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How To PRUNE CITRUS Trees: COMPLETE GUIDE To Pruning Citrus Trees


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Коментарии How To PRUNE CITRUS Trees: COMPLETE GUIDE To Pruning Citrus Trees

ron allens
How much of What you prune can you root for new trees ?
Comment from : ron allens

❤ Dale
Comment from : TriniGyal

You can save the healthy leaves for tea So yummy
Comment from : TriniGyal

James M
I have nine citrus trees I just bought I would like to plant them in the planter box I made 8‘ x 11 would that work?
Comment from : James M

Kaneez Kassim
I have an orange tree that gives less fruit, but yearly because I planted a lychee, a gauva and a lemon bush too close to it Have had it for 10 years now and never pruned it before I live in Islamabad, Pakistan I will now prune it after winter/before spring Hope this helps
Comment from : Kaneez Kassim

Ted Tolentino
Thanks for the very helpful hints on this video
Comment from : Ted Tolentino

Amor Mi
Trees near house foundation? The roots will go to your water source , will lift your floor tiles
Comment from : Amor Mi

Ricky Middleton
Thank you for all of your knowledge Have ever tried to root any of the cuttings
Comment from : Ricky Middleton

Tammie Blanchette
Do you re-use for mulch the pruned branches with leaf miners on the leaves or toss those out & keep them separate from the useful mulching pile?
Comment from : Tammie Blanchette

Trace FL
Your tree doesn't have thornes?
Comment from : Trace FL

John Orr
I fret pruning my orange tree Taking a 4" thorn to the head isn't fun Perhaps a hardhat is in order
Comment from : John Orr

Binh Minh Pham
Great information, very much appreciate it
Comment from : Binh Minh Pham

JM The Composer
I just got my first citrus tree and I must say your channel is clearly the best I've found on this topic You provide extremely helpful and useful info, presented very clearly efficiently, in a manner that's easy to digest Thank you!
Comment from : JM The Composer

John Smith
Thanks for all your citrus tips I'm about an 45 mins north in Jacksonville I got an Owari Satsumi and a red grapefruit in 2020 I got about 15 mandarin oranges this year and have about 8 grapefruits Best fruit I have ever eaten! I got a Key lime and a Meyer lemon last year so looking forward to them producing this coming year I never would have thought it possible to grow citrus here
Comment from : John Smith

Cheryl Howker
Bless dale he love you so much
Comment from : Cheryl Howker

Always excellent videos Question: Would you consider doing a video on what you do to keep Dale so healthy and vigorous? Pet owners would love it
Comment from : Frank

M Agung Setiawan Farm
very good tutorial pruning lemons
Comment from : M Agung Setiawan Farm

Elizabeth Mawyer
i live in zone 9a, my lime trees have hundreds of blooms right now can i prune them at this time before the first frost? thank you love your videos
Comment from : Elizabeth Mawyer

Martin Moulton
1 good MULCH tipbr2 ever COOK with the LEAVES?br3 does URINE help Citrus like other trees?
Comment from : Martin Moulton

leonard herring
I live in North Florida I have a couple of citrus trees that have fruit on them now is it a good time for me to start pruning back after watching your video my trees are pretty crowded
Comment from : leonard herring

Joshua Hoyer
Thank you for another detailed explanation! I've been learning so much from your channel! I haven't started my adventure with citrus yet, but I really hope to soon We are in a zone 8b climate, so I'm really optimistic about using your methods to get some great fruit going We had a really terrible ice storm here a year ago, so I hope we are in the clear for a while
Comment from : Joshua Hoyer

Dennis Rivenbark
Would love to see a video on pruning a young orange tree in a container brFirst pruning
Comment from : Dennis Rivenbark

Ganzi P
Best advice I've seen, learnt a lot
Comment from : Ganzi P

I recently purchased a myer lemon tree, and I don't like the shape Is a long trunk that is bending because the fruits are on the top I will love to make this tree a bush Help anyone on how to do it?
Comment from : Zaily

Yvette D
I have my lemon growing in a barrel planter like a tree and it currently has fruit for the first time Would I need to prune after collecting the fruit?
Comment from : Yvette D

Rino Saint
Great tutorial! Quick question - you mention using the cut branches for mulch but should you remove the leaf miner etc 1st?
Comment from : Rino Saint

Lisa budget
I live in South Carolina how have a few citrus trees When can I prune my tree
Comment from : Lisa budget

Mani Duong
💖your dog😄
Comment from : Mani Duong

whats next
Great info! Thanks so much!
Comment from : whats next

Awesome info hereand I too forget to wear my gloves and regret it many times (I am getting better at wearing them now), and yes, I too have cut a wrong branch a few times too Have to be So Careful when cuttingI always say its not a race and just take your time and not get carried away in the moment I just planted a new Meyer lemon this week (zone 9 here)hopefully it will go as good as the ones I have grown in the past Thanks for this great video, you did a great job!
Comment from : Apollo_Blaze

John Bella
Thanks, here in cali we are trimming our trees today, your video is Very informative Are you an arborist by trade?
Comment from : John Bella

Amy Snipes
When you pruning diseased/buggy branches, do you trash rather than compost? Do you know if bokashi fermented pre-compost would kill pests? I may have to experiment Thanks
Comment from : Amy Snipes

Highlands Community Club
Hi ML! You are such a great explainerator and have helped me so much!! (Doing fig cuttings soon so I’ve watched most of your fig vids) I have a questionI’m in 9B and was planning on pruning after the oranges are ripe and picked in a couple of weeks However, now the tree has blossoms on it as well as the ripening fruit I don’t know if I should prune as planned, As I will be cutting of the blossoms It’s never done this beforedo you have any advice on this? Would appreciate!
Comment from : Highlands Community Club

Rescues, the best dogs
Dale knows his kitchen sounds!brThank you for the very informative video
Comment from : Rescues, the best dogs

Lol do as I say thanks for the video
Comment from : J C

Cintia Borda
Will you have any flowers next year? Don't they grow on the tips of the branches?
Comment from : Cintia Borda

Louisiana Gardener
Great and helpful information Thank you
Comment from : Louisiana Gardener

Tom A
I'm not sure, but I don't think you want to use citrus cuttings as mulch for citrus trees due to the possibility of spreading pests/diseases
Comment from : Tom A

Apostolos Dovas
First and foremost id like to thank you for everything that you do The content you provide is practical and easy to watch which believe it or not is hard to come by I do have a question that I would love for you to answer if you have the time I live in zone 6a/5b, I have a potted meyer lemon and a kaffir lime tree both about 2 years old For some reason when I bring them in for the winter and put them under my grow light they start to flower, should I prune the branches back that are flowering or should I let them flower? Neither tree is over 2 1/2 feet tall and I was kinda hoping to get a little more vertical growth out of them this year I dont know if flowering now will stunt their growth, or what I should do to encourage vertical growth Hmmm that one question kinda turned into 2 at the end lol sorry for that, again I appreciate the work you put into your channel
Comment from : Apostolos Dovas

I have a Myer lemon tree I have never Pruned it my tree is so small with l a few branches and they all have fruit, any tips?
Comment from : VTboys1220

Jan Minton
Why don't you prune it up off the ground? Wouldn't that help with the air flow?
Comment from : Jan Minton

Dick Daley
The Dalester showing off his keen senses of smell and hearing! He knew it was cheddar on the first whiff from upstairs Ding!…ding…ding! “Time to do stupid tricks for this guy before I get my treats, which I richly deserve! Humans can be so tedious…” 👅🐾🐾
Comment from : Dick Daley

Jed D
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have two loaded Myers Lemon trees in a "Pop up tent green house" in the back yard facing South east and they have survived nearly 6 years in 50 gallon containers I haven't seen a video that shows me exactly what you are doing and I really needed it About half of my lemons are yellow and the rest are yellow-light green Hoping the recent frost doesn't get them but I surrounded the insides of the tents with water-filled Lowe's 5 gallon buckets The day temp is right around 80F and it has been as low as 35F but does not seem to have had any effect on the trees I take the tents down after Easter and cart them to their Southern exposures Thank you again, and I hope to pick some NC raised Myers lemons in about a weekbrTwo questions: 1 Do you ever try to root the lemon cuttings? 2 I haven;t seen anything on Figbid for cuttings, is that coming soon?
Comment from : Jed D

Southern Maryland Zone 7b here You're the reason I'm growing citrus 😊 My citrus is spending the winter in my small greenhouse I actually have a dozen key limes ripening You give such outstanding and practical advice! Thanks for all the videosand give Dale a treat!
Comment from : nellanddudley

Would you explain how to make/plant cuttings from citrus Thanks
Comment from : cougar1861

I have a Eureka lemon since 2015 and I chop it down twice a year That thing grows back like weed
Comment from : yimnvs

Yochanon the seeker
I’ve had my Meyer, Wa Navel and Tangelo now a year and a half in pots and when purchased from the nursery they were 30 or 40” already They all have fruit on them now for the first time and from what I’ve read they ripen mid Nov-mid Feb I have a few fruit that are still really small, should I take them off to help the large ones fully ripen now? Also, the nursery had me get the jacks citrus blend and it only says how often to water and not what times of the year to not water, any advice? brI did also take a few cuts from the Meyer mid summer to sharpen it and a couple rooted, I just have them all in a greenhouse (do you think the cuts will survive winter in the greenhouse? I’m in 8A PNWbrThank you for your content and looking forward to your mentioned up coming videos
Comment from : Yochanon the seeker

Make sure you remove the thorns if you are going to use the cuttings as mulch I had a thorn go through my shoe after stepping on a branch I missed under my trifoliate orange big ouch lol
Comment from : raregrowsnj

Ronald Lopez
Always impressed with the quality of your content Patiently awaiting your next video I picked up some dwarf citrus today to grow in containers and some incandescent lights for my other trees
Comment from : Ronald Lopez

Daniel Betancourt
My Daughter in-law has a Meyers Lemon Tree and the Lemons fall off before ripening, what is a good remedy or lack of for that problem, Thank you
Comment from : Daniel Betancourt

Cool temperate gardening in Canberra
Haha - my dog comes running when he hears the cheese wrapper too 🤣
Comment from : Cool temperate gardening in Canberra

The Apopka Gardener
He’s adorable 🥰
Comment from : The Apopka Gardener

Shekhar Moona
How's the avocado doing?
Comment from : Shekhar Moona

Shekhar Moona
I'm going to prune my citrus tomorrow we brought it inside It's probably 9 feet tall and a very heavy plant It still hasn't flowered I think you said it might bloom year seven It was grown from seed To be honest I don't know what my daughter's planted
Comment from : Shekhar Moona

Tami Davis
My potted Meyer lemon always flowers a ton within a few weeks to a month after a hard prune It's like pruning gets it revved up to flower Great video
Comment from : Tami Davis

Tami Davis
My potted Meyer lemon always flowers a ton within a few weeks to a month after a hard prune It's like pruning gets it revved up to flower Great video
Comment from : Tami Davis

Amy Snipes
This is a great tutorial Though mine are in containers and come inside for the winter, I can apply many of your principles Thanks so much I'm always up for additional information
Comment from : Amy Snipes

Are grafted trees really that common? I had no idea I thought most people would buy trees grown from seed
Comment from : AuraAraucariaceae

Great information, as usual and Dale is adorable😊 Thank you👍
Comment from : sylvia10101

I always look forward to your videos So satisfying! ( would love to see another video about how and when to promote blooming on fruit trees)
Comment from : innerjon

Sounds like more great advice - as you usually have Most of our citrus are still in their first year so likely not much pruning to be done this year but surely in years to come - IF they make it of course So thanks for the advice We'll probably be needing it more in future years
Comment from : Gitatit

Carmella Yates
Good lesson today, thank you I'm in zone 9 and I'm finally going to have meyer lemons after almost three years of blossoms only I'm really excited about it I did remove about half if them to give the lemons space
Comment from : Carmella Yates

Klaus Graf
How are you chopping up the cuttings for mulch?
Comment from : Klaus Graf

Michael Murray
One of the best pruning videos I have seen Superb demonstration and information Master Gardener
Comment from : Michael Murray

Kenneth Latimer
As always, you and Dale crack me up
Comment from : Kenneth Latimer

Did you get rid of the leaves with leaf minor or disease prior to using it as mulch?
Comment from : ALBONGardens

allen Riley
Why you didn't grow any cuttings
Comment from : allen Riley

Livesout Doors
Thankyou! We’re in zone eight at 5500 feet so our lemons and limes are in the greenhouse as it gets 18 degrees a few times and snows at least once in January So far so good
Comment from : Livesout Doors

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