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The Witcher 3 GTX 1080 Ti OC | 1080p - 1440p u0026 4K (2160p) FRAME-RATE TEST


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Название :  The Witcher 3 GTX 1080 Ti OC | 1080p - 1440p u0026 4K (2160p) FRAME-RATE TEST
Продолжительность :   18.22
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Просмотров :   97 rb

Кадры The Witcher 3 GTX 1080 Ti OC | 1080p - 1440p u0026 4K (2160p) FRAME-RATE TEST

Описание The Witcher 3 GTX 1080 Ti OC | 1080p - 1440p u0026 4K (2160p) FRAME-RATE TEST

Коментарии The Witcher 3 GTX 1080 Ti OC | 1080p - 1440p u0026 4K (2160p) FRAME-RATE TEST

Hell I’d get this over the 2080S any day of the week
Comment from : Dom

Is ur 1080ti watercooled?
Comment from : GREENKAV

2070 is matching up
Comment from : Troglodude

Street Cyberman
Why your memory clock is so slow?
Comment from : Street Cyberman

Georg Hartmann
i have a new 1080ti and get 60FPS on ultra in 1080p what the actual f*** ? why do you have that much??
Comment from : Georg Hartmann

"113" usage on gpumakes sense?
Comment from : Prizm

misterx zxc
What the hell this game really demand a lot off GPU power even the gtx 1080ti can't play it smoothly in 2k and worst in 4k
Comment from : misterx zxc

Riley James
I get 80-90 fps on 1440p with a stock 1080ti Your cooling either sucks or your CPU is a bottleneck
Comment from : Riley James

Kamus Ritsh
Comment from : Kamus Ritsh

I just ordered a Zotac AMP! 1080Ti Extreme I can't wait to break out Witcher 3 again at 4k Ultra
Comment from : Chrisfragger1

c313z k
Personally, I'm sticking with 1080p The difference is there, but not earth shattering different compared to 1440p I feel personally that the better framerate and the overall less work the Hardware will have to do makes sticking with 1080p better in the log run Plus the prices are great Don't need a fancysmancy monitor here Generic 24" all I need, and can get 3 of them for 380$ total, instead of 300-400$ each 1440p generic
Comment from : c313z k

Unknown Quantity
I am going to try out this card as I have a 4K TV hooked up to my PC I noticed that 1080p and lower resolutions look blurry as they are not native and scaled to 4K by the TV This is only of importance if you are playing games with a lot of text Reading is a lot easier on the eyes at native resolution I'm not sure about most people, but I don't think it's really that big of a deal to turn some things off and get to a steady 60 FPS for games that require it You generally don't even notice the difference Antialiasing isn't missed much at 4K if you are sitting a fair distance from the monitor/TV or the pixel density is low A few effects like hairworks aren't missed much I don't even care much if they are shadows or high-quality shadows Many games do play at 4K 60 FPS I played Dark Souls 2 at 4K on my current GTX 1070 and it hits 4K no problem It also looks great to me It all depends on the game
Comment from : Unknown Quantity

Gary Hall
So if hair work is off And we use mods such as HD rework etc would we still be able to hit 60 stable fps on 4K?
Comment from : Gary Hall

Savage Dragon
My gtx 1080 Ti gpu usage is 100 in outdoor area, but only 70-80 in novigrad, causing my fps to drop from 120 to 60-70 for half a second Quite annoying how to fix?
Comment from : Savage Dragon

Jakob Smith
Same setup and the 1080ti will not hit 99 in the middle of cities Help! Hits around 80-85 with frames no lower than 100 fps 1080p 144hz
Comment from : Jakob Smith

Ouma Shu
Hi I have the same gpu, but I only get 34-50 fps
Comment from : Ouma Shu

Definitely worth a little tweak to get solid 4K 60fps - you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference done right
Comment from : Niko

Is that the highets overclock you can achieve that's stable? What version of the 1080 ti do you have? The FTW 3 I have is stable at no more than 20 ghz
Comment from : Al

So glad I'm getting this card With the GTX 970m I've been using, I can't get much over 30 fps in 1080p with max settings and hairworks on the GTX 1080 ti gets 60 fps easily and at 4k And I'll be playing at 1440p
Comment from : Supreme_Court

Cee Dee
pfffft i get 70 fps avg with my 1080 ti oced on water because hardline tubing looks cool that's the only reason i got water cooling for my cpu and gpu H A R D T U B I N G I S R A D I C A L get it RADical kekekekek
Comment from : Cee Dee

Uploads at 1080p
Comment from : MetinCrafter

my god 4k is worthless lol as in yesnot worth diiiiiiiiiiiiiiick haha
Comment from : PicardFTW

I have 145 fps on my asus strix 1080ti i7 7700k 1080p With all hairworks on maxim Here is about 105 only Why?
Comment from : SeregaKhl

Meat Puppet
wow thats crazy i7 is nearly maxed out with 1080 ti at 2k in some scenes
Comment from : Meat Puppet

Jirka Bounty Stiegler
why is mine, GPU GTX 1070 is in OC mode but i never get more than 75 power usage on 1080p and 1440p resolution, my cpu is i7 4790k 44Ghz and RAM 16GB Kingston 1886mhz any ideas ???
Comment from : Jirka Bounty Stiegler

12:08 what creepy noise is that ?!
Comment from : AK TREVOR

I see your GPU usage is always at 99, mine goes down to 50 in novigrad with 1080 Ti :(
Comment from : Tyrano128

Clown World
The next card I buy must play this game at a locked 144hz at 1080p maxed
Comment from : Clown World

Clown World
Honestly this doesn't look like much if at all compared to the regular 1080
Comment from : Clown World

Prasanna Kumar
What monitor are you using?? I planning to buy a new monitor for my gaming rig Decided to buy a 1080 ti and 4k monitor but my biggest confusion is should i get a g sync monitor or non g sync monitor I don't think you might be using a g sync monitor and i dint felt any tearing on the screen and working pretty well Please suggest me a good 4k monitor which doesn't ask one of my kidney in return By the way this will be my first pc gaming rig, am always been a console player so yeah stuck @ 30fps only
Comment from : Prasanna Kumar

anybody know of a way make the city's less cpu demanding the main square drops my game from solid 60 to 50 sometimes 45
Comment from : deeravengertn15

Fucking amazing
Comment from : Fiyer

David Levi
once again we see that the 1080 Ti is NOT a 4k card wait for next gen, stay with your 1080 and rape 1440p, brdon't throw your money on a card that gets raped by 4K
Comment from : David Levi

Ultrawide Mods
Could be fake Why cut the video after changing to 4k? We don't know if he turn down some settings just to reach 60fps
Comment from : Ultrawide Mods

This game already looks beautiful on 1080p, 4k must be wonderful ^^
Comment from : theRotsen2013

Евгений Карнаухов
Please, test RUST on GTX 1080 Ti in 1080p, 1440p and 2160p
Comment from : Евгений Карнаухов

rodrigo pepe
gtx 1050 ti and i37100 nice for gta 5 graphics hight or no?
Comment from : rodrigo pepe

could you test it without hairworks?
Comment from : S

Ramazan-Mikat Tavsan
gtx 1080 ti is a beast
Comment from : Ramazan-Mikat Tavsan

Comment from : Guilherme

zz z
I want to watch ryzen performance in this gameCan you do it?
Comment from : zz z

zz z
6700k is so powerful in gamingBut my 7700K 45G with 3333mhz is more powerful than yours
Comment from : zz z

K o B a C H i
Yo, watch out for them peeps taking your vids and re-iploading
Comment from : K o B a C H i

The 1080ti truly is an incredible cardAble to run Witcher 3 4k at 60 fps wow
Comment from : FIFA CSGO

Илья Малыженков
It would be nice to see the same testing without hairworks
Comment from : Илья Малыженков

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