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Top Seven Biggest Business Mistakes!


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Название :  Top Seven Biggest Business Mistakes!
Продолжительность :   21.30
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Patrick is legit the Dave Chappelle of finance
Comment from : @Theabstractblu

I guess you will talk about IBM and his chain of bad decisions
Comment from : @neurosp

I also remember studying New Coke in business school In the testing, they did not give whole cans to the tasters, just samples So it tasted better with a few sips but became too sweet when trying to guzzle a whole can once it was on the market So also a failure of testing
Comment from : @aarodful

Xerox were genius innovators That they didn’t capitalise on gui, mouse copyright was crazy
Comment from : @MinskUK

You missed Yahoo twice passing up the opportunity to buy Google and Blockbuster passing up the opportunuty to buy Netflix
Comment from : @nunyabidness117

The film and camera industries are both all but dead now that everyone carries a camera on their phone Kodak's only paths forward were digital medical imaging or chemicals
Comment from : @nunyabidness117

12:25 imagine how good people’s life was when the only problem they had was new cola flavour
Comment from : @Itsasrtup

Chip Wilson was just saying that fatties shouldn’t wear Lululemon, and I cannot agree with him anymore
Comment from : @tonytocanova

Knowledge supports growth
Comment from : @Jahguaar

Surprised you did not include Gerald Ratner brThere are few people that have done more to kill their business as quickly as he did
Comment from : @Martin_Edmondson

I think the Google story is still my favorite They're all excellent though! 😅 😅
Comment from : @wtf_usa5597

He said he likes the cities close to the beach
Comment from : @N330AA

Thank you Patrick, really enjoying your Youtube channel and Spotify 🤝 Absolutely love your humour 😂😂😂
Comment from : @tomconnolly7420

Re Excite and Kodak, it's fascinating how some business strategies seem to center around making intentionally inferior products and services
Comment from : @CC21200

Blockbuster not buying Netflix was parallel to the first story Crazy oversights!
Comment from : @landwolf00

Re blackberry: I'll go to my grave, believing if they'd decided to lean into the camera as they did with security (understandable people would have issues with camera phones and document security), but marketing it as something for scanning docs on the go etc, I think would have been enough to keep them afloatbrbrBut that's a different timeline to this one
Comment from : @lukelloyd8976

You missed Nokia
Comment from : @gkulaitis

I worked at Polaroid in the late 70's It was a great company to work for but, just like its competitor Kodak, it was doomed because Polaroid management did not recognize the threat of digital imaging and refused to listen to people suggesting that Polaroid move into other business areas than chemical-based photographybrbrAnd it is my understanding that, back in the 50's, IBM had an opportunity to invest in the company that first developed electrostatic printing (think laser printers and laser copiers) IBM brought in Arthur D Little (a consulting firm) to review the potential market for electrostatic printing Arthur D Little told IBM that the market was negligible and IBM walked away from the investment The company IBM walked away from eventually became Xerox who, in a bit of irony, failed the learn the lessons of their own founding
Comment from : @salemengineer2130

Hearing that Apple stole an idea, made a shittier product and sold it for more is the least surprising thing I've ever heard
Comment from : @4ndytrout46

Suing Microsoft for stealing your tech you stole yourself from Xerox is the most Steve Jobs thing you can do
Comment from : @turntapeover5749

It's kinda crazy to think that if Kodak had been following the curve they would probably make smartphones now I'd be watching this vid on my Kodak 😂
Comment from : @turntapeover5749

3:23 lord have mercy
Comment from : @sabus1265

Slap on forehead!🫣
Comment from : @OuryLN

Potato chips that give you both junk food satisfaction and a great laxative for constipation from opioid abuse It’s all about marketing 😮
Comment from : @emiliog4432

There was a time when the greatest US controversy was about how Coke tasted, lol
Comment from : @luckylanno

The blackberry was always garbage It just had good corporate marketing The palm and CE devices were always better
Comment from : @mwwhited

Biggest mistake #1 - getting involved with Kevin O'Leary
Comment from : @chuckschillingvideos

Back sometime in the early 1980s, a man from a local Arkansas-based retailer named Sam Walton paid a visit to the Kmart headquarters in Troy Michigan and got a grand tour of the place He apparently spent the day interviewing Kmart managers on their business practices I would rate Kmart’s failure to take Wal-Mart seriously as another epic mistake, since Wal-Mart is now the world’s largest retailer and Kmart, last time I looked, had only two stores left
Comment from : @citylimits8927

6:28 So sales went down the crapper?? Makes sense
Comment from : @hmandelene3279

Steve Jobs, stealing ideas since the Beginning
Comment from : @---l---

Interesting video I was hoping for more concrete advice for people who start and run businesses More along business strategy, specific scenarios But still good!
Comment from : @malakaysun

I dunno man I use an IPhone 4 S for like 5 years and only stopped because I jumped into a pool with it, I think people have just gotten more used to things like touch screens since the original IPhones released
Comment from : @notribadsvault

Fantastic video, as always, good sir!! Thank you!!!
Comment from : @shrugshrugsly

In excite's defense, Google is now trying to "solve" the exact same "problem" excite was worried about: people leaving Google too quickly, and thus less ad revenue for Google Go figure
Comment from : @DavidVT23

Saying the wrong thing in public is a repeated mistake:brConsider Gerald Ratner - senior partner in the UK jewelry shop chain He joked that they sold cr*p! Shares plunged and almost collapsed the firm Ratner removed, firm rebranded and is a shadow of its former self
Comment from : @alantheinquirer7658

I don’t know how but you’ve managed to package an unbiased analysis that is more entertaining than the sensationalized segment of economic and financial news Thank you for your efforts to be the signal and not the noise I understand that the economy is currently in a downturn and that we must wait for things to get better
Comment from : @RaymondKeen

Refusing to innovate is a common theme
Comment from : @mattlm64

It’s well known that the vast majority of business failures come from new technology not competitionThe new technology may come from your competitors but it’s not head to head competition in identical industries
Comment from : @lv4077

I'll give you "vitt-a-min" but not "pay-tent"
Comment from : @longtermgains8253

iPhone hit not because of touchscreens It hit because of the Apple Store, and developer kit that allows other developers to monetizebrbrAndroid wouldn’t be successful if it didn’t launch play marketbrbrNokia did the touchscreen but didn’t do the play market to attract developers
Comment from : @medetahmetson

I think Patrick is right that one of the things that this video shows is that being an industry or market leader with an existing technology can breed complacency and hubris, and keep executives from spotting the next big thing Tech and other companies that have endured through the ages often did so because they were always open to new things and didn't drop the ball by ignoring them or by trusting too much in the popularity of their current products
Comment from : @joeaverage3444

Blackberry? Good riddance!
Comment from : @johnforde7735

Going to try Babble for Arabic…
Comment from : @privatetravelpa6525

The Xerox / Apple thing is a little bit more complex than presented here: Xerox owned a significant chunk of Apple at this stage, and most aspects of the technology used were licensed from them (which is why Xerox weren’t able to successfully sue Apple – copyright is about the way ideas are expressed, and that was the only element which Xerox might have retained a claim in respect of (and likewise the only bit Apple did against Microsoft, again having licensed a lot of the underlying technology to them)brbrInterestingly both Xerox and Microsoft were significant investors in Apple at various stages, and while they both made money on their investments, had they not cashed out, Microsoft’s stake would now be worth $170 billion, and Xerox’s stake would be worth $280 billion (or about 200 times the value of Xerox today) So really, Xerox’s big mistake wasn’t in showing Steve Jobs their tech, it was not keeping their stake in the company once it IPOed!
Comment from : @Zveebo

Great video!!
Comment from : @frankgleon

Nokia could hold a place on this list as well They were the biggest vendor for mobile phones and early smartphones for a decade around the turn of the century and just missed the boat on what smartphones went on to become
Comment from : @fixedG

Steve Balmer laughing at iphone & ipad always wins my vote
Comment from : @tommybronze3451

I had to pause and verify if it was a kodak moment I now have to go and recheck just to be certain
Comment from : @machfiver753

Soon we'll get one about Disney and how they bought an everlasting goldmine but they somehow managed to ruin it
Comment from : @uniktbrukernavn

Nice video, however, I am wondering how come Nokia did not make it in the list!!!
Comment from : @sagygurao

PARC is Palo Alto Research CENTER, not company
Comment from : @albeit1

Excite WAS right though Google search DID destroy it
Comment from : @albeit1

12:55 new coke was not a blunder, it made everyone realize what they had and took for granted
Comment from : @ri3m4nn

Digital photography is a different business from consumables Eastman, the chemical company, is still around It's not about the camera -- it's about what kind of market it is
Comment from : @BobFrTube

Oh, starting with a Bismarck quote
Comment from : @ToniGromann

I have heard of this alphabet or its colloquial nomer the abc's
Comment from : @user-kw5dy1dz4s

What about "doing a Ratner"?
Comment from : @JohnDoe-gc1pm

sorry but excite passing on google was not a blunder as their were thousands of google type companies offering to sell out to anyone at the time, 99 of those companies never amounted to anything
Comment from : @joeydelrio

Lululemon can just F off They tried to have everyone joins literal cult… the forum karma!
Comment from : @sarat3913

CEOs respond to incentives These are stock price driven, so the short-term, myopic decisions follow Is this a bug or a feature? I used to think it was a bug Now, a feature Without short-termism, we would not have Apple, TSMC, NXP, Tesla (much as i hate the product, without them there wouldn't be an EV market today, IMO)
Comment from : @bikeman9899

no Bud light?
Comment from : @jdsartre9520

Thanks 4 another Great Financial video!brA small reflection though worth to mention! If there is One Individual Owner of a company wanting to sell, it is Not the Same as the Future Company with another Name!! Buying company A which later goes through B, C D and finally E only expose that if it was sold it would mostly probably and up with max B or C, but not reach level D or F!! Because those steps are done with one two few Individuals!!
Comment from : @MorrisFilmPhoto

BlackBerrys ceo was so busy buying a hockey team that he completely missed the switch
Comment from : @berourke

So much incorrect information in this video
Comment from : @MC-mh2ju

Missing out on digital cameras was not the only major blunder that Kodak made They also missed out on being the official camera of the Olympics because they assumed that the Olympics would wait for them and to beg them to be the official camera of the Olympics Fujifilm took it away from kodak in 1984
Comment from : @Donkeyearsa

"A term we all use today", completely deadpan 😂 Fucking fantastic
Comment from : @Haklangr

No X serious Are you Ai
Comment from : @jamesparker4782

Also are you AI X
Comment from : @jamesparker4782

Excellent work X my owl says sox
Comment from : @jamesparker4782

Blockbuster not buying Netflix could make the list too IMO
Comment from : @rrrrramone

Great video, but you really fail with your evaluation of iPhone 1 to 3, I was frontdesk seller of phones at the time the iPhone came out, and it was obvious from day one this was the future, NO ONE under the age of 30 cared about the poor reception I remember one of the first APPs in Denmark, 20 years ago, a precise schedule of buses and trains telling you the nearest stop and earliest departure, I saw that APP and imidiadly knew all other phones on the market was obsolete
Comment from : @aocdk840

I'll be honest I'm surprised that Pontiac Aztek wasn't on here, which killed the brand I'm somewhat surprised that the decisions of the American car company to create uniformity among their car brands in terms of parts thus making them all the same and diluting their brands didn't appear here either
Comment from : @shawnconway6009

Blackberry was cool
Comment from : @LukeAvedon

Maybe Budwieser
Comment from : @StephenSmith-zp7pf

The common theme you'll notice is resting on your laurels You have a successful product or service, so successful in fact that you're hesitant to make any changes whatsoever So you completely stagnate while the competition innovate you out of business
Comment from : @mariokarter13

like Sears, the biggest mail order catalog business giving it up to Amazon I well never figure out how a mail order company would not use the internet to stay in business They failed all the way to bankruptcy
Comment from : @dcarter001

This video is a testament to how money minded CEOs who lack creativity and/or a vision have a really bad habit of squandering everything
Comment from : @Saltience

And later Alphabet a term we all use today 😂😂😂
Comment from : @brandongriffin110

The Xerox Parc story always makes me sad
Comment from : @oldmanyellsatcloudinvestig143

Modern religiosity brUsing big words to basically say the world is f*cked and the system is corrupt (we all know it) , he doesn't have any solutions, but you need to repentbrbrDon't get depressed if you care about your mental health Go out into nature, live a good life and stop listening to YouTube gurus If you can, stop feeding the corporate monster thoughbrbrbrWhat he doesn't say is that billions of people would have to die to avert the climate change
Comment from : @user-Wojciech

4:32 if you had commented on how my tights was rubbing against my body or whatever he said i would really begin to wonder what clothes i was wearing
Comment from : @doncarlodivargas5497

Great episode! I think you could do about 10 on this subject One I'd like to see is companies who were afraid new technology would destroy their business if they embraced it, and yet were destroyed because they didn't (eg Kodak) There's something particularly tragic about companies that do this
Comment from : @weird_law

Frito-Lay should have positioned the laxative aspect of those chips as a benefit to older customers
Comment from : @maryhadda8420

As a yoga instructor, the Lulu Leemon recall of the pants was a sad day indeed
Comment from : @duncanfromunderthebridge

you are great as usual, But i think you forgot to talk about nokia !
Comment from : @jonsmith82

Can you make one about greatest business decicions of all time? 😮
Comment from : @pate7179

Xerox was done dirty by Steve Jobs, but they also shot themselves in the foot several times
Comment from : @ricseeds4835

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