Don't worry though profits will be up when GM Ford are making Tanks and Tesla making M4s next year😣
Comment from : Johnny Cage

Johnny Cage
All your Left wing friends are throwing a wet blanket on US for over a year nowbrGood vote guys 😣
Comment from : Johnny Cage

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