Название | : | Michael Saylor: Bitcoin, Inflation, and the Future of Money | Lex Fridman Podcast #276 |
Продолжительность | : | 3.56.55 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 5,8 jt |
Your knowledge relevance is relegated to the Bourgeois I'm not a 1er so, Goodbye ✌️ Comment from : Marie Bonfoey |
Managing money is different from accumulating wealth, and the lack of investment education in schools may explain why people struggle to maintain their financial gains The examples you provided are relevant, and I personally benefited from the market crisis, as I embrace challenging times while others tend to avoid them Well, at least my advisor does too, jokingly Comment from : Belinda Rupp |
Nice content good video thank you so much Comment from : Ankita Pramanick |
Amezing video all information clearly mentioned this videothank you sharing with us Comment from : Payel Das |
I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post Despite the dip in crypto, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice I started crypto investment with $10,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $58,539 in my portfolio Thanks so much Mr Gustavo Hillard Comment from : Sayani Mukherjee |
BTC down 40, ETH down 35, SOL 6, BNB down 15, DOGE down 8, and my wife doesn’t know I'm just hanging on to Jim Cramer's words about opportunities in volatile times so perhaps, I either wait for a recovery or pick profitable investments to substitute for my loss Comment from : Chris eearls |
I suspect the Fed created BTC as a counter initiative to the complaints against them Once the transition has taken root, they’ll still be in charge Comment from : Balani Investments |
Snake oil salesman Comment from : ダビスダグラス |
Am I the only one who thinks that Saylor looks like Tom Cruise? Comment from : Yog Prachar |
This guy fundamentally does not understand economics It is sad He is either lying, or willfully refusing to learn I expect more from a Fridman guest Comment from : Sine Alisa |
Its paypal Comment from : Seven Circles |
Our purpose here is to fear GOD and keep His commandments Shalom Comment from : Humble Pie Daily By Elizabeth |
Lex please study the first part of this video, how does the world plan for the best ? The knowledge of Economics for household ,the can we do better -education ? Put Mrbeast on this???☺️ and many others Generational wealth too Comment from : Yvonne Hyatt |
Biggest ponzi in history the boom will be heard in the whole galaxy 😂 Comment from : skyworldita |
Lose internet access and you lose you bit coin Comment from : ダビスダグラス |
This guy fucking gets it, why do I get looked at crazy when I talk to my family about this Comment from : Samuel Leh |
His explanation of Layer 1, 2 and beyond is atrocious I am surprised that he doesn't understand It is simple Layer 1 is simply the platform code language Bitcoin is a code that is open source to write other programs on top of Lightning only works on Bitcoin language Etherium is a layer 1 with the ERC20 code language Most L2 coins are written based on ERC20 code Cardano is a layer 1 with its own language such as Haskell The tokens that speed up Cardano transactions are layer 2 Each L1 has its own ecosystem of tokens written in that language code Any app written on Cardano as an L2 is written in Cardano language, which is more complex and functionally capable than ERC20 Solana is an L1 and has its own language and apps based on the Solana protocol It is neither ERC20 nor Cardano Any token or app written on Solana code is a layer 2 It's like in cell phones, if you are a programmer making apps, you have to chose the platform language - Android or Apple, the layer ones An exchange is not defined as a layer three That is silly and a different subject altogether If you have ever moved money with Tron for example, it doesn't matter what platform you use, and it is faster to buy and sell, not actually "use" the token as its functional use case with an app Cardano has a program for coders to translate any ERC20-based L2 token over to Cardano language and make it a layer 2 in the Cardano platform It's like if you wrote an Apple-based app for phones, you could run it through a translator program and turn it into an Android app easily, another L1 platform Comment from : Alex Aquarius |
Great Video, apparently you all have been following the recent development in block chain technology I heard some blockchain companies now have smart contract for mortgages Comment from : Duke Thomas Geoffery |
Michael Saylor convinced me to invest in some Bitcoin I don’t gamble, not even lottery tickets, and I don’t invest other than in my house Bitcoin is the first way to conserve your money so that you are completely in control of it Having your money in the form of any government-controlled currency is a recipe for disaster This April 2024, at the next halving, will show us which way Bitcoin will go; and it will be one way or the other Comment from : M von Hollen |
I've seen farmers in Cuba that can do it without technology Amish do just fine We don't need all this crap Comment from : Cuba Bound |
This monotonous windbag needs to hear about pulsechain Best layer 1 out there Comment from : Monkey Magic |
Making money is not the same as keeping it there is a reason why investments aren't well taught in schools, the examples you gave are well stationed, the market crisis gave me my first millions in bitcoin trading, people shy away from hard times, I embrace them Thanks to Erik Redondo for helping me get into his trade signal and investing guidelines Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs timing the market If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with Erik Redondo Comment from : Maria Clarke |
It’s now or never Comment from : Korean BigMaMa |
It was my first time listening to Michael Saylor Great Podcast !! Comment from : Ma Vit |
100 pureblood No job is woth compromising your beliefsbrJames 4:17 Comment from : LJ Silver Austere Privateer |
0:09 1 year old time to get saylor on again! Comment from : axel hoogland |
I think Saylor might be an idiot Comment from : Insu 2077 |
what is he gettin at I'm too bored to see if he ever gets there Comment from : Insu 2077 |
Anybody watched this in 2023 and think it’s all a bunch of mumbo jumbo ? Is Bitcoin a security or not ? Proprietary or not? Decentralized or not? Can it be seized or not? Can the value be influenced or not? Any time I watch this episode I leave with more questions than answers and makes me think it’s a bunch of bologna Comment from : TheFleecersPodcast |
Lex your channel is world class This particular interview doesn’t do it or you justice Time and again you let him sneer unchallenged at people he simplistically lumps together in groups He also failed to make good his most damning judgments with any hint of evidence I don’t spend time on people who come with criticism but no solutions so I stopped listening after a while Keep up the great work you are doing outside this session Comment from : Rob Leacock |
This guy is ok for having opinion and ration but he contradicts himself too eg electric cars/EV/TSLA could be the google glasses We tried that before many times I agree with politician part inflation tho Comment from : WildDisease |
What is the best way to profit from the current market, meanwhile I'm still undecided about investing $400k in my stock portfolio to get some dividends and minimize risk Comment from : Travis Wes |
All I’m hearing is everything is a scam 🤷♂️ Comment from : J Happyface |
Tell me you know nothing about modern economics without telling me you know nothing about modern economics: "Economics is simply arithmetic; inflation is a scalar, money velocity is a scalar" Comment from : Mathieu Potvin |
Yo that joke at Maui, the one about east Palestine … the one about Jackie Walorski not with us, I convinced he is doing what they’re all doing which is mocking us ! It probably ain’t him it’s probably Obama in his earpiece ! Comment from : Jay Coulter |
Probably the best podcast I've ever listened to Comment from : Nick Wellington |
Bitcoin is a scam Comment from : ダビスダグラス |
I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post Despite the dip in crypto, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice I started crypto investment with $10,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $58,539 in my portfolio Thanks so much Mr Gustavo Hillard Comment from : Antoine Francis |
That's not true, Inflation is the result of printing more money to pay the treasury bond debt caused by the government bond interest scheme Comment from : Sugarbyte |
I have enjoyed every interview I've watched on your channel I will just say this, your intros are akin to the twilight zone version for this medium, AwEsOmE!!! Comment from : Kendrick DeCamps |
I can't believe I listened to this dumb smart Bitcoin bro Comment from : Ben G |
The MIC is building flying saucers Lockheed baby Comment from : Star Anise |
Lex you re not very bright Comment from : Z |
Americans are so up their own ass Whole world can trade alts & America can FO Comment from : AlgoPhi |
They bled George Washington out with a Bible right next to himLeviticus 17:11"For the life of the flesh is in the blood" Oh the irony Comment from : ohxphxph |
The smartest people are the most niave to realitythe government has been confiscating bitcoin for years now The us owns almost as much bitcoin as saylor does 😂😂😂 Comment from : B_ROB_82 |
Dude sounds like jordan Patterson, Comment from : DAT GUY LIONCHAOS |
Only wisdom and Love matters to life The positive thinking is the only ways to change all of thisThe collective Harmony The positive and negative energy running all🤔❤️ Comment from : Yvonne Hyatt |
The different layered 1-4 are the new liquidity fairy Comment from : F3lix |
Inflation is not what this guy says it is Inflation means exactly that inflate What are they inflating Well in Canada we are inflating the population by over immigration We are inflating the money supply through loans Inflating the price of goods based on consumer sentiment Inflation is anything that drives the market In the simplest form Inflation is just loaning money period Comment from : justin jones |
The evolution of energy is what drives society Comment from : Robert Burton |
I have not had the desire to learn or to even inquire into these subjects until I listened to this interview! I would have thought it was so over my head and yawn-so boring! Saylor makes every subject so interesting and uses examples, stories comparisons that I can relate to What a brilliant teacher he is! I always love when he talks BTC! 1:40:01 Comment from : DragonFly |
Listened to a lot of Saylor and while his one sided interviews are good, Lex's asks just enough to keep the conversation unique! Comment from : CubanLinx |
Oh here we go Saylor and his everything is a security except his Bitcoin Comment from : agh |
Most the clueless who quote avg age expectancy give credit to the better quality of life when infact it is 98 due to lower mortality rates in infants and now more preventable complications during birth not because medications or vaccines or even food are making you live longer Comment from : GOAT MEDIA |
I’ve always struggled understanding economics; kinda satisfying knowing economists don’t understand either Comment from : Victorious Gavi |
#Gold #Silver & #Bitcoin to the 🌕 Comment from : Miguelon |
He didn’t educate me on why bitcoin is siimportant He said it was but gave no real reasons Comment from : Dingo Dog |
We have a system of cushy socialism for the super rich this kind of brutal, savage, merciless capitalism for the poor, it's all designed to strip mine the middle class of this country of all of their equity, all of their assets, and move it to the upper echelons And the COVID lockdowns were the final straw As an investor, I was caught in the storm, my portfolio suffering significant losses Now, I stand at the precipice, looking for a path to recovery, ready to rise from the ashes I've set asides $250k to invest for future, unfortunately I'm a complete noob Comment from : Danny Holt |
Fascinating discussion Is it still advisable to keep idle funds in a savings account with an average interest rate of 085? I am seeking a more effective means of diversifying my portfolio, considering the prevailing inflation and the substantial tax implications associated with cryptocurrency gains Additionally, given the recent decline in stock prices, housing, and the overall financial market, I am interested in learning the most efficient approach to make my money work for me while minimizing the impact of market fluctuations during this bear market Do you have any recommendations or tips to share? Comment from : Erik Kurilla |
This guy is obviously brilliant And, he regularly says idiotic statements, mostly when talking about Govt and politics He shows how blinded he- Michael Salor- is by his own biases Arrogance and Ego will our downfall! Comment from : Michael Parry |
So many of these streams miss the fact BTC was changed near the start It was made a lot less efficient as it use to do bigger block size BCH(Bitcoin Cash) is the one closer to what Satoshi Nakamoto made The only reason it wouldn't happen now is you will not get the whole network to run with any new upgrades At the start it was just a small collective so was easy to do BTC is technically the fork of BCH Comment from : Dale Taylor |
Making money is not the same as keeping it there is a reason why investments aren't well taught in schools, the examples you gave are well stationed, the market crisis gave me my first millions, people shy away from hard times, I embrace them well at least my advisor does lol Comment from : Martina Acosta |
Would love to see a part two with Saylor Comment from : Albert Coia |
If society ever collapses it’ll be ammo, food and gasoline and medicine Not gold or bit coins Comment from : 23mrcash |
Who knows the best resource to get all my btc questions answered? I have many questions Comment from : VVhat if |
Wow, smartest man I've seen yet My mind was blown just listening to him And i've watched hundreds of podcasts Comment from : VVhat if |
social media is not rly an explosion of ideas Its an explosion of repeated ideas Comment from : VVhat if |
Inflation is called the invisible tax Why? Because the gov doesn't want to tell you that they will be taking 59 of all your money, so they print money, and create 60 inflation and now you are paying a lot more for all the goods, and your wage goes up maybe 10, and thats how they take 50 of all your money brbrThe government is robbing its citizens in mid daylight and giving all of their money to large corporation owners And the people are too dumb to see it Comment from : VVhat if |
Yes, everything gets more expensive when you stop slavery lol WHy do you think we use china to manufacture? Because we get all the benefit, and they get pennies to just scrape by Its outsourced slavery If everyone was paid a fair wage, the world would be very very very very different Everyone would be equally poor If you divided all the money supply by the population, everyone in the world would make 2k usd/year Comment from : VVhat if |
Hitler also believed he was doing good for humanity Malevolence is always disguised as virtue This is why human societies will fail in the end, because they believe they know what they need to do to do good, when in fact, they are mistaken Only the programmer, the designer knows what needs to be done Why? Because he is outside of the program and isn't biased by it We are biased by our ego, because our existence is limited, hence we will always make decisions that benefit our ego We are incapable of making non ego centric decisions Comment from : VVhat if |
property are only a good store of value if you buy it for cash Because most people don't understand that when you pay interest on a house, you end up paying x2 or x3 total price for that house The better store of value is gold or btc, because you don't need to take a loan out to store your money there Comment from : VVhat if |
Thinking about all this and inflation Inflation basically is a good tool to stimulate people to use their money If you don't use your money, you will have less of it every year, so the conclusion should be, don't sit on your money, use it If you use the money, you can get around inflation The only people suffering are the ones trying to sit on their money Which is quite stupid for any society You will only expand/grow your society if people USE the recources that they come across as opposed to just hoarding them and allowing them to rot Comment from : VVhat if |
Everything about bitcoin makes so much sense for the people, and this is exactly why it will be banned by the government brbrbrbrbrAll they have to do is make it illegal, and now even if you have btc, you can't do anything with it Comment from : VVhat if |
I find it fascinating how crypto prices can fluctuate so drastically in such a short amount of time It's a testament to the volatility of the market and the unpredictable of investor sentiment However, i believe that these fluctuation are simple part of the journey towards mainstream adoption and eventual stabilization Despite the risk, i remain bullish on the potential of crypto currencies to disrupt traditional finance and usher in a new era of decentralized transactions Recent volatility makes it impossible to predict bullish or bearish trends And trading success depends on the pattern and signal source Comment from : Natasha nice |
The enormous amount of crypto bots in this comment section proves why crypto is BS Comment from : Conniptions |
We need to eliminate government Comment from : Beachy |
I love Lex but HOLY I am tired of this damn stuff autoplaying I don’t even listen to it that much LEAVE ME ALONE! Comment from : Makai |
The American Jordan Peterson Comment from : Rigel B |
Myria ❤great team behind the project plus its not experienced a Bullrun before Comment from : Mr Bud |
Too bad "science" has become so dependent on the politics of economics seems we all are They're married, and NOT because the science minds outwitted the politicians or economists Hell, those idiots just buy the science they want "us" to have Comment from : ggray19 |
It doesn't matter if it is a scalar or not, everything he said about money-velocoty is incoherent, it doesn't even make it to be wrong Comment from : Austrian Financial Duration Theory |
no it is not fare ,many people didn't know ! Comment from : L B |
No ,human being is not engineer, instead they are slavers ruled by their gene to keep it going , by this miserable job they involve out called consciousness which can illustrate byproducts to offset that misery, dopamine is one of that combined driver for either Comment from : Blue Fairy |
The reasons why economic theory may be less satisfactory whilst science theory are superior because economic theory study fickle human behaviour - mass crowd psychology but science studies natural or substance world which is more stable Let us wait for quantum physics development and science will go into less predictable world Comment from : R L |
Good good, since when the bank is going to tell me about justice! Comment from : BKR P |
Managing money is different from accumulating wealth, and the lack of investment education in schools may explain why people struggle to maintain their financial gains The examples you provided are relevant, and I personally benefited from the market crisis, as I embrace challenging times while others tend to avoid them Well, at least my advisor does too, jokingly Comment from : Belinda Rupp |
Bit coin isnt going to go up anything significant We have bigger and better ledgers that and out preform bitcoin with zero impact on energy from mining Bitcoin is soon to be the past XRP is the future Comment from : NW Pessimist |
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